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The phantom of the opera
Lyrics:Charles Hart/Richard Stilgoe/Mike Batt Music:Andrew Lloyd Webber
Vocal:Sarah Brightman/Michael Crawford

【Christine (Sarah)】

In sleep he sang to me 入睡時他對我而歌,

In dreams he came 夢中他降臨

That voice which calls to me 那聲音呼喚著我

And speaks my name 唸著我的名字

And do I dream again 難道我又在作夢了嗎?

For now I find 直到現在我才發現

The phantom of the opera is there 那劇院的魅影便在那兒

Inside my mind 我心深處

【The phantom (Michael)】

Sing once again with me 再次與我同歌

Our strange duet 我們奇妙的二重唱

My power over you 我對妳的控馭

Grows stronger yet 已更增強了些

And though you turn from me 雖然妳頻頻回首

To glance behind 徬徨留戀

The phantom of the opera is there 劇院的魅影仍在那兒

Inside your mind 妳心深處


Those who have seen your face 那些看過你面貌的人

Draw back in fear 皆倉惶而逃

I am the mask you wear 我是你的面具

【The phantom】

It's me they hear 他們聽到的其實是我

【Christine】(in duet with the phantom)
Your spirit and my voice in one combined
【The phantom】(in duet with Christine)
My spirit and your voice in one combined
我的靈魂及妳的歌聲, 已相互結合


The phantom of the opera is there 劇院的魅影就在那兒

【Christine】(in duet)
Inside my mind我心深處
【The phantom】(in duet)
Inside your mind 妳心深處

【Christine】(very, very soft)

He's there, 他在那兒,

The phantom of the opera 劇院的魅影

Beware, 當心

The phantom of the opera 那劇院的魅影

【The phantom】

In all your fantasies 在妳所有的狂想中

You always knew 妳總是清楚

That man and mystery 那男人和那些玄妙不可解之事


Were both in you 皆與你有關


And in this labyrinth were night is blind 在這連黑夜也目盲的迷宮中

The phantom of the opera is 那劇院的魅影

【Christine】 (in duet)
Here 這兒
【The phantom】(in duet)
There 那兒
【The phantom /Christine】
Inside your/my mind 深隱妳/我心

【The phantom】

Sing! My angel of music 唱吧, 我的音樂天使!


He's there 他在這兒,

The phantom of the opera 那劇院的魅影

(Christine starts wailing)Ah... Ah...

【The phantom】

Sing... 唱吧

(Christine continues wailing,) Ah... Ah...
(keeps on wailing after every sentence the Phantom sings)

【The phantom】

Sing for me... 唱吧為我而歌!

Sing, my angel of music! 唱吧, 我的天使, 唱吧!

Sing for me! 為我而歌!




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