

在 pronounced意思產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🏆全中運吉祥物驕仔,再獲義大利A'國際設計大獎銅獎 Pride Shrike, the mascot of 2020 National High School Athletic Games in Pingtung, Taiwan, has been granted the Bronze A' Des...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Youtube影片中提到,期待的政治英文影片第二集出爐了!!! 今天探討的是三位政治大咖的英文口語。再次聲明,此影片的目的不在於比較英文能力,而是提供學習者英文口語的實際操作和可以注意的小細節。對我而言,英文是一種工具,我並不覺得台灣的政治人物一定需要擁有驚人的外語能力。以下是影片中提到的一些資訊,請看完再發表評論: ...

pronounced意思 在 Choc Ye - Animal Painter Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-01 12:34:45

Went to a cafe named 古書と茶房 (pronounced as ことばのはおと, or Kotobanohaoto) in Kyoto today! . The whole cafe has a cat theme and they even make the ice cre...

  • pronounced意思 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-05 06:14:45
    有 1,833 人按讚

    Pride Shrike, the mascot of 2020 National High School Athletic Games in Pingtung, Taiwan, has been granted the Bronze A' Design Award in Advertising, Marketing and Communication Design Category.
    英文解說 ➔ ➔ ➔
    The mascot design of Pingtung City has long been monkeys because the old name of Pingtung is "Ahou," which is pronounced similar to "monkey" in Mandarin. In order to break away from stereotyped thinking, the team selected Brown Shrike, the bird of Pingtung County, as an inspiration to give everyone a refreshing impression about Pingtung. In particular, the team collaborated with Endemic Species Research Institute to draw the key features of Brown Shrike in detail.
    Pride Shrike is the mascot of 2020 National High School Athletic Games in Pingtung, Taiwan. The mascot was named "Pride Shrike" as "bird" is pronounced similar to "pride" in Taiwanese, as well as echoing with the slogan "Pingtung Pride." The games cheer not only for the winners, but all athletes as they all make people proud.
    Besides its adorkable appearance and flexible body, Pride Shrike has very distinctive personality. He is a national badminton player, in the senior year of athletic class in National Chao-Chou Senior High School. His favorite snack is Wandan red bean cake and favorite beverage is fresh lemon juice, which are both signature products in Pingtung. His objective is to show the characteristics of the host city. Pride Shrike is an important agent to promote its tourism and economy with local industries and signature products.

  • pronounced意思 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-15 10:30:00
    有 48 人按讚

    1) Intend to(〜するつもり)
    intend to は「〜するつもり」や「〜する気がある」を意味し、何かをしたいという意思があることを表します。例えば、「来年は英会話レッスンを受けるつもりです」は「I intend to take English lessons next year.」のように表現しますが、ここでは受講する期間やどの英会話学校にするかといった具体的なことは決まっていないが、レッスンを受ける意思があることを示します。レッスンを受けることが確定している場合は、シンプルに「I’m going to take English lessons next year.」と言いましょう。
    I intend to study English every day this year.
    I intend to live in Tokyo for a couple of more years.
    I intend to study abroad in Australia this year but we’ll see what happens with the coronavirus.
    2) Figure out(考え出す)
    figure outは状況に応じて訳し方が異なりますが、基本的な意味は「分かる」、「解決する」、「考え出す」になります。この表現は、誰かに教えてもらって何かを理解するのではなく、自分で考えて問題を解いたり、原因を解明したり、使い方を理解したり、状況を把握したりなど、理解できるまで、解決策が出るまで 自分で“考える”ことがポイントです。
    I figured out what was wrong with the coffee machine.
    I can't figure out why I can’t receive any emails.
    My wife’s birthday is coming up and I’m trying to figure out what to get for her.
    3) Gig(一時期な仕事)
    gigは本来、歌手やバンド、DJなどが1回限りのパフォーマンス、特に短めのショートパフォーマンスを行うことを意味します。その他、gigには日雇いのバイトや派遣の仕事など「一時的な仕事」と言う意味もあり、「副業」はside gigやpart-time gigと言います。
    I’m doing a gig in Yokohama tonight. If you’re free, you should swing by.
    I have a teaching gig from 7 tonight. I can meet you afterwards.
    I don’t edit YouTube videos full time. It’s just a side gig.
    4) Versus(〜に対して)
    この表現は、異なる二つの考えや物などを対比する時に使われます。例えば、アメリカ英語とイギリス英語を比べる時は「American English versus British English.」と表現することができます。
    There are many words that are pronounced differently in American English versus British English.
    Traveling versus living are two completely different experiences.
    What are the pros and cons of living in the city versus the countryside?
    5) Get across(〜を伝える)
    get across は「渡る」や「横断する」の意味としてよく使われる表現ですが、日常会話では自分が思っていることや考えていることを相手に理解させる意味としても使われます。相手にアイデアや情報をしっかりと伝える意味合いがあり、get one’s point acrossやget one’s message across、get one’s idea acrossのように表現することがよくあります。
    You don’t have to be perfect. The important thing is to get your point across.
    Maybe you should make a PowerPoint presentation to get your idea across more clearly.
    I can't figure out what message the author is trying to get across.

    本日ご紹介したフレーズは、iTunes Japanの「ベストポッドキャスト」に2017から4年連続選出されたHapa英会話の人気コンテンツPodcast第321回「今年やりたいこと」の内容の一部です。Podcastの全内容をご覧になりたい方は、Hapa英会話のブログをチェック!会話の全文、会話の要約、ピックアップしたフレーズ、ポッドキャストでは説明できなかった表現や言い回しが掲載されています。

  • pronounced意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-05 19:00:12
    有 36 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
    #佛洛伊德之死 #GeorgeFloyd

    America Is Burning
    🇺🇸 美國人民怒火沸騰


    1. counterfeit「偽造的」
    2. look on「站在一旁觀看」
    3. bystander「旁觀者,路人」
    4. unconscious「失去意識的」
    5. pronounce「宣告」:也有「發音」的意思。
    6. go viral「爆紅」:指某人事物在網路上迅速蔓延開來,眾人皆知。
    7. protest「抗議;抗議行動」:可當名詞與動詞,另protester指「示威抗議者」。
    8. loot「洗劫一空」
    9. vandalize「破壞」


    On the evening of May 25th, an African-American man named George Floyd lost his life in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Suspected of using a counterfeit $20 bill at a convenience store, Floyd was arrested and placed inside a police car. After a short struggle, a white officer named Derek Chauvin pulled Floyd out of the car, causing him to fall onto the street, where he lay face down in handcuffs. Chauvin then restrained Floyd by kneeling on his neck.

    Over the next eight minutes, Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd’s neck, while three other officers looked on. Despite the fact that the Floyd said “I can’t breathe” at least 16 times, and several bystanders expressed concern for his condition, Chauvin only removed his knee from the man’s neck when an ambulance arrived. For his last three minutes on the ground with a knee in his neck, Floyd appeared to be unconscious. And hour later, he was pronounced dead at a local hospital.

    A video of Floyd on the ground repeating “I can’t breathe” and “Don’t kill me” taken by a bystander quickly went viral on social media, and the next day Chauvin and the other three officers were fired from the police department. That same day, protests against Floyd’s killing began in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. They started out peaceful, but later became violent as buildings were set on fire, stores were looted and vandalized, and some protesters clashed with police.

    The demonstrations have now spread to over 75 cities around the country, and the news is filled with scenes of violence and destruction. Chauvin was arrested on May 29 and charged with third-degree murder, but the fires continue to burn.

  • pronounced意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-06-12 20:22:55

    期待的政治英文影片第二集出爐了!!! 今天探討的是三位政治大咖的英文口語。再次聲明,此影片的目的不在於比較英文能力,而是提供學習者英文口語的實際操作和可以注意的小細節。對我而言,英文是一種工具,我並不覺得台灣的政治人物一定需要擁有驚人的外語能力。以下是影片中提到的一些資訊,請看完再發表評論:

    關於韓市長的「晶晶體」: http://bit.ly/2kENRVv



    • 是否到達溝通目的
    • 考量語境/當下場景
    • 詞彙資源
    • 文法範圍和正確度
    • 連貫性和流暢度還有發音



    EDIT: New Sample (08.21.2019): https://youtu.be/1xrcXcZvAko?t=148 (請先看完我們的分析)

    最先去搜尋的是ICRT全英文的專訪,但是大部分影片和錄音檔都被刪除,只留下一些片段: https://youtu.be/zDYhd7XiSUQ?t=12 (Vid 1)

    •prosperious -- prosperous Kaohsiung
    •We will hire the English teacher so that we can save money -- cause, effect relationship?
    •intelligible English pronunciation but spoke in short phrases

    https://youtu.be/3helP_n9jY8?t=481 (Vid 2)

    •唸稿子的時候有適當的停頓, 英文語調也有上下的起伏
    •met--made, we have made the impossible possible
    •in everyone eyes--in everyone’s eyes
    •longing for better tomorrow --longing for a better tomorrow


    郭台銘(英文名:Terry Gou,1950年10月18日-),中華民國企業家,新北板橋人,籍貫山西省晉城縣,臺灣省立板橋中學初中部、中國海事專科學校(今臺北海洋科技大學)航運管理科畢業,是鴻海科技集團(富士康)和鴻海精密的董事長兼總經理。以個人資產705億美元名列富比士億萬富翁列表中的第7大富豪,同時也是臺灣首富。2019年4月17日,郭台銘宣布投入中國國民黨的2020年中華民國總統選舉黨內初選。

    郭台銘 - 企業領袖高峰會演講 APEC CEO Summit 2013: https://youtu.be/c733wqJup_I?t=175

    •英文詞彙上應用專業術語 (e.g., key components, technology integration)
    •不熟悉字型的變化 morphology/word form--manufacture, manufacturing, manufacturer --we emerged as an electronics manufacturer; we innovation designer --no be verb; we are use all component and integration --we utilize component integration testing?, etc.)




    •and da today
    •today (stress on the second syllable )
    •medical (stress on first syllable)
    •metary -- military
    • problems cause by L1 interference
    •從語音結構上來看,中文是一種「音節計時語言(syllable-timed language)及「聲調語言」(tone language),每個字由一個音節構成,唸起來各音節輕重相當且時間大致等長,而且每個字有自己的聲調;但英語是一種「重音計時語言」(stress-timed language)及「語調語言」(intonation language),每個字的音節數不一,由各音節是否有重音來決定其輕重、長短與音階高低,而重音落於何處也會決定其語意之不同。


    •One of the most noticeable features of English is that some of its syllables are strong while many others are weak” (Roach, 2000, p81). English stress pattern is manifested through syllable length, loudness and pitch. In other words, stressed syllables are longer, louder and higher pitched than unstressed ones. Sometimes one word that is stressed differently may have different grammatical functions and meanings, for example, the homographs “record” (verb) and “record” (noun). “Record” has the stress on second syllable when it is a verb, and it has stress on the first when it is a noun. The shift of the stress even makes a noticeable difference to the sound of the vowels, for instance, “e” in noun “REcord” is pronounced as /e/, but /ɪ/ in verb “reCORD”.


    •coal values -- core values
    •freedom, tolerance, rule of law
    •用詞大致上是正確的雖然還是有字形上(word form)的問題
    •expensive -- expense


    在此提供我的「心智圖詞彙攻略」課程: https://bit.ly/2teELDq

    英文學習專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ericsenglishlounge/

    還有Howard老師《會走路的翻譯機,神級英文學習攻略本》的傳送門 http://bit.ly/2DfGrhH


    同時也再次感謝炙瞳夢 RED FILM幾位大導演和貓哥的友情協助,幫我們拍攝和剪接出如此精彩的影片!


  • pronounced意思 在 MingSir English Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-04-26 09:44:15

    I don't think so, although I can understand why Oxford Dictionary chose the face with tears of joy as Word of the year. Indeed, people across all cultures use emoticons in digital communication nowadays. But strictly speaking, emoticons AREN'T words. Words carry meaning(含有意思) and can be pronounced(可以發音). Emoticons do carry meaning, but they simply cannot be pronounced. Since they aren't words in my opinion, an emoticon seems not to be a good choice for Word of the year. Make sense?


    Ming Sir WhatsApp: 5118 4620


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