

在 quantity可數產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這個月是AIT@40美饌佳餚月!許多食物是在英語中是不可數名詞,這時得靠量詞來表示份量,例如bag、box、jar和 spoonful等都是量詞。你還能想到哪些量詞呢?#American English #AITat40 #FoodandBeverageMonth This month is AI...

 同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅A倫 Aaron Airsoft,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello Everyone. I’m glad to share this good news with you guys. About ARCHWICK's new product B&T USW-G17/G18 has been published on the CTM official w...

  • quantity可數 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-12 15:00:00
    有 488 人按讚

    這個月是AIT@40美饌佳餚月!許多食物是在英語中是不可數名詞,這時得靠量詞來表示份量,例如bag、box、jar和 spoonful等都是量詞。你還能想到哪些量詞呢?#American English #AITat40 #FoodandBeverageMonth

    This month is AIT@40 Food and Beverage Month! Because many foods are uncountable, we need to use measure words to indicate quantity. Bag, box, jar, and spoonful are all measure words we use for noncount nouns. What other measure words can you think of?

  • quantity可數 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2013-05-15 10:42:08
    有 61 人按讚

    Q1: a number of 與 the number of 有什麼區別?
    Q2: amount of,number of ,quantity of 有什麼區別?

    1. A number of + 複數名詞 + 複數動詞
    =some/或a lot of + 複數名詞 + 複數動詞

    A number of people have protested the actions of the Philippine government.

    Some/A lot of people have protested the actions of the Philippine government.

    2. The number of + 複數名詞 + 單數動詞
    The number of people in this nation has grown.

    The number of cars in this city is greater than the number of parking spaces available.




    1. amount 通常跟不可數 (uncountable)、無生命 (inanimate) 的名詞連用

    -The amount of stress I have to suffer during finals week is immeasurable (mostly because I did not study until the last week).
    -My wife did NOT spent a very large amount of money yesterday. She only spent 100 NTD, which was all the money I had in my wallet.

    2. number 跟可數 (countable)、有生命 (animate) 或無生命 (inanimate) 的名詞連用

    -Only a small number of people were infected with the H7N9 strain of the bird flu.
    -The president of (fill in the nation of your choice) has made a large number of mistakes.

    3. quantity 通常跟可數或不可數、無生命的名詞連用

    -There are large quantities of apples on sale in the market.
    -A large quantity of imported beer has been sold.

    Source: http://blog.cybertranslator.idv.tw/archives/3456

