

在 quadruple四倍產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,093的網紅貓的成長美股異想世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🌻上周六的估值會議影片, 已經將part 1上傳至YouTube. 股友分享的case study之後會再分享: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvSFMAKkOo8 謝謝參與的股友們! 🌻整理了一下最近的一些市場狀態(from WSJ): 1. S&P...

quadruple四倍 在 eng.corner 英語教室 | 英文補習 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-18 04:55:07

#engcorner英語小教室 之前share過只要認得啲prefix, suffix同root,就算本身唔識得個英文字,都可以估到佢嘅意思。今日就介紹部份常用嘅prefix😆 1️⃣ uni- / mono- (1) 例子: 👉🏻unicorn - 獨角獸 (得1隻角)🦄 👉🏻unique - ...

  • quadruple四倍 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-12 07:59:04
    有 70 人按讚

    🌻上周六的估值會議影片, 已經將part 1上傳至YouTube. 股友分享的case study之後會再分享:


    🌻整理了一下最近的一些市場狀態(from WSJ):

    1. S&P 500很安靜; 從去年10月後, 就沒有超過5%的修正.
    (上次SPY那麼安靜, 是在2017時(那時候的安靜期也比現在長), 接下來在2018就有一個劇烈的修正).

    2. Russell 2000盤整了一段時間
    -->有可能是之前漲多了(或是投資人在觀望經濟前景?); 財報好的話, 或許能繼續推升(the outsize earnings growth by small-caps is expected to continue throughout the year, with Russell 2000 profits projected to more than quadruple (四倍) from a year earlier in the third quarter, while S&P 500 earnings rise above 25%).

    The Russell 2000 traded at the end of June at 17.7 times its projected earnings over the next 12 months, compared with 21.5 times for the Russell 1000 large-cap index, according to BofA Global Research.

    Analysts at RBC Capital Markets said in a recent research report that small-cap stocks have tended to outperform large-caps when economic growth is above its long-term average. That is expected to be the case this year and next, but potentially not in 2023, they wrote.

    “Small-caps being more sensitive to economic acceleration, as that slows down, I think the relative attractiveness of small-caps will subside a little bit,” said David Joy, chief market strategist at Ameriprise Financial Inc.


    3. TINA(there is no alternative to stocks)
    因為低利率以及紓困案, 資金充裕, 跑到股市, 但因投資人對經濟前景的不確定性(可能也加上散戶投資人資金充沛), 導致類股輪動劇烈(sharp & swift), 也導致成長股與價值股的正相關性變低(近期兩者是同時在漲)(“You’ve got lots of volatility within the market buy not a lot of volatility of the market.”)

    4. 而上周的Fed會議紀錄, 也顯示出官員們開始debate何時要做資金退場的動作.

    Fed的動作, 以及接下來的財報季, 會給投資人一個方向. 也要注意labor market(“It hasn’t made enough progress” for the Fed to pull back on stimulus programs”).

    5. 目前的一些問題: Delta variant, labor shortage, bottleneck(供應鏈), etc.

    🌻Q3的財報季要開始了. 本周由銀行股打頭陣. 附上本周發表公司財報一覽表.

    🌻有不少年輕世代, 會利用交友軟體, 來找普通朋友, 不是用軟體來找對象.

    In a recent survey of more than 300 members of Generation Z aged 16 to 24 in the U.S., 35% said they have used dating apps to make platonic friends over the past 12 months, according to OnePulse, a consumer insight app and web portal, which conducted the poll for The Wall Street Journal. Nearly 27% said they used dating apps to make friends because they were lonely in lockdown. More women than men—39% vs. 29%—said they used dating apps to make platonic friends.

    Looking for a Friend Without Benefits? Try Match, Bumble and Tinder.

    Picture: Feeling agitated. 被關了一年多, 其實最想去的地方之一, 是美術館, 或是博物館. 在YouTube上看影片的感覺, 就是跟現場親臨不一樣. Anyway. 從今天開始, 我會把之前從museums拍到的一些照片在這邊分享. 也算是做個回憶. 下面這張是Washington D.C.的National Art Gallery所珍藏的Magnolia: https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.93464.html

  • quadruple四倍 在 The English Laboratory 英文實驗室 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-03-07 23:52:58
    有 0 人按讚

    / 32
    字首 quadr(i) = four 四
    *拉丁文 quattuor,表示「四」
    ★ quadrennial adj.每四年一次的;四年間的。
    ( enn = year ) ( ial = adj. )
    ★ quadrilingual adj. (用)四國語言的。
    ( lingu = language ) ( al = adj. )
    ★ quadripartite adj. 分成四組的; 由四部分所組成的。
    ( part = part ) ( ite = adj. )
    ★ quadruple adj. 四倍的 / v. 變成四倍 / n. 四倍。
    ( quadru = four times ) ( ple = fold )
    👤追蹤 @theenglab
    #theenglab #share #englishvocabulary #vocabulary #learning #英文 #英文學習 #字根 #theenglab字根 #英文實驗室 #rootwords #root #prefixwords

  • quadruple四倍 在 Y道理 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-09-03 15:00:00
    有 70 人按讚

    / 一個便當請不到人才就給他五個啊 /
    我真的很討厭聽到業界的人資在說找不到人才。這句話的 hidden agenda 是「找不到便宜又不計較的人才」。你薪水就 double, triple, 人才不就來了?
    #四倍是 quadruple
    #五倍是 quintuple

