

在 possibly意思產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅VoiceTube 看影片學英語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【這些「可能」不一樣?】 易混淆單字真難背? 用 Hero 輕鬆背單字 ► http://voicetu.be/39dg89 挑戰成功,全額退費💪🏻 perhaps / probably / possibly 都能表示「可能」, 但意思卻「不完全」一樣😵‍ 到底有什麼區別 ► http://v...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅noxxx710,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2014年5月4日(日) 東京都品川区にあるブルネイ大使館前でブルネイ・ダルサラーム国の「同性愛者への石打ち刑」に反対する抗議行動が行なわれました。 同性愛行為に対する刑罰を10年間の懲役刑から、石打ち刑(石による撲殺での死刑=下半身を土に埋められた人に向けて集団で石を投げて惨殺する刑)になった事に...

possibly意思 在 Eng1minute Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-10-08 06:47:36

Ant-Man and the Wasp 蟻人與黃蜂女 ⠀ ⠀ 翻譯:「凱西,讓他過。」「但爸爸病的很嚴重!」「我看了就知道。」「他說他不想傳染給任何人。」「我願意冒這個風險,小可愛。」「他吐了,吐很多的那種。」「小姐我是聯邦探員,我看過比嘔吐更慘的事情。是真的吐很多嗎...?」「對!」「算了沒差,...

  • possibly意思 在 VoiceTube 看影片學英語 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-30 18:00:12
    有 81 人按讚

    用 Hero 輕鬆背單字 ► http://voicetu.be/39dg89

    perhaps / probably / possibly 都能表示「可能」,

    到底有什麼區別 ► http://voicetu.be/3lbzu9

  • possibly意思 在 蔡依橙的閱讀筆記 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-05 08:35:28
    有 3,963 人按讚

    【陪你看國際新聞】臺灣的防衛策略 vs 美國總統大選
    蔡英文上任後,2017-2019 年的參謀總長李喜明,與 Project 2049 Institute 的研究員,一起寫了篇文章,投稿在 The Diplomat,並刊登於首頁。
    Taiwan’s Overall Defense Concept, Explained
    這篇投書的時機點很微妙,是在 11/3 刊出的,也表示政府的工作,在美國總統選舉前,已經朝向整個美國外交軍事決策與智庫圈。
    「A U.S.-Taiwan Joint Working Group could be mutually beneficial as it would not only bolster Taiwan’s defense and provide the U.S. military with insight for its own contingency planning and future warfighting, but also improve latent interoperability. Furthermore, the strengthened defense of Taiwan could play an important role in advancing the U.S. Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy.
    Now is the time to embrace an asymmetric approach to Taiwan’s defense. A fully implemented and institutionalized Overall Defense Concept would provide strategic guidance across all defense agencies and military services for a unified and deliberate effort in military investments and force development to strengthen Taiwan’s national defense. If the battle comes to Taiwan, the ODC would ensure the capitalization of all available military and civilian assets to muster a whole-of-society effort to defeat the enemy. Now is also the time for a new era of U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation. The Taiwan Strait could possibly be the theater of Sino-American military conflict, and the U.S. and Taiwan have an opportunity to address the CCP threat together. Through implementing the ODC, the U.S.-Taiwan Joint Working Group would enhance deterrent effects of the bilateral relationship and embolden Taiwan’s security.
    In a cross-strait contingency, Taiwan would appreciate any assistance from Washington. However, Taiwan’s military will not assume that the U.S. will sacrifice American lives to defend the island. But with American support, Taiwan can fight better. It is the onus of the Taiwanese people to decide their fate and fight for their existence.」

  • possibly意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-21 19:00:41
    有 20 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
    #2020美國總統大選 #Biden #VirtualConvention

    🇺🇸The Democratic National Convention

    看單字前,讓 Libby 編考考大家
    👉一樣都是指「疾病流行的」,epidemic 跟 pandemic 有什麼不同呢 👀
    1⃣ kick off 「(活動)開始、拉開序幕」:足球用語,指球賽開賽,在文中延伸為「(活動)拉開序幕」。名詞為 kickoff。
    2⃣ delegate「代表」:文中指的是民主黨代表,美國總統選舉初選時,民主黨有些黨代表可以根據自己意願投票,無需理會初選時的選民意願。
    3⃣ nominate「提名」:當動詞。名詞「提名」為nomination,名詞「提名人」為nominee。
    4⃣ cast one’s vote「投下選票」
    5⃣ beam「發射電波,播送」:beam當名詞有「光束」之意,這裡作為動詞,有「播送」的意思。
    6⃣ epidemic「(疾病)局部流行的」
    7⃣ fan「煽動」:這裡當動詞,有「煽動、激起」之意。
    8⃣ pandemic「(疾病)大規模流行的」

    On Monday, August 17, the Democratic National Convention kicked off at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Over the next few days, prominent Democrats will give speeches on why voters should vote President Trump out of office and give the Democratic Party another chance to govern. And then the delegates will gather to nominate former senator and vice president Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidates for president and vice president in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
    八月17日星期一,美國民主黨代表大會在威斯康辛州密爾瓦基揭開序幕。接下來幾天,許多民主黨大老將發表演說,力勸選民用選票將川普踢出白宮,給民主黨重返執政的機會。接著黨代表將聚集在一起,提名資深參議員及前美國副總統喬拜登以及參議員賀錦麗,作為參選 2020 年美國總統大選的總統與副總統候選人。

    But perhaps “gather” isn’t the right word. The delegates will be casting their votes from home, and all the speeches—some live, some pre-recorded—will be beamed to a screen in the convention center, where there will be no audience to laugh, cheer, clap or boo. Yes, because of the coronavirus epidemic, for the first time ever this year’s Democratic Convention is a virtual convention.

    The first night of the convention, hosted by Desperate Housewives actress Eva Longoria, featured speeches by New York governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, and former first lady Michelle Obama. What did they have to say? Here are a few quotes:

    “Our collective strength is exercised through government. It is, in effect, our immune system. And our current federal government is dysfunctional and incompetent.” —Andrew Cuomo
    「我們的集體力量會透過政府得以運作,就像我們的免疫系統一樣。目前的聯邦政府功能失調又無能。」 ──安德魯庫莫

    “Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfs. His actions fanned this pandemic, resulting in over 170,000 deaths and a nation still unprepared to protect its people.” —Bernie Sanders
    「羅馬大火時皇帝尼祿邊看邊彈琴。川普則是打高爾夫。他的舉動煽動了這場大疫情,造成超過17萬人死亡,而舉國上下仍然沒有準備好要保護人民。」 ──伯尼桑德斯

    “If you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can. And they will if we don’t make a change in this election.” —Michelle Obama
    「如果你覺得事情絕不可能再惡化下去,相信我,會的。而如果我們不透過選舉改變這一切,惡化勢必會發生。」 ──米雪兒歐巴馬

  • possibly意思 在 noxxx710 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2014-05-08 13:07:08


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    "Protest against the "Stoning To Death" Punishment for LGBTs: Bruneian Embassy in Tokyo" (May 4th 2014)

    Dear Mr. Excellency Ambassador,

    It has become evident to the international community that the Syariah Penal Code Order in your respected country, including corporal punishments such as stoning to death for homosexual acts, which His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has recently declared to enforce, has caused a great dismay. Please note that we do not intend to condemn the Islamic religion nor the Syariah, but your intention of enforcing such punishments. The Law violates the fundamental human rights of the LGBT people in Brunei Darussalam, and we as the members of the international community cannot possibly ignore this development.

    We are Japanese citizens who are outraged by the Law, and we will not let it pass without our strongest protest. Mr. Excellency Ambassador, we believe that the Law is nothing but a disgrace to the honor of your country which we respect. You must tell His Majesty to repeal the Law immediately.

    Rainbow Protesters Tokyo

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    機材:SONY HDR-PJ790V


