

在 quiet比較級產品中有36篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【德多少,就得多少】 YOUR VIRTUES DETERMINE HOW MUCH YOU GET 最近家附近有建築工地,噪音多了。 客人聽我的聲音不會有問題,因為我的耳機有麥克風,但如果他們不戴有麥克風的耳機,我聽他們的聲音會比較辛苦。 幾天前,為一位年輕的保險經紀通過Zoom批八字。 ...

quiet比較級 在 娜姐 Foodelicious- 台北美食 & Bistro Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-14 12:49:14

題外話: 你週末的宅在家追劇 List 準備好了嗎? Jupiter’s Legacy 朱比特傳奇 超難看, 人物太多, 時間軸亂跳. 雨傘學院與黑袍糾察隊好看太多!! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📍Nido 巢 #台北最安靜的不限時咖啡甜點店😏 #價格往左滑 **訂位規則請直接看 @nidofo...

quiet比較級 在 ?艾主婦 Evelyn's Momlife? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-10 14:24:30

Tried not to use IG as long as I can and I made it for nearly a month! Hooray! Seriously it was like withdrawal syndrome at the beginning, especially ...

quiet比較級 在 米娜 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-11-02 09:42:48

新開的萬豪集團下新穎酒店品牌 @moxytaichung 特別適合年輕人的聚會 因為他的公共空間特別多 這次入住樓上的酒吧尚未開放 有點小可惜 下次再去應該就是去喝酒體驗一下囉 房間是小兒巧兒美的 最小坪數是六坪而已 房間可以不用另外帶吹風機 品牌是tescom大風量負離子 洗髮備品覺得洗完很順...

  • quiet比較級 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-19 10:03:26
    有 1,555 人按讚
































    祖師有訓 - 看命本來就是依客人的福德多寡,而賜福。品行不端的人,承受不起更多的福報,反而會遭反噬。再說了,對貴人都不好的人,對沒有利用價值的人就會更善良嗎?








    Recently, a construction site sprouted up beside my place, creating a lot of noise every day.

    Zoom clients wouldn’t have a problem hearing me, but if they do not have a earpiece with a mic, I would have a problem hearing them.

    Few days ago, I did a Bazi analysis for a young Insurance Agent via Zoom.

    After he entered my Zoom meeting room, he looked at me blankly.

    I smiled at him, deliberately staying quiet, and observed him.

    Few seconds later, he said bluntly, “Hello?!”

    How strange that an insurance agent, who probably have met tons of people, would greet in such an abrupt manner. My middle-aged clients, who rarely use Zoom, have better etiquette than him.

    I replied instantly, “Hi, Mr X. Why is your greeting so crude, upon entering this meeting room?”

    “I always say hello like this and wait to hear a reply, before I greet officially.”

    “I never do that.”

    Actually, this demonstrates the refinement of a person.

    “Did you not read the post I sent you? Why are you not wearing a earpiece?”

    “All along, I do Zooms in this manner without a earpiece. I thought it’s just a suggestion from you and it was not mandatory.”

    “I wrote about the reason for clients to wear a earpiece. Do you find it invalid?”

    He pondered for a few seconds and replied, “It’s valid.”

    “We are both service providers. Clients look for us based on three main qualities. The first being the quality of empathy. You lack empathy and it’s no wonder you say your clients rather listen to others and not trust you as much.”

    “If you want me to wear, then I will wear it now”

    And he sat there looking at me, not moving an inch.

    When he finally put on his ear pods, they did not operate well either.

    It’s peculiar how despite a month of waiting for me, he was slow to get this simple thing done right.

    Seeing how “self-assured” he was, for a brief moment, I find his behaviour pitiful.

    His benefactor was sitting right in front of him, yet his words remained self-serving, totally oblivious to what harmony is about. Wasn’t this sending your benefactor straight out of the door?

    “Even if you gain an upper hand talking like this, have you really won?

    I would never buy insurance from such an agent, as obviously he was not the considerate kind.

    I still read his Bazi that day, said what I should but there were also a lot I did not reveal.

    Because he is lacking in virtues.

    Many people think lightly of virtues. They assumed that if they do no evil deed, they are virtuous humans. Fact is, if you do not follow the reasonable requirements of other people, deliberately breaking the rules for your own gain, you have no virtue to speak of.

    Some naysayers will tell me, but hey you are a practicing Buddhist, so you should exercise your compassion and not be bothered with his behaviour! Don’t get attached to external form!

    This isn’t about me.

    Compassion without wisdom brings more harm than good.

    Since ancient times, it is a rule of thumb that we practitioners allocate good fortune to clients, based on their conduct and luck.

    A person with undesirable conduct is unable to bear greater fortune, or there will be adverse consequences. Moreover, if a person is unkind to his benefactor, it is very unlikely that he will be kinder to another person with no value to him.

    You can’t define a person as a good man, just because he is willing to donate money. We got to look at how he uses his heart.

    Everybody wants to be special and different from others. But if what you are doing is the same as other people, nowhere better than them, then you can only carry a mediocre Destiny.

    Don’t be superstitious to think that everybody is out to get you, and you go running to the temples or Feng Shui masters to chase away the villains.

    Every obstacle in our destiny, every little stone that trips us, is placed in our lives by no other person but ourselves.

    If you do not change, the obstacle isn’t going to budge either.

    And here’s an official note: For any Zoom client that does not wear a earpiece with a microphone, I will cancel the consultation and give you a refund.

    Having off days out of the blue are so much more fun!

  • quiet比較級 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-09 12:28:28
    有 392 人按讚

    #葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀三條


    ▼1. Lloyd Webber says he will risk arrest to reopen his theatres on 21 June(https://flip.it/V3qD0d)

    音樂劇之王 Andrew Lloyd Webber 向英國媒體宣佈,不管政府同不同意,他的劇院將在6月21日開門營業。英國政府目前僅許可劇院像電影院一樣以有限的上座率賣票營業。然而一場演出的固定成本遠高於電影放映,因此幾乎沒有任何劇院在這個條件下開門營業。一開門他們就註定要賠錢。Webber 說整個產業面臨嚴重損失,光他自己的房子就已經抵押兩次,再下去很可能要被迫賣掉他在倫敦的六個演出場館。因為英國疫情仍有升溫的現象,6月21日倫敦完全解封的機會不高。Webber 因此向政府公開喊話:「那就來劇場逮捕我吧!」一個星期前他也曾放話要將英國政府告上法院,認為政府的決定違反科學,讓業者無端蒙受損失。

    ▼ 2.A Quiet New Apple Music Feature Is A Win For Record Labels(https://flip.it/669rOE)

    Apple Music 昨天推出了許多新的技術升級:包含保真壓縮格式以及支援杜比全景聲的空間音訊功能。在全面提升使用者經驗的同時,另一個默默推出的新功能則造福了唱片公司。Apple Music 最一開始主打有別於 Spotify 的音樂社交功能,提供網路電台以及藝人專屬的個人互動頁面等功能(但效益有限),今年他們進一步替唱片品牌提供了專屬的頁面,讓使用者可以一站獲得唱片品牌的所有基本資料和不斷更新的最新發行訊息。這個看似微小的新功能其實是意義重大。看電影的時候你會先看到發行公司的巨大logo,讓你一直記得看的是 Disney 和 Marvel Studio 的電影。但自從實體唱片體驗轉到數位平台上之後,消費者再也不會知道他正在聽誰家的唱片。失去了這樣藝術主導性角色之後,唱片公司的角色越來越弱化為單純的出資方和幫忙上傳檔案到數位平台的搬運工。新的品牌頁面將有機會幫助唱片品牌重新找回品牌認知和品牌忠誠度,以便在海量音樂的時代繼續扮演音樂策展人的角色。

    ▼ 3. Cable TV is dying, and the industry only has itself to blame(https://flip.it/YQZFlL)

    一開始的分手理由主要是錢。第一批有線電視的用戶選擇放棄昂貴的月租費轉向比較便宜的串流服務如 Netlix。然而接下來 Netflix 的月租費水漲船高的同時,其他串流平台也湧入市場吸引大家下訂。然後微妙的事情就發生了:今年第一季的統計數據可見有接近200萬美國人加入剪線族,在此同時串流市場則新增4640萬用戶。另一個調查發現超過半數的美國人花在串流上的總費用超過他們原先花在有線電視上的費用,因為每個人都訂了好幾個串流服務。美國有線電視用戶數量自2013年的高峰開始一路下滑,短短幾年內用戶數已經剩不到75%。而是多數拋棄有線電視的人,最後其實花了更多錢在串流上頭。是什麼樣的服務品質可以把用戶趕到更昂貴的替代品上?科技趨勢只是其中一個因素,更重要的因素是有線電視系統確實不知長進而長期提供了更差勁的產品,讓其他人不費吹灰之力地超車。

  • quiet比較級 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-28 22:06:02
    有 223 人按讚

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