#1Kesha - Praying 中文歌詞翻譯 - 艾莉的小太陽Aeri's Paradise
And you said that I was done 你曾說我的旅程是該結束了Well, you were wrong and now the best is yet to come.
#2[歌詞翻譯] Kesha – Praying | 永恆交界處
[歌詞翻譯] Kesha – Praying. 分享 推文 Pin 郵件 SMS. 看到朋友在FB上轉貼這首歌, 聽完以後有種感覺, 很像是家暴結束以後,被家暴的一方想要原諒 ...
#3Kesha - Praying 禱告中文歌詞
[Verse 1] · 你幾乎把我耍得團團轉 · 告訴我少了你我將一事無成 · 但你做了那些令人髮指的事後 · 我可以好好感謝你淬鍊出更堅強的我 · [Pre-Chorus] · 你引燃了 ...
#4Kesha - Praying 中英歌詞 - 霽子工坊。翻譯周刊
【關於Kesha】 美國女歌手,媽媽是音樂人,Kesha自己則在2005年出道,出道單曲TiK ToK即獲得巨大成功,著名歌曲還有和Pitbull合作的Timber。
#5中文歌詞翻譯Kesha - Praying - Mr.生活扉頁
好久不見的Kesha在四年後又再次推出自己的最新單曲Praying. 還記得她在版主國高中時代曾紅了一段時間,但之後就陷入了與共同創作者Dr.Luke的糾紛之中.
#6Kesha - Praying 中文翻譯歌詞 - 施建豐Dex(DESK)Shih的部落格
Am I dead? Or is this one of those dreams? 我死了嗎? 還是一場夢? Those horrible dreams that seem like they l.
#7歌詞翻譯|Kesha - Praying - Cheers! - 痞客邦
(Genius) She is back! 在歷經了過去幾年的風風雨雨過後,Kesha終於要在八月推出睽違五年的最新專輯Rainbow,而這首Praying就成為這張專輯的第一首單 ...
#8【歌詞翻譯】Kesha - Praying - 好青年的音樂清單
【歌詞翻譯】Kesha - Praying. 美國流行女歌手Kesha 將於今年8/11 推出時隔5 年第三張專輯《Rainbow》,不想要試著成為誰,而是述說真實的人生經歷, ...
#9Praying 歌词, 中文歌词- RapZH 中文说唱数据库
RapZH 中文说唱数据库. ... Praying. Praying · Kesha. 歌词. Well, you almost had me fooled ... I hope you're somewhere praying, praying.
#10Kesha 惡女凱莎- Praying 祈禱【中文翻譯+歌詞】#JT的翻譯小窩
她,回來了睽違這麼多年繼上一張專輯Warriors就沒有她的音樂消息因為和Dr. Luke發生的事對他造成這麼大的打擊但是她選擇重生以前她叫Ke$ha 給大家一種 ...
#11Kesha Praying 中文歌詞Praying lyrics 翻译
Kesha Praying 中文歌詞Praying 中文Praying lyrics 翻译. [Music video spoken intro:] "Am I dead? Or is this one of those dreams? Those horrible dreams that ...
#12[Lyric][中文歌詞] Calvin Harris - Pray to God ft. HAIM 凱文哈里斯
Pray to God 向上帝祈禱Oh, I remember when this world was my own Oh,我還記得當這世界還屬於我時I pray to God, I jus.
#14Praying 中文歌詞翻譯@ 艾莉的小太陽Aeri's Paradise - 星娛樂 ...
And you said that I was done 你曾說我的旅程是該結束了Well, you were wrong and now the best is yet to come 可惜你錯了,最美好的景色還沒到達呢 」[ 艾莉翻譯] ...
#15【中文歌詞翻譯+羅馬拼音】UVERworld - PRAYING RUN
#16【中文歌詞翻譯】The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar - Pray For Me ...
在葛萊美獎橫掃饒舌獎項的Kendrick Lamar 和名字少一個E的The Weeknd(喂)終於又第二次合作推出新歌啦!!! 這首”Pray For Me”在講自己甘願為對方付出的 ...
#17Praying - 台灣商業櫃台
Kesha - Praying 中文歌詞翻譯@ 艾莉的小太陽Aeri's Paradise ... 2017年7月7日- And you said that I was done 你曾說我的旅程是該結束了Well, you were wrong and ...
中文 名: 祈祷; 外文名: Praying; 所属专辑: Rainbow; 歌曲时长: 0时03分50秒; 歌曲原唱: 凯莎 ... 英文歌词. 中文歌词. Well you almost had me fooled.
#19【歌詞翻譯】Rod Wave - Pray 4 Love 中英文歌詞Lyrics
Rod Wave - Pray 4 Love的歌詞翻譯,翻譯儘量忠實呈現,內容有錯漏歡迎留言告知,內嵌影片來自Youtube,如遭移除請見諒。
#20pray for you中文歌詞 - 遊戲基地資訊站
提供pray for you中文歌詞相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多Pray to ... 年6月10日· praying中文、Pray相關資訊,Kesha-Praying中文歌詞翻譯@艾莉的小 ...
#21Role Praying歌词中文罗马音翻译 - 滚蛋吧结石君
Role Praying歌词中文罗马音翻译标签存档 订阅 · 《Role Praying》中文歌词翻译及音译整理. Role Praying – いとうかしたろう– 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理…
#22宛如祈禱者(專輯) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
... 新的嘗試外,她又首次在專輯主題之中加入了家庭與宗教等元素,當中以真誠剖析自己的心靈,歌詞圍繞著自己的童年及青少年時期,堪稱是瑪丹娜最誠實表達的一張專輯。
#23praying for time 中文 - 查查在線詞典
praying for time中文:祈禱時刻…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋praying for time的中文翻譯,praying for time的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#24Leap Of Faith by Christopher 中文歌詞
等待暴風雨並品嚐雨. But if we're standing still, now it'll be too late. 但如果我們站著不動,現在為時已晚. If you're praying for a change.
#25Praying - 翻譯中文- Kesha | 歌曲歌词 - Lyrics
Falling on your knees, praying 緩緩飄落在你膝上 祈禱. Praying - 翻譯中文- Kesha | 歌曲歌词. Mais de letras-lyrics.com.br. Letras de Músicas - Song Lyrics
#26Halfway Home 歌詞暫存※ Mojim.com
We are parted by desire for the strange and new. I've got a quarter in my pocket, I'm advancing to the booth, I am picking up and praying that I talk to you.
#27Big Sean ft. Lil Wayne & - Beware 用心留意(中文歌詞)
You should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart 你們應該要用心留意那些受過情傷的女人 [Verse 1: Big Sean] Praying to a sky all black
#28〈Role Praying/伊東歌詞太郎〉中文翻譯#中日歌詞(平假名有
PV有夠美的 繪師真的好厲害 從頭到尾都有一種好不真實感啊 美到我不知道該怎麼說了。(詞窮 _ Role Praying/伊東歌詞太 詞曲歌:伊東歌詞太郎 ...
#29Just Praying - 萌娘百科萬物皆可萌的百科全書
歌詞. 翻譯:月勤. 本段落中所使用的歌詞,其著作權屬於原著作權人,僅以介紹為目的引用。 祈っているだけ. 僅是祈願着. 本当の声は宙を漂っていて.
#30Whatever It Takes 中文歌詞翻譯介紹(含歌詞註解):謎幻樂團
Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes 中文歌詞翻譯介紹(含歌詞註解):謎幻樂團- 在所不惜 ... Everybody praying for the end of times.
#31Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes 不計代價中文歌詞翻譯
Everybody praying for the end of times. 每個人都在祈禱時間終結. Everybody hoping they could be the one. 每個人都希望能成為那出名的人.
《Praying》是美國女歌手凱莎演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲的歌詞和曲譜由凱莎、瑞恩·路易斯、 ... 中文名稱:祈禱; 外文名稱:Praying; 所屬專輯:Rainbow; 歌曲時長:03:50 ...
#33最毒分手歌《Pray For You》 - 史黛妞的雜貨舖
無毒不丈夫,歌詞狠辣,勁過“打小人”咒語。做得好,對付這類朝三暮四花心女,不. ... And I ll keep praying for you ... 中文歌詞:
#34歌曲翻譯| 在線收聽Don Moen - Somebody's Praying For Me
Don Moen - Somebody's Praying For Me歌詞,將Somebody's Praying For Me歌曲翻譯成中文。 免費在線收聽Don Moen - Somebody's Praying For Me歌曲。
#35Yael Naim - Far Far :歌詞+中文翻譯 - 音樂庫
She was praying for something to happen to her 她常常祈禱能有不同的生活降臨在平凡的她身上. Everyday she writes words and more words
#36Praying To A God-歌詞-Nico & Vinz (尼克& 文斯) - MyMusic
Praying To A God-歌詞-She\'s praying to a god that won\'t talk backHer faith is dying, her tears a sign, she\'s going off trackShe\'s praying to a god that ...
#37全球最大粵語詩歌歌詞庫及敬拜資源網站- Don't Stop Praying
原歌詞, 粵語譯版1, 粵語譯版2, 中文譯版. 歌曲名, Don't Stop Praying, 天天禱告, 不住祈禱. 擁有者. 專輯, 美樂頌62. 主唱. 作曲, Edna R. Worrell.
#38中文歌詞翻譯Logic - 1-800-273-8255 ft. Khalid & Alessia Cara
中文歌詞 翻譯Logic - 1-800-273-8255 ft. ... 圖片來源同歌詞 ... I've been praying for somebody to save me, no one's heroic
#39Pray for You (補上中文歌詞)
Pray for You (補上中文歌詞). I haven't been to church since I don't remember when ... and I'll keep praying for you 我會繼續為你祈禱
#40One Direction-More Than This 愛妳更多中文歌詞
I'm praying. 我在祈禱. That your heart will just turn around. 祈禱妳的心會回到我身邊 [Liam]. And as I walk up to your door. 當我走到妳的門前
#41Why Don't We - All My Love 全心全意中文歌詞
這一首是屬於WDW較早期的風格哦,歌詞稍微簡單了一些,但是背景音樂的性質是比較強烈的。&##128158; Lillian自己是覺得他們的音樂風格,不論是以前的 ...
#42More than this 中文歌詞One Direction - 我希望你喜歡我的發明
I'm praying 我在祈禱. That your heart will just turn around 希望妳會來到我身邊. And as I walk up to your door 當我走向妳房門口
#43Praying For Time (GEORGE MICHAEL) lyrics - 英文歌词 - 英语人
Praying For Time. 祈祷时间. 歌词相关歌手:GEORGE MICHAEL. English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词(此翻译并不准确,仅供学习参考).
#44pray的翻译 | pray中文 - 旅遊日本住宿評價
了解更多。 ... pray 在英语-中文(繁体)词典中的翻译. pray. verb ... + that ] We've been praying to God that your son will make a complete recovery.
#45System-歌詞- Cally Rhodes - KKBOX
System-歌詞- I've been calling you Since I was a teen Days we lose it all Wonder where you'll be Do you miss the times When you get ... Praying for the one
#46生命聖詩- 431 不住祈禱(Don't Stop Praying) < 詩歌
生命聖詩, 中文聖歌, 敬拜詩歌, 傳統聖詩,. 0 comments ... 歌詞: 不住祈禱,主在身邊,不住祈禱,主必聽見; 上主應許,真實確定,不住祈禱,主必 ...
#47【中文歌詞】Ruth B. - Slow Fade - HOLA - 痞客邦
I've been praying that we'll lose our love in slow fade 我會一直祈禱我們的愛會慢慢消失. Crazy how it was me and you 我們瘋了又怎樣.
#48Joel Adams - Please Don't Go 請別離開 - 存在夏至的樹- 痞客邦
Praying to the Lord. 虔誠地向上帝祈禱. Praying for my soul. 為了喚回我的靈魂. Now please don't go ... Alex Gaudino – Beautiful 中文歌詞.
#49someday這首歌的中文歌詞是什麼? - 劇多
And that is all I am praying is that... 守護著我虔誠的禱告... Someday I will understand. 將來我會領悟到. In God"s whole plan. 在上帝的安排下.
#50James Smith - Little Love 中文歌詞翻譯 - The ONE. - 痞客邦
I'm on my knees praying. 我跪著祈禱. But no one hears a word I'm saying. 但沒有任何人聽到我說的任何一字一句. I'm crying to the skies above, ...
#51《Nobody Praying For Me》中英歌词 - 乐学英语
《Nobody Praying For Me》中文歌词: 我是随风飘散的低语我是余烬却能把你焚烧我是溺毙你的浊流我曾是恒星,现在却为黑洞我是令你战栗的威胁我是泥中 ...
#52Gloriana - (kissed you) Good night Lyrics 中文歌詞
Praying that you wouldn't go 希望你不要走. You should have kissed me 想起,你那時應該吻我. You should have pushed me up against the wall
#53george michael praying for time歌詞翻譯 - 死也要听音乐
george michael praying for time歌詞翻譯. ... Praying For Time 祈求时间歌手:George Michael **翻译:所小以** These are the days of the open hand 时下人们都在 ...
#54Complicated - Bon Jovi 中文歌詞歌詞翻譯- 痞客邦
Complicated - Bon Jovi 中文歌詞 ... Momma, keep on praying, cause I aint changing. 媽媽..請繼續去祈禱...因為我還沒有改變.... I'm complicated.
#55中文歌詞翻譯Halsey - Sorry - Mr.生活扉頁 - Zi 字媒體
中文歌詞 翻譯Halsey - Sorry - Mr.生活扉頁. 2017/06/03. Mr.生活扉頁 ... 這段歌詞說出了Halsey深受躁鬱症的困擾 ... 中文歌詞翻譯Kesha - Praying - Mr.生活扉頁.
#56【歌詞翻譯】Matisyahu – One Day - 蒼白的路易斯
我知道某天一切都會好轉,因為… All my life I've been waiting for 我這輩子都在等待著. I've been praying for 我都在祈求 ...
#57喬治邁可 我們在每一首歌裡和你說再見 - 獨立評論
Wham的賣點就是稚氣、調皮與性感,歌詞當然比不上詩人巴布狄倫那麼 ... That Day〉、〈Praying For Time〉都是獻給Anselmo的,後來的伴侶Kenny也持續 ...
#58Kendrick Lamar – i 肯德里克拉馬爾我lyrics 中文歌詞我是潔西 ...
Kendrick Lamar – i 肯德里克拉馬爾我lyrics 中文歌詞我是潔西潔西是我不 ... Praying that the holy water don't go dry, yah yah 祈禱著聖水不會 ...
#59歌詞翻譯| Mariah Carey - I Pray
歌詞中文 翻譯. Ooh, yeah. Lord, I pray 主,我祈禱 ... Oh, I'm praying that the love you shower down on us 噢,我祈禱祢灑落在我們身上的愛
#60Praying run Don't give up and stay on your way - 未完成since ...
第一次聽着這歌跑步的時候,腦裡浮現過《NOWHERE boy》的歌詞:「追いかけて追いかけて通り過ぎた出逢いには追いつけないから」。跑到想要減慢速度,甚至 ...
#61國立台灣師範大學翻譯研究所碩士論文A Thesis Submitted to ...
關鍵詞:101 世界名歌集、歌詞、歌詞翻譯 ... 這些分類所依據的即是歌詞的內容屬性,而《101 世界名歌集》中文歌詞文本裡 ... is praying, praying for you.
#62we are all alone中文歌詞- 日語教室
Alan Walker 艾倫沃克& Ava Max 艾娃馬克斯Alone Pt II 孤單二部曲中文歌詞… ... pos ters on the wall 我們還年輕,房間還貼著偶像的海報Praying we're the.
#63PRAYING中文_ 搜索结果_哔哩哔哩_Bilibili
点击查看更多相关视频、番剧、影视、直播、专栏、话题、用户等内容;你感兴趣的视频都在B站,bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有及时的动漫新番,活跃的ACG氛围 ...
Evanescence【Tourniquet】中文歌詞. maxresdefault ... I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming. Am I too lost to be saved? Am I too lost?
#65凱莎祈禱 - 工商筆記本
《祈禱》(英語:Praying)是美國歌手凱莎的歌曲,來自她第三張錄音室專輯《雨後彩虹》。 ... Kesha 惡女凱莎- Praying 祈禱【中文翻譯+歌詞】#JT的翻譯小窩.
#66pray 中文
“praying for time” 中文翻譯: 祈禱時刻; 為時間祈禱. “praying hands” 中文 ... 2010-02-09 pray中文諧音2013-12-11 求Jutin bieber的《pray》歌詞的中文意思?
#67【中文歌詞】Tom MacDonald - People So Stupid - Fun譯趣
I'm praying that the world changes soon. 我祈禱著世界快點改變. Can't get a doobie on a plane, but there's Uzis in our schools.
#68Metallica - The Day That Never Comes:歌詞+中文翻譯| FLiPER
英文歌詞; 中文歌詞: Born to push you around ... 容易蒙蔽觀感: Just keep them closed; 乾脆閉眼別看: Keep praying; 繼續祈禱: Just keep waiting ...
#69hold on[Hold On(Chord Overstreet演唱歌曲)] - 中文百科知識
Chord Overstreet演唱歌曲(吸血鬼日記season8 16集插曲)歌詞:Loving and fighting 愛與爭執Accusing united 總是相依相伴I can't ... Helplessly praying 孤苦無依.
#70Killswitch Engage終極殺戮樂團- Rose of Sharyn [中文歌詞] - 尬叉
Killswitch Engage終極殺戮樂團- Rose of Sharyn [中文歌詞]. 第二十七次中文翻譯 "Rose of Sharyn" by ... Hoping , praying. 我希望, 我祈禱.
#71敬拜詩歌 - 安城華人基督教會
中文歌詞. Chinese Lyric. 英文歌詞. English Lyric. ppt 文件 ppt file. 1. 在主愛中. 4000. Chinese Lyrics ... Are The Prayers Of The Saints.
#72[歌詞翻譯]Lana Del Rey - American中文歌詞 - 大倪口袋日記
[歌詞翻譯]Lana Del Rey - American中文歌詞. 2012年Lana Del Rey發行 ... 35 I don't even know what I'm saying, but I'm praying for you
#73Demi Lovato-Lonely 歌詞翻譯| 日常廢話 - ucnana
Baby, I'm hoping and praying 寶貝我渴求著. My knees weak, I'm shaking 一雙膝蓋軟弱的跪在地上無力顫抖著. Cause you know, that I always needed ...
#74Until I Die-milet-歌詞-唱歌學日語-日語教室 - Marumaru
中文 翻譯轉自:https://music.163.com/#/song?id=1447594675. 購買:. Until I Die - milet. Everyday I am prayingEveryday I am praying; 我每天都在祈禱 ...
#75【歌詞翻譯:B2程度】Taylor Swift - It's time to go 英語解說
Praying to his greed. 為他的貪念而祈禱. He's got my past frozen behind glass. 他將我的過去冰封在玻璃後. But I've got me 但我已找到我自己.
#76QUARTET CROWN——森久保祥太郎、鈴木達央、蒼井翔太
QUARTET CROWN——森久保祥太郎、鈴木達央、蒼井翔太、前野智昭[歌詞]. 作詞:上松範康(Elements Garden) ... 中文歌詞, 日文歌詞 ... No, no, praying
#77Oasis - Slide Away 中文歌詞 - 反正是我
Oasis - Slide Away 中文歌詞. "Slide away"from"Definitely Maybe" ... I've tried praying but I don't know what you're saying to me
#78[关键词] praying歌词翻译keiino - 好吧信息
praying歌词 翻译keiino百度云网盘资源合集,praying歌曲prayingkesha beenpraying praying歌词pray歌词praying歌词 ... 网盘链接阵雨歌词中文翻译.zip.
#79Oasis《Slide Away》歌詞翻譯 - 9527
I've tried praying 我一直暗地裡祈禱. But I don't know what you're saying to me 但我不知妳對我說了些什麼. Now that you're mine
#80Iambagel - Waterfalls-TLC(中文歌詞翻譯)... | Facebook
Waterfalls-TLC(中文歌詞翻譯) 歌曲的風格緩慢慵懶,還以為是個很休閒的的歌呢!其實Waterfall(瀑布)在這首歌裡 ... But all the praying just ain't helping at all,
#81counting stars 歌詞– counting stars 中文歌詞– Kolot
LYRICS : Lately I been, I been losing sleep 我最近不斷失眠, Dreaming about the things that we could be 想著我們可達的夢想, But baby I been, I been praying ...
#82求one day的英文歌詞和中文歌詞。 - WANNA酷
歌詞 :. sometimes I lay. 有時候我躺著. under the moon. 在月光下. and thank God I"m breathing ... I"ve been praying for. 我一直為之祈禱的.
#83求one day的英文歌詞和中文歌詞。 - 問答酷
《one day》是Matisyahu演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於2010年發行的《One day》專輯中。 sometimes I lay. 有時候我躺著. under the moon. (躺)在月光下.
#84OneRepublic - Counting Stars (中文歌詞) - 雪花台湾
But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard,. 但是寶貝,我總是很努力的禱告. Said no more counting dollars. 再也別讓金錢干涉著我們. We'll be counting stars, ...
#85Westlife - World of Our Own 中文歌詞翻譯
Westlife - World of Our Own 中文歌詞翻譯 ... Praying that some how 我祈求. You will understand the way 妳會明白 ... Westlife Lyrics HK 於 晚上10:37.
#86the wanted all time low中文歌詞 - UZCCA
添加歌詞更正歌詞...,推薦flo rida right round中文歌詞,flo rida whistle中文歌詞,i ... 提問者採納: the wanted - all time low 通緝男孩最低谷Praying won't do it ...
#88Lafee - tell me why,中文歌詞 - 幫多多
And I'm praying for them to never do disappear. 我祈禱它們永遠不要消失. Tell me what have I done to deserve something this beatiful.
#89[歌詞翻譯]Sam Smith - Pray 用心祈禱@ 布萊n,夢一間音樂閣樓
Sam Smith的第二首新歌出爐了~這首歌收錄於Sam即將發行的新專輯《The Thrill Of It All》之中,也是繼首波主打〈Too Good At Goodbyes〉之後的又一首神曲 ...
<音乐欣赏·双语歌词>. 点播:暴走宁宁❤. 中文歌名:宿敌. 歌名:Enemy. 歌手:Imagine Dragons ... I'm praying that somebody hope for me.
#91史上最毒分手歌Pray For You -中文字幕 - DIY生活廣場
史上最毒分手歌Pray For You -中文字幕【pray for you】----Jaron David Lowenstein pray for you 英文歌詞: I hav.
#92Namaz in english pdf
The Recordings of the Shehimo Prayers sung in English are ... Saraswati Namastubhyam:Lyrics in English+Sanskrit, Meaning in English.
#93Prayer to cleanse my mind - Doting
Tumblr is a place to expressWartime Prayers Song lyrics, Surprise (2006) ... is also available in: 简体中文 English It's your psychology, your subconscious, ...
#94Hourglass - WAVY JONE$ | Shazam
I'd take a bullet for you, do the favor I been praying all night long It took a while to ... Português, Português (BR), Русский язык, Türkçe, 中文, 繁體中文 ...
#95Prayer to cleanse my mind - Alliancelinx.biz
Ho'oponopono prayers are basically self-forgiveness & repentance prayers, ... also available in: 简体中文 English It's your psychology, your subconscious, ...
#96Disowning 'Evangelical' Is a Denial of Responsibility
This includes changing the lyrics of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” to be more gender inclusive. We have many examples of evangelical men ...
#97Volume 30: Chapter 5, Cheers of Victory 81–89 - Soka Gakkai ...
“I am praying for your health and long life. ... prefecture song “A Life of Victory,” the lyrics of which Shin'ichi had composed for them in October 1978.
praying中文歌詞 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文
《Fate/Grand Order 虚数大海戦イマジナリ・スクランブル ~ノーチラス浮上せよ~》
幻日 / Genjitsu
作詞 / Lyricist:西田圭稀
作曲 / Composer:KOHTA YAMAMOTO
編曲 / Arranger:KOHTA YAMAMOTO
歌 / Singer:Hannah Grace
翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
English Translation: Riiche
背景 / Background - Game footage :
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
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中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
内へ内へ ただ響くだけ
蕾むように 眠るように
巡る時 名も無き迷い星はまた
祈るように 抗うように
独りきり 昏い霧 誰かが呼ぶ声
陽だまりが見えた m'aider(メーデー)
足りない記憶は この手で描き纏う
見つけた答えは この手を握る手と
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
A voice hiding in the cracks
merely echoes deeper and deeper within
What my faintly trembling hands
decorate in bright colors is a chalk-white sea?
Sleeping like a bud,
knowing its existence cannot even be proven
As it comes around, the lost nameless star is once again
Merely searching for the sun
Praying, trying to resist,
from the depths where even dawn cannot reach
In the gloomy fog all alone, someone’s voice calls out
because they have seen the sun and called for m'aider
If only I were to paint the missing memories with these hands
Then the answer I arrive at would surely take hold of them
English Translation by @rikkuchou
praying中文歌詞 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的精選貼文
蝶々結び / Chouchou Musubi / 蝴蝶結 / A Butterfly Bow
作詞 / Lyricist:野田洋次郎(RADWIMPS)
作曲 / Composer:野田洋次郎(RADWIMPS)
編曲 / Arranger:野田洋次郎(RADWIMPS)
吉他&和聲 / Guitar & Chorus:ハナレグミ
歌 / Singer:Aimer
翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
English Translation:Toria
背景 / Background - この蒼くて広い世界に - てる :
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
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中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
片っぽで丸を作って しっかり持ってて
もう片っぽでその丸の後ろを ぐるっと回って
間にできたポッケに入って 出て来るの待ってて
出てきたところを迎えにきて 「せーの」で引っぱって
はじめはなんとも 情けない形だとしても
羽根は大きく 結び目は固く
なるようにきつく 結んでいてほしいの
腕はここに 想い出は遠くに
置いておいてほしい ほしいの
片っぽでも引っ張っちゃえば ほどけちゃうけど
作ったもの壊すのは 遥かに 簡単だけど
だけどほどく時も そう、ちゃんと 同じようにね
分かってるよ でもできたらね 「せーの」で引っ張って
ほどけやしないように と願って力込めては
広げすぎた羽根に 戸惑う
羽根は大きく 結び目は固く
なるようにきつく 結んでいてほしいの
夢はここに 想い出は遠くに
黙って引っ張ったりしないでよ 不格好な蝶にしないでよ
結んだつもりがほどいていたり 緩めたつもりが締めていたり
この蒼くて広い世界に 無数に 散らばった中から
別々に二人選んだ糸を お互いたぐり寄せ合ったんだ
結ばれたんじゃなく結んだんだ 二人で「せーの」で引っ張ったんだ
大きくも 小さくも なりすぎないように 力を込めたんだ
この蒼くて広い世界に 無数に 散らばった中から
別々に二人選んだ糸を お互いたぐり寄せ合ったんだ
結ばれたんじゃなく結んだんだ 二人で「せーの」で引っ張ったんだ
大きくも 小さくも なりすぎないように 力を込めたんだ
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
Take one end, and make a circle—now hold it tight
Take the other end and wrap it around behind the circle
Pass it through the pocket formed in the middle, and wait for it to come back out
Go out to meet it—And with a one, two, pull the strings tight
At the beginning, it came out so pathetically
But even still, I put the same strength into it
I want to tie it tight
So that the loops would be big, and the knot would be tight
I want you, I want you
To put your arm here, and your memories far away
Even though if you pull on only one end, it’ll come untied
It’s so, so very easy to break what someone’s made
Yet that’s how it is when you untie it, it’s exactly the same
I know that’s how it goes, but once I finish it—With a one, two, I’ll pull the strings
Praying that it wouldn’t come untied, I put some strength into it
And became transfixed by the loops that I had pulled too far out
I want to tie it tight
So that the loops would be big, and the knot would be tight
So that your dreams are here, and your memories far away
If you realize it, I’m fine with you just being there
Just shut up, don’t pull on them; don’t make the strings into a lopsided butterfly
I meant to tie them, but they’re becoming loose; I meant to loosen them, but they’re becoming tight
From all the countless and scattered contents of this blue, wide world
The two of us chose the same thread independently and reeled each other in
We weren’t tied to each other, we tied ourselves to each other—With a one, two, we pulled the strings
So that they wouldn’t be too loose, or too tight, we put our strength into it
praying中文歌詞 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
insane dream / 癲狂夢魘
作詞 / Lyricist:Taka・aimerrhythm・Jamil Kazmi
作曲 / Composer:Taka
編曲 / Arranger:Colin Brittain
歌 / Singer:Aimer
翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
English Translation:Thaerin
背景 / Background - 空壳 - ADS_主動防禦猫 :
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)
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中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
また記憶をつきさす 焼けた匂い
切り刻んで around the way
記憶を消して feel my fear
すがりついた and I’m dead
振りほどいて insane dream
Tell me what you want me to believe
I can’t see you I can’t feel you
ただ赦しを求めて 流す渇望(ねがい)
視界を失くした 赤い瞼よ
切り刻んで around the way
記憶を消して feel my fear
すがりついた and I’m dead
振りほどいて insane dream
切り刻んで around the way
記憶を消して feel my fear
すがりついた and I’m dead
振りほどいて insane dream
切り刻んで around the way
記憶を消して feel my fear
すがりついた and I’m dead
振りほどいて insane dream
Tell me what you want me to believe
I can’t see you I can’t feel you
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
A burnt smell still penetrates my memories,
Preventing me from even breathing…
A black sun that makes my vision swim,
Presents the pain of struggling for breath.
Cut it all to pieces, around the away…
Erase the memories, feel my fears…
I clung too hard, and now I’m dead…
Unravel this insane dream!
Tell me what you want me to believe!
I can’t see you, I can’t feel you!
I send my desire flowing, searching for permission;
My heartbeat still won’t give out…
Oh, my reddened eyes, devoid of sight-
Give to me that third wish I’ve been praying for!
Cut it all to pieces, around the away…
Erase the memories, feel my fears…
I clung too hard, and now I’m dead…
Unravel this insane dream!
Cut it all to pieces, around the away…
Erase the memories, feel my fears…
I clung too hard, and now I’m dead…
Unravel this insane dream!
Tell me what you want me to believe!
I can’t see you, I can’t feel you!