Many Taiwanese have trouble distinguishing the following three characters 的, 得, 地 (all pronounced as de in Mandarin). Actually, we can di...
Many Taiwanese have trouble distinguishing the following three characters 的, 得, 地 (all pronounced as de in Mandarin). Actually, we can differentiate these three easily based on their syntactic position.
The particle 的 (de) is usually preceded by adjectival words and used to modify a noun as in (1).
(1) 一朵美麗的花 (yì duǒ měilì de huā)
'a beautiful flower'
The particle 得 (de) follows the verb and precedes the verb complement as in (2).
(2) 他吃得很慢 (Tā chī dé hěn màn.)
'He eats slowly.'
The particle 地 (de) follows the adverb and precedes the verb as in (3).
(3) 他難過地離開了。 (Tā nánguò de líkāi.)
'He sadly left.'
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