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在 prescribe產品中有55篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Race Summary of GNR 2021 It was definitely the most wonderful half marathon that I ever did so far. It was cloudy, cooling, little bit of wind at so...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅William Lo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Lower Body Strength is paramount for basketball players who are looking to produce more force for jumping, landing, cutting and stopping on a dime. To...

prescribe 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-21 12:04:24

【男人四十】「三高」越趨年輕化 ⭐長期飲食不節的後果 ⭐容易誘發冠心病腦中風等致命病症 #星期三CheckCheckMail 飲食不節慎防三高 朱先生:「最近做身體檢查,醫生說我在『三高』邊緣,如何解決這個中年危機?」 CheckCheckCin:「三高」即高血壓、高血糖及高血脂,可說是都市人...

  • prescribe 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-15 22:29:21
    有 175 人按讚

    Race Summary of GNR 2021

    It was definitely the most wonderful half marathon that I ever did so far. It was cloudy, cooling, little bit of wind at some stretch, great atmosphere with lots of spectators along the way, cheering and supporting us with performances like drums, dance, loud cheers, holding cardboards with motivational quotes and list goes on!

    I am so grateful of being able to be the elite category and toe the starting line with Olympians, World Champions, National Record Holders and list goes on!

    To be honest, Half Marathon is not my thing at the moment, but I always wanted to run a fast time for this course as my last attempt of this distance was on 5 years ago in Nike We Run KL 21K, whereby I DID NOT FINISH as I collapsed at about 800m before reaching the finishing line. It was due to dehydration and hypoglycemia.

    I then went back to 5-10k, sharpen the speed first before attempting another HM and I got into Towerrunning sport in year 2017.

    Here we go, after 5 years, while there are not many Towerrunning races, why not give the HM another try. I got confirmation for the slot 6 weeks prior to it and start the training rightaway.

    I then got Coach Albert to prescribe me a 6 weeks training program rightaway and did a 5k, 1k and 200m time trial to find out where my current fitness level is.

    Juggling between the Towerrunning training, HM program and traveling here and that are not that easy especially during the pandemic time. I clocked a total of about 72km + 1200 floors + 2 weight training sessions weekly for not just the HM but Germany Towerrunning Championship on 29/8.

    I started off the race with quite a fast pace and slowly got back into the rhythm. Initially, I was aiming for a Sub 72 min HM (5k - 15:48 | 10k - 33:26). My previous best time was 1:23:59 in Kuching HM 2015 (5k - 17:36 | 10k - 36:42).

    After 5k mark, I felt the tiredness, but I tried to still hold the pace. At 10k, until right after we make the U-turn, it was all great still, although I felt the tiredness on my legs already and it was like, half way there!

    Part 2 continue in the comment section...

  • prescribe 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-16 18:26:51
    有 160 人按讚






    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Unhealthy diets and ‘the three highs’

    “I just completed a body check-up recently, and the doctor told me I’m at risk of getting the three highs. What can I do to solve this mid-life crisis?”

    CheckCheckCin: The three highs refer to high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol, and urban dwellers tend to have these problems. Poor dietary habits such as consuming foods that are high in cholesterol, sugar, and sodium, and the lack of exercise, inability to cope with stress, and unhealthy lifestyle would cause a spike in the readings.

    According to Chinese Medicine, aside from using medication, an individual should improve the body constitution and lead a healthier lifestyle if he or she wishes to get these conditions under control.

    In general, individuals with the damp heat, blood stasis, and yin-deficient body constitutions would develop the three highs more easily. Individuals with a damp heat body constitution have asthenic qi and spleen, and the fluid would stagnate easily in the body. Those with the blood stasis constitution may experience the stagnation of the blood and the vein. People with a yin-deficient constitution will experience a spike in their blood pressure if they constantly mess with their biological clock.

    To improve the condition of the three highs, consult registered and licensed Chinese physicians, so they can prescribe you the right medicine and customize treatment for you.Eat lighter food, take more vegetables and cut down on meat, reduce eating out and processed food, and avoid eating foods that are high in cholesterol, sugar, and sodium.

    Cultivate the habit of exercising regularly. Make it a point to exercise and sweat three times a week, and each session should last at least 30 minutes. Avoid sleeping late and find the most appropriate way to relieve your stress, as negative emotions can also trigger a surge in the blood pressure.

    Chinese hawthorn tea with Black fungus
    Effects: Activates and cools blood, relieves obesity and hyperlipidemia.
    Ingredients: 15g dried Chinese hawthorn, 15g black fungus
    Preparation: Cut the ingredients into slices and place into the thermos. Rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 10 minutes. This tea can be rebrewed until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days a week. Two weeks for a treatment.
    Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK #我有壓力 #我枯燥 #痰濕 #血瘀 #陰虛

  • prescribe 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-06 20:50:37
    有 50 人按讚

    We never thought that Maeleth would be able to cycle so soon! She learned to cycle at 5 years old which is much younger than when Amilee and I learned it. God knew that we were clueless at teaching Mae how to cycle, so He sent professionals to coach her in it. These video clips that you’re watching were taken today during Mae’s final lesson. We are so happy to see her pedaling confidently and having so much fun! 😄

    The cycling coaches’ average result is that children (from 5 years old onwards) can cycle after just two lessons! That is exactly what happened for us. Mae was able to pedal on a bicycle by the end of the second lesson. We love how the coaches are friendly, patient, encouraging, and that they could quickly prescribe ways for Mae to cycle better after identifying any problems with her technique. 🤩

    Great news! They have generously extended a $20 discount to our readers; to redeem it, just follow these simple steps: 1️⃣) follow their IG account @bikingsingapore, 2️⃣) tag 3 friends in the comments below, and 3️⃣) quote the hashtag “#bikingapril21singapore” when sending a message to make a booking for classes.
    This way, you will enjoy a $20 discount off the usual rate of $220 for two cycling classes!
    Tag us in the photos/videos of your little one cycling after going for the classes—we’d love to see that and also re-share them on our IG stories! 👍

    #sp #sgkids #sgparenting Biking Singapore Events and Adventure

  • prescribe 在 William Lo Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-23 10:35:10

    Lower Body Strength is paramount for basketball players who are looking to produce more force for jumping, landing, cutting and stopping on a dime. Today we are going to talk about 5 of the important lower body exercises that players and coaches need to implement in order to have well rounded and effective strength and performance program.

    When thinking about exercises to prescribe for basketball players, we need to think about the risk and reward ratio. Basketball players are usually not built like other athletes when it comes to levers and therefore we need to think about what exercises works best for their body type.

    Our favourite lower body exercises that will take you to the next level are:

    1.) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats and Split squat variations
    2.) Trap Bar Deadlift
    3.) Pure Single Leg Squat Variation
    4.) Lunges in 3 planes of motion
    5.) Hip Thrust Variation

  • prescribe 在 The Family UK Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-02-16 10:20:20

    To vaccine or not to vaccine? This is an ongoing heated debate. For the past few days, many of you have been sending us DMs asking where we stand in this matter. Truthfully, we have chosen to vaccinate all three of our children, Omar Mukhtar, Fatimah and Ali. And, if God will give us more children, we would still choose to vaccinate them. Why? Well, I’m not a medical expert nor do I have a qualification in the medical field. So, allow me to put it across in simple words.

    When our children are ill, we will bring them to the hospital. And when the doctors prescribe them with medication, we normally follow their advice. So, when they suggested that vaccinations are good for our children, we took the advice because we believe that they’re the experts in their field, and we should trust them. Yes, of course, all medicines have side effects but according to research, vaccines are amongst the safest! If we look at the benefits of vaccinations, they far outweigh the risk of side effects. Many of us nowadays may be tempted to say no to vaccinations and leave it all to nature. But I believe if Mother Nature could talk, she would say, “Dear Mother Human, go vaccinate your child! Please make a wise decision once and for all!”

    However, even though I’m a firm believer of vaccinations, I am also a firm believer of freedom of choice. Those who still have doubts about vaccination need not be judged or pushed into accepting what they don’t want. At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their own opinion!

    Written by,
    Mrs Mom - a mother blessed with 3 vaccinated children...sharing my vaccine-hood opinion! 

    p/s: What is your choice - to vaccine or not to vaccine?

  • prescribe 在 Mama College Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-07-23 13:09:18

    What are the top 5 breastfeeding challenges?










    Last year, Mama College has interviewed over 300 moms asking them what their greatest breastfeeding challenges were. I have collected all the answers and found out the top breastfeeding challenges were the following five problems.

    1) supply issue
    2) latching difficulty
    3) pain and infection
    4) transition to work
    5) family support

    According to these breastfeeding challenges, I have created 5 videos which discuss each problems in depth. I hope these videos will help new breastfeeding moms.

    This one is about supply. I have came up with 6 tips to help boost breastmilk supply. Here they are.

    1) Do as much skin to skin as possible, especially right after birthing
    2) Don't follow a feeding schedule, just feed on demand, feed whenever your baby shows hunger cues
    3) Try Nursing Tea such as Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle
    4) Eat a nutritious and healthy diet, drink lots of fluid
    5) Try seeing a doctor to prescribe a drug called Domperidone
    6). Avoid introducing bottles or pacifier too early

    I hope these tips will help you.

    Please watch all the other videos too and it will definitely help you or prepare with your breastfeeding journey.

    Please also forward these videos to friends so they can be assisted too.

    Thank you so much for watching. Don't hesitate to leave me a comment!


    Kayi Cheung