

在 popsicle中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅C's English Corner,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #吃冰淇淋要吃滿臉才是享受 #國際報報 International Ice Cream Month!!! 看到這個其實我有點驚訝,世界上居然有人如此在意冰淇淋,每年的七八月是冰淇淋月,每年七月的第三個禮拜日則是「國際冰淇淋日」(International Ice Cream Day)酷...

 同時也有184部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,580的網紅極龍xDraGon,也在其Youtube影片中提到,傳說對決-極龍遊戲頻道xDraGon Gaming 記得點讚和訂閲,感謝大家收看~ ➤相關連結 Discord GP : https://discord.gg/hU5Wdc8 (粵語溝通) Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/xdragon_hkyt ➤遊...

  • popsicle中文 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-07-24 20:30:00
    有 265 人按讚

    #國際報報 International Ice Cream Month!!!

    看到這個其實我有點驚訝,世界上居然有人如此在意冰淇淋,每年的七八月是冰淇淋月,每年七月的第三個禮拜日則是「國際冰淇淋日」(International Ice Cream Day)酷吧!

    中文說「吃冰」可以統稱冰淇淋、霜淇淋、ㄔㄨㄚˋ冰、雪花冰、水果冰沙、..... 各種冰。

    但我們熟知的 "Ice cream“ 在英文中可是只有 冰淇淋的意思喔!今天我們就來學學各種冰吧。

    🍨 Ice cream 冰淇淋
    ▶️ Mom, can I have a scoop of chocolate ice cream, please? 媽,我可以吃一球巧克力冰淇淋嗎?拜託~~

    🍦Soft serve 霜淇淋
    ▶️ Do you want a cone or cup for your soft serve? 你想要用甜筒還是杯子裝呢?
    🍧sorbet 冰沙
    ▶️ We can make fruit sorbet at home. 我們在家就可以做水果冰沙了。

    🍭 Popsicle (ice pop) 冰棒
    ▶️ Having a red bean popsicle in summer is such a delight! 在夏天吃一隻紅豆冰棒真是太爽了!
    🥶Shaved ice ㄔㄨㄚˋ冰
    ▶️ Shaved ice is too cold for me. I always get a brain freeze. ㄔㄨㄚˋ冰太冰了,每次吃都會頭痛(吃冰的那種痛)。
    🍨 Frozen Yogurt (fro-yo) 優格冰淇淋
    ▶️ There's a new frozen yogurt place next to my office. 我的公司旁邊有一間新的優格冰淇淋店
    ❄️ Snow ice 雪花冰
    ▶️ I believe that snow ice was invented in Taiwan. How clever! 我相信雪花冰是源於台灣,真是聰明呀!
    🇮🇹 Gelato 義式冰淇淋
    ▶️ Gelato is generally lower in fat than other styles of frozen desserts. 義式冰淇淋的熱量通常比其他冰品少一點。
    最後,有一個很可愛的繞口令 "You scream. I scream. We all scream for ice cream!" 真的,有誰不愛冰呢!

  • popsicle中文 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-24 08:00:00
    有 263 人按讚

    #國際報報 International Ice Cream Month!!!

    看到這個其實我有點驚訝,世界上居然有人如此在意冰淇淋,每年的七八月是冰淇淋月,每年七月的第三個禮拜日則是「國際冰淇淋日」(International Ice Cream Day)酷吧!

    中文說「吃冰」可以統稱冰淇淋、霜淇淋、ㄔㄨㄚˋ冰、雪花冰、水果冰沙、..... 各種冰。

    但我們熟知的 "Ice cream“ 在英文中可是只有 冰淇淋的意思喔!今天我們就來學學各種冰吧。

    🍨 Ice cream 冰淇淋
    ▶️ Mom, can I have a scoop of chocolate ice cream, please? 媽,我可以吃一球巧克力冰淇淋嗎?拜託~~

    🍦Soft serve 霜淇淋
    ▶️ Do you want a cone or cup for your soft serve? 你想要用甜筒還是杯子裝呢?
    🍧sorbet 冰沙
    ▶️ We can make fruit sorbet at home. 我們在家就可以做水果冰沙了。

    🍭 Popsicle (ice pop) 冰棒
    ▶️ Having a red bean popsicle in summer is such a delight! 在夏天吃一隻紅豆冰棒真是太爽了!
    🥶Shaved ice ㄔㄨㄚˋ冰
    ▶️ Shaved ice is too cold for me. I always get a brain freeze. ㄔㄨㄚˋ冰太冰了,每次吃都會頭痛(吃冰的那種痛)。
    🍨 Frozen Yogurt (fro-yo) 優格冰淇淋
    ▶️ There's a new frozen yogurt place next to my office. 我的公司旁邊有一間新的優格冰淇淋店
    ❄️ Snow ice 雪花冰
    ▶️ I believe that snow ice was invented in Taiwan. How clever! 我相信雪花冰是源於台灣,真是聰明呀!
    🇮🇹 Gelato 義式冰淇淋
    ▶️ Gelato is generally lower in fat than other styles of frozen desserts. 義式冰淇淋的熱量通常比其他冰品少一點。
    最後,有一個很可愛的繞口令 "You scream. I scream. We all scream for ice cream!" 真的,有誰不愛冰呢!

  • popsicle中文 在 哈哈英語角 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-01-20 11:50:01
    有 308 人按讚


    來自 Los Angeles Times
    Wastewater on a stick: The popsicles from Taiwan that you really, really don't want to eat.


    也可以叫 ice pop

    已出版的 #哈哈英單7000
    https://goo.gl/fjcCQL (博客來)
