在 pursuits中文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅彭博商業周刊 / 中文版,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【Pursuits】回歸自然 迎接未來 薩姆雷頓莊園(Somerleyton Hall)的故事究竟應該從1863年、1970年代、還是數百年前講起?這個問題的答案要取決於回答問題的人是誰。對於薩姆雷頓的第三代男爵、莊園的已故主人威廉(William Crossley)而言,這個位於英格蘭東安格...
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,200的網紅BrotherPedro,也在其Youtube影片中提到,又是來獵殺最危險的獵物的時候了 24:31 作業 52:13 我不是怪物! 3:15:32 我是怪物! _____________________________________ 喜歡這個頻道的節目嗎? 考慮訂閱吧! 每個訂閱對我都是非常大的鼓勵 另外, 有鑑於一些人提到他們比較喜歡在Twit...
pursuits中文 在 BrotherPedro Youtube 的最佳貼文
2018-08-04 16:43:11又是來獵殺最危險的獵物的時候了
24:31 作業
52:13 我不是怪物!
3:15:32 我是怪物!
考慮訂閱吧! 每個訂閱對我都是非常大的鼓勵
另外, 有鑑於一些人提到他們比較喜歡在Twitch上看實況所以Twitch也會有同步直播歡迎參考:
https://www.twitch.tv/pedro0930 -
pursuits中文 在 BrotherPedro Youtube 的精選貼文
2018-04-23 16:00:34和bot太好農了
考慮訂閱吧! 每個訂閱對我都是非常大的鼓勵
另外, 有鑑於一些人提到他們比較喜歡在Twitch上看實況所以Twitch也會有同步直播歡迎參考:
https://www.twitch.tv/pedro0930 -
pursuits中文 在 BrotherPedro Youtube 的最佳解答
2018-04-22 19:57:41這個周末在beta
變的有點像刺客教條2的多人或最近出的Spyparty, 你會知道目標在哪裡(和你的獵人附近)
1:46:20 唯一有做到事的場qq
考慮訂閱吧! 每個訂閱對我都是非常大的鼓勵
另外, 有鑑於一些人提到他們比較喜歡在Twitch上看實況所以Twitch也會有同步直播歡迎參考:
pursuits中文 在 彭博商業周刊 / 中文版 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【Pursuits】回歸自然 迎接未來
薩姆雷頓莊園(Somerleyton Hall)的故事究竟應該從1863年、1970年代、還是數百年前講起?這個問題的答案要取決於回答問題的人是誰。對於薩姆雷頓的第三代男爵、莊園的已故主人威廉(William Crossley)而言,這個位於英格蘭東安格利亞的詹姆士一世時期風格莊園的 源頭要追溯至工業革命之後,當時他的祖父,一名地毯製造業大亨,從一位倒楣的準男爵手中以極低的價格買下了這塊房產。而對於附近北海漁村的大多數居民而言,直到1970年代、鄰近一個度假勝地弗里頓湖(Fritton Lake)開始為一日遊的當地遊客們提供茶會和划艇項目之時,薩姆雷頓莊園才真正開始顯示其重要意義。
在1840年代之前,這片土地上只有一片片高聳的松樹和樺樹林、一塊塊低地荒野、以及黃花滿地的荊豆叢。若由他來決定(這片土地也的確基本上是他說了算),那才是薩姆雷頓這片土地今天該有的模樣。克羅斯利是一支人數不多、但在不斷壯大的先鋒力量中的一員,這些人正在塑造著尚在初期的英國回歸自然運動,他 們的目的是通過移除入侵物種、重新種植或重新引入本地動植物,讓遭砍伐的農地和森林恢復原貌。「人們已經忘記了這片土地在沒有經過人為管理時的樣子了,」他說。「到處都是過度放牧、過度耕種。」
回歸自然運動試圖逆轉所有這一切,這麼做不是為了懷舊,而是為了創造一個可持續發展的未來。克羅斯利和其他一些土地持有人越來越意識到,表層土壤的退化和侵蝕對於我們的食物供應、以及清潔水源、空氣和碳吸存(carbon sequestration,將二氧化碳以各種形態儲存起來)而言,都是一大威脅。
不過,回歸自然運動也遭遇過挫折,比如在一個恢復荷蘭阿姆斯特丹郊外一處沼澤地的項目中,植物的生長不能滿足數量不斷膨脹的野馬和牛群的覓食需要。在這一備受爭議的情況下,過千隻動物被射殺,以免其忍受餓死的痛苦。而且,回 歸自然運動永遠也不可能再恢復到幾個世紀前棲息地的真正面貌,那時候,像歐洲野牛和長毛象這樣如今正瀕臨滅絕或已經滅絕的物種,像自然割草機一般,大口咀嚼著植物。在那些人口密集、毫無圍欄防護的地區,也不可能再引入猞猁和狼等食肉動物—儘管這些動物對於恢復舊有秩序至關重要。――Nikki Ekstein;譯 曉立
pursuits中文 在 彭博商業周刊 / 中文版 Facebook 的最佳解答
當英國哈里王子(Prince Harry)和薩塞克斯公爵夫人梅根(Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex)在2017年發佈他們的訂婚照時,梅根身穿的一件採用透明上身和薄紗裙身設計的長袖晚裝立刻引起了熱議。它是如此新潮,散發著迷人魅力,5.6萬歐元(約6.8萬美元)的價格貴得令人難以置信。英國《每日鏡報》(Daily Mirror)稱,它「比我們日常看到的事物更加性感」。
但是對於低調的服裝品牌Ralph & Russo而言,這無異是一次大突破。2010年,創意總監拉爾夫(Tamara Ralph)與當時的男友、如今的未婚夫拉索(Michael Russo)創立了這個品牌。作為家族的第四代時裝設計師和悉尼本地人,她12歲就賣出了自己的第一件作品:一條裙子。不過,在梅根之前,這對設計師二人組一直在倫敦梅費爾區一座七層樓的19世紀大宅裡,默默地服務著多名億萬富翁。
剛開始創業時,38歲的拉索利用自己作為德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)和巴克萊財富管理公司(Barclays Wealth Management)的前銀行家和顧問的人脈,在中東為自己的品牌打下早期基礎。在這個地區,約70萬高淨值個人控制著2.6萬億美元的財富。
該策略吸引了他們的第一個外部投資者,英國電訊億萬富豪考德韋爾(John Caudwell)。在社交場合結識拉索及拉爾夫之後,他們三人開始成為朋友,並在2014年以未披露的價格收購了該品牌7%的股權。這是他在時尚產業的第一筆投資,說服他投資的是「拉爾夫作為設計師的能力,以及兩人在中東的社交能力,他們贏得了很多中東皇室的客戶,」他說。
Ralph & Russo的六家分店有兩家在波斯灣——一家在杜拜(Dubai),一家在多哈(Doha)。傳說中的皇室擁躉包括前卡達埃米爾的妻子納賽爾(Sheikha Mozabint Nasser al-Misnad)和億萬富豪瓦利德王子(Prince Alwaleed)的前妻、沙特王妃艾塔威爾(Ameerah al-Taweel)。Ralph & Russo的倫敦總部對於富有的波斯灣國家客戶也相當便利,因為他們許多人把倫敦當成第二個家。他們在Harrods百貨開了倫敦的第二家店,此外在摩納哥蒙地卡羅(Monte Carlo)和巴黎各開了一家分店。紐約和邁阿密的門店「正在緊密籌備中」。2018年,兩人發佈了一個成衣系列,主打產品包括一條售價2000美元的非對稱設計的黑色小晚裝,以及售價1.45萬美元的褶皺金銀絲晚晚裝。一件訂製商品的價格可能超過六位數。——撰文/ Devon Pendleton;譯 王湛
pursuits中文 在 Brett 林熙老師 Facebook 的最讚貼文
(打英文還是輕鬆+快多了😉 中文版下面有連結)
Why taking the SAT or ACT when you’re not ready is a terrible mistake.
For several years now, I’ve noticed that many of my students who study at international schools tend to take an SAT test just to “test the waters.”
This is such a bad move it’s not funny!
What’s so bad about it?
American admissions officers dislike students who only focus on tests. So, even if you manage to get a high score after you’ve taken the SAT too many times, you might be rejected anyway.
Your SAT score is so important! Please do not waste any opportunity to get a high score!
I read the following quote on Dartmouth’s website:
“We don't recommend excessive testing. Making the most out of your high school opportunities is more important than repeatedly taking standardized tests."
Is it only Dartmouth?
Actually, this kind of statement isn’t unique to Dartmouth - it’s pretty standard. Most of the top universities say exactly the same thing. This causes many people to believe that colleges don’t really care much about your SAT score.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
All you have to do is to look at the average SAT/ACT scores that enrolling students receive. As an example, successful applicants to Dartmouth average around 1500 (out of 1600). That’s pretty high! What do they mean then?
They mean that students need to focus on non-academic pursuits AS WELL AS getting a very high score on their SATs.
So, you definitely need a high SAT score, but you can’t look like you care that much. If you take a test before you’re ready, there will be a record of your lower-than-ideal score. You’ll naturally need to retake the exam a second, third, and, possibly, fourth, time.
Let’s say that you do achieve your ideal score on the fourth or fifth attempt. How will the admissions officer view you when you have exactly the same score as another applicant who only took the test twice or three times? Who will they select?
Naturally, they will not choose you because you look like a testing machine.
In the US, everybody knows that it’s foolish to take the SAT or ACT more than three times. That means that you should NEVER waste an attempt. You should be ready before you ever take the test.
So, what should you do?
First, “test the waters” in a safe environment: your home.
You can do some practice questions on Khan Academy to get a feel for the test. Then, when you feel ready to tackle the whole test, do one of the Official Tests found on Khan or CollegeBoard:
Make sure you download the test, print it out and do it on paper. If you do it on the computer, you will NOT be simulating the real test.
Presently, there are a total of 9 released tests. CollegeBoard and Khan have released 8, and there is one more floating about on the internet. (As an aside, I actually use this test in my classes. I purposely avoid the other released tests because most schools use them and so do many students. I hate it when students say, “I’ve done that test before!”)
Simply using these tests will give you a good idea of what score you would get if you took the real test. And you can do this without risking being labelled a testing machine.
Also, as there are only 9 official tests out there, don’t waste them. Granted, there are other “official” tests online or in some schools, but these are usually riddled with errors or are incomplete. (I personally hate doing a test and not knowing which questions are faulty before doing it. Most of the time, students spend a lot of time trying to figure out the answers to questions that do not even have answers. It can be very frustrating.)
Another thing: of the nine, only 5 of them are previously administered tests. The first four “official tests” were designed before CollegeBoard switched from the old SAT to the new one in 2016. These four tests are quite easy compared to what is being tested now, so are not a great indicator of your future score. They are great for practicing question types - just understand that if you get a really high score on them it doesn’t mean that you will do just as well on test day.
Only tests 5-9 (also easier than the current tests) are the closest thing we have to the current SAT tests. Still, these are easier than the current test, especially in the reading section, so be aware that the reading will most probably be even tougher than what is in all of the officially released tests.
If you have any other questions related to how to prep for your SATs, feel free to leave a message below or PM me.
Enjoy your SAT studies!
#SAT寒密班 (適合11年級 & 3月和5月的考生) https://goo.gl/17Uz1e
#SAT週六衝刺班 (針對3月和5月的考生)
#SAT暑密班 (適合10年級 & 10月和12月的考生) https://goo.gl/6Ypwsi