

在 principle軟體產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅軟體開發學習資訊分享,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, NT 590 特價中,課程已於 2021 年 2 月更新 從回溯( backtracking )到動態規劃( dynamic programming )如數獨( Sudoku )、背包( Knapsack )問題的基本演算法學起。 動態規劃(dynamic programming)是運籌學的一個...

principle軟體 在 ?? TAIWAN 初代彫佐 DiaoZuo Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-09 16:27:51

聲 明 本人與侯先生的刑事案件仍處於偵查中,而未有明確的偵查結果,鑒於偵查不公開原則,且本件案件業已經過一年,本人雖不願公開對本案件發表意見,但不表示本人默許侯先生對外發布不實資訊,詆毀本人,因此,特發此聲明以正視聽。 請支持本人的粉絲及民眾,不要再在侯先生的社群軟體上留言、謾罵,讓本件刑事案件回...

  • principle軟體 在 軟體開發學習資訊分享 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-14 20:06:44
    有 7 人按讚

    NT 590 特價中,課程已於 2021 年 2 月更新

    從回溯( backtracking )到動態規劃( dynamic programming )如數獨( Sudoku )、背包( Knapsack )問題的基本演算法學起。

    動態規劃(dynamic programming)是運籌學的一個分支,是求解決策過程 ( decision process )最優化的數學方法。20世紀50年代初美國數學家 R.E.Bellman 等人在研究多階段決策過程 ( multistep decision process ) 的優化問題時,提出了著名的最優化原理 ( principle of optimality ) ,把多階段過程轉化為一系列單階段問題逐個求解,創立瞭解決這類過程優化問題的新方法——動態規劃


  • principle軟體 在 Sandra Li 李婉菁 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-21 13:59:43
    有 5 人按讚

    一堂融入k-pop 與 puredata 的《基礎電腦音樂》



    本課程將應用實務的電腦音樂、古典音樂、流行音樂(k-pop\c-pop) 為基礎學習與作業案例,帶領學習者建立電腦音樂的基本觀念,應用工具的邏輯思考,與音樂結構本體的融合。建立音樂系的同學具備專業的電腦數位音樂基礎能力。



    WHY DO YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND MUSIC TECHNOLOGY? For most of you, technology has surrounded you all of your life: YouTube, Craigslist, Facebook, Wikipedia, emailing, IM’ing, texting, Googling, Skyping . . . it’s all second nature. Technology is neither your friend nor your enemy: it just is. In one writer’s term, you are “digital natives” (Prensky, 2001)—using technology is not going to be a problem for you. For some technologies, it’s OK to just use them. You don’t have to know how Facebook or Google work; there are buttons to click and places to type and everything just works. However, for technologies that you are going to use professionally, you must go beneath the surface to find the underlying concepts in order to use them effectively. To take an example from another field, you don’t have to know how a movie camera works or how CGI effects are done in order to watch a movie. But if you wanted to make movies, you would. Many DVD commentaries and extras featuring movie directors are full of technical details about camera lenses and green screen techniques. The same principle holds true for music technology: if you want to create, perform, or educate using music technology, you have to understand how it works in order to use it effectively. If using music technology effectively were just a matter of learning a piece of gear or a piece of software, the video tutorials that you can probably find on YouTube would do the job. However, to really use technology to its fullest, to grasp the software and hardware concepts when they appear in different contexts, to evaluate the impact and value of new technologies, it is necessary to discover the ideas and concepts that connect different music technologies together. When you are in command of the underlying ideas in music technology, you are in command of the technology itself. This book is dedicated to the proposition that a greater understanding of music technology can enrich your professional life and give you the tools to expand beyond your current experiences. Whether you find it intimidating, exhilarating, or just an ordinary part of the fabric of everyday life, music technology provides critical tools for the modern musician. (Dan Hosken:An Introduction to Music Technology"


  • principle軟體 在 天下讀者俱樂部 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-26 13:30:11
    有 23 人按讚

    🎅「搖滾巨星」等級的人才密度? | 《零規則》Netflix培養最優戰力的心法🎅

    Netflix敢於投資,高薪聘請「搖滾巨星」等級的最頂尖人才。執行長Reed Hastings是工程師背景出身,很熟悉1960年代盛行於軟體圈的『搖滾巨星法則』(rock-star principle)」:好的工程師能看出別人看不出的概念架構,而且能靈活調整觀點,或督促自己看得更長遠。

    ✍️🚀 三創育成: Star Rocket


    收藏經典 👉 https://lihi1.cc/L5xff

