

在 pinkie中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅國際狗語日報 X 百靈果News,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今天接受 DW 中文 - 德國之聲 電視台的採訪,聊聊我們在奧運期間與小粉紅的互動經驗,以及台灣在國際賽事上如何長期被中國打壓。 英文還是講得有點結巴,因為我們事先準備的回答都沒有用到。 Q:可否形容一下在網路上與中國網民的交流? After our posts, they would usua...

  • pinkie中文 在 國際狗語日報 X 百靈果News Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-30 16:43:46
    有 492 人按讚

    今天接受 DW 中文 - 德國之聲 電視台的採訪,聊聊我們在奧運期間與小粉紅的互動經驗,以及台灣在國際賽事上如何長期被中國打壓。


    After our posts, they would usually come and write really disgusting racial slurs towards Japanese and Taiwanese.
    Then we will start our reply with asking how their days were. If they are feeling alright. Or they had a bad day at work.
    Usually they will stop there.
    However, there are some people who sent us private messages saying “hey we speak the same language and have the same ancestors, why are you supporting the Japanese.” I often rolled my eyes and then tried to ask them to have a real conversation either via zoom or clubhouse. Most of the times they refuse because they say they don’t want to make their people look bad. But I would think to myself that what they are doing online already make their people look bad.

    We only succeeded once inviting a pinkie to our live show. He turned out to be a super chill and nice dude. He just has a lot of frustration towards his own government, but he can’t really say anything within the firewall. Thus he came outside to see what the world is like. It turned out a lot of people are mad at the Chinese government, especially the Taiwanese people. I think this totally contradicted with his belief, so he lashed out at us.

    #百靈果 #大戰小粉紅 @dwnews

  • pinkie中文 在 繪本,生活練習 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-07-26 23:27:59
    有 57 人按讚

    繪本|The Paper Dolls


    The Paper Dolls說的是一個腳上穿老虎拖鞋、頭上蝴蝶髮夾總是掉下來的小女孩,和媽媽做了五個紙娃娃的故事。紙娃娃各自有著名字,他們是Ticky和Tacky、總是以背影示人的Jackie、有兩個鼻子的Jim、以及有蝴蝶結的Jo。小女孩帶著五個娃娃又跑又跳又唱歌,他們逃過恐龍的追逐、躲過老虎的惡爪,一起渡過了愉快的時光。直到有一天,調皮的男孩把紙娃娃剪成碎片,女孩失去了五個娃娃,但他們卻從來沒有真的從女孩的心中消失。在女孩長大、成為媽媽後,她也帶著她的孩子一起做紙娃娃,他們是Poppy、Pinkie、Binky、只有一道眉毛的Fred,以及頭上有蝴蝶結的Flo。


    孩子三、四歲時,我們因為讀了這本書,所以一起玩了這個遊戲,一串娃娃當中,可以做不同的表情、髮型、服裝設計,也可以透過這個小手作,看見孩子呈現的美感。前幾天晚上我們又讀了The Paper Dolls,兩個孩子說一定要找時間再玩一次!



    The Paper Dolls
    Author/Julia Donaldson
    Illustrator/Rebecca Cobb

