

在 pollution可數產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅翻譯這檔事,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 從世衛WHO發言看people兩個用法 無條件支持台灣重新加入世界衛生組織WHO。 不過,爲維護國人「語言衛生」(linguistic health),還是要指出,蔡總統臉書分享取自WHO官網的影片(連結見留言)中,美國衛生部長發言的中譯字幕,把第一個people翻譯成「人民」(the peop...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅Herman Yeung,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Note download 筆記下載 : https://hermanutube.blogspot.hk/2016/01/youtube-pdf.html -----------------------------------------------------------------------...

pollution可數 在 ??????.?? ♥️ ?????? ?????? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 14:18:25

/ 💕最近愛用底妝產品 呢排天氣唔係落大雨就又潮濕又熱 焗到黐線😖 所以咁嘅夏天要搵到啱用又唔黐口罩嘅底妝真係唔易 不過好彩總算今季每個item都俾我搵到啲唔錯嘅選擇😬 - ✨Sunscreen: CHANEL - UV Essentiel Complete Protection UV Pollut...

pollution可數 在 ⓘⓢⓐⓑⓔⓛⓛⓔ Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-18 08:27:43

#對抗藍光 #留住青春 · 以前買護膚品,多數都會著重保濕、美白、抗皺等功效。其實係現今電子產品環繞嘅時代, 長期對住電話同電腦📱🖥,藍光已對皮膚造成傷害😣相比紫外線,藍光波長更能深入皮膚底層,削弱肌膚原有嘅自然防禦力,從而引致色素沉澱、色斑、暗啞及老化等各種肌膚問題,所以唔好忽視藍光! · 英國醫...

  • pollution可數 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-05-23 03:26:41
    有 227 人按讚



    不過,爲維護國人「語言衛生」(linguistic health),還是要指出,蔡總統臉書分享取自WHO官網的影片(連結見留言)中,美國衛生部長發言的中譯字幕,把第一個people翻譯成「人民」(the people, the public in general)是不正確的。(字幕製作者不詳。)

    這裡,people位在nation, people, and sector這一串三個連接起來的單數名詞組,自然受前面的'every'修飾,所以意義上是every nation, every people, and every sector。那every people是什麼?國一英文學過,every後面必接單數可數名詞。那麼,people也可以做單數可數名詞嗎?大家回想一下老師教過的,當然可以。我們很早就學到這個用法,意思就是「民族」。




    播放一下影片發現,美國部長的下一句話,又用到了people,提到台灣的23 million people,翻譯為「2千3百萬人民」,這就對了,這個people才是我們經常看到的「人民、民眾、人」的意思,前面可以如這裡加具體的數字,也可以只寫the people of Taiwan(台灣人民),這樣的people必須加the。這用法和前面的every people是兩回事。

    如果某一個語境說the peoples of Taiwan,那意思當然是「台灣各族裔」,而不是「台灣人民」了。

    順便鑑賞一下吳明益《複眼人》(Darryl Sterk英譯)片段,其中單數可數的people的用法、譯法:

    * * * * *

    “Many of them are Pangcah. The word means ‘people,’ and it’s what the Amis aboriginal people around here prefer to call themselves. Most of the Pangcah in Haven are involved in the recovery work. I’m afraid that this is it for this stretch of coast and for the fishing ground too. Part of the sea culture of the Pangcah people has been ruined. To Han Chinese people, all the pollution means is that there’s no more money to make from the sea, but for the Pangcah it’s different: the sea is their ancestor, and so many of their traditional stories are about the sea. Without ancestors, what’s the point of being ‘Pangcah’?”

    “Are you Pangcah yourself?”

    “No, I’m Bunun,” Dahu said. “The word bunun means that we are the true ‘people.’

    Sara completely understood. Every people in the world, in the beginning, felt that they were the only “true people.”

    * * * * *


  • pollution可數 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-05-22 08:00:00
    有 229 人按讚



    不過,爲維護國人「語言衛生」(linguistic health),還是要指出,蔡總統臉書分享取自WHO官網的影片(連結見留言)中,美國衛生部長發言的中譯字幕,把第一個people翻譯成「人民」(the people, the public in general)是不正確的。(字幕製作者不詳。)

    這裡,people位在nation, people, and sector這一串三個連接起來的單數名詞組,自然受前面的'every'修飾,所以意義上是every nation, every people, and every sector。那every people是什麼?國一英文學過,every後面必接單數可數名詞。那麼,people也可以做單數可數名詞嗎?大家回想一下老師教過的,當然可以。我們很早就學到這個用法,意思就是「民族」。




    播放一下影片發現,美國部長的下一句話,又用到了people,提到台灣的23 million people,翻譯為「2千3百萬人民」,這就對了,這個people才是我們經常看到的「人民、民眾、人」的意思,前面可以如這裡加具體的數字,也可以只寫the people of Taiwan(台灣人民),這樣的people必須加the。這用法和前面的every people是兩回事。

    如果某一個語境說the peoples of Taiwan,那意思當然是「台灣各族裔」,而不是「台灣人民」了。

    順便鑑賞一下吳明益《複眼人》(Darryl Sterk英譯)片段,其中單數可數的people的用法、譯法:

    * * * * *

    “Many of them are Pangcah. The word means ‘people,’ and it’s what the Amis aboriginal people around here prefer to call themselves. Most of the Pangcah in Haven are involved in the recovery work. I’m afraid that this is it for this stretch of coast and for the fishing ground too. Part of the sea culture of the Pangcah people has been ruined. To Han Chinese people, all the pollution means is that there’s no more money to make from the sea, but for the Pangcah it’s different: the sea is their ancestor, and so many of their traditional stories are about the sea. Without ancestors, what’s the point of being ‘Pangcah’?”

    “Are you Pangcah yourself?”

    “No, I’m Bunun,” Dahu said. “The word bunun means that we are the true ‘people.’

    Sara completely understood. Every people in the world, in the beginning, felt that they were the only “true people.”

    * * * * *


