在 pyramids發音產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅媽媽監督核電廠聯盟,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 媽盟週末影展 - ⟪ 直到永遠 - 核廢夢魘。Into Eternity - Radioactive Waste ⟫ (2010年發行, 丹麥出品, 英文發音, 片長79分鐘。)好多難得一見的場面, 真的很精彩喔~~ 媽盟週末影展 - ⟪ 直到永遠 - 核廢夢魘。Into Eternity - ...
pyramids發音 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的最讚貼文
媽盟週末影展 - ⟪ 直到永遠 - 核廢夢魘。Into Eternity - Radioactive Waste ⟫ (2010年發行, 丹麥出品, 英文發音, 片長79分鐘。)好多難得一見的場面, 真的很精彩喔~~
媽盟週末影展 - ⟪ 直到永遠 - 核廢夢魘。Into Eternity - Radioactive Waste ⟫ (2010年發行, 丹麥出品, 英文發音, 片長79分鐘。)
引人入勝,發人深省的一部,帶我們深度理解芬蘭 Onkalo 核廢料永久貯存場,的紀錄片電影。片中有好多難得一見的場面, 真的很精彩喔~~
芬蘭 Onkalo 核廢料永久貯存場真的安全嗎? 核廢料處理真的有解嗎?全球核能工業彷彿都把目前芬蘭 Onkalo 核廢料永久貯存場當成是聖城耶路薩冷般的膜拜朝聖, 但事實真的是如核工業所宣稱的那樣萬無一失嗎?
這部影片的丹麥籍導演 Michael Madsen 長期追蹤拍攝芬蘭 Onkalo核廢料永久貯存場的開發建設, 他借由 Onkalo核廢料永久貯存場的例子, 從技術的, 人文的,環境的, 社會的, 各種層面分析核廢料處置的核心問題。
更多有關核廢料處置以及核能安全的相關資訊, 可以在這個 ⟪ 直到永遠 - 核廢夢魘。Into Eternity- Radioactive Waste ⟫ 電影的官網上找到:
his film explores the question of preparing the site so that it is not disturbed for 100,000 years, even though no structure in human history has stayed standing for such a long period.
"Every day, the world over, large amounts of high-level radioactive waste created by nuclear power plants are placed in interim storage, which is vulnerable to natural disasters, man-made disasters, and societal changes. In Finland, the world’s first permanent repository is being hewn out of solid rock – a huge system of underground tunnels – that must last the entire period the waste remains hazardous: 100,000 years."
Once the repository waste has been deposited and is full, the facility is to be sealed off and never opened again. Or so we hope, but can we ensure that? And how is it possible to warn our descendants of the deadly waste we left behind? How do we prevent them from thinking they have found the Giza pyramids of our time, mystical burial grounds, hidden treasures? Which languages and signs will they understand? And if they understand, will they respect our instructions?
Experts above ground strive to find solutions to this crucially important radioactive waste issue to secure mankind and all species on planet Earth now and in the near and very distant future."