

在 pointing中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #期待新課上架 #NOV26 【condition、situation、circumstances 都背「狀況」,是要怎麼用勒?】 ✅ 課程 8 折卷最後倒數,已有近 2000 名學生填寫問卷領取,不要錯過喔~https://bit.ly/34Ow5Cc(會寄 email 統一發放 8 折卷) ...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過46萬的網紅Super Taste(Travel Show),也在其Youtube影片中提到,比HD還厲害!台中燈會用4K高畫質 帶你回顧閉幕精華│2020 台灣燈會│璀璨台中│文心森林公園│后里花博園區│開閉幕典禮精華影片│4K之美盡在2020台灣燈會 ※建議調整至4K畫質觀看。 ※表演由交通部觀光局授權提供。 ‧看不夠?還有另一支4K影片:https://youtu.be/tcpRQ7w...

pointing中文 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-04 19:48:55

中文請往下▼ This is a late post from when we took A to the zoo about 2 weeks ago. I meant to post it but forgot I had took a photo of his lunch. I basicall...

  • pointing中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-14 19:58:48
    有 242 人按讚

    #期待新課上架 #NOV26
    【condition、situation、circumstances 都背「狀況」,是要怎麼用勒?】

    ✅ 課程 8 折卷最後倒數,已有近 2000 名學生填寫問卷領取,不要錯過喔~https://bit.ly/34Ow5Cc(會寄 email 統一發放 8 折卷)


    在學習時,我們應該要將單字分 2 大類。

    第 1️⃣ 類:「大概講得出來高頻定義」就好的單字
    這樣的單字,延伸相關的「用法」其實也不多。例子像是:ambiguous (模稜兩可的)、complacent (自滿的)。可能發音也知道怎麼發、有一點英文基礎,就能講出:

    The rule is ambiguous.(這個規則很不清楚)
    Don’t be complacent.(不要自滿)


    第 2️⃣ 類:沒記好用法的「高頻」單字,也是母語人士每天都在用的單字。你可能早知道意思,但不見得會正確使用。

    根據牛津大學應用語言學研究以及眾多的 Podcasts 語料分析,母語人士在口說、寫作時,有近 7 成的內容,都可被分類成 8 種模組化的表達。


    【Example 1】

    學 face 的定義是「臉」完全不夠。因為你還要知道:
    in the face of setbacks 在面對挫敗時(句中慣用)

    Don’t quit in the face of setbacks.

    【Example 2】


    與其學「worth (a.) 值得的」,你倒不如記憶
    It is worth mentioning / noting / pointing out that…(值得提及的是)

    與其學「downside (n.) 缺點」,你倒不如學習
    What’s the downside to N…(~的缺點是什麼?)

    與其學「circumstances (n.) 情況」,你倒不如學習
    There are some circumstances where S + V(會有些時候~)

    與其學「odds (n.) 機率」,你倒不如學習
    The odds are that S + V(很有可能~)


    在我這次與好學校 (Hahow) 合作的線上課程,我會教你如何整理出 #3D英文筆記,用 #模組化 的方式分析各式各樣的 #語料、也帶你實際用語料在各式場景(conference call、 email、日常生活聊天)中,用 8 種模組快速組裝出連老外都覺得道地的英文喔!

    ✅ 現在填課程問卷,還來得及拿到 8 折優惠卷

  • pointing中文 在 多糖教室 毛小孩教育訓練 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-02 02:39:14
    有 22 人按讚

    一封給國家地理頻道「Dog: Impossible」節目負責人的公開信:

    An open letter to the leadership team of Nat Geo Wild Dog Impossible:

    Translate: Yu-Hwa Su 翻譯: 蘇昱華
    Proof: Yen Ke 校對: 葛雁

    The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) applauds National Geographic’s mission to offer intelligent, relevant and captivating non-fiction entertainment. This is a crucial objective, especially as an introduction to children and viewers largely relying on television for their scientific information.

    However, your stated mission is in direct conflict with your show Dog: Impossible. In fact, the irresponsible treatment of the dogs and people on this show flies in the face of all best practices in animal training and behavior. Rather than promoting science and scientifically-proven methodology, Dog: Impossible sacrifices learning science for more dramatic television.
    然而,貴頻道所提供的節目「Dog: Impossible」卻與貴頻道「提供正確的科學知識」的一貫立場衝突。節目中對犬隻以及飼主的不負責處理方式與應有的動物訓練及行為操作的準則相違背。「Dog: Impossible」並沒有提倡科學以及經科學驗證的方法,這節目犧牲了對科學的學習,轉而追求吸睛的電視節目效果。

    Matt Beisner appears to have no credentials or education in training and behavior, yet he refers to himself as a behaviorist. His claim that “energy is the one language that every animal on the planet speaks” makes clear he is not one.
    Matt Beisner並沒有動物訓練或行為學的相關學習經歷與證照,卻宣稱自己是一位行為學家。從他的主張:「能量是地球上所有動物都會使用的共通語言」,便能明白他並不是行為學家。

    His statement, “You don’t need tricks, you don’t need treats, you don’t need force,” shows just how unaware of his own actions he is. His misuse of scientific terminology leads viewers to believe they are learning demonstrated, safe and accepted strategies in helping their dogs. In fact, Mr. Beisner is forcing these dogs from start to finish of each episode. His own “tricks” are that of over-stressing dogs until they’re in a state referred to in psychology and science as “learned helplessness.”
    他主張「你不需要技巧、零食、或蠻力 (去訓練狗)」,這顯示出他對於自己的所做所為一無所知。他對科學術語的濫用也會誤導觀眾,讓觀眾以為他們正在學習經證實有效而且安全可接受的方法來幫助狗狗。但這位訓練師在每一集節目上從頭到尾都是在逼迫這些狗,而他所擁有的「技巧」,就是讓狗進入過度緊迫的狀態,直到牠們進入心理學和科學上所指的「習得無助」(learned helplessness)狀態。

    Learned helplessness occurs when a subject endures repeated aversive stimuli beyond their control. Originally thought to show a subject's acceptance of their powerlessness, for more than half a century it’s been known instead to be the emotional “shutting down” of the subject. Anxiety, clinical depression, and related mental illnesses are common consequences of this technique in humans.
    「習得無助」發生在動物沒有任何控制權,且重複地被施加嫌惡刺激的時候。最初,人們認為習得無助狀態意味著動物「接受」了自身無法改變、無能為力的情形,超過半個世紀以來,人們認為這是動物情緒「關機(shutting down)」的表現。在人類身上,習得無助的常見結果包含焦慮、憂鬱症、以及相關的心理疾病。

    Allow us to note some aspects of the trailer and his shows, but first, to point out a few well-documented and commonly understood aspects of dog behavior so that we may better make our points understood.

    Canine body language indicating stress and severe stress:

    Compressed bodies
    Dry, raspy panting
    Wide, open eyes with dilated pupils
    Heavy drooling
    “Whipping” head and body back, pushing off a handler in order to get away

    Eleven seconds into the trailer, Mr. Beisner rubs his hands together, smiling, and says, “This is going to be gnarly.” All professionals know from that statement what the series will spotlight: A poorly (if at all) educated non-professional pushing dogs way beyond therapeutic limits, in the name of “results.”

    Flooding, the term for inundating a subject with their fears, phobias and triggers, is ethically questionable at best, cruel and unnecessary, always. There's also a common danger of spontaneous recovery of the phobia. This is because flooding doesn't replace the fear-response with a different response, it just replaces it with no response. “No response” is simply suppression, not cure.
    「洪水法」,指的是故意將動物置於恐慌或恐懼的觸發刺激情境,這樣的方法不道德、殘忍、而且沒必要。另外,恐懼的自發性回復(spontaneous recovery)也是洪水法常見的風險,這是因為洪水法並沒有將害怕的反應重新制約成其他不同的情緒行為,它只是讓動物沒有反應。「沒有反應」只是壓抑,動物並沒有因此感到不害怕或恐慌。

    Throughout the trailer dogs are flooded with aversive stimuli such as other dogs, people and equipment, something an ethical professional would not, and could not do per any answerable guidelines of animal training and behavior care.

    Systematic desensitization and counterconditioning, gradual exposure to the feared object, and replacement of a negative emotional association with a more pleasant one, are the recommended techniques used to treat such fear and aggression cases, per all legitimate veterinary, training and behavior organizations.

    Beisner’s statement that “We know at the Zen Yard that dogs help other dogs come out of their shell and face their fear and get past their aggression” isn’t just scientifically unsupportable, his words ring hollow during the very scene playing while he says those words: Beisner restraining one dog, while his co-host pulls a leashed dog to the first in a completely unnatural gesture perhaps intended to either mimic natural dog greeting (it doesn’t) or to flood the heavily drooling dog who is unable to move or get away. The dogs end up in a fight. They have been set up to fail, and the outcome is inevitable.
    Beisner宣稱「我們在Zen Yard(他的訓練中心)知道狗會去幫助其他狗融入外界、面對牠們的恐懼並且克服攻擊行為」,這句話不只是缺乏科學支持,在影片中他講出這句話時搭配的畫面,亦表現出他的說詞缺乏支持:Beisner限制了第一隻狗的行動,由節目的共同主持人以牽繩將另一隻狗以一個完全不自然的姿勢拉到第一隻狗身邊,他們可能是在試著模仿狗狗自然的社交打招呼行為(但並不是),或使用洪水法訓練那隻狂流口水(顯示牠很緊張)並且無法逃脫的狗。最終兩隻狗打起來,訓練師製造的這個情境,讓失敗的結果無可避免。

    In the trailer, the assistant host, Stefanie DiOrio, states, “Nervousness can easily turn to fear which can lead to aggression.” This is an accurate statement, which is why it’s so confusing that the entire show would be predicated on pushing dogs to the very edge of survivable stress and into predictable aggression, doubling down on the issues that their owners are struggling with.
    在預告片中,節目的共同主持人Stefanie DiOrio說「緊張不安很容易變成真正的恐懼,並且導致攻擊行為」,這句話是正確的,但也讓人更加困惑為何整個節目的走向都在將狗推向牠們所能承受壓力的極限、觸發根本可預測的攻擊行為、並使飼主所面對的問題加倍惡化。

    We know that the dramatic changes in behavior, from stressed and wildly aggressive to “calm” dogs, make for compelling TV. To an average pet owner it looks like these dogs are making huge improvements. All clients just want their dog to “Stop being aggressive.” However, we also know that behavior suppression is not the same as behavior modification, that a stressed and shut-down dog is a more dangerous animal than one who is actively showing aggression, and that the long-term prognosis of this kind of intervention is poor for both the client and their dog.
    我們知道行為上戲劇性的變化,從一隻緊迫且兇猛攻擊的狗轉變成“冷靜”的狗,這個過程代表了高收視率,在不十分了解行為學的飼主眼中看來,這些狗狗似乎有巨大的進步。飼主都只是希望他們的狗「不要再有攻擊性」,然而我們也知道單純抑制攻擊行為的出現,並不是真正的行為改善技術。舉例來說一隻高壓力但看似沒有反應的狗,遠比一隻會表現出攻擊性的狗要危險許多 (譯註: 因為這樣的狗可能會沒有徵兆地開咬),因此這種抑制攻擊行為的訓練法,以長遠來看對飼主以及狗狗都是有害的。

    It is also worth pointing out that, like his predecessor, Mr Beisner’s assessment of cause for much of the issues he’s asked to address is simple, made especially clear in episode 4 where he not only saves a dog, he “saves a marriage:” Women are unable to effectively lead, must be stronger, must change their ways.

    Misogyny, it seems, cures dog behavior problems. Real exploration and explanation regarding the antecedents and consequences around behaviors are ignored in favor of client blaming.

    The clients on the show represent thousands of clients throughout the US and beyond with whom we work every day, helping them to help their dogs. Far from being dogs “other people won’t work with,” the dogs on your show are exactly the clients and dogs that IAABC Certified Dog Behavior Consultants, as well as all members of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, Certified Applied Animal Behaviorists, and other certified behavior specialists see and successfully work with every day.

    We do so using the best practices of our field (see https://m.iaabc.org/about/ethics/), adopted by the leading behavior and training organizations, without psychologically or physically harming the animals we work with.

    The IAABC urges Nat Geo WILD to stop promoting this public miseducation. The tactics employed in the name of entertainment are unnecessarily harsh and potentially dangerous to the public, and they teach yet another generation of Nat Geo watchers absolutely incorrect and harmful practices.
    IAABC呼籲國家地理頻道(Nat Geo WILD)停止傳播此系列誤導公眾的資訊。以娛樂包裝節目的策略對於觀眾是不必要的粗糙而且有潛在風險的,甚至是向頻道的年輕一代觀眾灌輸完全不正確且有害的做法。

    It remains a mystery why your network is so intent on harming dogs. After years of Cesar Milan, to now bring in a man equally unskilled, who equates terrified, angry or entrapped dogs to his own addiction history is remarkable. Are we really satisfied conflating ego with compassion, self-focus with an understanding of animal behavior? Is this the “science” your mission stands for?
    我們仍然不知為何貴頻道這麼多年來如此堅持持續傷害狗的這些作為。在西薩 (Cesar Milan) 的節目播映多年之後,現在又引進一個同樣缺乏正確訓練技巧,以自身藥物成癮困擾歷史去錯誤的同理恐懼或憤怒的狗的人。我們能接受一個膨脹自我,而非真正擁有同情心、適當自我聚焦、了解動物行為的「專業人士」嗎?這就是貴節目所宣稱的「科學」立場嗎?

    The damage Nat Geo is doing to dogs by choosing this type of programming is astounding. We can only assume that the producers are unaware of this, as it’s hard to imagine such harm and cruelty would be deliberate.

    Would you show a reality program on heart surgery with a photogenic “self-taught” practitioner, simply stating the star was not a doctor before showing him mutilating a real patient?

    I leave you with the clearest image of suffering and abuse from your trailer: the Aussie, stressed to the breaking point, thick ropes of drool streaming from its mouth, being choked by a slip lead to compensate for the host’s inability to even effectively muzzle a dog. This dog is at the point of collapse. This dog is being tortured, and that is not hysteria. That is an assessment by any educated measure.
    作為結尾,我希望指出貴節目預告片中明確顯示出狗狗受苦或受虐的畫面:那隻澳洲牧羊犬已經瀕臨壓力的極限,您可以看到口水掛在其嘴邊 (大量口水為壓力徵兆),口罩因為沒有確實的配戴而滑脫,導致牠被勒到快要窒息,已在崩潰邊緣。具備專業與適當教育的人員指出,這隻狗因在節目上被虐待而情緒崩潰,並非其本身歇斯底里。

    Please stop this cruel and dangerous programming. To do otherwise is to support that self-taught heart surgery and all the consequences it would bring; that this show is currently bringing to families struggling with their dogs.
    Professionals refer to Cesar Milan’s influence on dog training as “job security” because so many dogs ruined or made far worse by his teachings are brought to us by well-intentioned, often weeping owners desperate for real help. Often it is too late.

    We do not want more work due to this same phenomenon.

    We’d be happy to provide you with any education and resources you need to inform your producers about what would qualify as responsible, effective, safe and thoughtful work with the same “red zone” dogs you sell so well.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Marjie Alonso
    Executive Director, IAABC
    For the Board of Directors

    Marjie Alonso

  • pointing中文 在 酒類專家 王 鵬 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-01-03 14:59:52
    有 187 人按讚



    布魯塞爾世界酒類競賽烈酒評選(Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles),是全球最富盛名的烈酒賽事之一。台灣今年在此大賽中,再次獲得佳績,所獲獎牌數量為參賽前五強。第一名是法國(本土44面,海外屬地53面),其次是中國(47面)、墨西哥(27面)、義大利(25面)與台灣(22面)。

    台灣雙金獎1面(金車噶瑪蘭 Kavalan Solist Fino Sherry Single Cask Strength)、金獎11面(得獎者包括金門酒廠、信義鄉農會、台灣菸酒公司、國立高雄餐旅大學)、銀獎10面(得獎者包括金門酒廠、台灣菸酒公司、優米企業、金車噶瑪蘭、國立高雄餐旅大學、霧峰農會酒莊)


    布魯塞爾世界酒類競賽烈酒評選,巡迴世界各地,今年邁入第17屆,在智利拉塞雷納(La Serena)舉辦。


    評審團每六人一桌,每桌由大會指派一名評審團主席(俗稱桌長),來自台灣的陳千浩與王鵬,都是本屆的評審團成員,並雙雙兼任評審團主席。此外,王鵬也擔任大會《烈酒風味評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelienes)編纂計劃總召集人及主編,這項計畫從兩年前萌芽,一年前正式開始籌備,並於本屆順利推出,成為本屆賽事亮點之一。

    1. Rhum Blanc Agricole Karukera Canne Bleue by Marquisat de Sainte-Marie Sas, Guadeloupe
    2. Château du Tariquet Bas Armagnac Folle Blanche 12 years, France
    3. Mezcal Don Aurelio Reposado by Don Aurelio Lamas, Mexico.
    4. Ekiss Vodka 2012 by Domaines Francis Abecassis, France.




    今年烈酒大賽的評審日程為期三日,在8月22日大會開幕典禮上,將正式發表這部《烈酒風味評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelines),目前這部作品以英文發行。




    一個賽事的評審團,通常必須拆分成不同桌次,每個桌次可視為一個獨立的評審團。評審桌長,就是這個獨立評審團的主席,通常我們私下都稱為table captain(桌長),但是正式的說法是president of jury(評審團主席)——位階聽起來威風凜凜,但其實就是桌長。身為桌長,任務內容簡單許多,基本上只要確保該桌工作進度沒有落後,文件資料填寫齊全。但是我擔任桌長時,也希望同行專家都能透過討論,從彼此身上學到一些東西,並確保評選結果符合應有水準素質。




    〈智利國家電視台TVN Canal 24 Horas〉Comenzó concurso mundial de destilados

    〈智利電視台Ahora Noticias Central MEGA〉2017年8月24日





    王鵬主導編纂的《烈酒評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelines)正式推出,是本屆賽事的亮點之一 。以下是王鵬在8月22日大賽開幕典禮上的英文致詞全文,以及中文翻譯。

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    My dear fellow judges,

    As a judge, we never stop learning. I believe you feel the same way. There are so much to explore in the world of spirits. The diversity of our drinks and cultural richness behind them are fascinating; yet, its complexity can be frustrating sometimes. No one is a perfect judge. However, we try to do our best and fulfill our mission.

    And we are lucky being in this family of Spirits Selection, because fellow judges always share thoughts and knowledge at the judging table. I was inspired to collect valuable comments, and compile them into Guidelines, so that such information become available for each member in the team, rather than limited within one single jury at a given table.

    Hopefully, these guidelines will help you in the challenging task as spirits judge, particularly when you are faced with certain categories that you are less familiar with. We recommend you spend some time on the “Users’ Guide.” You can find it in the beginning of your booklet. Appropriate use of these guidelines will be helpful in your judging, and will ensure our mission in promoting great culture of fine spirits.

    Let’s imagine that each bottle or each sample is a person, and it tries to express itself in its own language. To better communicate, we have to learn its language. The diversity of spirits can be compared to diverse languages, and we managed to bridge over that gap, by revealing the secret of “how to speak its own language,” in other words, how to evaluate the spirits from their unique cultural backgrounds. This is what these guidelines are for.

    In these Guidelines, we aimed at pointing out common features and frequent faults within each category, and these are often useful tips for judges. We believe, your expertise paired with this powerful tool of Guidelines, will enhance your performance as a judge. I hope you enjoy using these Guidelines before or during judging. Discussions are encouraged, since guidelines themselves are a compilation of these useful comments. When you find them, write them down and send them to us. They are much wanted and desired.

    This document is designed to evolve over time, based on your remarks and suggestions. Some pieces are still missing, but I believe they are about to come, thanks to your feedback. Please capture any thought that arises during judging, and let’s share with the whole team in the next edition. Ever-improving guidelines will help reproduce quality judging, which is of utmost importance for the reputation of the renowned Spirits Selection, where we are united as a family and whose reputation is also ours.

    I feel so proud and happy being part of the project. Although it was me who took initiative in the creation of these guidelines, were it not for the support of competition organizers and help from fellow judges, the project would not have been carried out with success. We would like to thank all those who have devoted their time and expertise to producing this first version. My special thanks go to Mr. Thierry Heins, who supported this project with great knowledge on spirits and particularly on human resources. He knows his people very well, and always have good contacts. Those fellow judges who contributed to the Guidelines, provided insights and advices, are listed in the Acknowledgements. I believe, in the next edition, this list will definitely grow longer because of your participation.

    Thanks for your attention and support. Enjoy your tasting. Let’s get prepared for work!

  • pointing中文 在 Super Taste(Travel Show) Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-04-08 15:45:34

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  • pointing中文 在 鍾翔宇 Xiangyu Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-27 12:00:02


    Follow Xiangyu on Twitter https://instagram.com/notXiangyu
    Follow Ransom-Notes on Twitter https://twitter.com/ransom1992

    0:00 星星之火 A Single Spark
    2:52 延續和決裂 Continuity and Rupture
    6:02 流言蜚語 Rumors and Slanders
    8:56 夢 Dream
    11:26 這不是請客吃飯 This Is Not a Dinner Party
    14:50 社會主義還是人類滅絕 Socialism or Human Extinction

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5LXDWD9UWMinJpuGXfOHF9
    Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/album/1475720641
    KKBox: https://www.kkbox.com/tw/tc/album/Po-XjuEwvaj3s0F3XnGK009H-index.html
    虾米音乐: https://www.xiami.com/album/5021315036

    專輯介紹: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%98%BB%E5%93%88%E5%8F%8D%E5%B8%9D%E5%9C%8B-%E9%8D%BE%E7%BF%94%E5%AE%87%E8%AA%AA%E5%94%B1%E6%98%9F%E6%98%9F%E4%B9%8B%E7%81%AB-063724380.html

    繼 2018 年金音獎入圍的《炮打司令部》後,中文嘻哈界絕無僅有的共產主義饒舌歌手鍾翔宇與英國製作人 Ransom-Notes 馬不停蹄地聯手炮製出六首歌的新專輯《星星之火》,相較於上張專輯還有如〈保力達B〉、〈偶像的手冊〉等比較詼諧幽默的歌曲,這張專輯顯得更加嚴肅而深入的闡述自己的意識形態。

    即使如此,這張專輯並沒有流於自我重複的說教,而是透過自己在美國成長過程親眼目睹的(台灣媒體跟好萊塢電影不告訴你的)具體事實,鍾翔宇戳破所謂的「美國夢」,一層一層爬梳嘻哈音樂如何失去最初的反抗精神、分析爭取勞動權益的困境甚至環保議題。很難想像這麼龐大的知識量被鍾翔宇精巧的放在一張不到 20 分鐘的專輯當中,這樣大膽的嘗試絕對值得你靜下心搭配歌詞細細玩味。搭配 Ransom-Notes 充滿黃金年代風格的編曲,讓嚴肅的歌詞不再難以下嚥。而鍾翔宇精心設計的多韻和不時的好笑 punchline,也展現他想讓歌曲直面普羅大眾的誠意。

    批判美國的霸權和當今的社會經濟制度等於動搖了非常多人的基本信念,鍾翔宇也深知這一點。然而看到不公不義的事實而站出來發聲,這是讓鍾翔宇之所以愛上嘻哈的浪漫初衷。《星星之火》這張專輯就如同他的偶像,英國嘻哈詩人 Lowkey 的 “Soundtrack to the Struggle” 一樣,是貨真價實的革命之聲,所有真心想衝破世界當今所面對的困境的人,肯定能從鍾翔宇的音樂中得到啟發。

    Shortly after his 2018 album "Bombard the Headquarters" was nominated best hip hop album by the Golden Indie Music Awards, Xiangyu, one of the few openly communist rappers in the Sinosphere, together with his comrade Ransom-Notes from the UK, began working on "a Single Spark." In comparison to his previous album, which contains comedic songs like "Paolyta B" and "the Idol's Handbook," "a Single Spark" takes on a more serious tone and delves deeper into Xiangyu's ideology.

    Despite the comparatively somber tone, this new album avoids repetitive preaching. Through sharing his personal experiences and the things he saw growing up in the United States, Xiangyu debunks the so-called "American Dream." Using materialist dialectics, he tells us how hip hop has lost its rebellious essence, and also analyzes power dynamics and touches on topics such as the environment. It is difficult to imagine how Xiangyu and Ransom-Notes were able to condense such a vast expanse of knowledge into an album less than 20 minutes in length. You will not be disappointed should you decide to sit down and listen to such a bold album while studying the lyrics. Reminiscent of hip hop's golden age, Ransom-Notes' beatmaking provides the listener with the sugar that makes the pill easier to swallow. Xiangyu's carefully constructed rhymes and the occasional humorous punch line demonstrate his sincere attempt to make his agitprop more accessible to the layperson.

    Criticizing US hegemony and the socioeconomic order of today is tantamount to shattering the fundamental beliefs of many, and Xiangyu is acutely aware of this. The fact that hip hop can serve as a platform for pointing out injustices is what attracted Xiangyu to the genre in the first place. "A Single Spark" is similar to "Soundtrack to the Struggle" by Lowkey, one of Xiangyu's influences, in the sense that it is truly revolutionary in content. Those who genuinely seek to transform the predicaments plaguing our world today will certainly find inspiration in Xiangyu's music.

    母帶後期製作:Glenn Schick
    繪圖:Bijan Nader Sharifi

    Lyrics by Xiangyu,
    Beats by Ransom-Notes,
    Recorded by Xiangyu,
    Mixed by Xiangyu and Ransom-Notes
    Mastered by Glenn Schick,
    Artwork by Bijan Nader Sharifi.

    #星星之火 #鍾翔宇 #aSingleSpark

  • pointing中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-11-11 04:58:12



    Copyright Info:
    Be aware this channel is for promotion purpose only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
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    背景 / Background :

    翻譯連結 / Referenced Translation :

    日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
    目を醒ませ 僕らの世界が何者かに侵略されてるぞ

    見慣れた空 同じ景色に今日が流れてく


    目を醒ませ 僕らの世界が何者かに侵略されてるぞ
    これは訓練でも リハーサルでもない
    覆われた日常というべールを 勢いよく剥がしたら


    悟ったフリ 見て見ぬフリで傷を隠してく


    繰り返す日常というルールに 騙されそうになったら

    A wish, wish come true 夜の星に願いを

    目を醒ませ 僕らの世界が何者かに侵略されてるぞ
    これは訓練でも リハーサルでもない
    覆われた日常というべールを 勢いよく剥がしたら


    中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :











    英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
    Open your eyes! Our world is being invaded by something!

    On these fabricated-like days,
    Our S.O.S signals are being sent rapidly
    Knowing that there is something different
    About the familiar sky...the usual scenery...the passing day.

    What was the promise that day?
    What did you talk about in the classroom?
    As it is, that promise will end up disappear!

    Open your eyes! Our world is being invaded by something!
    This is neither a training nor a rehearsal!
    Peeling off the "everyday" cover
    And the bell that signals the fight rings!
    Well then, for now, let us become one alliance!

    I have come to save you from "boredom"

    To those fake-like memories,
    "Things were better in the past" - pointing out with your finger
    Knowing how vain my action is,
    I still pretend to not see those scars you hide behind the facade.

    I did not want to be a hero,
    The protagonist should have been someone else!
    Don't just unknowingly give up!

    Within our views, are our world that cannot be replaced by anything.
    It doesn't matter if you are a child or an adult,
    Don't be deceived by that day-repeating rule!
    Let's raise the flag of resistance!
    Now, we shalll make a revolution!

    A wish, wish come true, upon praying to a star at night.
    To connect with you, the dream of UNION.

    Open your eyes! Our world is being invaded by something!
    This is neither a training nor a rehearsal!
    Peeling off the "everyday" cover
    And the bell that signals the fight rings!
    Just like back then, let us become one alliance!

    I have come to save you from "boredom"

