

在 principle原則產品中有299篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 尼加拉瓜呼籲讓台灣能參與聯合國體系! 尼加拉瓜 外交部長孟卡達表示,疫情當前,基於人道理由,必須適用普遍性原則,使 #台灣 能參與 #聯合國體系 的機制及會議。 台灣對抗疫情的經驗與模式,能幫得上忙。 台灣的夥伴價值,值得聯合國重視。 _ _ Thanks to #Nicaragua's Mi...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,240的網紅English Island英語島,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這支影片摘自《自學英語口說:提升英文流暢度的5大步驟》章節三的第1單元,循序漸進又扎實的5大章節共25個單元中,除了學會母語人士的說話方式,還能結合自己的個人特色! 課程詳情》https://hahow.in/courses/5f75d45349fa...​ ◥跟 Kristine 一起,讓英文...

principle原則 在 好日曆 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-17 18:19:18

人生不會總是一帆風順,但也沒有糟糕到毫無希望。無論在什麼情況下,打起精神、堅定往前,是唯一的最佳解。 - 從小到大,我們常聽的成功故事 就好像是有一套公式一樣 他們總是奮鬥向上、面朝陽光 偶爾會遇到一些打擊跌落低潮 但一定會找到方式克服自己弱點 最終成就一番了不起的事業 確實會遇到困難、也確實會...

principle原則 在 羅妤婷?? Angel(Yuting Lo) Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 09:33:00

你不必取悅每一個人,保有自己的 #原則 就好。Don’t try to please everyone, you are not pizza. You attract who you are. When your personality is good, Your behavior is rig...

principle原則 在 陳曉謙 Jack Chen, PT, MSc, CSCS Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 12:36:17

【大小原則(Size principle)】 「肌纖維的徵召順序,會由小到大,會從徵召閾值較低、能產生較少力的動作單位開始,再逐漸到徵召閾值較高、能產生較多力的動作單位」 「運動強度由低到高,我們會先使用『產生力量較小、速度較慢的慢縮肌纖維』,接著才開始使用『產生力量較大、速度較快的快縮肌纖維』...

  • principle原則 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-28 11:29:22
    有 840 人按讚


    尼加拉瓜 外交部長孟卡達表示,疫情當前,基於人道理由,必須適用普遍性原則,使 #台灣 能參與 #聯合國體系 的機制及會議。


    _ _
    Thanks to #Nicaragua's Minister of Foreign Affairs Denis Moncada for speaking up for Taiwan's participation in UN mechanisms and meetings at the #UNGA76 General Debate as follows:

    "In the face of this pandemic, the application of the principle of universality is necessary for humanitarian reasons, so that Taiwan can participate in the corresponding mechanisms and meetings of the UN system."

    Taiwan's vision of global partnership can serve as a valuable reference for the UN.


  • principle原則 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-26 17:00:01
    有 1,030 人按讚





    Thanks to #Eswatini Prime Minister Cleopas Dlamini for his words backing #Taiwan's meaningful participation in UN systems at #UNGA76:

    "The persistent exclusion of the Republic of China (Taiwan) from the United Nations and the discrimination of its citizens in a system meant to serve international citizens, is a gross violation of the unshakeable principles of the UN Charter. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan, in solidarity with UN Member States, made a significant contribution in realizing the theme of this year's session.

    Eswatini would again this year continue to urge the United Nations to consider the meaningful participation of Taiwan, especially in the World Health Organisation, the International Civil Aviation Authority and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. With this inclusion of Taiwan, it is our hope that the UN will be living up to its objectives and equally serving the interests of all its member states.

    The path to 2030 on the attainment of the UN SDGs was dented as a result of the pandemic, and Taiwan, adhering to the principle of leaving no one behind, shared its disease prevention expertise and experience with more than 80 countries and further assisted 40 countries make headway in ICT, agriculture, education and health.

    Furthermore this year, in demonstrating that 'Taiwan Can Help, and Taiwan is Helping', Taiwan continued to send medical assistance, in the form of medical specialists and protective equipment for Eswatini’s health sector. It is in this light that we call upon for the recognition of Taiwan's efforts for the global well-being.

    Lastly, the Kingdom of Eswatini can attest to the fact that Taiwan is an indispensable partner and would, if given an opportunity, play a meaningful role in the global body."

    Taiwan's vision of global partnership can serve as a valuable reference for the UN.


  • principle原則 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-25 11:16:54
    有 1,159 人按讚





    Thank you to #Belize Prime Minister John Briceño for his call for #Taiwan's inclusion in the UN at the #UNGA General Debate:

    "Our multilateral system must also be inclusive, harnessing the capacity of all states to scale up international cooperation where it is most needed.

    Belize has benefited greatly from our diplomatic partnership with Taiwan that is based on the shared values of democracy, freedom, human rights, and the rule of law. Taiwan has provided tremendous assistance to Belize in terms of medical supplies and financial support, so Belize is better equipped in combating COVID-19 and conducting post- pandemic recovery.

    Belize calls for Taiwan’s inclusion in the United Nations and its specialized agencies, which will not only further enhance global cooperation and partnership, but also manifest the United Nation’s enshrined principle of universality."

    Taiwan's vision of global partnership can serve as a valuable reference for the UN.

  • principle原則 在 English Island英語島 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-02-17 14:07:44



    ◥跟 Kristine 一起,讓英文「脫口而出」!
    世界公民文化中心的資深老師 Kristine 是具有多年經驗的企業培訓師,擅長發音教學、商務溝通、語感調整。她將 13 年來學生們在溝通上遇到的痛點,整理成 5 點可以循序改善的步驟!Kristine 熱情外向的天性深受學生信任,總能引導學生敢講、敢秀,讓英語口說不再是你與他人交流時的阻礙。

    Kristine 獨門的教學技巧,將帶領大家從「技術面」開始,先確保發音沒有問題,便可以著手建立英語口說學習的策略(Strategy)、理論(Theory)、原則(Principle);並將這些技術帶入實際情境練習各種應用。

    在「技術面」學成後,Kristine 將進一步教你透過「藝術面」技巧,依照自己的個性和態度延伸話題,讓你的英語口說發展出個人風格(Style)與個性(Personality)。


  • principle原則 在 English Island英語島 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-01 21:58:37



    ◥跟 Kristine 一起,讓英文「脫口而出」!
    世界公民文化中心的資深老師 Kristine 是具有多年經驗的企業培訓師,擅長發音教學、商務溝通、語感調整。她將 13 年來學生們在溝通上遇到的痛點,整理成 5 點可以循序改善的步驟!Kristine 熱情外向的天性深受學生信任,總能引導學生敢講、敢秀,讓英語口說不再是你與他人交流時的阻礙。

    Kristine 獨門的教學技巧,將帶領大家從「技術面」開始,先確保發音沒有問題,便可以著手建立英語口說學習的策略(Strategy)、理論(Theory)、原則(Principle);並將這些技術帶入實際情境練習各種應用。

    在「技術面」學成後,Kristine 將進一步教你透過「藝術面」技巧,依照自己的個性和態度延伸話題,讓你的英語口說發展出個人風格(Style)與個性(Personality)。


  • principle原則 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-03 21:00:14

    · 全英文 podcast
    · 視訊家教
    · 不定時線上課程

    1 【uncertain 不確定的】— 形容詞
    It is still uncertain if the typhoon will affect Taiwan.

    2【evacuation 疏散】— 名詞
    345,000 people are being housed in evacuation centers.

    3 【firearm 槍枝】— 名詞(正式)
    Walmart has begun returning firearms and ammunitions to the sales floors.

    4【principle 原則】— 名詞
    It's all about the principle.

    5 【canine 狗的】— 形容詞
    Our canine friends were widespread across the northern hemisphere 11,000 years ago.

    更正:我把 11,000 唸成 100,000 了啦囧 😂

    1)uncertain 不確定的
    2)evacuation 疏散
    3)firearm 槍枝
    4)principle 原則
    5)canine 狗的

