

在 profitable意思產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] Tiktok收購風波: 出售原因及交易前景 需要下一篇關於TikTok的時事英文歡迎留言「The clock is ticking on TikTok. 」。 「the clock is ticking」 表示時間緊迫、時間正在飛快流逝的意思,用來催促應該儘速做某事。 ★★★★★...


  • profitable意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-06 20:56:05
    有 247 人按讚

    [時事英文] Tiktok收購風波: 出售原因及交易前景

    需要下一篇關於TikTok的時事英文歡迎留言「The clock is ticking on TikTok. 」。

    「the clock is ticking」 表示時間緊迫、時間正在飛快流逝的意思,用來催促應該儘速做某事。




    TikTok parent ByteDance Ltd., a Beijing-based company, has mulled a range of options in recent months to assuage concerns from officials in the U.S. and other countries about the service’s ties to China. Concerns about a potential U.S. ban, in part, drove discussions to explore a deal. The Redmond, Wash., software giant on Sunday said it is interested in buying TikTok’s U.S. business—as well as the app’s service in Canada, Australia and New Zealand—and is willing to try to address the White House’s concerns, though it warned that it would walk away from talks by Sept. 15 if a deal isn’t completed.

    1. mull sth over 仔細思考、反覆考慮
    2. assuage (v.) 緩和;減輕;平息
    3. drive sth to 驅使
    4. explore a deal 探討交易、尋求交易
    5. software giant 軟體巨頭 (指微軟)
    6. address (v.) concerns 解除、處理疑慮
    7. walk away from talks 不再進行談判




    U.S. officials have said they are concerned TikTok—which has hundreds of millions of users world-wide, and about 100 million in the U.S.—could provide data collected from American users to China’s authoritarian government. TikTok has said it would never do so. Officials also worry that the app could be used to spread Chinese propaganda and that the platform’s moderators are censoring content to appease Chinese government leaders.

    8. hundreds of millions of 數億的
    9. world-wide 全球
    10. provide data (that has been) collected 提供被收集的數據
    11. authoritarian government 威權政府
    12. propaganda 宣傳
    13. moderator 評分審核人
    14. censor (v.) content 審查內容
    15. appease (v.) government leaders取悅政府(領袖)




    The purchase of TikTok’s U.S. operations, a deal that would likely cost billions of dollars, would bring a huge pool of mostly young users to a company that has thrived during Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella’s tenure largely by focusing on corporate customers. Microsoft would likely invest to grow the app’s user base as well as its relationships with advertisers as it competes with the likes of platforms owned by Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc., Snap Inc. and others. TikTok globally isn’t profitable though Microsoft has deep pockets to invest in the platform. Microsoft could leverage its pool of TikTok’s mostly younger users to bolster its Xbox videogame business and its advertising business, which currently centers on its Bing search engine.

    16. would likely 有可能…
    would (假設語氣): https://bit.ly/2PuV06F

    17. a huge pool of users一大批用戶
    pool: https://bit.ly/3idpPZV

    18. thrive (v.) 興旺、繁榮
    19. tenure 任期
    20. user base 用戶基礎
    21. advertiser 廣告商
    22. the like of sb/sth; sb's/sth's like …之類
    23. profitable 有盈利的
    24. have deep pockets to invest 有雄厚資金可以投資 (口袋夠深)
    25. leverage (v.) 借助已有的…實現新(或更好)的目標
    26. bolster (v.) 提高;改善
    27. center (v.) on 集中在
    28. search engine 搜索引擎

    收購TikTok的美國業務可能會花費數十億美元,同時這將為微軟帶來一大批用戶,其中大多數是年輕用戶。在首席執行官納德拉(Satya Nadella)任內,微軟主要通過專注企業客戶實現了蓬勃發展。在與Facebook Inc. (FB)、Twitter Inc. (TWTR)、Snap Inc. (SNAP)等公司的平台展開競爭之際,微軟可能會投資擴大該應用的用戶基礎及其與廣告客戶的關係。TikTok在全球還沒有盈利,不過微軟有雄厚的資金投資這個平台。微軟可以利用TikTok以年輕人為主體的用戶群,提振Xbox遊戲業務和廣告業務。目前,微軟的廣告業務主要集中在必應(Bing)搜索引擎上。



    How is news of the potential sale being received in China?
    The potential sale is hardening suspicions of some in China that the U.S. is trying to sabotage efforts to nurture homegrown technology enterprises, with TikTok being among the country’s first apps that is a global smash hit. The partial or complete sale of TikTok has also raised concerns about the precedent a deal could set for Chinese companies with global ambitions as U.S.-China relations unravel.

    29. potential sale 可能進行的交易
    30. harden suspicion 加劇懷疑
    31. sabotage暗中破壞、蓄意破壞(計劃或行動)
    32. nurture (v.) 扶植
    33. homegrown technology enterprises本土科技企業
    34. a global smash hit 一款全球轟動的(應用軟體)
    35. raise concerns 引起關注、擔心
    36. set a precedent 設下先例
    37. unravel (v.) 破壞 (這裡指中美關係出現裂痕)



    圖片出處: https://on.ft.com/2EY7DoU


    📰 華爾街日報訂閱方案: https://bit.ly/39ULVh1

    🎓 華爾街日報獎助學金計畫 (A20): https://bit.ly/2C2tUAI

  • profitable意思 在 每天學英文單字 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-03-09 10:45:17
    有 7 人按讚

    如果你是商人或有在投資,對於經商或投資的獲利肯定非常重視,獲利確實是支撐商業運作及投資的最重要原因,獲利的名詞通常是用 profit 這個英文單字來表示,形容詞則用 profitable 來形容"有利可圖"或"可獲利"的意思。

  • profitable意思 在 許耀仁Paxton Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-04-06 20:15:37
    有 27 人按讚





    在過程中,我開始學習到很多截然不同於我之前跟太座一起創立&經營 零阻力 的"遊戲規則"。










    並不是說這個主流遊戲規則有甚麼問題 (這輪不到我來評斷)






    也許因為我在 財富原動力 Wealth Dynamics 裡是"鋼鐵"能量高達68%的"地主"型。


    而本質上,我就是屬於那種直覺上就會認同 "退潮之後,你才知道誰在裸泳" 這句話的人....


    "Lords built to last."







    "如果20年之後 BioFit這個品牌還活得好好的,是因為我們做與不做什麼?"




    "獨角獸" 還是 "斑馬"?


    Is your startup a Unicorn or a Zebra? Last month, amidst high profile cases of misbehaving Unicorns, from Oculus to Uber, Mara Zepeda & Jennifer Brandel wrote a blog “Zebras fix what Unicorns break.”

    They said “The current technology and venture capital structure is broken. It rewards quantity over quality, consumption over creation, quick exits over sustainable growth, and shareholder profit over shared prosperity."

    "It chases after “unicorn” companies bent on “disruption” rather than supporting businesses that repair, cultivate, and connect.”

    They then say “A company’s business model is the first domino in a long chain of consequences. In short: ‘The business model is the message.’"

    "From that business model flows company culture and beliefs, strategies for success, end-user experiences, and, ultimately, the very shape of society.

    This new movement demands a new symbol, so we’re claiming an animal of our own: the zebra.

    Why zebras?

    1. To state the obvious: unlike unicorns, zebras are real.

    2. Zebra companies are both black and white: they are profitable and improve society. They won’t sacrifice one for the other.

    3. Zebras are also mutualistic: by banding together in groups, they protect and preserve one another. Their individual input results in stronger collective output.

    4. Zebra companies are built with peerless stamina and capital efficiency, as long as conditions allow them to survive."

    If you are striving to grow a Unicorn, you may succeed, although they are beginning to look rarer as VCs slow down their investing.

    If, on the other hand, you are striving to rear a Zebra, you are in good company. After all, Zebras like to group together, and they are becoming increasingly common as entrepreneurs seek co-operation and sustainability over competition and monopoly.

    When you seek size and scale, you may never reach success. If you seek purpose and profit, you can succeed the moment you start.

    “Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.” ~ Minor Myers Jnr

    If you like the idea of being a Zebra, you can read Mara & Jennifer’s “Zebra Manifesto” at http://bit.ly/zebra-manifesto

    You can also visit https://www.zebrasunite.com

    And because a gathering of Zebras is a “Dazzle”, you can also join the first Zebra gathering at “Dazzlecon” later this year:


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    2021-10-01 13:19:08

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    2021-10-01 13:10:45

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