

在 prestigious發音產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, EEC孩子本週學了American English及British English在發音、重音、拼字、用字、文法上的差別。 送上欒為同學對英國王室頭銜、稱謂的整理,以及相關新聞用字👍🏼 ———————————————— 「孫子跟阿嬤鬧家庭革命。」 英國繼「脫歐(Brexit)」之後另外一個「脫英 ...


prestigious發音 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-08-12 07:19:36

EEC孩子本週學了American English及British English在發音、重音、拼字、用字、文法上的差別。 送上 @luarnwei 對英國王室頭銜、稱謂的整理,以及相關新聞用字。 ———————————————— 「孫子跟阿嬤鬧家庭革命。」 英國繼「脫歐(Brexit)」之後另外一...

  • prestigious發音 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-02-04 22:34:40
    有 109 人按讚

    EEC孩子本週學了American English及British English在發音、重音、拼字、用字、文法上的差別。

    英國繼「脫歐(Brexit)」之後另外一個「脫英 (Megexit)」事件。在飽受公眾輿論壓力下,英國王子哈利及王妃梅根決定放棄王室頭銜並退出(step down)王室資深成員,外界相信賽克斯公爵及公爵夫人在成婚後多年來不斷受到英國八卦小報 (tabloid)的關注,最終決定淡出聚光燈,回歸到簡單的生活,除了放棄王室身分外,也放棄了英國政府的王室津貼 (pension),希望能夠達到經濟獨立。儘管外界認為公爵及公爵夫人在沒有知會女王和白金漢宮下擅自在社群媒體上發佈這個決定是對女王和王室的不尊重,但多數英國人是支持他們選擇自己生活方式的決定,而英國的八卦小報媒體要負最大的責任,也有部分人士認為這是女王要面對的又一個憲政危機(constitutional crisis)。
    🗞 俐媽新聞英文—英國王室篇🇬🇧:
    👑the Crown (n.) 王權,君主,王位
    👑royal title (ph.) 王室頭銜;稱號
    👑 give up royal title (ph.) 放棄王室頭銜
    👑His/Her/Your Majesty (n.) 陛下 [縮寫: HM]
    👑His/Her/Your Royal Highness (n.) 殿下 [縮寫: HRH]
    👑 Your Grace (ph.) 陛下;殿下 [中世紀時期用法]
    👑 the Commonwealth (n.) 大英國協
    👑grant (v.) 給予,授予
    e.g. As your Queen, I grant you and the heirs, lawfully begotten, the Duke of Edinburgh.
    👑 coronation (n.) 加冕儀式
    👑 abdication (n.) (君主的)退位
    cf. dethrone/subvert/overthrow (v.) 推翻
    👑 investiture (n.) 授銜儀式,冊封儀式
    👑 christening (n.) 受洗禮 [英式用法]
    👑 anointment (n.) 塗聖油的儀式
    👑 anoint (v.) 抹油使神聖化
    c.f. appoint (v.) 指派,指任
    👑 heir to the Crown/throne (ph.) 王儲
    👑 Duke (n.) 公爵
    👑 duchy (n.) 公爵領地
    👑 Duchess (n.) 公爵夫人
    👑 Lord/Sir (n.) 勳爵,閣下
    👑 Earl (n.) 伯爵
    👑 earldom (n.) 伯爵爵位,伯爵領地
    👑 Countess (n.) 伯爵夫人
    👑 Lady (n.) 夫人
    👑 Saint (n.) 聖⋯(加於人名前) [縮寫: St.]
    👑 Knight (n.) 騎士
    👑 knighthood (n.) 騎士爵位
    🤴 Prince (n.) 王子;親王
    👸 Princess (n.) 公主;王妃
    👑 Princess Consort (n.) 伴妃;貴妃
    👑 Baron (n.) 男爵
    👑 Baroness (n.) 男爵夫人
    👑 Baronetcy (n.) 男爵爵位
    👑 Marquess (n.) 侯爵
    👑 Marchioness (n.) 侯爵夫人
    👑 Viscount (n.) 子爵
    👑 Viscountess (n.) 子爵夫人
    👑 Dame (n.) 女爵士
    👑 dignity (n.) 尊貴,高尚
    👑 Order (n.) 勳爵士團;勳章;勳位
    👑 noble (a.) 高貴的
    👑 from henceforth (ph.) 從此以後
    👑 no comment (ph.) 無可奉告
    👑 summon (v.) 傳喚;召集
    👑 monarch (n.) 君主
    👑 blessing (n.) 同意,允許
    e.g. With The Queen's/Crown’s blessing. 有了女王/君主的同意。
    👑 patronage (n.) 資助
    👑 scrutiny (n.) 詳細的檢查;仔細的觀察
    👑 prestigious (a.) 有名望的
    👑 chartered (a.) 受特許的,領有執照的
    👑 successor (n.) 繼任者[-chess/-cede: go, walk]
    <-> predecessor (n.) 前任;前輩
    👑 pressing (a.) 緊急的;迫切的
    👑 resilience (n.) 適應能力 [英式用法]
    👑 taxpayer (n.) 納稅人
    👑 abbreviation (n.) 縮寫
    👑 correspondent (n.) 特派員(記者)
    #俐媽新聞英文 #俐媽新聞英文英國王室篇

  • prestigious發音 在 Jessie Chung锺潔希 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-11-14 17:20:29
    有 767 人按讚

    Jessie Chung Rises to International Charts Beats Celine and Takes Second Place

    (莎亞南13日訊)鍾潔希早前剛推出的新英語專輯《There You Are》獲得不錯迴響,成功登上華人音樂市場最具權威影響力的5大金榜,發售首周便勇奪亞軍寶座,成功擊敗天后席琳狄翁(Celine Dion),成績僅次予女神卡卡(Lady Gaga),獲唱片公司頒發“音樂傑出表現獎”,讓她感到不可思議直呼:“我竟然打敗席琳,你們能相信嗎?”



    首張英語專輯獲得如此好成績,鍾潔希決定趁勢追擊,預計明年初再推出第2張英語專輯,慶功宴上也率先曝光新歌《Forever Young》MV,讓在場觀眾一睹為快。鍾潔希表示每次發片,都口頭承諾這是最後一次發片,但她坦言,內心還是放不下演藝事業,並透露目前已經錄製了3首歌,之後還要飛往澳洲籌備其餘6首歌的錄音及MV拍攝。


    Jessie Chung Rises to International Charts Beats Celine and Takes Second Place
    Sin Chew Daily Entertainment 2016.11.13

    Jessie Chung’s brand new album There You Are has received great reception and has successfully entered into the most influential and authoritative chart in the Taiwanese music industry, Five Music, debuting at number two on the Top 5 Chart for international albums, overtaking Celine Dion and placing right next to Lady Gaga. For her triumphs, Jessie’s record label presented her with the Outstanding Achievement Award in the Music Industry; Jessie herself was rendered speechless by the astonishing fact and said, “I beat Celine, can you believe it?”

    Rocking her new blonde hairstyle, Jessie Chung released her debut album, debuting at number two on the Top 5 Chart for international albums, overtaking Celine Dion and placing right next to Lady Gaga. At the same time, she is the first and so far only Malaysian singer who has ventured into the top end of the prestigious international chart. Jessie Chung said that when she received the news, she was shocked and filled with disbelief. Only until she had checked online herself did she believe that her album actually placed in the chart, immediately she was filled with elation and felt as if she had just won an Oscar. Overjoyed, she said, “I beat Celine, can you believe it?”

    At noon, she cheerfully attended the achievement celebration organized by her record label. Mr. Darren Choy, Managing Director of Warner Music Group Malaysia & Singapore and Chairman of the Recording Industry Association of Malaysia and Mr. Sein Way Tan, Future Entertainment & Music Group Australia representative, presented Jessie with the Outstanding Achievement Award in the Music Industry. Welling up with emotions, she stated that the entertainment industry isn’t a walk in the park. No matter how hard one strives, negative voices will always appear out of nowhere. Despite the harsh criticism, Jessie chooses to forgive and forget.

    Jessie’s debut English album received so much success that she had decided to follow up with a sophomore album, set to be released early next year. Her “Forever Young” music video was also premiered during the achievement celebration, which charged the attendees with excitement and anticipation. Jessie Chung stated that every time she released an album, she promised herself that it would be her last album. However she disclosed that deep down she is still unprepared to leave the music industry, and she has already recorded three songs; she will be flying to Australia to finish the remaining six songs and film the rest of her music videos.

    In addition, she also divulged that she would be flying to South Africa next year in February to promote her new album, with further plans to enter Europe, Africa, New York and other places to open concerts. Although the thought at entering into the U.S. music scene makes her jump with joy and anticipation, she revealed that she is actually quite afraid of going to Africa. “I’ve heard rumors that it’s dangerous over there, but my boss took the initiative and discussed about it at the press conference in Taiwan, and now I’m forced to comply.”

  • prestigious發音 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

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    2021-10-01 13:10:45

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    2021-10-01 13:09:56

