

在 pity中文產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,072的網紅Vegan Kitty Cat,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 為什麼我吃的素食是「全食物蔬食」,而不只是純素食而已呢? 首先,「全食物蔬食」(WFPB)指的是完整、未經加工的食物,也就是從土裡長出來的真食物:蔬菜、水果、全穀物、種子、堅果等。 我14年前由葷轉蛋奶素、11年前由蛋奶素轉純素,3年多前又開始吃全食物,主要有兩個原因:一,在營養學組織Nutri...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅狂人JoJo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,เบสบอลที่ไต้หวัน by มิสอินเตอร์เนชั่นแนลไต้หวัน IG|just_be_joyce FB|邱怡澍Joyce (有中文字幕大家記得開RRR) 片段螢幕錄製自SPORT GURU (僅擷取提及台灣部分) screen recording from ...

pity中文 在 台灣小姐 邱怡澍Joyce Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-19 02:04:12

เบสบอลที่ไต้หวัน 我居然出現在泰國節目上 (影片已上傳YouTube頻道 有上中文字幕了) You can find me on Thai TV show I would say I love Thai humor now 🥰 累積上過突尼西亞 泰國 香港 電視 這個人到底扯不扯 ...

pity中文 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-04-28 09:58:06

“Happiness is a human birth right.” (- Dr. Ganesh) Even in these crazy times. #HelpYourselfToHelpOthers ♥️⠀ 「歡樂是人類的出生權」即使在現在瘋狂的時期也是🖤#中文如下 #幫助自己幫助他人⠀ ⠀...

pity中文 在 劉軒蓁 Rayray Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-10 16:13:08

VIDEO IS OUT NOW! Link in bio 快去首刷❄️ 「循序漸進」The Next Right Thing 冰雪奇緣 2 中文版 安娜主題曲 曲:Robert Lopez, Kristen Anderson-Lopez 詞:華志堅、謝文德、曾詩淳 原唱:劉軒蓁 Ray Liu ...

  • pity中文 在 Vegan Kitty Cat Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-22 22:08:23
    有 313 人按讚




    那我是無時無刻都這樣嗎?當然不了。😛 我家裡沒有油、糖或鹽,也不會買精緻穀物,所以在家做飯的時候確實是百分之百實踐全食物蔬食。要是外食,我還是不會吃炸物,也盡量避免白米、白麵條這類的,但對油、糖或鹽就沒有這麼挑惕了。要是很想吃個vegan甜甜圈或起司蛋糕時,我也不會克制自己。重點不是要時時刻刻完美,而是讓健康飲食成為習慣,然後盡力就行了。



    p.s. 配圖是我去年底擔任北京的ChinaFit素食大會主持。


    Why am I mostly whole food plant-based (and not just vegan)?

    First of all, “whole food plant-based” (WFPB) refers to foods that are unprocessed. So in other words, real foods that grow from the ground: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, etc.

    I went mostly whole food plant-based three years ago for two reasons: 1) When you work for NutritionFacts.org and watch video after video about the health benefits of a WFPB diet, it’s hard not to walk the talk. 2) My body naturally doesn’t like foods that are too heavy, oily, salty, or sweet. It just doesn’t feel good to consume those foods.

    Do I do it 100% all the time? Of course not! 😛 I don’t have oil, salt or sugar at home, and I don’t buy any refined grains. So when I cook at home, I’m 100% WFPB & SOS-free. But when I eat out, I’m more flexible with SOS. I still wouldn’t eat deep-fried foods even when I eat out, and avoid white rice or white noodles as much as I can. But when I crave a vegan donut or cheesecake, I also won’t stop myself. The point is not to do it perfectly all the time, but to make it a habit to eat healthy and just do the best you can.

    People go vegan for different reasons. I didn’t care about health when I first started my vegetarian/vegan journey 14 years ago, and I was even proud of it. But I always strive to expand myself, so going WFPB seemed like a natural next step. When I eat clean, I see the difference in my level of energy, cognitive function, and most notably - my skin. I also think it’s a pity to see people who went vegan reverse back to eating meat because they encountered health issues that have nothing to do with being vegan or not, but are actually about eating healthy/real foods vs. processed junk, not supplementing correctly (B12, for example), or not maintaining an active lifestyle.

    Taking the environment into consideration, unprocessed fruits and vegetables also don’t require much packaging, unlike vegan patties or nuggets that usually come wrapped in plastic. Nature is not something outside of us - we are nature, and our health is interconnected with the health of the planet. So feel free to reach out if you have any questions, or even better, follow NutritionFacts.org ❤️

  • pity中文 在 邱怡澍Joyce914 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-14 15:52:25
    有 238 人按讚

    居然被泰國媒體拿去做專題報導 ❤
    還擷取我講泰文的片段!? Umm我很懷疑他們有沒有聽懂
    "台灣在全世界疫情都那麼嚴重的情況下還能成為全世界第一個棒球開打的國家真的很厲害 很值得跟外國朋友分享"
    並且滿腔熱血的去實行 去拍攝 去剪片
    結果我一個普通人 居然也能圓夢去職棒開球
    Sport Tips sport GURU是個專門報導體育新聞的節目
    所以朋友說 在電視上看到棒球相關報導真的不可思議
    報導台灣因為防疫有成 各項體育賽事都能如期開打
    I really want to share these cool clips for Taiwanese.
    It's a pity that this video only upload on the website instead of YouTube.
    So this will be difficult for Taiwanese to understand.
    So I screen record the clips then upload it on youtube and put on Mandarin subtitle.
    *screen recording from SPORT GURU
    *link provide here : https://ch3thailandnews.bectero.com/news/194535
    感謝 @林俊余 幫忙找到片段 要不然我壓根不知道自己上了泰國電視 😀
    感謝 @宜倩幫忙翻譯
    感謝 盧彥佐 (Enzo Lu)超強攝影記錄下這些片段
    順便感謝自己 有了想法之後大概因為太麻煩勸自己放棄99次 幸好振作了100次
    #中華職棒 #開球 #扯鈴開球 #泰國 #Thailand #กีฬาเบสบอล
    #防疫新生活 #SportGuru
    #TaiwanBaseball #MissInternational #CheerAllWomen #プロ野球 #台湾 #野球 #台灣 #Taiwan #MissTaiwan #台灣小姐 #國際小姐 #世界小姐 #三太子 #中華職棒 #CPBL #baseball #棒球 #台南棒球場 #開球 #開球嘉賓
    CPBL 中華職棒
    Eleven Sports Media
    Miss International Beauty Pageant
    台灣小姐 Miss Taiwan
    運動視界 Sports Vision

  • pity中文 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-03-23 18:06:27
    有 206 人按讚

    “Happiness is a human birth right.” (- Dr. Ganesh) Even in these crazy times. #HelpYourselfToHelpOthers ♥️⠀
    「歡樂是人權」即使在現在瘋狂的時期也是🖤#中文如下 #幫助自己幫助他人⠀

    In a yoga philosophy class last month, Dr. Ganesh from India beautifully explained the difference between DETACHMENT and IGNORANCE or CARELESSNESS👇🏽⠀

    The question was: When a person we really care for is suffering emotionally or physically, how is it possible to care for them without suffering with them? ⠀
    E.g. a family member is going through depression or a loss (or going through hell because of you know what - i'm sick of talking about it 😷🙊) . Are you likely to get depressed, anxious and sad too? 🤯⠀

    While showing compassion is very important, it doesn’t mean we have to suffer through the same pain! 🙌🏽⠀
    E.g. When you try to rescue someone from drowning, are you drowning yourself doing it?🙄⠀
    By ensuring that YOU can swim before helping anyone, you have a way bigger chance of rescuing the person!⠀
    Makes sense? 🤔⠀

    Remember that only when you are healthy, happy and positive yourself, you can make OTHERS healthy and happy too! 🧡⠀

    Compassion is not equal to pity, it’s giving emotional support by BEING there for the person.� And we can only do that well, when we make sure our own energy plugs are charged too😊⠀



    我上個月在峇里島上課時,來自印度的Dr. Ganesh 在某一趟瑜伽哲學課中很可愛得解釋了【分離】與【無知/粗心】之間的區別 ⬇️⠀

    例如,一個家庭成員正遭受抑鬱或某種損失(或因現在的疫情...)。你通常也會感到沮喪,焦慮和悲傷吧? 🤯⠀

    同情心非常重要,但這並不意味著我們必須遭受同樣的痛苦 🙌🏽⠀
    在幫助任何人之前,是不是要確保自己也會游泳,才有更大的機會挽救該人!這樣的例子說得通嗎? 🤔⠀

    請記住,只有當你健康,正面積極向上時,才能有效地使其他人健康快樂! 🧡⠀
    所以,同情不等於可憐!而是在為他人提供心靈支持!當我們確保自己的電源插頭也已充電時,我們才能做到這一點😊 ⠀

