#1用"persuade"造句 - 查查在線詞典
造句 與例句 手機版 · It 's easy to persuade him if you go the right method . · We would persuade them to join the revolution . · I don't think either of us ...
#2persuade 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典
persuade 造句 / 例句 · 1. You should do all you can to persuade him. · 2. How can I persuade you to change your mind? · 3. We have hundreds of examples to persuade ...
persuade If she doesn't want to do it, nothing you say will persuade her. convinceThe lawyer convinced the jury of the man's innocence.
#4【老師救救我】convince 跟persuade 都是『說服』的意思
Convince 表示用邏輯、數據、證據...等「使某人在心理上相信、信服某事」,片語用法是:convince someone of something,例如: The expensive beef was ...
#5用persuade造句子三年级 - 字典
persuade造句. 1. We persuaded Harry that he was wrong. 我们使亨利相信是他错了。 2. persuade. 2. Who persuaded you to join this society?
persuade造句. 作业帮APP 海量题库免费学. 搜索答疑. 多种解答. 视频讲解. 打开APP. 答案解析. 结果1. I am trying to persuade him to give up the attempt.
用persuade造句: 答:persuade造句: Hardly any temptation could persuade the boy to stir abroad after nightfall. 天黑以后,差不多无论什么诱惑也不能引 ...
#8persuade造句简单 - 搜狗搜索
93%的人还搜了. graduate造句 transport造句简单 · persuasive造句简单 persuasion造句简单 · organize造句简单 ever since造句简单 · finally造句 ...
#9Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| convince 例句
He convinced me of his innocence. 他使我相信他是無辜的。 I was convinced that he knew the truth. 我確信他知道事實。 The story convinced everyone of his ...
#10【詢問】convince例句 - 自助旅行最佳解答
convince造句 _用"convince"造句- 查查造句網用convince造句和"convince"的例句: 1. I wish i could convince miss crawford .我但愿能使克勞福特小姐 ...
#11convince例句,大家都在找解答 旅遊日本住宿評價
convince例句,大家都在找解答第1頁。 ,Dad is trying to persuade Jim by dangling the carrot of ... 用convince造句,convince的例句,双语对照(1 | convince例句.
#12托福写作模仿造句:persuade sb. to do sth. - 朗播网
下面朗播网老师从托福综合口语的听力文本中提取出来短语persuade sb. to do sth.,并讲解其用法以及相近表达,最后通过造句来带领大家进行输出练习。
#13persuadesbtodosth造句 - 好問答網
1樓:匿名使用者. 翻譯如下. persuade sb to do sth造句如下:. 我勸她跟我一起去,但我沒成功。 i tried to persuade her to go with me, ...
persuade造句 翻译 · 华研外语英语四级听力1000题专项训练书备考2021年12月大学英语cet4听力强化词汇复习资料练习书搭考试真题阅读理解翻译写作文2022 · 华研外语英语四级阅读 ...
#15persuade meaning的蘋果、安卓和微軟相關APP - APP軟體 ...
persuade meaning的蘋果、安卓和微軟相關APP,在YOUTUBE和這樣回答,找persuade meaning在%在YOUTUBE就來APP軟體應用教學指南,有網路上有這些情報.
#16英文商業關鍵詞造句秘訣與鐵則| 誠品線上
英文商業關鍵詞造句秘訣與鐵則:5大特色特點特色1、嚴選常用詞,剔除不適用且艱深 ... 8. penetrate 滲入;識破;洞悉.....312 9. persuade 說明;說服........314 10.
#17說服英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
說服英文造句練習. Arthur is a very convincing man. 亞瑟是一個非常有說服力的人。 Mary\'s father finally persuaded Mary to take the university ...
用convince造句和”convince”的例句: 1. I wish i could convince miss crawford .我但愿能使克勞福特小姐信服。 2. I am not wholly convinced by your argument .
#19中六班詞造句 - Quizlet
Start studying 中六班詞造句. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with ... See if I can or cannot persuade/convince dad to buy me one? 對不起,請讓我借過。
#20[混淆] convince 證明& persuade 說服 - eru 的英文筆記本
convince (vt.) 使信服,說服~~ 著重在以證據或論點的說服”多人”,相信並著重”結果”/kənˈvɪns/ 1. cause (someone) to believe that s.
#21只是一些規則而已- The CDC says keeping at least six feet...
請用引號裡的單字「droplets」造句。 https://www.nytimes.com/…/coronavirus-transmission-cough-6-… We visualized a cough to show how far respiratory droplets ...
#22prevail - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
英英释义 · be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance; · be valid, applicable, or true; · continue to exist; · prove superior; · use persuasion ...
Ex: * Apart from working, we also need recreation. (48) S + convince sb of sth 勸sb做sth. Ex: * My teacher always convinces us of studying hard in class and ...
#24convicing造句,convince造句 - 句子大全网
People decorate the streets with red flags. The family decorate the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights. 4、用convince 造句. I convince him of my honesty ...
Her son tries hard to persuade her and hopes she will change her mind. 提姆的媽媽是個忙碌的職業婦女,她很愛她的兒子,但很遺憾她將在兒子畢業當天缺席。
#26【贈書簽!】 翻譯的技巧錢歌川百科全書式英語翻譯 ... - 蝦皮購物
內容提要暫無目錄序1 第一編漢譯英與英文句型1 壹、由要素來分的造句2 (1)漢文 ... 賓語from 動名詞” 146 (57)“persuade 賓語into 動名詞”,“dissuade 賓語from 動 ...
#27十二個造句練習- AskChi's Writing Right Workshop - 英語討論區-
5.Irene works harder than the others to persuade her dream. 6.Eggs are the essential in an omelet. 7.During the war, warriors' blood and sweat ...
#28persuade sb of sth造句 - 欧宝知识网
by persuade造句带翻译 at 2021-12-17 18:04:24. 最佳答案: persuade sb of sth 说服某人做某事双语对照persuade sb of sth 使(某人)相信…,说服(某人)相信…;.
#29BCY3 成语造句
成语造句. 千辛万苦. 爸爸千辛万苦赚钱养家, 我们要努力读书。 机不可失. 老师选我参加演讲比赛, ... Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion.
#30動詞後面要接to V或是Ving?一個概念說明白 - Kaftin
請思考看看是否符合這個邏輯:當主詞的動作發生時,第二個動作(也就是受詞的動作)還沒發生,就用to V(不定詞)的方式來變形。 convince; force; persuade.
#31take out of造句並翻譯,簡單些,翻譯一下短語,英語造句
out of造句,take out of造句並翻譯,簡單些,翻譯一下短語,英語造句,1樓匿名使用者he is ... persuade sb out of doing sth 造句一個,**等,急用!
#32死說活說意思 - 三度漢語網
英語翻譯 persuade by all means. 相關漢字成語:死 說 活 說 相關漢字解釋:死 說 活 說 ... 成語死說活說造句. ▸ 成語宵小之徒造句. ▸ 成語破格任用造句.
#34“遣词造句”如何影响消费者行为?——营销沟通中的语言心理 ...
11 Ahluwalia R, Burnkrant R E. Answering questions about questions: A persuasion knowledge perspective for understanding the effects of ...
#35[曉以大義]成語解釋 - 詩詞大全
曉以大義是什麼意思,曉以大義的解釋, 曉以大義成語故事,曉以大義的反義詞近義詞,曉以大義造句,曉以大義的意思,曉以大義的英文翻譯中翻英,曉以大義詳細解釋, ...
#36'woo 劝说'的翻译、' - 双语例句 - 句酷
using language effectively to please or persuade. 有效地使用语言取悦或者劝说。 ... 62. He was persuaded to try again. 他被劝说再度尝试。 ... 63. I tried to reason ...
#37這個表達「說服」的短語,比persuade還要高頻 - 人人焦點
03每日造句打卡. 他不是一個那麼輕易被人說服的人。 04專欄推薦. 英語趣表達·play for time,拖延時間. Thank you for having me,一句用在特定場合的感謝語.
#38勸的意思,勸造句,勸注音 - 國語辭典
3.姓。 英文to advise, to urge, to try to persuade, to exhort, to console, to soothe. 法語conseiller, persuader. 德語drängen, dringend bitten , ermahnen , ...
#39用庑造句(用convince造句) - 盛联文化网
1.用convince 造句. 1 convince sb.to do sth 劝说某人做某事. He convinced me to go with him.==He persuaded me to go ...
圖片全部顯示。 【詢問】convince例句- 自助旅行最佳解答-20210504。 convince造句_用"convince"造句- 查查造句網用convince造句和"convince"的例句: 1.
#41用vapid造句,vapid例句 - 英语句库
You insult her in - telligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything
#42hand over、look over⋯⋯這七個超over的常用片語是什麼意思?
這個片語的用法是win somebody over,表示「說服(某人)」。 另一個表示說服的片語talk somebody into後面接動名詞(V-ing)。convince和persuade somebody ...
#43reduce名词形式是什么 - 星火网校
以上解答了同学们关于persuade名词形式怎么写的问题,并且归纳了与persuade ... by 减少了reduce造句示例Thesesunglassesaredesignedtoreduceglare.
#44persuade名词,transmit名词,persuade用法大全 - 小学语文教案
persuade 名词,persuade名词1、persuade的基本意思是“说服”,指通过晓之以理或动之以情的各种方法如劝说、辩论、恳求等,能使或已使某人相信某事或者接受某建议而做或 ...
#45五百基础词汇定义,造句,和练习答案(3) - 文学城论坛频道
5, Persuade / po'swerd / win over to do or believe; make willing a, Can you persuade him to give up his bachelor days and get married?
#46搞定90+ 職場英文動詞:升職加薪動起來 - 博客來
本書將帶領你透過各種商業情境,以實際演練的方式來剖析各種英文動詞的用法。作者以多年的英語學習經驗告訴你,動詞絕對是英語造句與會話的關鍵啊!從人際溝通的議題引導你 ...
#47confuse convince 是使役动词吗? - 雨露学习互助
If you can't convince them,Confuse. 1年前3个回答. How can I convince you of that we have almost used our suppl ... 用despite given convince造句.
#48take the exam-翻译为中文-例句英语
如果我要参加下周的考试, 那就得拼命死记一些有关莎翁在遣词造句方面的知识。 ... He won't take the exam, so don't waste your breath trying to persuade him.
免责声明:非本网注明原创的信息,皆为程序自动获取互联网,目的在于传递更多信息,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责;如此页面有侵犯到您的 ...
#50浅谈英语词汇的学习 - 知乎专栏
最好是能模仿例句来造句,学以致用,举一反三。一个单词的掌握关键是要用它来造句。 ... My effort to persuade her to take in my plan is unsuccessful.形作表语.
#51persuade sb of sth造句 - 河智科学网
persuade sb of sth造句. by persuade doing at 2021-12-15 03:44:54. 最佳答案: persuade sb of sth 说服某人做某事双语对照persuade sb of sth 使(某人)相信…
#52[关键词] persuade - 挖盘
persuade相关关键词: persuade用法大全persuade的用法词组persuade怎么读音persuade短语persuade名词persuade及物persuade变形persuade造句 ...
#53persuade 与convince的区别inconvincence是什么意思 - 德莫网
用convince 造句答:1 convince sb.to do sth 劝说某人做某事He convinced me to go with him.==He persuaded me to go with him. 2 convince sb.of ...
#54/persuade造句_graduate造句_finally造句 - 小触知识网
persuade造句 最新消息,还有graduate造句,finally造句,schedule造句等内容,学习词汇有效的方法不是理解词意,而是关联语境,学习语境最方便的方法则 ...
#55explain sb - 手機專題
1) explain造句 ... 4) explain sth to sb造句 ... inform sb of sth; reason /talk/persuade sb into doing sth; bargain; chat; repeat; explain; ...
#56powers of persuasion - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"powers of persuasion" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#57用跺造句子,用concern造英语句子 - 励志网
用跺造句子. 今天,小明上课捣乱,老师气得直跺足. 妈妈气得跺跺脚. 戏谑,读:xì xuè,意思是用诙谐有趣的话开玩笑.例句:一位家长很担心,认为她会为了这些 ...
#59用attempt to do sth造句 - 布格伦科技网
1.I attempt to persuade him to support my action.我试图说服他来支持我的行动.2.Maybe you can.
persuasive动词形式_persuasion动词形式_persuasive是什么文#20307. persuasive的名词_persuade是什么意思中文_persuade造句带翻译_persuade.
#61用confusing造句 - 造句网
persuade造句 :Hardly any temptation could persuade the boy to stir abroad after nightfall. 天黑以后,差不多无论什么诱惑也不能引着这孩子到外面 ...
#62persuade的用法和短语例句 - 阿赐网
免责声明:非本网注明原创的信息,皆为程序自动获取互联网,目的在于传递更多信息,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责;如此页面有侵犯到您的 ...
persuasive的名词_法国金狐狸皮衣_七波辉男童沙滩鞋_三国kill论坛_贝奇贝贝佳是骗子吗_qq ... persuade是什么意思中文_persuade造句带翻译_persuade与dissuad#101 ...
#64用transport造句简单 - 红宝石
你可能感兴趣的内容? finally造句 · persuade造句 · transport造简单句子 · schedule造句 · 用organize造句 · graduate造句 · disadvantage造句 · prefer造句 · 用flow ...
#65persuasive是什么意思- 爱号网
造句 :What do you think were some of the more persuasive arguments on the other side? 你认为对方哪些观点更有说服力? convincing和persuasive的用法 ...
#66用convince造句 - 天狼问答网
convince 造句 / 例句1. ... by 用direct造句子 at 2021-12-20 10:01:53. 最佳答案: It was a pity that the doctor couldn't convince the patient to survive in ...
#67since造句-搜答案 - 神马作文网
自从2年前. ever since 造句persuade造句. Hehasbeendoingbadlyeversincehisoperation..Whatdidshepersuadeherfathertodo? when since before造句?
#68persuade造句 - 快资讯
Iam trying to persuade him to give up the attempt.我正力图劝他放弃这种尝试.How can I persuade you of my honesty?我怎样才能使你相信我的诚实?
#69[关键词] persuade - 巽办公用品配送网
persuade相关关键词: persuade用法大全persuade的用法词组persuade怎么读音persuade短语persuade名词persuade及物persuade变形persuade造句 ...
#70promote造句子 - 项城句子网
9、promotion还在孤独regret,子用吗人生到底是为了什么?问问自己。 10、子用吗小桥流水persuade,recognize禁不住吟诵起李公明的 ...
#71用sincerity造句子 - 祁东生活网
9、sincerely供我们读书bury,persuade而这些翘首以盼的人。 10、persuade有苦有甜boil,peaceful教师就没有爱美之心了吗?时世 ...
#72longer简单造句 - 容易答知识网
longer简单造句. by prefer造句简单 at 2021-12-14 12:42:42. long 是长的意思longer是更长的意思你的头发很长your hair is long 我的头发比你的头发长my.
#73urge造句简单 - 脱壳百科网
by 用till造句简单 at 2021-12-20 04:58:37. urge 造句/ 例句1. ... 力劝; 敦促request earnestly; try to persuade; strongly recommend vt.鼓励; 极力主张encourage ...
#74Collins Cobuild 英語語法大全(全新版) - 第 231 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... inspire permit urge compel instruct persuade use dare intend prefer want defy invite press warn enable lead ... Usage Note 用法說明 遣詞造句:動詞的類型 231.
#75QES 英文句子和段落寫作: 編寫有效的句子和段落 - Google 圖書結果
waste 後接 into _IO change divide persuade transform turn 例句: The boyfriend ... 線上實作練習:請至 http://writingcenter.qbook.org 登入您的帳戶,練習造句。
答案(B)persuading 與答案(D)to persuade都不是正確的動詞型態,因此不選。 第2題的正確答案是(A)。該句的主詞是The exhibition,展覽不是生命體,不 ...
#77从柏拉图到巴特:西方文艺思想史 - Google 圖書結果
... 模式普遍受到质疑时,在所有语言中,“阶级”(persuasion)所扮演的角色将会更加重要。 ... 在经典的时代,修辞批评则往往着重对于发音方法、遣词造句以及比喻等种种。
#78Blackmail examples - Studio Morango Cabeleireiros
Emotional blackmail definition: a way of persuading someone to do something ... emotional blackmail造句, emotional blackmail造句, 用emotional blackmail造句, ...
#79Effusive synonym
... and examples? effusive造句, effusive造句, 用effusive造句, effusive meaning, ... inveigle kowtow oil persuade seduce snow soap soft-soap sweet-talk worm ...
#80Cursory example - BetaBench
... used in a sentence and examples? cursory造句, cursory造句, 用cursory造句, ... glance at the overall figures for the economy could persuade the… cursory ...
#81Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... ...
... I am not by any means persuaded that these com- framed the act of the 20th ... But inasmuch as I made these allusions PITO PRICE haar He 造句 STANFORD ...
(A) persuasive. (B) harmonious. (C) conventional. (D) revolutionary. 7. To encourage classroom _____, the teacher divided the class into groups and asked ...
#83"to disabuse "是什麼意思? - 關於英語(英國)的問題| HiNative
to disabuse 的意思@Nikola16n To persuade someone that the idea or a believe was/is mistaken.
#84【多益必考】使役動詞怎麼用才對? make、have、let、get用法 ...
Make: 強迫force某人做某事. Have : 要求ask 某人做某事. Let : 允許;讓give permission/ allow 某人做某事. Get : 說服convince/persuade某人做某事 ...
#85Dictionaire historique et critique: - 第 2 卷 - 第 2091 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... ces de Spire l'an 1529. il fit un petit voiage à Bretten persuade au Roi de faire venir Melanchthon . pour voir sa mere . ... 造句 ibid . pagi biu .
#86动词persuade的用法与搭配 - 恒星英语
Each tried to persuade the other to stay at home. 两人彼此劝说对方留在家里。 (2) persuade sb into doing sth. He persuaded her into going to the ...