

在 punjabi語言產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅YaoIndia 就是要印度︱認識印度,從這裡開始,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #YaoIndia就是要印度報你知 今年二月初印度政府要求 #Twitter 將平台中含「#莫迪計畫滅絕農民」(#ModiPlanningFarmerGenocide)標籤的帳戶和訊息刪除,雖然 Twitter 立即刪除數個帳號,但遭到外界質疑這是對 #言論自由 的打擊後,Twitter 又恢復這...

  • punjabi語言 在 YaoIndia 就是要印度︱認識印度,從這裡開始 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-20 11:00:26
    有 11 人按讚


    今年二月初印度政府要求 #Twitter 將平台中含「#莫迪計畫滅絕農民」(#ModiPlanningFarmerGenocide)標籤的帳戶和訊息刪除,雖然 Twitter 立即刪除數個帳號,但遭到外界質疑這是對 #言論自由 的打擊後,Twitter 又恢復這些帳號。而儘管 Twitter 事後表示將降低有害訊息和 hashtag 的觸及率,明顯濫發垃圾訊息或操控社群風向的帳號也會暫停使用,但依然讓印度政府感到不滿,而傾向扶植印度本土的社群媒體 #Koo。

    由 #Radhakrishna 和 #Bidawatka 創立於2020年三月的 Koo,是一個類似於 Twitter 的社群平台,允許用戶發布各種形式的多媒體內容。其最大的賣點,在於它支援多種印度語言,包含英語、卡納達語(#Kannada)、坦米爾語(#Tamil)、馬拉提語(#Marathi)和泰盧固語(#Telugu)。而根據官方指出,目前他們也持續規劃提供孟加拉語(#Bengali)、古吉拉特語(#Gujarati)、奧里亞語(#Oriya)、馬拉雅拉姆語(#Malayalam)、旁遮普語(#Punjabi)和阿薩姆語(#Assamese)的服務。就如同它的口號,要「用印度的語言連結起印度人」(to connect with Indians in Indian languages)。

    這個月,Koo 的下載用戶也正式突破300萬人。在這之前,Koo 約有200萬名註冊用戶,當中的活躍用戶約150萬人。此外,印度多個省邦的政府首長、政府機構和媒體也陸續加入 Koo;但印度總理 #莫迪(#Modi)尚未於 Koo 創建帳號,並依然活躍於 Twitter 上。

    然而,雖然 Koo 在印度的發展前景看到,依然有許多人關注 Koo 的資料安全問題,一位署名 Elliot Alderson 的駭客就在 Twitter 推文表示,就算用戶選擇不公開,他仍然可以獲取像是用戶生日、性別和其他敏感資訊。而 Koo 對此僅回覆「如有相關疑慮,可以寫信給我們」這樣的官方說法。

    👉 https://yaoindia.com/archives/35438

    YaoIndia 就是要印度︱認識印度,從這裡開始

    #YaoIndia #就是要印度 #印度報你知 #印度 #時事 #印度時事 #印度政治 #印度經濟 #DilliChalo #農民示威 #推特 #ElliotAlderson #社群媒體

  • punjabi語言 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-21 21:22:47
    有 150 人按讚

    【絕食第54日】【54th Day of Hunger Strike: Update & Volunteers' Thoughts】

    54th day of hunger strike I visited the CIC detention centre intending to meet a hunger striker who had been beaten, to learn the facts of the case. It was important that I meet him as he hardly spoke any English and I could talk in Hindi - one of his languages. However, the detainees are only allowed one visit a day and he had been met already by someone else. What kind of detention centre doesn’t allow the detainees translators, is it not a transit place, from where the detainees need to leave soon after arguing their cases and explaining their situation to the Immigration department. How do they do that if they do not speak the same language?


    Instead of meeting the injured detainee, I met another hunger striker. He had gone from 106 kg to 86 kg over his strike and detention. He had been in detention for 15 months. He was grateful that HongKongers were taking an interest in their fate, as prior to CIC detainees right concern group’s actions they were only allowed visitors whom they knew and had named in a register. He said, he had many friends, but they did not know each other formally and knew only each other’s nick names. Thus, none of them could visit him in detention. He also only read Hindi or Punjabi, his English was too poor to support reading without a dictionary. So, he had asked for books in his languages. He has had no lawyer nor any one who could explain his situation correctly to the department. Was there ever going to be a fair end to his detention ? What is the possibility of justice when language is such a big barrier to communication?


    — A

    21 August 2020


  • punjabi語言 在 張吉安 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-04-30 17:47:37
    有 392 人按讚



    我們常說自己活在一個多元族群和文化的國家,可多少人真的去了解友族文化的多元性?身邊馬來友人都知道我是廣府人,也知道本土華人有不同籍貫語言,然而這身為本國子民管理的專頁,卻不知我國印裔族群也有不同語言如Tamil、Malayalam、Hindi、Punjabi等,而布條上的絕不是網民所指的「外勞語」,更難過的留言底下有不少人聞之起舞,斥那是緬甸語、孟加拉語?!其實,這是Bagan Datuk當地印裔社群的Telugu語。


