

在 pucky作者產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Paradise,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 由我們和How2work共同營運的新單位The Little Hut目前正舉辦“If there is only black and white” 藝術家團體展,邀請了16位來自港、台、美、日的藝術家,以黑白為主題帶來了許多精彩的創作,除了大家比較熟悉的Dehara、Kenny、Kasing、Sh...

  • pucky作者 在 Paradise Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-10 18:00:01
    有 75 人按讚

    由我們和How2work共同營運的新單位The Little Hut目前正舉辦“If there is only black and white” 藝術家團體展,邀請了16位來自港、台、美、日的藝術家,以黑白為主題帶來了許多精彩的創作,除了大家比較熟悉的Dehara、Kenny、Kasing、Shoko、T9G、Pucky、Uamou、Shon等幾位藝術家,香港的方面好久不見的Kila以及相當有人氣的B.wing老師,來自日本近期很受到矚目的Shelterbank Yow桑、也是許久未見,曾經在Paradise T9G桑個展中客串的超精繪畫Feebee,在台灣很受到喜愛的角色創作爽爽貓的作者Second,以及來自美國的老朋友Amanda、和Emily the Strange這位經典角色的創作者Rob。這樣的陣容希望能夠讓喜愛角色設計的大家感受到內容的豐富。

    展出將會在本週日結束,這邊也向大家分享一下本次展覽的精彩展品。如果還沒到過現場的大家,請務必把握機會到現場參觀。如果有購買相關問題,也請直接聯繫 The little hut。

    “If there is only black and white” artists group exhibition
    “如果世上只有黑與白” 藝術家團體展

    Dates : Mar 29th - Apr 14th, 2019
    Hour : Mar 29th, 19:00~21:00 Mar 30th - Apr 14th, 14:00~20:00
    Location : [The Little Hut] No. 3, Lane 62, Yanji St., Taipei City

    #thelittlehutco #art #exhibition #figureart #designertoy #amandavisell #bwing #deharayukinori #feebee #kasinglung #kennywong #kilacheung #shelterbank #pucky #robreger #second #shokonakazawa #shon #t9g #uamou #009

  • pucky作者 在 Paradise Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-03-26 17:46:32
    有 35 人按讚

    The little hut 本週將有新展登場,16位來自全球的藝術家將帶來以黑白表現的全新作品。

    除了大家比較熟悉的名單,本次展覽中也邀請到較少參與國內相同類型展覽的藝術家參展,包括了爽爽貓的作者Second,以及非常知名的角色創作Emily the Strange的作者Rob Reger都會有作品在本次的展覽中展出,請大家務必不能錯過。



    The new exhibition in The Little Hut “If there is only black and white” will start from this Friday. Without color expression, 16 artists will present their vision of a world of black and white. Mono images sometimes look cold and sad, but sometimes they delivers the most emotions and touches us the most.
    The exhibition will open this Friday night with artworks from 16 artists as paintings, sculptures and prints. We also will have some exclusives to release on Saturday afternoon.

    The Little Hut的全新展覽”如果世上只有黑與白”將會在本週五展開。有別於用色彩表達心思,16位藝術家將會展示他們眼中的黑白世界。黑白的畫面或許有時讓人覺得冷漠或悲傷,但有時他們卻傳遞了最濃厚的感情,帶給我們最多的感動。

    The exhibition artists / 展出藝術家
    Amanda Visell ( @amandavisell )
    B.wing ( @b.wingb.wing )
    Dehara Yukinori ( @deharayukinori )
    Feebee ( @feebeejp )
    Kasing Lung ( @kasinglung )
    Kenny Wong ( @kennyswork2006 )
    Kila Cheung ( @kilacheung_art )
    Nishio Yow ( @shop_shelter )
    Pucky ( @puckyart )
    Second ( @wuchengan )
    Rob Reger
    Shoko Nakazawa ( @shokonakazawa )
    Shon ( @shonside )
    T9G ( @xt9gx )
    Uamou ( @uamou )
    009 ( @009lifejam )

    “If there is only black and white” artists group exhibition
    “如果世上只有黑與白” 藝術家團體展

    Dates : Mar 29th - Apr 14th, 2019
    Hour : Mar 29th, 19:00~21:00 Mar 30th - Apr 14th, 14:00~20:00
    Location : [The Little Hut] No. 3, Lane 62, Yanji St., Taipei City

    #thelittlehutco #art #exhibition #figureart #designertoy #amandavisell #bwing #deharayukinori #feebee #kasinglung #kennywong #kilacheung #shelterbank #pucky #robreger #second #shokonakazawa #shon #t9g #uamou #009

    The new exhibition in The Little Hut “If there is only black and white” will start from this Friday. Without color expression, 16 artists will present their vision of a world of black and white. Mono images sometimes look cold and sad, but sometimes they delivers the most emotions and touches us the most.

    The exhibition will open this Friday night with artworks from 16 artists as paintings, sculptures and prints. We also will have some exclusives to release on Saturday afternoon.

    The Little Hut的全新展覽”如果世上只有黑與白”將會在本週五展開。有別於用色彩表達心思,16位藝術家將會展示他們眼中的黑白世界。黑白的畫面或許有時讓人覺得冷漠或悲傷,但有時他們卻傳遞了最濃厚的感情,帶給我們最多的感動。


    The exhibition artists / 展出藝術家
    Amanda Visell ( @amandavisell )
    B.wing ( @b.wingb.wing )
    Dehara Yukinori ( @deharayukinori )
    Feebee ( @feebeejp )
    Kasing Lung ( @kasinglung )
    Kenny Wong ( @kennyswork2006 )
    Kila Cheung ( @kilacheung_art )
    Nishio Yow ( @shop_shelter )
    Pucky ( @puckyart )
    Second ( @wuchengan )
    Rob Reger
    Shoko Nakazawa ( @shokonakazawa )
    Shon ( @shonside )
    T9G ( @xt9gx )
    Uamou ( @uamou )
    009 ( @009lifejam )

    “If there is only black and white” artists group exhibition
    “如果世上只有黑與白” 藝術家團體展

    Dates : Mar 29th - Apr 14th, 2019
    Hour : Mar 29th, 19:00~21:00 Mar 30th - Apr 14th, 14:00~20:00
    Location : [The Little Hut] No. 3, Lane 62, Yanji St., Taipei City

    #thelittlehutco #art #exhibition #figureart #designertoy #amandavisell #bwing #deharayukinori #feebee #kasinglung #kennywong #kilacheung #shelterbank #pucky #robreger #second #shokonakazawa #shon #t9g #uamou #009

