

在 person翻譯產品中有232篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過16萬的網紅Goodbye HK, Hello UK,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 匿名法官接受訪問 //“[Tong] didn’t do much of anything—he didn’t commit murder or arson,” the judge said wryly. “He is the most benevolent terrorist in the wo...

 同時也有26部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過803的網紅樂筆 x 日光實驗室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 記得大一北上讀大學時,我常因想家、想爸媽偷偷在被子裡哭,當時D床的雲林女孩常攀越床板爬來C床,輕聲溫柔地放了包衛生紙在我的枕頭邊。外宿的記憶隨著日子更迭,默默堆疊;隨時年紀增長,越發增多。 到底一個人住好,還是兩人或以上住好? 過往我一直是喜歡與人相處的陽光個性,但近日搬...

person翻譯 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 05:12:53

匿名法官接受訪問 //“[Tong] didn’t do much of anything—he didn’t commit murder or arson,” the judge said wryly. “He is the most benevolent terrorist in the wo...

  • person翻譯 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-21 08:07:26
    有 3,412 人按讚


    //“[Tong] didn’t do much of anything—he didn’t commit murder or arson,” the judge said wryly. “He is the most benevolent terrorist in the world.”//


    //If the government wanted to protect jurors, the judge said, “There must be some other way apart from abolishing the whole system.”//

    關於專家證人政治解釋口號嘅用處,匿名法官認為專家證嘅作用係幫助法庭理解法律以外嘅事,但解釋政治口號嘅話就未必有效用("flawed tool"),呢啲正正就需要陪審團以普通人嘅「常識」去理解(“common-sense approach”),相反,法官通常會用法律角度去思考。


    “We might become more like Singapore. The business law is fine, but there’s a big problem in criminal law and human rights.”


    “It’s a sign of danger. If it continues to develop, it will lead to cardiac arrest. But is it fair to say a person is worthless just because of a heart condition? No, the body is still there to compensate.”


    《Vice》Inside the Surreal Trial of the ‘Most Benevolent Terrorist in the World’


  • person翻譯 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-30 20:02:03
    有 177 人按讚


    I’m kind of interested in Susie. What is she like?
    Well, she’s pretty nice. She loves performing arts and works at Eslite Bookstore.
    Oh wow, she’s an art lover/enthusiast. 🤔

    He reads a lot of books.
    He’s kind of an artsy person.
    She’s a music lover/enthusiast.
    She likes to roam around a flea/secondhand/holiday market.
    She loves photography.

    A: Which one is Kevin?
    (哪一個是 Kevin?)
    B: That one. In super skinny jeans and a plaid shirt.
    A: The one with the horn-rimmed glasses?
    B: Yeah, that’s him.
    A: Oh, he’s such a hipster.

    Do you want to go to Blueprint Cultural & Creative Park? There are lots of great spots for pictures. I can bring my Canon.
    Nah, too hipster. I just want to have an ultimate food tour in Tainan. 🤣
    (不要,太文青了。我只想來趟大吃大喝之旅 🤣)

  • person翻譯 在 王郁揚 WHO FCTC 菸草減害專家 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-10 15:28:06
    有 4 人按讚



    《朗文詞典》對“propaganda”一詞的解釋為“information which is false or which emphasizes just one part of a situation, used by a government or political group to make people agree with them” (政府或政治團體使用的虛假或只強調片面情況的資訊,旨在讓人們同意其觀點)


    而《麥考瑞大辭典》對“propaganda”一詞的解釋為“dissemination of ideas, information or rumour for the purpose of injuring or helping an institution, a cause or a person.”(為傷害或幫助某機構、事業或個人而傳播的思想、信息或謠言)


    《新華字典》對“宣傳”的解釋則為“向人講解說明,進行教育;傳播,宣揚” 。從這一釋義來看,中文的“宣傳”是個中性詞,甚至是個褒義詞。例如,衛生宣傳、科普宣傳、安全生產宣傳等。

    由此可見, 我們不能簡單地將“propaganda”與“宣傳”劃等號。在翻譯“propaganda”一詞時,可能要酌情補充詞義中“貶義”的成分資訊。因此,漢密爾頓醫生所說的“propaganda”其實是“政治宣傳”的含義。

  • person翻譯 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-23 07:00:11







    Welcome to Sunlight!
    When I, as a freshman, flew the nest, I often hid and cried in the quilt due to homesick. The girl from Yunlin often climbed over the bed board, putting down tissue gently beside my pillow.
    Memories of living in the dorm are more and more.
    Living alone or living with others, which one is better?

    I acknowledged myself as a people person in the past. But recently I moved into the new house, I found that how much I needed to stay alone!!!
    Facing interpersonal pressure,I want to escape my everyday life, but looking back I find nothing.

    However, being with others is usually better than being alone. We all need team, supports, love and acceptance. So glad that I have new roommates.
    Hope you, flying the nest like us, find good roommates and house, and most importantly, have peace and "home"!

    p.s. Echoes of podcasting are loud in the house. In addition we turn on the air conditioner, so it's noisy a lot, but the content is funny. You have my word! Hope you are pleased after listening!

    Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify、SoundOn 🔍歡迎光臨

    - - -


    - - -

    主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor/:樂筆
    剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
    翻譯 Translator:Youli

  • person翻譯 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-15 07:00:15

    ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️
    清炒菜心 (4人份量)


    1. 菜心,搣去菜梗,1開2,放一邊,菜遠放另一邊。
    2. 菜心,清水洗2次。
    3. 薑,去皮。
    4. 皮蛋,菜刀輕手拍一拍外殼。
    5. 鹹蛋,加入少量清水,刮去灰,清水洗淨。
    6. 薑,1開2,拍鬆。
    7. 皮蛋,1開8 。
    8. 鹹蛋,打在碗內。


    1. 一個人1碗水,加清水入煲內,加入菜心,大火煲滾。
    2. 加入鹹蛋及皮蛋。
    3. 湯已滾了1分鐘,加入鹹蛋白,等湯再次滾起。
    4. 完成,湯倒入大碗中,可享用。

    1. 大火在鑊中燒熱油1湯匙。
    2. 放菜落鑊。
    3. 冚蓋,轉慢火,焗2分鐘,焗軟菜心。
    4. 轉大火,炒幾下。
    5. 完成,上碟,可享用。

    Choy sum, cook in 2 ways
    Choy sum soup with century and salted eggs
    Stir frying choy sum (serving for 4)

    Choy sum 2 catty
    Salted egg 1 No.
    Century egg 1 No.
    Ginger 1 No.

    1. Choy sum, tear off the rough stems, divide them into 2 halves. Put on one side. The green portion, is to be put on the other side.
    2. Choy sum, rinse 2 times.
    3. Ginger, get it peeled.
    4. Century egg, beat the shell lightly with chopper.
    5. Salted egg, add in little water. Remove the ash. Rinse thoroughly.
    6. Ginger, divide it into 2 shares. Beat well.
    7. Century egg, divide it into 8 shares.
    8. Salted egg, break in a bowl.


    Choy sum soup with century and salted eggs:
    1. One person, 1 bowl of water, add in together with choy sum in pot. Heat up at high flame.
    2. Add in salted and century egg.
    3. Soup has been boiled for a minute, add in salted egg white. Wait for boiling up again.
    4. Complete. Pour into a big bowl. Serve.

    Stir frying choy sum:
    1. Heat up oil 1 tbsp at high flame in wok.
    2. Put choy sum in wok.
    3. Cover up the wok. Turn to low flame. Leave it for 2 minutes until choy sum turns soft.
    4. Turn to high flame, stir fry for 30 seconds.
    5. Complete. Put on plate. Serve


    ?蔬菜/ 瓜類??????系列)

    ???我有1000多條片?大家入呢個網址 ?全部可以睇曬?
    https://goo.gl/cuyAZa hip???

    ??I have more than 1000 movies?Everyone enters this URL ?All can be viewed ?
    https://goo.gl/cuyAZa hip??

    Frugal & Healthy Cooking?Stir-Fried Choy Sum & Choy Sum Stem Soup with Gold & Silver Eggs


    Frugal & Healthy Cooking!

  • person翻譯 在 Lisa hui 許靜雯 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-27 11:00:03

    How would you feel if no one was there to support you? Even if it is the closest person to you? Have you always felt so alone, that no one could understand you... when you are suffering so much inside.
    But no matter what you have been through, no matter how many times you have cried... you will always find a person that God has arranged for you to meet. Him or her that will bring you a light in the darkness.
    Be nice to everyone close to you, or not even those you don't really know. Because you never know what they have been through.

    不管你如何努力,如果沒有人支持您,您會感覺如何?即使那是離您最近的人?您是否總是感到無比的孤獨,感到無人能理解您……當您內心感受如此巨大的痛苦時。 無論經歷了什麼,無論哭了多少次,您總會碰到一個上帝安排與您相遇的人。他或她會給你帶來黑暗中的光芒,扶着你渡過難關。 我們必須對身邊的每個人都友善,甚至對那些您不認識的人也要友善和關懷。因為你從不知他們經歷了什麼的人生。可能你就是那位上帝安排的人。

    Original singer / 原唱: Billie Eilish
    Cover翻唱/Harmony和音/ BackGround Vocals:許靜雯 Lisa Hui
    錄像拍攝/剪輯 VIdeographer & Video edit:許靜雯 Lisa Hui
    中文歌詞翻譯 : https://kellylin1216.pixnet.net/blog/post/314021015-billie-eilish---everything-i-wanted-中文翻譯歌詞 & Lisa Hui

    #billieeilishmusic #oceaneyes #billiefan #everythingiwanted #everythingiwantedcover #lisahui #rodent1

    Video by lawlaw91 from Pixabay
    Video by Jacques Barrette from Pixabay
    Video by Dieter_G from Pixabay
    Video by Tomislav Jakupec from Pixabay
    Video by Max Berube from Pixabay
    Video by Life-Of-Vids from Pixabay
    Video by Macb3t from Pixabay
    Video by Johannes Wünsch from Pixabay

