[爆卦]prepared foods中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇prepared foods中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在prepared foods中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 prepared產品中有5810篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, I had prepared this profile picture for a job that fell through. Though my heart was crushed, I’ve learnt that there’s always a reason behind things -...

 同時也有844部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅Tasty Japan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,冷凍パイシートを使って、片手で食べられるミニパイができちゃいます♪ 甘酸っぱいミックスベリーパイから、シナモンがきいたアップルパイまで、いろんな味が楽しめます! 焼き上がったらクリームで楽しくデコレーション♪ぜひ作ってみてくださいね! ミニパイ5種 8人分 材料: 薄力粉(打ち粉用) 30g 冷...

  • prepared 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-29 07:41:09
    有 657 人按讚

    I had prepared this profile picture for a job that fell through. Though my heart was crushed, I’ve learnt that there’s always a reason behind things - though I was highly disappointed, I put faith in HIM knowing HE knows best.

    There was a time I felt just as saddened and it took me a week to get over “losing” a glossy gig.

    At the 11th hour, global decided to not proceed and I was already in the midst of preparing for the one month shoot down south.

    The worst part was not understanding why they changed their minds.

    As I was moping about, another offer propped up last minute and in that period I was supposed to film the series? I was enjoying Hawai’i with @joelebosi instead.

    It was a perfect 50th birthday celebration as we celebrated it at the 50th State of The United States of America.

    Had I been in that previous shoot, I would have not had the opportunity to explore a place which Azmi had always wanted to take me to relive his childhood watching … yes … you guessed it … HAWAII 5-0!

    (Jeng jeng jeng jeng jeng jeng … jeng jeng jeng jeng jenggggg)

    Back to present times.

    I still don’t know why God put a spanner in the wheels for this job; but what I DO know is … something is baking … brewing … and I can’t wait to share more with all of you.

    @anisariantiariffin … are you ready partner?

    When you think of Thermomix … Think of @dvaromastm6 💞!

    P/s: I like my DVA apron. Simple and neat.


  • prepared 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-28 21:36:38
    有 1,162 人按讚

    - to be high in saturated fats and added sugars: chứa nhiều chất béo bão hòa và đường
    - to be prepared and served quickly: được chuẩn bị và phục vụ nhanh chóng
    - to taste good: ngon
    - to eat… too much over a long period: ăn… quá nhiều trong một thời gian dài
    - processed preservatives: chất bảo quản đã qua xử lý/chế biến
    - to be detrimental to …: có hại cho …
    - to consume high levels of salt: tiêu thụ lượng muối cao
    - to be low in antioxidants, fiber: ít chất chống oxy hóa, chất xơ
    - a low-fiber diet: một chế độ ăn ít chất xơ
    - to increase blood pressure: tăng huyết áp
    - to be more likely to have a heart attack: có nhiều khả năng bị đau tim
    - to put on weight: tăng cân
    - fast food chains: chuỗi thức ăn nhanh
    - to introduce a ban on junk food advertising: ban hành lệnh cấm quảng cáo đồ ăn vặt
    - to be highly addictive: gây nghiện cao
    - to be hard to resist: khó cưỡng lại
    - to increase bad cholesterol levels: tăng mức cholesterol xấu
    - to keep your weight under control: kiểm soát cân nặng của bạn
    - to control your intake of harmful fats: kiểm soát lượng chất béo có hại của bạn
    - to choose healthier fat options: chọn các món ăn chứa chất béo lành mạnh hơn
    - to be extremely high in calories: có hàm lượng calo cực cao
    - to be eaten in large amounts: ăn lượng lớn
    - to satisfy your cravings: thỏa mãn cơn thèm của bạn
    - to grab a snack on the go: mua 1 món ăn vặt trên đường bạn đi làm/ đi đâu đó
    - to be affordable and convenient: hợp túi tiền và tiện lợi
    - to make junk food less tempting to children: làm cho đồ ăn vặt ít hấp dẫn hơn đối với trẻ em
    - to tax unhealthy food: đánh thuế thực phẩm không lành mạnh
    - to force the food industry to cut sugar & salt in…: buộc ngành công nghiệp thực phẩm cắt giảm đường và muối trong…
    - to change consumer behaviour: thay đổi hành vi của người tiêu dùng

    It is high in sugar, salt, and saturated or trans fats, as well as many processed preservatives and ingredients.
    Nó chứa nhiều đường, muối và chất béo bão hòa hoặc chất béo chuyển hóa, cũng như nhiều chất bảo quản và thành phần đã qua chế biến.

    Excess added sugar can be detrimental to health — and getting it in liquid form is even worse.
    Lượng đường dư thừa quá nhiều có thể gây hại cho sức khỏe – và tiêu thụ nó ở dạng lỏng thậm chí còn tồi tệ hơn.

    It contains unhealthy saturated fats, which can increase bad cholesterol levels.
    Nó chứa chất béo bão hòa không lành mạnh, có thể làm tăng lượng cholesterol xấu.

    They are considering taxing unhealthy food in an effort to tackle childhood obesity.
    Họ đang cân nhắc đánh thuế thực phẩm không lành mạnh để giải quyết tình trạng béo phì ở trẻ em.

    A ban on junk food advertising across London’s entire public transport network will be introduced next year.
    Lệnh cấm quảng cáo đồ ăn vặt trên toàn bộ mạng lưới giao thông công cộng của London sẽ được ban hành vào năm tới.

    #ieltsnguyenhuyen #ieltsvocabulary

  • prepared 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-25 20:00:36
    有 167 人按讚

    A Kingdom Prepared for you

    “Then the King will tell those on his right hand, ‘Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry, and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me drink. I was a stranger, and you took me in. I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you visited me. I was in prison, and you came to me.’” (Matthew‬ ‭25:34-36‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Just pause and think about this: God prepared the Kingdom for us—His children, from the foundation of the world.

    He did not even make it for Himself. It was made beautiful, spacious, and glorious for us who have placed our faith in the name of Yahweh (before Jesus appeared)/Jesus (Yeshua).

    “The King will answer and say to them, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.’” (Matthew‬ ‭25:40‬ ‭AMP‬‬)

    The righteous are instructed to do good to fellow believers who are Jesus’ brothers and sisters.

    These are the ways of doing good to fellow believers that Jesus mentioned:
    1. Feeding the hungry
    2. Giving a drink to the thirsty
    3. Showing hospitality by providing lodging
    4. Clothing those who have no means to obtain basic necessities
    5. Visiting and praying for the sick
    6. Visiting those who are in prison and taking the Gospel to them

    Every believer is a member of the body of Christ, so if you do good to a believer, you are doing it to Christ Jesus.

    “Let us not be weary in doing good, for we will reap in due season, if we don’t give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let’s do what is good toward all men, and especially toward those who are of the household of the faith.” (Galatians‬ ‭6:9-10‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    We are taught to do good towards all men, but especially to fellow believers. When we do good as we have opportunity, we are doing it as unto the Lord.

    “And whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” (Colossians‬ ‭3:23-24‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    I understand how doing good can make you weary—when others are unappreciative or take advantage of you, despite you giving your best to do good. It can feel pointless at times because people can be so heartless.

    However for you are doing good mainly as for the Lord Jesus, and not for men. The Lord will reward you, even if men’s intentions were impure.

    We have a Kingdom prepared for us that is an unshakable inheritance. While we are here in this world, let us pray at all times, share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and showcase God’s love by doing good, using the gifts and grace we have received. That is the best we can do while waiting for the Lord’s imminent return!

    In “Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever” you will discover what is your calling, your gift, how to walk in them, and how to maximize your eternal rewards:

  • prepared 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-17 16:00:09



    薄力粉(打ち粉用) 30g
    冷凍パイシート 2枚
    卵 1個
    水 大さじ1

    クリームチーズ(常温) 55g
    砂糖 大さじ1
    バニラエクストラクト 小さじ1
    いちご(みじん切り) 4個

    ラズベリー 40g
    ブルーベリー 35g
    砂糖 大さじ1
    レモン汁 大さじ1/2
    レモンの皮 小さじ1/2

    チョコレートスプレッド 75g
    バナナ(スライス) 1本

    青りんご(スライス) 1/2個
    ブラウンシュガー 大さじ1
    シナモン 小さじ1/8

    粉砂糖(ふるっておく) 120g
    牛乳 大さじ1
    バニラエクストラクト 小さじ1/4

    1. 作業台の上に軽く薄力粉をまぶし、冷凍パイシートを23x30cmの長方形になるまで綿棒で伸ばす。パイシート1枚を3回折り畳み、折り線で8つの長方形を作る。クッキングシートを敷いた天板に載せる。

    2. いちごクリームパイのフィリングを作る。小さめのボウルにクリームチーズ、砂糖、バニラエクストラクトを入れて混ぜる。

    3. ミックスベリーパイのフィリングを作る。小さめのボウルにラズベリーを入れてフォークでつぶす。ブルーベリー、レモン汁、砂糖、レモンの皮を加えてよく混ぜる。

    4. (3)をパイシートの長方形2つの真ん中に載せる。

    5. 3つ目と4つ目の長方形にチョコレートスプレッドを塗り、バナナのスライスを載せる。

    6. 5つ目と6つ目の長方形に(2)を塗り、いちごを載せる。

    7. 7つ目と8つ目の長方形にはりんごのスライスを並べ、シナモンとブラウンシュガーを振りかける。

    8. オーブンを200˚Cに予熱しておく。

    9. パイに塗る卵液を作る。小さめのボウルに卵と水を混ぜ合わせる。刷毛でパイ生地の折線に沿って塗る。もう2枚目のパイシートを上から被せ、折線に沿ってフィリングの周りの生地を押す。

    10. ピザカッター、または包丁で折線に沿って切る。縁にフォークを押し付けて真ん中に穴を3-4ヶ所開ける。表面に卵液を塗る。

    11. オーブンで25分焼く。焼き色がついたら取り出し、5分冷ます。

    12. トッピング用のクリームを作る。ボウルに粉砂糖、牛乳、バニラエクストラクトを入れ、滑らかになるまで混ぜる。

    13. クリームを絞り袋に入れる。パイの表面をクリームでデコレーションしたら、完成!


    Sheet Pan Stuffed Pastry Pockets
    Servings: 8

    ¼ cup all-purpose flour (30 g), for dusting
    2 sheets puff pastry, thawed if frozen
    1 egg, beaten with 1 tablespoon water or milk

    1 cup powdered sugar (120 g), sifted
    1 tablespoon milk
    ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract

    ¼ cup cream cheese (55 g), softened
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    4 strawberries, stemmed and diced

    ⅓ cup raspberry (40 g)
    ⅓ cup blueberry (35 g)
    1 tablespoon sugar
    ½ tablespoon lemon juice
    ½ teaspoon lemon zest

    ¼ cup chocolate hazelnut spread (75 g)
    1 banana, sliced

    ½ green apple, sliced
    1 tablespoon brown sugar
    ⅛ teaspoon cinnamon

    1. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the puff pastry sheets to 9x12-inch (23x30-cm) rectangles. Set one pastry sheet aside and fold the other in half lengthwise, then in half crosswise twice, to form creases for 8 pockets. Unfold the pastry sheet on the prepared baking sheet.

    2. Make the Strawberries ‘n’ Cream filling: In a small bowl, combine the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla, and mix until smooth.

    3. Make the Very Berry filling: In a small bowl, mash the raspberries, then add the blueberries, sugar, lemon juice, and lemon zest. Mix with a fork.

    4. Spoon the berry mixture over the center of 2 of the 8 rectangles.

    5. Use a spatula to spread the chocolate hazelnut spread over the center of 2 more rectangles, then top with the banana slices.

    6. Use a spatula to spread the cream cheese mixture in the center of 2 more rectangles, then top with the strawberries.

    7. Place apples slices in the center of the remaining 2 rectangles, then sprinkle with the brown sugar and cinnamon.

    8. Preheat the oven to 400˚F (200˚C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

    9. Brush the egg wash over the pastry around the edges and between each filling, then top with the remaining puff pastry sheet. Use your fingers to press the pastry down around each filling. Once tightly pressed, use a pizza cutter or knife to cut out each pocket.

    10. Seal the outside edges with a fork. Poke the top of each pocket with a fork 3-4 times to ventilate. Brush the tops with egg wash.

    11. Bake for 25 minutes, or until golden brown.

    12. Make the glaze: In a medium bowl, combine the powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla. Stir until smooth and thick.

    13. Remove the pockets from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Decorate with the glaze, then serve immediately, or wrap in wax paper and freeze for up to a week. Reheat in the toaster oven.

    14. Enjoy!



    Licensed via Audio Network

  • prepared 在 cook kafemaru Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-25 11:04:25


    大人気YouTuber “cook kafemaru”の

    「世界一作りやすいおうちスイーツ 」



    【Ingredients】15cm round Cake Pan
    3 Egg yolks
    10g Granulated sugar  
    50g  Cream cheese
    20g Cake flour
    20g  Cornstarch  
    200g Plain yogurt
    1  Lemon zest  

    3 Egg whites
    60g Granulated sugar  
    1/2 tsp Lemon juice 

    For  Toppings:non melting powdered sugar

    Put baking paper in the pan.
    (Make the paper sides taller than the pan)
    After baking, the cake becomes smaller, but while baking it becomes larger than the pan.
    *To help the cake to rise well, butter the baking paper on the sides.
    *Note: If you use a springform cake tin, cover the bottom of the cake tin with foil so that water won’t get in.

    ①Separate the egg into egg white ana egg yolk.
    (Cool the egg white in the freezer for 15min)
    ②Place Egg Yolks and Sugar in a bowl and combine well.
    ③Add the Cream cheese and mix well.
    ④Sift in Plain Flour and Corn Starch, and combine well.
    ⑤Add yogurt,Lemon zest  and mix well.
    ⑥Boil water for the hot water bath.(50-60℃)
    Preheat the oven at 374 °F/190℃ .
    ⑦Add lemon juice to egg whites  and Beat Egg Whites, using an electric mixer, until soft peaks form.
    (After it becomes whitish, add granulated sugar in 3parts)
    *** Please be careful not to whisk too much.
    ⑧Add 1/3 of the meringue to ⑤, and mix.(Repeat twice.)
    ⑨When it's mixed, put it back to the meringue bowl, and mix quickly.
    ⑩Pour the mixture into the prepared cake tin and smooth the surface.
    ⑪Pour hot water into the roasting pan about 2-3cm deep.
    ⑫Bake it in the preheated oven 374 °F/190℃ for 22 mins.
    Turn down the oven heat to 248 °F/120℃ , and bake for 25 mins.
    ⑬Turn off the oven. Leave the cake in the oven, with the door ajar for 1 hour, and cool slowly.
    ⑭When it is cool (room temperature), place in the fridge to chill.

    ●Reusable Baking Sheet Liners

    *About the water-bath baking
    By having hot water in the baking sheet, the cake becomes moist.
    *About egg white
    By cooling the egg white in the freezer, you can make finer meringue.
    (the cake will be more fluffy)


    【材料】15cm 底取れ型
    卵黄 3個
    グラニュー糖  10g
    クリームチーズ  50g
    薄力粉  20g
    コーンスターチ  20g
    プレーンヨーグルト 200g
    レモン皮 1個分

    卵白  3個
    グラニュー糖  60g
    レモン汁 小さじ1/2



    *** 泡立てすぎないように注意してください。
    ⑫予熱したオーブン 190℃で 22 分焼いたら、扉を開けて温度を下げ




  • prepared 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-21 20:15:01

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make lemon bars with buttery crust and smooth citrus  filling. They are so good.

    Lemon is the most popular fruit in the world. It can make everything better. Lemon wedges and slices are often served with seafood and as a garnish for a drink. Lemon juice can be used raw in drinks, dishes, and desserts in recipes, like lemon bar.

    This recipe is pretty simple, the flavor of crust and lemon filling is so yummy and so balanced. In this video we’re showing you step by step. If you are a fan of lemon, this lemon bar recipe is a MUST-TRY! So take some fresh lemons, yellow or green are both OK. Just bake it. :)

    📍 Please follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/  
    📍 Welcome to follow us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio/  
    How to make lemon bars

    ☞ Baking pan size:18x18x5 cm

    ✎ Ingredients
    📍 crust
    all-purpose flour 120g
    powdered sugar 40g
    frozen unsalted butter 90g, cut into small cubes
    salt 1g

    📍 lemon filling
    medium size egg 2
    granulated sugar 160g
    fresh lemon juice 80g
    all-purpose flour 50g

    ✎ Instructions
    1. Butter the pan, and line the bottom and sides with parchment paper.
    2. Sieve the flour and powdered sugar, then add them and cold butter and salt to the food processor. Pulse the mixture until you have a crumb like mixture.
    3. Place crumb dough in a baking pan and use fingers or any tools to flatten into the prepared pan.
    4. Preheat the oven to 170°C, bake for 20 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned.
    5. While baking, In another mixing bowl, beat together  2 eggs and granulated sugar until combined.
    6. Sieve the flour into the bowl until mixed well.
    7. Pour the fresh lemon juice and whisk until all combined.
    8. Once the crust is done. Pour lemon filling mixture into the prepared crust directly out of the oven. Return to the oven and bake for 10 minutes. (170°C), then cover the pan with foil and bake for an additional 10 minutes.
    9. Once baked, Let cool completely on a wire rack. Then fridge for at least one hour.
    10. Before serving, cut the outer edge off of each side, dust with powdered sugar and cut into bar shape or square shape as you like.
    00:00 opening
    00:30 Ingredients
    01:16 set up baking pan
    02:27 how to make pastry crust
    05:07 how to make lemon filling
    09:27 cutting and deco