💥ACL Landing(附中文)
“Soft and Stiff”
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📌 When we talk about ACL injuries we often think ...
💥ACL Landing(附中文)
“Soft and Stiff”
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📌 When we talk about ACL injuries we often think about excessive knee valgus, which is a false frontal plane biomechanics. But one of the other predisposing factors of ACL injury is attributed to poor landing mechanics. -
⁉️ What is poor landing mechanics? It is stated as “stiff landings” [Leppa ̈nen et al., 2016] [ W.A. Laughlin et al., 2011] , wheres a good landing is stated as “soft landing”
🎯 “Stiff landing” means less knee flexion at the time of impact and a greater vertical ground reaction force. So the leg appears more straight and is unable to absorb impact
🎯 Study has shown that force exerted on ACL at point of impact decreases by 11% compared to a stiffer landing [Simonsen et al., 2000]. The primary reason is an increase posterior shear force generated by the hamstrings from a greater knee flexion angle
🎯 Less force is exerted on ACL means a lower chance of knee injury 💯 Strengthening of the hamstrings, especially the eccentric part can help you stay injury-free -
💡 Have any questions ? Comments ? Leave it down below
📩 If you are looking to making an appointment with me / a ACL master rehab trainer. Please fill in the google form in the bio and follow @aclclubtpe
💥 十字韌帶傷後著地評估
“著地緩衝技巧 “
❤️標記你十字韌帶受傷的好朋友 分享到你的限時動態
📌 我們在討論膝蓋受傷,或是前十字韌帶損傷,都會提到膝蓋外八跟膝蓋受傷有很大的關係。外八是膝關節在額狀面呈現外翻的排列。人體分為三個動作平面,除了額狀面,還有冠狀面跟矢狀面。在矢狀面,常會導致十字韌帶受傷的原因,則是因為著地的技巧
⁉️ 什麼是好的著地技巧?什麼是不好的著地技巧? 不好的著地技巧又被稱為「僵硬的著地」 [Leppa ̈nen et al., 2016] [ W.A. Laughlin et al., 2011],好的著地技巧又被稱為「緩衝著地」
🎯 「僵硬的著地」指的是從跳起來到著地時,膝關節彎曲的角度比較少,膝蓋承受的垂直反作用力較大。著地時膝蓋看起來比較直,沒有達到一個緩衝的效果
🎯 研究顯示,比較「僵硬」跟「緩衝」的著地,前十字韌帶在有緩衝的著地所承所的應力相對減少了11% [Simonsen et al., 2000]。主要的原因是因為在著地的𣊬間,膝關節離心彎曲,腿後肌(hamstring)產生拉力減少脛骨(tibia)往前位移
🎯 前十字韌帶承受的應力減少,膝蓋受傷的機率也大大降低💯 在十字韌帶重建術後的訓練,除了訓練著地的技巧之外,腿後肌的強化訓練,對預防韌帶再次受傷也是很重要的
📩 需要預約治療 / 十字韌帶術後訓練,請先填寫個人首頁的預約表單,或追蹤@aclclubtpe 留意最新訊息
#jamesthephysio signing out
posterior中文 在 J帥 Just Tri Facebook 的最佳解答
要挑戰2020東京奧運馬拉松資格的Gwen Jorgensen,恐怕機會更渺茫了....
在她的影片中,說明了動了一種解決『Haglund’s Deformity』的手術
Haglund’s deformity is a symptomatic osseous prominence of the posterolateral corner of the calcaneus resulting in posterior heel pain and swelling around the insertion of the Achilles tendon. It is associated with retrocalcaneal bursitis. Cavo varus deformities exacerbate this problem.
Hugland's Deformity are most common in the female population between the ages of 15 and 35, especially in woman who regularly wear heels. It is also common in runners.
美國另一位知名跑者 Galen Rupp在去年底也中過一樣的病症,動了一樣的手術,所以看來仍是過度使用造成的,不過Galen Rupp預計在今年10月芝加哥馬復出,這樣也休了一年時間。
posterior中文 在 Kenneth Strength Training - 盧恩澤教練 Facebook 的最佳解答
#AskKenneth | Low-Bar Back Squat 深蹲 (中文旁白)
而不是weightlifting 或 powerlifting 運動員的話,
我有數個學員(非運動員),是不客許作high-bar 或low-bar 深蹲訓練的,但他們可以作前深蹲和硬拉訓練。教練會視乎個人不同體質,
假如你是一名weightlifting 運動員的話,你便必須要有足夠的柔軟度及活動能力去作全幅度的深蹲。
例如你是一名 Crossfit 運動員,你便必須要有全方面的柔軟度及活動能力,缺一不可。萬一你缺乏活動能力和力量的話,你受傷的機會便會很大。
Day 1 - 前深蹲
Day 2 - High-bar 深蹲
Day 3 - Low-bar 深蹲
Low-bar 深蹲是集中於後驅幹(posterior chain) 的訓練 - 下背,膕繩肌和髖部肌肉。
學員還可作 Box Squat 訓練。
不同的節奏(Tempo) 改變化已經是不同的訓練計劃。
e.g. 5010, 4010, 3210....
e.g. 6 sets x 3 reps, 5 sets x 5 reps, Waves, Hepburn....
前深蹲 (Front Squat) 示範
👉 https://youtu.be/xZjer-ZfanI
深蹲 (Back Squat) 示範
👉 https://youtu.be/qFfSRsHkysY
#Squat #weightlifting #powerlifting #Crossfit #Teamkenneth #深蹲