

在 proverb意思產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅EZ Talk,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #打開看全文學更多 三級警戒已經實施一個月 大家待在家中是不是有點膩了? 讓EZ TALK陪你一起在家學英文 學現在跟你最親近的廚房諺語Part 2!! -- Anyone who’s spent time in a kitchen knows that t...

proverb意思 在 明周文化 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-09-07 18:26:45

從前,大概是六十年代初吧,捷克繪本作家Miroslav Šašek來到香港,在此旅居了幾個月。那時候,他將近五十歲,已做了政治難民上十年了。自一九四八年,他流亡海外,漂泊世界各地,一生始終無法回歸故鄉——那受共產黨專制統治的布拉格。​ ​ 一個歐洲難民畫家,千里迢迢,來到一座東方難民城市,一見鍾情。...

proverb意思 在 Angeline | Happiness Coach Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-03 23:57:14

#AngelinePowerBank 今天要讲个我在韩国遇到救命oppa的故事 那年我拖著大行李一個人在首爾準備會見朋友 但韓國就是個「怪城」 怪在電梯少健康步行的人多 我這跑兩步都喘氣的弱質纖纖小女孩 真的有點負荷不了! 拖著大行李來到首爾新村捷運站的五號出口 「天啊!這裏根本沒有電梯, 我要怎...

  • proverb意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-11 17:00:47
    有 16 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事

    讓EZ TALK陪你一起在家學英文
    學現在跟你最親近的廚房諺語Part 2!!
    Anyone who’s spent time in a kitchen knows that they can get hot, especially if the stove and oven are on at the same time. What should you do if you can’t stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen, of course. Thus the phrase, 1⃣“If you can’t take/stand the heat, get out of the kitchen,” which means that if you can’t handle the pressure of a given situation, you should remove yourself from it. The phrase also implies that the person being addressed is too weak to handle the situation. Ex: We put in a lot of overtime here, so if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
    在廚房煮過菜的人都知道,廚房會熱,尤其是同時開火跟烤箱的時候。這時如果你熱到受不了怎麼辦?當然就是離開廚房。因此有If you can’t take/stand the heat, get out of the kitchen的說法,就是暗示,當你無法承受壓力時,就該抽離那個環境。也有暗示某人無法應付該情況的意思:We put in a lot of overtime here, so if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.(我們這裡加班很多,如果你無法應付,那就別來。)

    If you’ve ever been in the kitchen when several people are preparing food at the same time, you know that things can get chaotic. Perhaps this is the origin of the proverb, 2⃣“Too many cooks spoil the broth,” which means that if too many people are involved in a task, the results won’t be good. Ex: We already have enough people on our project team—too many cooks spoil the broth.
    如果你曾經好幾人同時在裡頭準備食物的廚房,你大概會知道,廚房很容易變亂,而這大概就是以下俗語的由來:Too many cooks spoil the broth. (人多反誤事。)如:We already have enough people on our project team—too many cooks spoil the broth.(我們專案團隊已經有夠多人了--再多人參與反而會誤事。)
    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • proverb意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-01 19:00:18
    有 36 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
    #FoodIdiom #bread
    🍞美國生活用語:食物篇又來了──與麵包🥖 bread有關的諺語

    還記得乳製品的英文怎麼說嗎😏 可以在文章裡面找找看喔!

    1⃣ Bread is the staff of life.
    2⃣ Man does not live by bread alone.
    3⃣ earn one’s daily bread
    4⃣ take the bread out of sb.’s mouth
    5⃣ break bread


    After covering dairy products, it’s time to move on to another kind of food—bread. Bread has long been a staple of the Western diet since ancient times, so of course it has made its way into all kinds of proverbs and idioms.

    Let’s start with a proverb that has its origins in the Bible: 1⃣ Bread is the staff of life. If you’re picturing someone using a baguette as a staff to walk with, it may give you a sense of the proverb’s meaning: bread is what supports us in our lives, or provides us with sustenance. But bread here is also a symbol of all food, so the real meaning is that one must eat in order to survive. Ex: I know you’re busy, but don’t forget to eat—bread is the staff of life.
    先來看一個源自《聖經》的諺語:Bread is the staff of life.(麵包是生命的拐杖。)想像一下用法國麵包當做拐杖走路的樣子,大概就能理解這句諺語的意思:麵包是支持生活的必需品,供給我們營養。不過麵包在這裡也是象徵所有食物之意,所以真正的意思是「民以食為天」。如:I know you’re busy, but don’t forget to eat—bread is the staff of life.(我知道你很忙,但別忘了吃飯啊,民以食為天。)

    Another proverb with Biblical origins: 2⃣Man does not live by bread alone. Here, bread means “food and shelter.” So the proverb means that beyond their physical needs, people also need mental or spiritual sustenance. Ex: He may be wealthy, but man does not live by bread alone.
    另一個諺語也是出自《聖經》:Man does not live by bread alone.(人活著不只是為了溫飽。)bread在這句話中指的是「食物與住所」。因此,這個諺語要人們超越生理需求、滋養心靈。如:He may be wealthy, but man does not live by bread alone.(他或許很富有,但是人活著不是只為了溫飽。)

    Since bread is a symbol for sustenance, there are also idioms like 3⃣ “earn one’s daily bread,” which means “make a living.” Ex: The man earns his daily bread as a taxi driver. 4⃣ And “take the bread out of sb.’s mouth” means to deprive them of their means of living. Ex: Lowering wages would be taking the bread out of workers’ mouths.
    因為麵包是食物的象徵,所以也有如earn one’s daily bread這樣的片語,指「維持生計」。如:The man earns his daily bread as a taxi driver.(這個男人當計程車司機維持生計。)而take the bread out of sb.’s mouth則是指「搶某人飯碗」,如:Lowering wages would be taking the bread out of workers’ mouths.(減薪對員工而言是剝奪了他們的飯碗。)

    5⃣ And finally there’s “break bread.” Can you guess what it means? It means to have a meal. In the old days, a family would share a loaf of bread at each meal, and everyone would break off pieces to eat. Ex: It’s been a long time since I broke bread with Michael.
    最後來看看break bread這個短語。猜猜看,這是什麼意思?答案是「吃飯」。古時候的家庭,每餐都有一條麵包分給全家人,每個人會掰一塊麵包來吃。如:It’s been a long time since I broke bread with Michael.(我已經很久沒跟麥可吃頓飯了。)

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • proverb意思 在 看得見的記憶 How Memory Sticks Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-27 19:27:51
    有 19 人按讚

    之前介紹過許多與橋樑相關的故事與建築,橋是古老建築,不單在交通史上有重大意義,也有文化意義。最著名的一句關於橋的成語可能是「過橋抽板」,有趣的是,根據作家古德明所說,原來英文也有句相近的成語:to kick down / over the ladder(把梯子踢開)。雖然句中所指的不是「橋」,但依然與建築有關,意思同樣指人們不念舊情,忘恩負義。
    #記住家 #記園林 #記價值 #記風格 #歷史 #名句 #名言 #成語 #智慧 #文字 #藝術 #橋 #香港 #vintage #hkig #literature #quotes #quote #proverb #hkiger #learnenglish #852 #architecture #english #culture #ladder #bridge #history

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