Visceral Manipulation level 3 (VM3) in Parma, Italy 🇮🇹was taught by my teacher Roberto Bonanzinga (D.O.) in four days we learnt a lot about the organs...
Visceral Manipulation level 3 (VM3) in Parma, Italy 🇮🇹was taught by my teacher Roberto Bonanzinga (D.O.) in four days we learnt a lot about the organs, the connective tissues, the nerves, the arteries in the pelvic region. It was my fifth time being in this class and each time I was in class, I learnt something more, I improved a bit more on the listening skills, I cleared a bit about my doubts, I realized more about how to approach patients better in certain conditions.
In this school, with all the top osteopathic teachers, we are trained to be able to work on even a tiny nerve, an artery, a ureter, a small part of fascia. We release the tension of a local area, or a twist of an artery, and this allows the body to restart the self-healing program in a smoother and more effective way. The photos were taken when we learnt the way to treat Pudendal Nerve. A nerve that is derived from S2-4 which supplies genital organs. It is a nerve that needs extra attention and irritation of this nerve is probably the worst neurogenic pain one could ever have. Patient needs to be patient because the recovery time would be at least 9-12 months. In VM3 we could not cover everything, but this nerve will be closely studied in Neuro-meningeal Manipulation level 5 (NM5). Roberto will come to Asia - Hong Kong from 19-21 November 2018 for NM5 and also 23-25 November 2018 for Visceral Vascular Manipulation of Upper Body (VVMU). Devoted therapists in Asia, see you all in Hong Kong.
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pudendal 在 尤稚凱醫師 Facebook 的最佳貼文
昨天遇到一位從國外來診治的患者,雖然從國外來不少見但這位焦躁的患者讓我覺得他的問題可能不容易,明顯表現坐也不是站也不是的狀態,詳細問診之後才發現原來是不常被診斷出來的:會陰神經疼痛(pudendal neuralgia)。
包括分娩生產、手術沾黏、骨盆骨折、長程騎自行車等。多數的會陰神經疼痛是會陰神經受到夾擠(entrapment)與刺激,如 1. sacrotuberous ligament 和 sacrospinous ligament 兩條韌帶之間,2. Alcock's canal 裡,要確定診斷可以做診斷性麻醉,即是將麻醉藥打到以上部位。
#會陰神經疼痛(pudendal neuralgia)