Someone referred Bibi Graetz’s wine is a polished sculpture. For me, Bibi is an artist without doubt. Wine is his creation, his artwork, a form of art...
Someone referred Bibi Graetz’s wine is a polished sculpture. For me, Bibi is an artist without doubt. Wine is his creation, his artwork, a form of art. A drinkable artwork. Don’t you agree?
Bibi Graetz founded the winery in 2000 on the hill of Fiesole, north of Florence, after a few years’ apprenticeship with experienced winemakers. A bold move, you would wonder. Bibi’s passion in wine; the pursuit of perfection in winemaking have earned him the achievement and became one of the most celebrated Super Tuscan producers.
What I have in my glass is Testamatta Rosso 2018. This wine is made from 100% old vine Sangiovese sourced from the 5 best vineyards of the estate: Siena, Vincigliata, Londa, Lamole and Montefili (in the heart of Chianti Classico). The wine goes through spontaneous fermentation with indigenous yeast in open top barriques (225L) with no temperature control and aged for 18 months.
This is my very first time tasting Testmatta Rosso and the wine taste exactly just like Bibi describes, “It’s clean, pure, elegant and persistent. The elegance of Sangiovese is always the main character of Testamatta.”
Dedicate aromas of rose petal, red cherry, dried cranberry, clove and dried thyme emerge from the glass. Bright acidity with hint of tobacco, straw, dried basil, licorice and sour cherry on the palate. It’s lively with lots of energy. For immediate enjoyment, decanting for 2-3 hours is highly recommended.
-Check out @sommation_live Eps 135 as @drummelier chats with the one and only @bibigraetz.
-Special thanks to @foliofinewine, @bibigraetz
-Pick up your bottle @wine_com
-Treat yourself a proper glassware @gabriel_glasinternational and save some wine for later enjoyment @coravin
-Don’t miss 15 % discount on @gabriel_glas. Link in my bio.
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polished意思 在 侍酒師幫幫忙! Facebook 的精選貼文
Bodega Lanzaga是一間強調風土的Rioja酒廠,不過Telmo Rodríguez自帶主角光環,目前整個西班牙他的幾個相關酒廠風風火火,加上他長的實在帥,說他是新一代西班牙釀酒師的代表應該很中肯。
在西班牙談風土是人人有話講也人人霧煞煞,從Tempranillo談風土的話或許是個切入點:Tempranillo在西班牙很普遍,但不是適於各種土壤類型,首先Tempranillo適合Limestone,再一個重要的原因是同樣是Limestone,較低的雨量一般造成土壤pH值更高而更適合Tempranillo。也因此以Tempranillo的品質來看區域,通常會說Rioja Alavesa為佳,此區主力土壤為Clay-limestone calcareous,年雨量500mm,優質葡萄園一般在450m以上,當然也要看座向位置等其他條件。不過任何一個偉大地塊若僅憑「資料」,無論那一國還是那個產區,都不足以說明其偉大之處。今天喝到的單一園我也沒拿到完整的Soil profile與地形圖,但邏輯判斷總歸有點幫助。
Telmo Rodríguez在Bodega Lazaga想表達是相同於布根地的風土哲學,他也不是唯一的一個,這也是RIoja公會新制中改變最大也最被詬病的一塊:公會一次提出了144個單一園Viñedo Singular (VS),實際上是無法落實。第三波Rioja的風土潮/單一園通常由各個釀酒師提出作品,通常量少又不見得有年份穩定性與連續性,對市場而言的現狀是:沒喝過/不知道什麼風格/很貴(跟同區相比)/產量很少/分數高/只有酒評家在讚聲(酒評家在此時很重要)。而這144個葡萄園還不是每個都有authorited的作品,是不是很搞不懂呢?
根據National Post 2016年由John Szabo MS執筆的一篇Telmo Rodríguez專訪,他的單一園觀點似乎以敵對我們熟知的Rioja風格為訴求:他認為La Rioja Alta、Castillo Ygay和Lopez de Heredia都是工業釀酒廠,大型生產設施,與該地區早期的傳統幾乎沒有關係;他認為波爾多的技術資本引入摧毀了Rioja的真實風格,是一場錯誤;他說「Rioja從此走錯方向」。我這裡沒有引用他所有的觀點,但我想問的是:今天Rioja的「傳統」風格是否真的一無是處?是否真的完全沒有反映Rioja的風土?跨園跨區跨品種混釀真的這麼罪大惡極?Rioja的風格難道一點沒有西班牙的文化與民族性格關聯?酒質好不好是否也要考慮政治正確?
Rioja據資料有超過一萬個葡萄園,可以標示單一園Viñedo Singular (VS)需遵守下列法規:
★ 葡萄藤必須35年以上
★ 葡萄園最大產量比一般Rioja法定要求低至少20%
★ 葡萄重量與葡萄汁的最大比例為1/0.65
★ 必須人工採收
★ 葡萄酒必須通過兩次品嚐並獲得標準以上的分數才能標示單一園
所以在技術性要求上完全沒問題,問題在於各個地塊的風格到底是什麼?技術性要求並不等同風格與風土。你不會因為鍋子大火力強台灣豬貴貴就說菜一定好吃吧?如果認真追究,某單一園在過去根本沒有釀造而只是賣葡萄給酒廠,現在的釀造者卻說他「承繼」「發揚」 地塊的榮耀?會不會太矯情了點?
我是不知道這個報導是不是完全傳達了他的意思,但至少我們知道Telmo Rodríguez選擇留在公會制度下(細思極恐)。2017年通過的Rioja單一園法定制度,就是他聯合當地150多名釀酒師、酒商和葡萄酒作家聯名向政府請願後得到的。不過2015年離開了公會制度管轄的Artadi毋寧可作為另一個參考:Artadi的Valdegines與La Poza來自谷地兩側有數十公尺落差的葡萄園,一直是我認為Rioja「單一園」風格的典範,各年份具有連續性的辨識度,個別作品的水準亦不俗。我覺得任何的「單一園」,無論在哪個國家或產區,最珍貴的是累積而成的「辨識度」,是一個具體且長遠的「獨特」風味,不然是不是辜負大家對「單一園」的期待了呢!
風土不是是非題,風土應該是一個隨時間而拓展的觀點而不是一言堂。先有「單一園」再去生產合規的作品有點像是先射箭再畫靶,若是地塊有長期連續可辨識的風格再劃歸制度中是不是更有說服力?西班牙已經有了個不算成功的Vino de Pago,若是人為因素無法突破,制度還要考慮勢力利益,那麼制度就難以保證其目的了。也許公會以及所有期待Rioja Single Vineyard的各位可以多思考這些單一園是Certified還是Candidates。
【本日最喜歡La Estrsda 2017 】
Deep purple. Refreshing black pepper, black cherry. Concentrated black fruits, straight, deep in phenolic extraction, a hint of raw soybeans and blossoms. Finesse acidity, lingering complexity, and concentration in quiet. Not enough integration now. Delicate, subtle. Need more 5+ yo to develop. 2024~2048
El Verlado 2017
80% Garnacha. Deep purple. Cool herbaceous, rose pedal, fine and delicate, polished, red flower and red fruits. Slim, juicy but bold in tannin. Not enough in length and complexity now. Need 3+ yo develop. 2024~2034
Tabuerniga 2017
Deep purple, ferment beans, sun-dry vegetable, black pepper, and other pungent spices. Polished, solid, fresh black fruits show some clean in depth. Could expect its development in another 5+ yo.
polished意思 在 侍酒師幫幫忙! Facebook 的最佳解答
Errázuriz, Don Maximiano Founder's Reserve 1983
12.5%, 5-7 mons in rauli oak, recork, 100% CS
首發年份,32年後仍不顯老態!生長季創下當地高溫歷史紀錄,因而提早採收,酒精度出奇的低(口感是中低酒精度沒錯,12.5%應該不是誤植),整體輕盈均衡。不說的話我會猜1996年左岸高比例CS的Margaux區名莊。這款酒不管是葡萄品種使用方式或是釀造手法都很不波爾多(你聽過rauli oak嗎?),想當然爾不是主流風味的呈現(12.5% alc的Cab,酒體與桶味都不重,完全可以猜想某些酒評家的反應),但非常有態度,我挺喜歡。這是青澀青春的達文西油畫【受胎告知】,構圖簡潔,細節精工雕琢,概念完整不失,且可永世流傳。(Francisco不好意思,我知道1983不是你釀的。)
至於親愛的Francisco,今天最喜歡你的Don Maximiano Founder's Reserve 2017。現代波爾多左岸級數酒風格,潔淨、明確。整體而言偏向濃郁集中而奢華,但不會很刻意,有光彩,但不刺眼,起承轉合意隨心轉,讓人輕易耽溺。這是倫敦現場的Les Miserables,燈光音響與劇情唱工行雲流水,樂趣盎然。
Errázuriz, Don Maximiano Founder's Reserve 1983
Medium bright ruby color with a slightly tawny rim. Very delicate and fine, together and vivid. Very charming Margaux. Lovely polish. Fine and smooth tannins there continually on the finish. Surprising fresh. Abundance in acidity. Now~2028
Errázuriz, Don Maximiano Founder's Reserve 2017
A classically styled wine. Controlled and clean in oak, polished and delicate. Classy Bordelais profile. Complex nose, fresh black cherry, forest floor and wood. Perfect balance. Now~2032
polished意思 在 棠小璇 Lune fete Facebook 的最佳貼文
照片是2018在 #上海新天地 拍的!
#GrandGourmet 這家店舖很有意思~
喜歡鵝肝醬的人應該都知道鵝肝醬被公認為世界三大美食之一Grand Gourmet根據法國傳統工藝製作與銷售 #純手工鵝肝醬~秉持著對食材嚴選與對製成工藝的充分了解~才能保證了頂級鵝肝醬純正的味道。
GrandGourmet的空間功能不僅是一間店鋪,還是 #藝術館,#交流空間,#活動場所,人們在這裡品嚐和購買鵝肝醬,參觀藝術展,參加Grand Gourmet的各類活動,互相交流,#體驗不同的生活方式。店內除了鵝肝醬還有魚子醬、熟成火腿等中高價食材~可以外帶也可以在店內搭配酒類享用!
GrandGourmet的商空設計是由特殊編寫的計算機程序所生成!六角幾何規則組織了整個店鋪的所有功能~同時也賦予店鋪很強的辨識性!(裝潢工序共運用了3D打印,激光切割,3D雕刻等技術,獲得Red Dot Design Award 殊榮!)
哎唷 寫到這裡甚是想念這小子啦!
唉唷唷 老想趕快回北京上海呀~老想老想的!
Grand Gourmet flagship store
設計師: #王振飛
The Grand Gourmet flagship store is located in Xintiandi, Shanghai. As a showcase to the public, it works not only as a shop, but also as a gallery, a communication space and event space. People come to taste the products, experience the life style, and communicate with others.
To show respect to these handmade products, the shop design was generated by a custom made computer algorithm, the fractal hexagon pattern gives the shop strong identity and organized all the functions. The making process involved many cutting edge technologies, such as 3D printing, Laser cutting, 3D milling and etc. as well as many traditional handcrafts such as the hand embedded brass bar in the floor, the hand polished brass panels, the hand casting display tables and etc.
The creative combination of the traditional handcrafts and the modern technology makes the shop unique, just as the goose liver combines the old hand making process with the modern life style.