

在 private動詞產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,795的網紅網球場的路上,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 重回「馬車」理解「教練」 英文的 coach(教練)最開始是「馬車」的意思,來自匈牙利文裡的 Kocs(科奇)。 科奇是匈牙利的一個村。在15世紀,這個村設計並製造出當時最大、最舒服的馬車車廂,聞名全歐洲。當地人將這個科奇製造的馬車稱作科奇車(Koczi szeter),簡稱 kocsi。 科...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅イングリッシュライフ英語・英会話,也在其Youtube影片中提到,他にも英会話のコツがいっぱい!こちらからどうぞ! ⇒ http://www.sumaho-ryugaku.com/eng/iead/ 今回は多義語のお話です。 Tell 中学一年生で教わる簡単な単語ですね! Tell me your secret. I told you. などなど、言う、教える、な...

  • private動詞 在 網球場的路上 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-12 21:01:03
    有 175 人按讚


    英文的 coach(教練)最開始是「馬車」的意思,來自匈牙利文裡的 Kocs(科奇)。

    科奇是匈牙利的一個村。在15世紀,這個村設計並製造出當時最大、最舒服的馬車車廂,聞名全歐洲。當地人將這個科奇製造的馬車稱作科奇車(Koczi szeter),簡稱 kocsi。

    科奇車因設計優良傳遍歐洲各國,為當時貴族們所喜愛。隨之,kocsi 這個詞也融入了各國的語言當中。在西班牙、葡萄牙和法國,叫 coche;在德國叫 kutsche;傳到英國就是 coach,都是指這款馬車。不過,只有在英文裡,馬車(coach)後來還延伸成了「教練」。

    其實在英文裡,原本就有一個形容「教練」的專用詞 agonistarch,來自古希臘語的 agonistarkhes,指的是專門訓練他人參加公開比賽的人。不過,現在大多都用 coach。

    據說是在1830年代,英國牛津大學的學生們最先開始以 coach(馬車)作為一個動詞,有點類似 carry 的意思,比喻私人家教(private tutor)幫學生準備考試,就像 coach(馬車),快速地、舒服地載著學生朝向他們的目標,通過考試。







  • private動詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-03 08:00:01
    有 109 人按讚

    🔥 Beijing Scraps GDP Target, a Bad Sign for World Reliant on China Growth

    -scrap 取消、作廢,同discard
    -reliant 有賴於、仰賴…的,搭配介系詞為 on

    🧐 China broke with more than a quarter-century of tradition by not issuing an economic growth target for 2020, a stark acknowledgment of the challenges facing the world’s second-largest economy as it grapples with uncertainties around.


    -stark 荒涼的、嚴峻的、完全的、極端的、徹底的
    ✍常見用法: to be in stark contrast to sth 與某事形成鮮明對比
    -acknowledgement 承認
    -grapple with sth 努力應對、設法解決,意近struggle with

    🚨The unusual move—it’s the first time a formal target has been omitted since the practice began in 1994—suggests Beijing’s leaders aren’t eager to unleash a large-scale stimulus after China’s sharpest contraction in four decades. It foreshadows more economic pain for a world that has become increasingly reliant on China as an engine of growth.

    -omit 省略、刪除
    -unleash 發動、展開
    -stimulus 刺激(措施、因素),同 incentive
    -foreshadow 預示

    🔨China reported a 6.1% gain in gross domestic product last year—its slowest pace in nearly three decades, though within the targeted range of between 6.0% and 6.5%. The implicit acknowledgment of sharply slower growth for 2020 marks a climbdown for leader Xi Jinping during a year when he was set to proclaim the end of absolute poverty in the country and double the economy’s size from a decade earlier—political goals meant to burnish his standing ahead of next year’s centennial of the Chinese Communist Party’s founding.


    gross domestic product (GDP) 國內生產總值
    implicit 含蓄的、暗示的
    climbdown 退讓、屈服、妥協
    burnish 作動詞時有「將…擦亮」之意,同polish、brighten;作名詞時為「光亮、光澤」
    centennial 一百週年


    Economists say the ____ urban jobless rate _____ many rural migrant workers who had flooded into the country’s biggest cities seeking employment but who have since returned to their home villages and thus aren’t counted in the official tally.

    A. official / excludes
    B. private / including
    C. non-profit / included
    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • private動詞 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-03-21 22:15:00
    有 730 人按讚

    我最愛的期刊型雜誌 Foreign Affairs 果然沒有讓我失望。新的一篇文章談到了中國如何利用新冠狀病毒疫情的全球擴散以去,如標題所述 "reshape global order."

    文章副標用字用得極為漂亮,使用了動詞 maneuver 和 falter.

    "China is maneuvering for international leadership as the United States falters."

    ✔︎ maneuver: use cleverly planned and often dishonest methods to get the result that you want (使用精心計劃或時常是不誠實的方式以達到你想要的目的)

    ✔︎ falter: become weaker


    文章 highlights:

    "With hundreds of millions of people now isolating themselves around the world, the novel coronavirus pandemic has become a truly global event. And while its geopolitical implications (在地緣政治上的影響) should be considered secondary (次要的) to matters of health and safety, those implications may, in the long term, prove just as consequential (重要的)—especially when it comes to the United States’ global position. Global orders have a tendency to change gradually at first and then all at once."

    "As Washington falters, Beijing is moving quickly and adeptly (精巧地) to take advantage of the opening created by U.S. mistakes, filling the vacuum to position itself as the global leader in pandemic response. It is working to tout (吹捧、宣傳) its own system, provide material assistance to other countries, and even organize other governments."

    "Public statements by President Donald Trump, whether Oval Office addresses or early-morning tweets, have largely served to sow confusion (造成困惑) and spread uncertainty. Both public and private sectors have proved ill-prepared to produce and distribute the tools necessary for testing and response. And internationally, the pandemic has amplified (強化) Trump’s instincts to go it alone and exposed just how unprepared Washington is to lead a global response."

    原文: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/china/2020-03-18/coronavirus-could-reshape-global-order

