

在 poached中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過48萬的網紅肥媽 Maria cordero,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今日教大家 📌 豉油雞 📌白灼牛肩胛 📌 砵仔糕 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 蘋果膠中文購買連結 送冰皮月餅粉 海外觀眾優惠完結,只限香港粉絲 https://www.jlc-health.com/tc-maria-mooncake-special ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 和牛凍肉資料👉https:/...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71萬的網紅VOGUE Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,32種雞胸肉料理 ►► https://smarturl.it/f4e5ru 對於那些還在用微波爐調理整隻雞的人,我們告訴你好消息! 實際上,還有其他方法可以煮整隻雞。 還有更多其他方法!你知道你可以在烤箱中甚至在烤架上煮雞肉嗎? 或者,甚至可以用吹風機先吹乾那隻雞。 如果你有興趣,請觀看這支影片,...

poached中文 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 17:44:04

☆A’s Menu 小哲菜單☆⁣ ▼中文請往下▼⁣ ⁣ #chefbaba⁣ ⁣ Here’s another simple lunch that Chef baba makes very often. We call it an assorted noodles soup. A little bi...

poached中文 在 歐老外 | 台北美食 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-31 04:38:31

【台北美食】【雙連站】 💁🏼‍♂️沒事’‘早事’‘坐 ⠀ 📍台北市 / Taipei City 📌中山區/Zhongshan Dist. ⠀ 🇹🇼【中文】🇹🇼 招牌看起來不顯眼但菜單卻十分吸睛 款式項目非常多的與傳統早餐店不太一樣 還有wifi的配置 是少有早餐店有的裝置🤣 牛奶使用高大鮮乳,真的超...

poached中文 在 盧怡安 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 22:00:22

逛市場後的早午餐 水波蚵 肥滿、飽潤的新鮮蚵仔,我捨不得做成其他料理。 蠔煎、蔭豉蚵、炸蚵仔,都不行,雖然這些我都好愛。 煮成蚵仔湯就對了。 煮湯也是有技巧的,好啦,稱不上技巧,只是一個小小的概念。當做水波蛋在煮就對了。 中文裡的燒煮技巧,用字非常精準,㸆不是燒,煸不是炸,炒有爆炒、滑炒、...

  • poached中文 在 肥媽 Maria cordero Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-26 20:57:00
    有 7,742 人按讚

    📌 豉油雞
    📌 砵仔糕

    蘋果膠中文購買連結 送冰皮月餅粉



    材料: 光雞一隻,薑.蔥.乾蔥頭.老抽二湯匙,片糖半塊,半碗紹興酒或一至二湯匙玫瑰露,細半碗生抽
    1 洗淨雞放滾水中淥一淥後即放冷水中過冷河(雞身較爽)
    English Version
    Soya Sauce Chicken in a Rice Cooker
    (YouTube video starts at 4:30 )
    Whole chicken - 1
    Ginger slices
    Cinnamon stick
    Bay leaf
    Star anise - 1
    Garlic, optional
    Green onion - 2 bunches (1 bunch for the cavity of chicken. 1 bunch to put in the rice cooker inner pot.)
    Dark soya sauce - 2 tbsp
    Shaoxing wine - ½ a bowl (or you can use Chinese rose wine but only use 1 – 2 tbsp due to the strong taste)
    Light soya sauce - ½ a bowl
    Chinese brown sugar - ½ a slab (or you can use Chinese rock sugar but less richer in flavour)
    1. In a pot of boiling water, grab the whole chicken by the neck and dip it into the boiling water a couple of times and lastly submerge the chicken head into the boiling water. With a pair of chopsticks, secure the chicken neck and transfer to pot of ice-cold water or flush cold water in the sink to stop the cooking process.
    This step will result in firm skin texture, to prevent the chicken skin from breaking, and to better absorb the color from the dark soya sauce.
    2. Gently pat dry the whole interior and exterior of the chicken with paper towel.
    3. Chop both chicken feet to prevent them from sticking out from the rice cooker. Set aside.
    4. In a bowl, add in the whole chicken and coat the exterior and interior of the chicken with dark soya sauce. Stuff a bunch of green onion and two big slices of ginger into the cavity of the chicken. Set aside.
    5. In a heated wok, add in less than a tbsp of oil, shallots, ginger slices, cinnamon stick, bay leaf, and fry until fragrant and slightly charred then transfer to the rice cooker inner pot.
    6. Add the chicken feet and the whole dark soya sauce coated chicken into the rice cooker inner pot with the chicken breast facing down. Add in Shaoxing wine, light soya sauce, 1 bunch of green onion, and Chinese brown sugar. This step is done or you can take an extra step to heat up the sauce in a pan. Pour all the sauce out from the rice cooker inner pot into a pan and bring to boil then return the sauce to the rice cooker inner pot.
    7. Put it in the rice cooker and cook for 10 minutes, after 10 minutes flip the whole chicken over on its side and cook for further 5 minutes for each side for a total of 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, TURN OFF the heat and let the chicken sit in the rice cooker for further 10 minutes. Total cooking time 30 minutes.
    8. Let the chicken cool for 20 to 30 minutes before cutting into pieces. Pour the liquid from the rice cooker to a cooking pot and bring to a boil and let it reduce to a thick sauce. Drizzle sauce over chicken. Serve.
    📌 牛肩胛一碟(按照自己份量需要)
    📌 薑一至兩片
    📌 葱兩至三棵
    📌 辣椒適量
    📌 鼓油半碗
    📌 麻油一茶匙
    📌 生粉少許
    📌 酒一湯匙
    📌 清水
    1. 薑片切條再切粒。
    2. 開火煲滾熱水,把薑粒和酒放入煲內,煮滾。
    3. 牛肩胛一片片分開,加入生粉撈均。
    4. 葱切絲用水稍浸,之後瀝乾。辣椒切片或粒,之後和葱撈均。
    5. 用碗把鼓油,麻油和少許步驟4的葱和辣椒,撈均。
    6. 準備一隻碟,放入步驟4剩餘大半的葱和辣椒鋪底,備用。
    7. 牛肩胛一片片放入煲中,灼大約10-15秒。
    8. 把牛肩胛放在已鋪底的碟上,之後再次鋪上步驟4餘下的葱和辣椒在面。
    9. 最後倒入已調味的鼓油(步驟5),即成。
    English Version
    Poached Beef Chuck Slices
    (YouTube video starts at 30:15)
    Beef chunk slices
    Ginger - diced
    Shaoxing wine - 1 tbsp
    Spring onion - wash, soak in water and rinse well
    Fresh red chilli
    Dipping sauce ingredients:
    Light soya sauce
    Fresh red chilli
    Sesame oil
    Green onion
    1. On a plate, separate the beef chuck slices and mix thoroughly with corn starch. This is to make the meat more tender.
    2. In a dipping bow, add in light soya sauce, sesame oil, fresh red chilli, green onion, and mix well. Set aside.
    3. In a cooking pot, add in water, diced ginger, Shaoxing wine, and bring to a boil. Add in the beef chuck slices and poach them briefly and transfer them to a serving plate covered with green onion and red chilli pieces. Garnish with more green onion and serve with dipping sauce or drizzle dipping over the plate. Serve.
    70 g 粘米粉
    85 ml水
    150ml 水
    紅豆(早一晚浸過夜,然後用水浸過紅豆煲滾至熟,不要開蓋,焗一個鐘, 盛起紅豆備用)
    1) 先把小碗輕輕掃油,蒸熱
    2) 粘米粉,粟粉放在碗來,先放入1/3的85ml水入碗內,用手把水搓入粉內,再加入1/3的水、將水搓入粉內至成團,再加入餘下的水,搓均,放一旁備用
    3) 切碎棷糖及片糖,放入煲內,加入150ml 水,煲至糖完全溶解
    4) 糖水大滾後,先再拌勻粉漿,然後分三次把已煑滾糖水撞入粉漿,邊撞,邊攪拌至糖水完全加入
    4) 把紅豆分入已蒸熱的小碗內,然後倒入粉漿
    5) 用保鮮紙包蓋著小碗
    Red Bean Pudding (“Put Chai Ko”)
    (YouTube video starts at 14:08)
    Rice flour - 70g
    Corn starch/flour - 1 tbsp
    Water - 85ml
    Red bean - 50g – 60g (soak overnight, cook till tender and leave the lid on to cook further without the heat. This will preserve their shapes and still tender inside.)
    Sugar mixture ingredients:
    Palm sugar &/or Chinese brown sugar - 60g a small piece (crush into tiny pieces)
    Water - 150ml
    Water - 1 tsp, optional (larger pieces of sugar will take longer to melt so add an additional 1 tsp of water to the melted mixture to make up for the evaporated water.)
    1. In a heat-proof mixing bowl, add in rice flour, and corn starch. Slowly add in a bit of water and knead well to let the rice flour absorb the water and MUST form a dough like texture then add a bit more water and continue to knead until the rice flour has absorbed the water and becomes dough like texture again. Continue with this process until the water is finished. Set aside.
    This kneading process will give a firm, bouncy texture to the pudding whereas simple mixing all the ingredients together without this kneading process will be soft and sticky.
    2. Prepare 6 small bowls. Brush each with a bit of oil and steam them. Steamed bowls will cook batter evenly.
    3. In a cooking pot, add in palm sugar, Chinese brown sugar, water, and cook until sugar has melted. Optional to add 1 tsp of water if sugar takes longer to melt and more water has evaporated. Bring to a boil.
    4. Add boiling melted sugar mixture into Step 1 rice flour mixture and mix well. Set aside.
    5. To assemble, add the red bean first to the 6 small steamed bowls. With a ladle, add and divide mixture from Step 4 evenly among the 6 small bowls. Make sure to keep stirring the mixture each time you add to the small bowl to avoid the sugar and rice flour mixture from separating.
    6. Cover the bowls with plastic wrap and steam 20 minutes.
    7. Let puddings cool before removing the bowls. Insert skewers into the sides of the puddings. Serve.

  • poached中文 在 Personal blog Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-04 12:57:01
    有 0 人按讚

    環境超靚服務好好 以呢個價錢來講唔算太貴
    前菜超水準👍🏻高質得嚟 食物好別緻
    👉🏻Miso Butter Poached Lobster 🦞
    龍蝦肉全部幫你起晒出嚟👍🏻 放咗喺龍蝦殼入邊
    龍蝦汁好Creamy🤤 沾少少龍蝦汁味道已經好突出
    三文魚籽有豐富嘅魚油 同龍蝦肉一齊食爆汁嘅口感超豐富😍
    👉🏻Pan Roasted French Quail
    細細隻嘅燒春雞分成四件 🤩外皮烤得好香脆
    入邊嘅肉質keep住有水份 唔會烤到乾晒🥳而且雞肉味好香
    重點係香草松露醬 好香濃惹菌松茸味
    食之前好似幫隻雞做Spa咁😆 搽上香草醬 好惹味😻
    先介紹前菜 前菜都太豐富太好味啦😻😻
    餐廳全部都係外籍人士 個個都好Nice好有禮貌
    #Hunter&The Chase
    中環皇后大道中139號The L.Place 3樓及4樓
    #hk #foody #hkfoodie #foodies #hkig #food #foodie #foodiegram #foodpics #foodpic #hkfood #foodporn #foodgasm #吃貨 #吃貨人生 #吃貨日記 #相機食先 #好西 #美食 #香港美食 @ Hunter & The Chase

  • poached中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-09-01 20:00:01
    有 97 人按讚

    [Paris pastry guide / 巴黎甜點指南](中文請按"see more")

    Our wonderful lunch yesterday at Neige d'été ended with a beautiful surprise. This delicate dessert "pêche, champagne, fromage blanc" is encompassed by a very fine circle of opaline, filled with light pastry cream (crème pâtissière légère), poached peaches (pêches pochées), and coconut ice cream (glace à la noix de coco) and then further decorated by meringue and an edible flower. The idea of holding the whole dessert by the opaline circle and making it like a transparent tart really amazed me.

    I asked about the making and forming of the opaline, and the staff was so kind offering me the chance to talk to the chef pâtissière. I then met the young and smiley Ruri who was totally sweet that not only explained to me in details but also showed me her tools and gestures of the making. The thing interesting about meeting people behind their work is that you really see how their personality is embodied in the creations. Ruri is just as adorable as her dessert. I hope I have the chance tasting her other creations soon!

    *check my Instagram page for more Paris photos and live videos: http://www.instagram.com/applespoon

    昨日中午在一星餐廳Neige d'été嚐到令人驚豔的美麗甜點 -「pêche, champagne, fromage blanc」(蜜桃、香檳、白乳酪)。這個甜點的巧思在於外層用了opaline(極薄的糖片)圍成了一圈,宛如透明的塔皮,裡面承裝了輕奶餡(crème pâtissière légère)、 糖煮蜜桃(pêches pochées)、椰子冰淇淋(glace à la noix de coco)等,並用蛋白霜片(meringue)與可食用小花裝飾。從顏色到食材的選用,都非常具有少女心。


    更多巴黎即時照片與影音 >> http://www.instagram.com/applespoon

    #yingspastryguide #neigedete #paris

  • poached中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-04-20 22:00:16

    32種雞胸肉料理 ►► https://smarturl.it/f4e5ru
    實際上,還有其他方法可以煮整隻雞。 還有更多其他方法!你知道你可以在烤箱中甚至在烤架上煮雞肉嗎? 或者,甚至可以用吹風機先吹乾那隻雞。 如果你有興趣,請觀看這支影片,Amiel Stanek教你幾乎所有方法來煮整隻雞!
    #雞肉 #創意料理​ #療癒廚房
    00:00​ Intro
    00:40​ Poached 水煮全雞
    01:20​ Stock 雞高湯
    02:10​ Roast Chicken (3 Ways) 三種烤雞
    04:29​ Roasted Spatchcock 扁平式烤雞
    05:33​ Brick Chicken 磚壓烤雞
    06:34​ Grilled (spatchcocked) 火烤扁平式全雞
    07:21​ Beer Can 啤酒罐烤雞
    08:24​ Bundt Pan 蛋糕模具烤雞
    09:23​ Rack Roasted 烤架烤全雞
    10:20​ Oven Bag 袋烤雞
    11:21​ Salt-Crusted 鹽殼烤雞
    12:31​ Smoked 煙燻雞
    13:10​ On a String 吊烤全雞
    13:59​ Deep Fried 炸全雞
    15:01​ Braised 燉雞
    15:52​ Rotisserie 旋轉烤雞
    16:49​ Outdoor Rotisserie 戶外旋轉烤肉
    17:41​ Baked (Fauxtisserie) 低溫慢烤雞
    18:34​ Microwave 微波爐烤雞
    19:27​ Instant Pot 壓力鍋燉雞
    20:22​ Air Fryer 氣炸全雞
    21:10​ Sous Vide then Searzall skin 舒肥全雞

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    美容編輯正芳隨你問 ► http://smarturl.it/zf5840
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    ※關於時尚,VOGUE說了算!自從1892年第一本VOGUE在美國出版以來,至今已有122年的歷史,始終被時尚專業人士所推崇,因此榮譽為Fashion Bible時尚聖經。
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  • poached中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-17 22:00:16

    吃膩煎培根?Bon Appetit特約編輯帶你嘗試各種不同的培根料理方式!
    32種雞胸肉料理方法 ►► https://smarturl.it/f4e5ru
    #培根 #創意料理 #療癒廚房
    00:00 Introduction
    00:36 Homemade bacon 自製培根
    01:53 Double-smoked bacon 二次燻製培根
    02:23 Cold start bacon 冷鍋煎培根
    02:58 Hot start bacon 熱鍋煎培根
    03:35 Low and slow bacon 小火慢煎培根
    04:06 Bacon lardons 法式培根
    04:38 Bacon toaster 烤培根機
    05:15 Curling iron bacon 捲髮棒煎培根
    05:51 Crimping iron bacon 玉米鬚電棒捲煎培根
    06:24 Campfire bacon, three ways 營火培根 三種方法
    06:52 Coal-cooked bacon 煤炭烤培根
    07:14 Foil-packed bacon 鋁箔包培根
    07:31 Clothesline bacon 晾衣夾培根
    07:54 Baked bacon 烤培根
    08:27 Rack-baked bacon 烤架培根
    08:55 Broiled bacon 用上火烤培根
    09:27 Diner-style bacon 快餐式培根
    10:09 Oven contraption bacon 烤箱配件做的培根
    10:37 Bacon bowl 培根碗
    11:04 Bacon straw 培根吸管
    11:46 Prince Harry's bacon 哈利王子愛吃的培根
    12:33 Microwaved bacon 微波爐加熱培根
    12:59 Wow bacon Wow培根
    13:27 Plastic tray bacon 塑膠盤加熱培根
    13:56 Bacon Wave 塑膠架
    14:35 Bacon butter 培根奶油
    15:32 Bacon mayonnaise 培根美乃滋
    16:09 Bacon caramels 培根糖果
    17:02 Bacon bourbon 培根波本威士忌
    18:07 Water-method bacon 加水煎培根
    18:48 Poached bacon 水煮培根
    19:27 Steamed bacon 蒸籠培根
    19:56 Car engine bacon 用車引擎煮培根
    20:40 Bacon jam 培根醬
    21:24 Candied bacon 培根蜜餞
    21:55 Bacon ice cream 培根冰淇淋
    23:20 Grilled bacon, two ways 炙烤培根 兩種方法
    23:37 High heat grilled bacon 高溫炙烤培根
    23:58 Low heat grilled bacon 低溫烤培根
    24:20 Skewered bacon 培根串
    24:49 Searzall bacon 噴槍培根
    25:22 George Foreman bacon 智烤爐培根
    25:43 Air fryer bacon 氣炸鍋培根
    26:06 Waffle iron bacon 鬆餅機培根
    26:25 Powdered bacon 培根粉
    27:02 Stir fried bacon 快炒培根
    27:38 Deep-fried bacon 油炸培根
    28:11 Bacon bits 培根碎丁
    28:39 Country-fried bacon 鄉村式炸培根

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    芭蕾舞者們的血淚史 ► http://smarturl.it/uhot5l
    唐綺陽12星座深入剖析 ► http://smarturl.it/in8eqp
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    ※關於時尚,VOGUE說了算!自從1892年第一本VOGUE在美國出版以來,至今已有122年的歷史,始終被時尚專業人士所推崇,因此榮譽為Fashion Bible時尚聖經。
    ※台灣VOGUE隸屬Condé Nast Interculture Group,相關國外影片皆由國外授權提供給台灣使用,台灣VOGUE秉持服務網友,讓更多中文語系觀眾可以看到國際影片跟中文字幕,所以在此頻道分享給大家,如果喜歡我們的頻道,請訂閱我們,我們將會持續努力帶來更多優質內容。

  • poached中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-03-30 22:00:05

    #好家在我在家 #宅料理
    43種鮭魚料理 ►► https://smarturl.it/r4z2kf
    #雞胸 #減肥 #療癒廚房
    00:00​ Intro
    00:18​ BAKED CHICKEN 烘焙雞胸
    0:49​ ROASTED CHICKEN 烘烤雞胸
    1:19​ BROILED CHICKEN 上火烤雞胸
    1:55​ BOILED CHICKEN 水煮雞胸
    2:25​ POACHED CHICKEN 慢燉雞胸
    2:48​ BRAISED CHICKEN 燉煮雞胸
    4:14​ STEAMED CHICKEN 蒸煮雞胸
    5:57​ COUNTRY-FRIED CHICKEN 美式鄉村炸雞
    6:36​ SEARED CHICKEN 香煎雞胸
    7:07​ PANINI-PRESSED CHICKEN 帕尼尼機烤雞胸
    7:34​ SALT BLOCK CHICKEN 鹽板烤雞胸
    7:48​ BRICKED CHICKEN 磚壓雞胸
    8:03​ IRONED CHICKEN 熨斗煎雞胸
    8:18​ AIR-FRIED CHICKEN 氣炸雞胸
    8:51​ INSTANT POT CHICKEN 壓力鍋雞胸
    9:15​ SLOW-COOKED CHICKEN 慢煮雞胸
    9:47​ CLAY-BAKED CHICKEN 陶鍋雞胸
    10:18​ SOUS VIDE CHICKEN 舒肥雞胸
    10:59​ BLOW-TORCHED CHICKEN 噴槍烤雞胸
    11:28​ DEHYDRATED CHICKEN 脫水雞胸
    12:43​ POULET AU PAIN 雞肉麵包
    13:16​ SALT-BAKED CHICKEN 鹽烤雞胸
    13:52​ GRILLED CHICKEN 電烤爐烤雞胸
    14:22​ SMOKED CHICKEN 煙燻雞胸
    14:51​ COAL-COOKED CHICKEN 炭烤雞胸
    15:29​ CAMPFIRE CHICKEN 營火烤雞胸

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    ▷ Make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so you don’t miss any of my new videos → http://smarturl.it/xbtuuy
    ※關於時尚,VOGUE說了算!自從1892年第一本VOGUE在美國出版以來,至今已有122年的歷史,始終被時尚專業人士所推崇,因此榮譽為Fashion Bible時尚聖經。
    ※台灣VOGUE隸屬Condé Nast Interculture Group,相關國外影片皆由國外授權提供給台灣使用,台灣VOGUE秉持服務網友,讓更多中文語系觀眾可以看到國際影片跟中文字幕,所以在此頻道分享給大家,如果喜歡我們的頻道,請訂閱我們,我們將會持續努力帶來更多優質內容。

