

在 perpetuate用法產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,853的網紅玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《當心被鬼吃了》 Don't Get Eaten By The Ghosts! (English version below) 時至今日,談鬼依然使人色變。多年前、吾收了一位對玄學及鬼神,又喜歡又害怕的美麗女子為徒。偶爾談起「無形」時,她會緊張地問吾,那裡有無「無形」?現在想起,是有點好笑。好笑...


  • perpetuate用法 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-08-02 04:18:25
    有 142 人按讚

    Don't Get Eaten By The Ghosts!
    (English version below)



    過去吾是有幫人處理,被鬼類干擾之事。也曾有婦女欲請吾去其住宅捉鬼及收鬼。其實當時吾是有打算,去「會一會」她宅中的「小朋友」,可惜她接二連三的「做奸犯科」,更何況,她先生是請鬼的人,即不信也沒來請吾,此謂因緣不足也。夫婦倆的起心動念,倒是合了「鬼性」,是問吾如何捉得完,收得完。有可能她他們目前宅中的鬼,會幫她他阻止其他鬼進來也說不一定!哈 哈 哈!



    Even till this modern age, the reaction when the word ghost is being brought up remains that of an ashen look on the face. Many years ago, I took in a beautiful lady, as my disciple. She has a deep fascination (and fear) of all things Metaphysics and spiritual. Whenever we spoke about the spirits, she would nervously ask me if there was any around her. It always amuses me whenever I recall those conversations with her. It was amusing because of her facial expressions and the look of ignorance. Of course, spirits are without any physical forms, and it is free access for them if no demarcation is done at a house. Therefore I am sure there are spirits in your house!

    Spirits are everywhere in the ten realms of existence, and there is not much difference between us humans and the spirits. The only difference lies in their lack of physical form. These ghosts belong to a lower realm, and can be easily summoned by a mantra or a thought.

    There are people with wayward intentions, who take the huge risk to summon the spirits and make offering to them, so that the spirits will do their bidding. Maybe they have no idea that the spirits they summoned are like them, with insatiable greed, as that they grow in strength.

    These spirits will break free one day, if the powers of the owner and his talismans are unable to contain them. When that happens, the people who summoned them will get devoured instead.

    In the past, I had dealt with cases of spiritual disturbance. One female client invited me to visit her house for some ghost-busting. I did have the initial intention to meet the "little friend" in her home, but changed my mind after knowing her bad doings. Her husband was the one who "invited" the ghost for his own gains, and he did not believe in me to invite me personally. Therefore, the affinity is weak.

    The thoughts and intentions of this couple matches that of a spirit, so how could I succeed in driving the ghost out? Who knows, this ghost might be able to prevent other spirits from intruding their house! Ha ha ha!

    There is a boundary between humans and spirits, just like the water in the well does not cross the path of the water on the river. However, if you summon a spirit via spiritual invocation, it will stick with you forever. The ghostly energy in you will only perpetuate if you command the spirit to help you in wrongdoings.

    In the end upon your death, you will be reincarnated in the realm of ghosts. Behavior like disrespect and betrayal of your master, being ungrateful to your benefactors, insatiable greed, taking advantage of others, cursing at the gods and Buddhas, etc, will only make the spirits "love" you more! I write relentlessly day and night, so that the Light of Wisdom will shine on you and inspire righteous and wholesome intentions. Then you would not need to worry being "eaten" alive by the spirits.


    Photo credit: Casper Movie

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