8 天前 — This philosophically challenging project requires careful argument and justification. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. I refer the reader to the ...
#2philosophically 中文 - 綫上翻譯
philosophically中文 ::哲學上…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋philosophically的中文翻譯,philosophically的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#3philosophically翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
philosophically中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:adv. 哲學上;賢明地。英漢詞典提供【philosophically】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#4philosophically - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"philosophically" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
使用Reverso Context: That's sophisticated irony, philosophically challenging.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"philosophically"
#6philosophically 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
Philosophically and critically, coleridge opposed the limitedly rationalistic trends of the the 18 th-century thought. 在哲學與文學評論方面,科勒律治反對18 世紀 ...
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超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
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philosophical. adjective. ,philosophically 在英语-中文(繁体)词典中的翻译. philosophically. adverb. uk. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. /ˌfɪl.
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#10philosophically 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
Philosophic \Phil`o*soph"ic\, Philosophical \Phil`o*soph"ic*al\, a. [L. philosophicus: cf. F. philosophique.] Of or pertaining to philosophy; versed in, ...
#11philosophy - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
philosophy · 哲學[U];哲學體系[C]. Dr.eye 譯典通 ; philosophy · 哲學;哲學思想. 牛津中文字典 ; Philosophy · 品牌名稱. brandname ; philosophy. 哲學,人生觀,原理. PyDict ...
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philosophically中文 翻译、例句和音频发音。 ... They and their mothers, answered Vidal philosophically. "Almost all of 'em that live here.".
#13philosophically - WordReference.com 英汉词典
philosophically - WordReference.com 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. philosophically advadverb: Describes a ... Epistemology is philosophically complex construct.
#14Festschrift in Honor of Paul Ernest's 65th Birthday - 博客來
書名:Relatively and Philosophically Earnest: Festschrift in Honor of Paul Ernest's 65th Birthday,語言:英文,ISBN:9781607522409,頁數:258, ...
#15philosophically 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释philosophically这个英文词呢? philosophically这个英文词,中文意思如下:哲学。 Meaning of philosophically for the defined word.
#16philosophical是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选philosophical是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、词汇辨析、英音发音音标、美音发音音标、philosophical的用法、philosophical的中文翻译及用法、 ...
#17philosophically单词的级别- 真人发音、例句
philosophically. 级别, 附加级. 音标, [ ˌfɪlə'sɒfɪklɪ ]. 解释, adv.哲学上;富有哲理性地;贤明地;冷静地. 英英释义. 发音, play.gif.
philosophically 的中文意思:哲学上;富有哲理性地,点击查看详细解释:philosophically的中文翻译、philosophically的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等, ...
#19單字philosophically的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
philosophically中文 意思: philosophically [.filə'sɔfikəli] 哲學上..., 學習philosophically發音, philosophically例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#20Philosophical inquiry 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
Philosophical inquiry 释义: An inquiry is a question which you ask in order to get some information. [...] | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#21Department of philosophy, National Taiwan University
Shih-Chian Hung (Professor, Institute of Philosophy, National SunYat-Sen ... Tony Huei-Ying Cheng Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, …
#22舉證責任(哲學) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Burden of proof did not seem to be an important concept in mainstream philosophy in the past because it was generally assumed that in order for an argument to ...
#23英语: “philosophically” - 大词典
大词典网为您提供英文philosophically是什么意思,philosophically在线翻译,philosophically翻译解释,philosophically中文意思,philosophically用法,philosophically ...
#24NCKU Curriculum Map
Philosophy is regarded as a theoretical study, but in fact, it is practical in the following way: although it gives no guidance of specific behavior, ...
#25philosophically的中文,翻译,解释,例句 - 英语人
philosophically 的基本解释: adv. 哲学上, 富有哲理性地, 贤明地, 冷静地. 相关中文词汇: 哲学上 · 富有哲理性地 · 贤明地 · 冷静地.
#26On the Existence of Digital Objects
On the Existence of Digital Objects is a truly innovative and philosophically grounded 'object oriented ontology' that is designed for and ...
#27關於Philosophical的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
"Philosophical" 的用法和例句 ... They frequently hold philosophical debates in that club ... 渋滞に巻き込ませる可能性がある用中文(繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
#28philosophically - 中国的翻译
Philosophically 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译. ... That's sophisticated irony, philosophically challenging. 这是复杂的讽刺哲学上的挑战.
#29莫蘭教授| 香港中文大學哲學系
Website of Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. ... 萊斯大學、 康乃狄克學院、香港中文大學、武漢大學等院校之訪問教授;2015年,擔任 ...
#30philosophical的中文翻译和情景例句 - 留声词典
philosophical 的中文意思翻译:adj. 哲学上的,哲学(家)的; 冷静的,沉着的; 明达的; 达观的。philosophical的中文翻译、philosophical的发音、柯林斯释义、 ...
#31why philosophy matters,Cognitive Neuropsychiatry - X-MOL
Method We review contributions from phenomenology, philosophy of cognitive science, and philosophy of science and psychiatry. ... 中文翻译: ...
#32philosophical - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
#33報章英文成語教室- philosophy的名詞,形容詞,跟副詞各有不同的 ...
philosophy 的名詞,形容詞,跟副詞各有不同的意思,特別是副詞, 多數辭典無法清楚解說: a. ... every cloud has a silver lining的中文怎說?,
#34RADICAL PHILOSOPHY 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
RADICAL PHILOSOPHY”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“RADICAL PHILOSOPHY” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#35Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The SEP Library Fund: containing contributions from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the membership dues of academic and research libraries that ...
#36Is philosophy dead? | Times Higher Education (THE)
Leading philosophers took up the challenge of Stephen Hawking's claim that “philosophy is dead”
#37CFP: 2012 ISCWP Beijing Roundtable | Warp, Weft, and Way
學術討論語言:英文/中文. The 2012 Term of the ISCWP's “Beijing Roundtable on Contemporary Philosophy” workshop series will be a half-day ...
#38A philosophically neutral semantics for perception sentences ...
These approaches, elegant as they may be, are not philosophically neutral, for they presuppose, controversially, ... 中文翻译: ...
#39在"英语"词典里linguistic philosophy}的意思 - Educalingo
该章节所呈现的将linguistic philosophy由英语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在英语中基本的翻译单位是单词«linguistic philosophy»。 zh. 翻译者英语- 中文.
#40philosophically的意思 - hnup
philosophically 的意思,take things philosophically是什么意思_take things phil,“philosophically”的中文翻译词典解释美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 副词ad. 1. 哲学上2.
Steven Holl Architects' philosophy is centered around a specificity in approach to design. In each project, the firm explores new ways to integrate an ...
#42東 吳 大 學 課 程 簡 介
填表說明:請提供約一百字之中文簡介及內容相當之英文簡介,俾利作對外介紹及英文成績單之用 ... In this course, we will introduce some philosophically important ...
#43Professor Timothy Williamson's lecture series: "the method of ...
中文. News. Location: Home» News» Updates ... Philosophy and Common Sense Main contents (slide up and down to see all).
#44Philosophy of the GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
Philosophy of the GNU Project. Free software means that the software's users have freedom. (The issue is not about price.) We developed the GNU operating ...
我很喜歡這份授課大綱,所以在取得Tim的同意後,把它翻成中文貼上來。 ... Cockburn, David 2001 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind: Souls, ...
#46Philosophy and Public Affairs 最新影响因子- 实时趋势预测 ...
History and Philosophy of Science 68% · Political Science and International Relations 56% · Social Sciences (miscellaneous) 48% ...
Philosophically speaking. 5个回答. 从哲学上说 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 从哲学上说 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 哲学地讲话 2013-05-23 12:24:58
#48翻译'philosophical fiction' – 字典中文-英文
检查“ philosophical fiction”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中philosophical fiction的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#49Beer philosophy for the weekend - LinkedIn
Beer antinomies An antinomy is a logically self-contradictory statement which, despite starting with an apparently valid reasoning from true ...
#50Twitter's enforcement philosophy & approach to policy ...
Finally, we train our global review teams, update the Twitter Rules, and start enforcing the new policy. Our enforcement philosophy. We empower people to ...
Enables students to think philosophically about problems that they will ... 2018年人文學科(哲學)副學士課程畢業生; 升讀香港中文大學哲學文學士課程三年級.
#52催稿拉黑Philosophically Procrastinating: E.8 代孕问题的哲学 ...
时间轴: 0:28 开场介绍4:55 我在商业代孕合法性问题上的观点转变;现实世界的复杂性;形式自由与实质自由两个概念各自面临的难题20:35 中文互联网上 ...
繁體中文. 馬丁.布伯 ; 對話哲學 ; 哲學人類學 ; 關係 ; 相遇 ; 之間 ; 言說 ; Martin Buber ; Philosophy of Dialogue ; Philosophical ...
#54Brain 43 - 所有遊戲
... white artwork that effectively combines with allegorical poetry to express different ways of thinking both philosophically and as self reflection.」.
#55Philosophy of Logic (Routledge Revivals) 1st 版本, Kindle ...
Amazon.com: Philosophy of Logic (Routledge Revivals) eBook : Putnam, Hilary: Kindle Store. ... 繁體中文; 英文. 最佳評論, 最新. 最佳評論. 則熱門評論美國 ...
#56philosophical中文意思 - 搜狗搜索
Wordsworth's political ideas are often interwoven with his philosophical and religious beliefs. 华兹华斯的政治观点常与他的哲学和宗教信仰交织在一起。
#57Philosophical dialogue builds community based on differences
Professor Shinji Kajitani, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / Director, The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP).
#58Philosophically - The Free Dictionary
2. philosophically - with respect to philosophy; "the movement is philosophically indebted to Rousseau". Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection.
#59to take things philosophically 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese ...
Main. Chinese Definition, Individual words translate as: take. 拿;拿起;拿走;携带;拿下;赢得;夺去;需要;花费;以…为例;写下;记录;参加; things.
#60How philosophy shapes your world
To answer that, we need to consider philosophy as an intellectual discipline. Aristotle argued that philosophy begins with wonder. In this he is ...
#61The philosophy of true harmony in global citizenship - the ...
The information in this presentation is based on my digital books: The Citizen of the Earth XXI, published December 2016; The Philosophy of the Life 2017, ...
#62Non-uniformism and the Epistemology of Philosophically ... - Brill
So while we certainly can evaluate philosophically interesting modal claims, or philosophical theories, for whether they promote true belief – ...
#63philosophically在線翻譯- 英語_讀音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
in a philosophic manner;. "she took it philosophically" · with respect to philosophy;. "the movement is philosophically indebted to Rousseau" ...
#64Shoe Reels: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film
Edited Book: (2020) Shoe Reels: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film, 1st ed. Film and Fashions. UK: Edinburgh University Press.
#65Racist attitudes 'whitewashed' modern philosophy. What can ...
2019年11月9日 — abc.net.au/news/modern-philosophical-canon-has-always-been-pretty-whitewashed/ ... Contemporary academic philosophy is supposed to be about ...
#66Joseph B. Treaster - The New York Times
Leer en español阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 ... The mayor of Surfside, Fla., said he was not “philosophically comfortable” ordering the evacuation of the ...
#67Nick Mulvey's Transformative Journey Inspired By Ancient ...
To arrive at this album, the acclaimed artist and songwriter has come a long way – both experientially and philosophically.
#68Literature as a Way of Living, Part One – Buddhistdoor Global
Seth Shugar teaches literature, psychology, and philosophy at Marianopolis College, and is also a therapist in private practice. He has a ...
#69Business Operations Manager - Job ID: 1947104 | Amazon.jobs
Religious and philosophically sensitive issues · Alcohol, tobacco, weapons and other potentially offensive products · Confident in using Microsoft Package ...
#70Cancelo: This club deserves Champions League success
“That's life,” he said philosophically. “It happens in life. "It was horrific. It terrorised my whole family. I know how to deal with it but ...
#71Omicron 'clearly not' as threatening as flu, says Dr Nick ...
“Philosophically and professionally, I'm not in favour of mandating, anything including vaccinations,” Professor Kelly said.
#72Red Parent, Blue Parent - MSN
... 한국 (한국어), 中华人民共和国 (简体中文), 台灣 (繁體中文) ... “Philosophically and as a health professional, these types of medical ...
#73Best Libertarian Philosophy Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
Fifty Best Libertarian Philosophy Podcasts For 2022. Latest was Guest: James Corbett -- Topic: The Corbett Report -- Hour 1. Listen online, no signup ...
#74WoW: Shadowlands - Eternity's End Interview - World of Warcraft
Alts is something we know players love to engage with, but we know players don't want to repeat some of the content. Philosophically we always ...
#75The Trinity of AI, Yoga, & Tensors, with Anima Anandkumar
US English · 中文 · Español · Français · Русский ... I think philosophically it makes sense, that there is so much that lies beyond what we ...
#76philosophically的意思 - cvvq
“philosophically”的中文翻译词典解释美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 副词ad. 1. 哲学上2. 贤明地;冷静地. discuss philosophically是什么意思_discuss philosophica.
#77Philosophy and Management - BA (Hons)
What you'll study. In your first year, you'll explore ethics, logic, and philosophical reading and writing. You'll discover the changing international business ...
#78Chance, Love, and Logic : Philosophical Essays
Chance, love, and logic: philosophical essays / Charles Sanders Pe edited and introduced by Morris R. Cohen; with an essay by John.
#79Philosophy Bakes Bread - Society of Philosophers in America
Philosophy Bakes Bread is a radio show and podcast that airs on WRFL Lexington, 88.1 fm. We showcase the public importance of philosophy in life and ...
#81美國簡史(中文導讀英文版) 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
Their children, well bred, carefully trained and philosophically minded, tried to continue the standard of conduct laid down by their parents.
#82初學翻譯入門書: 英漢翻譯習作 - 第 55 頁 - Google 圖書結果
進階練習:請將下面的英文譯成中文。 1. Bob and Judi have been wonderful supporters of our work, philosophically and financially, since the laboratory started.
#83白衣女人(中文導讀英文版): 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
In my age, I knew better, and went out philosophically to walk it off.二晚餐時,珀西瓦爾爵士對費爾利小姐大獻殷勤,但她卻不為所動。第三天,凱瑟利克太太的信到了, ...
#84純真年代(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
... and the latter being, like many persons of active mind and dominating will, sedentary and corpulent in her habit, had philosophically remained at home.
#85查泰萊夫人的情人(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
We must perforce take it philosophically. The irritation, and the lack of any sympathy in any direction, of Clifford's letter, had a bad effect on Connie.
#86叙事研究前沿.第二辑:中文、英文 Frontiers of Narrative Studies Vol. 2
After a few moments of guilt over her pain at his departure, he salves his conscience by “reflect [ing] philosophically that in life there are many ...
#87教育语言学:一个社会符号的模式:中文、英文 EDUCATIONAL LINGUISTICS: A Social ...
Thus ultimately and philosophically science is the organ of general social progress. (摘自Dewey 1915/1955 Democracy and Education: 269-270)语篇3 ...
#88Pancasila | Indonesian political philosophy - Encyclopedia ...
Pancasila, the Indonesian state philosophy, formulated by the Indonesian nationalist leader Sukarno. It was first articulated on June 1, 1945, ...
#89Love and Death. - Daniel Werner - PhilPapers
It is commonly thought that there is a connection between love and death. But what can be said philosophically about the nature of that connection (if ...
In the article, Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon asks, Did Plato have a philosophy of listening, and if so, what was it?
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