在 permanently相反產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,814的網紅飛鳥涼不涼的遊戲營運觀察小站,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【聊聊Epic Games vs Apple:蘋果須開放外部支付的可能影響】 這幾天轟動遊戲產業最大的事情,不外乎Epic Games與蘋果的世紀之戰判決終於出爐。法官在週五做出裁決,儘管蘋果贏得 10 項主張中的 9 項,但最重要的一條如下: "....("Apple") are hereby...
permanently相反 在 飛鳥涼不涼的遊戲營運觀察小站 Facebook 的最佳解答
【聊聊Epic Games vs Apple:蘋果須開放外部支付的可能影響】
這幾天轟動遊戲產業最大的事情,不外乎Epic Games與蘋果的世紀之戰判決終於出爐。法官在週五做出裁決,儘管蘋果贏得 10 項主張中的 9 項,但最重要的一條如下:
"....("Apple") are hereby permanently restrained and enjoined from prohibiting developers from including in their apps and their metadata buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to purchasing mechanisms, in addition to In-App Purchasing and communicating with customers through points of contact obtained voluntarily from customers through account registration within the app."
首先來聊聊事主蘋果。據報導,App Store 2020年總銷售額為640億美元,粗估帶來營收接近200億,這些收入主要來自不到 10% 的 App Store 客戶。接著來看Google Play,2019年的成交收入為112億美元,粗估帶來40億不到收入(2020應用商店收入目前查無資料),
對蘋果來說,最大的問題在於不管是雲端遊戲、元宇宙、遊戲跨平台、虛擬貨幣等趨勢,都是驅動產業往更開放多變的方向走,這和蘋果一直以來的封閉系統價值觀背道而馳。因此,當被外力強力打開時,系統能彈性應對的空間就較少;而Google則已經在整個線上產業鏈中,以開放方式埋下無所不在的影響力。譬如在許多國家Google Play商店早就納入了當地的支付方式,這也將使得其未來面對類似訴訟時有更好立場去面對。(當然,其戰場主要在廣告壟斷的指控上)
除此之外,我覺得影響最大會是像Roblox,以及懷抱著Metaverse幻想,需要依附雙平台上進行導流的廠商。短期之內對大家都是好事,畢竟利潤結構發生了根本性的改變。對於以固定價格為收入的遊戲,譬如Battle Pass、月費、一次買斷的遊戲來說,影響是最大的,畢竟原本的價格也不好改變,但成本發了變化。
如果雙平台不能控制金流走向,那Apple Store與Google Play將只會是一個入口,各個應用可以正大光明自建金流體系,用更便捷的方式使用其他金流、虛擬貨幣、甚至.......洗錢。雙平台已經沒有金流掌控權,是否仍有監督金流走向維護法律與消費者權益的責任在,將會是後續值得討論的議題。
總結一句話,不管這項法令最終是否能實行,Epic Games這一衝撞,真的是打破了許多遊戲產業既有的認知,加速了更多的發展與變遷。
permanently相反 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
不管因為你是廣仲迷、想支持國片的、還是因為兩位鮮肉的演技、或是電影迷,應該都聽過「#刻在你心底的名字」。這篇文章想要來分析這部電影的英文名,並用 #3D英文筆記術 的學習視野 (跟 #小朋友筆記 不同喔) 來看該怎麼學習字彙。
先講 #結論:電影有個英文名,不管是 "Your Name Engraved Herein" 還是 “The Name Engraved in Your Heart” 都採用了 engrave (v) 這個字。雖然無法跟 Call Me by Your Name 這種簡短但情深的小說改編電影名媲美,但單以英文的角度來看,我覺得算取得很不錯了喔。
► 想到「刻」,很多人第一秒鐘想到的是 carve (v)。的確,不管是
engrave 還是 carve 都有刻的意思,但 engrave 又會更好。
�#劍橋字典 (Cambridge Dictionary) 其實有特別替 engrave 這樣定義:If something is engraved in your memory, mind, or heart, it is something you will never forget.
是否非常符合這個電影的感覺呢?而這也是 carve 一個字單獨沒辦法帶出的用法。
✔︎ 我們可能用了一輩子的 #小朋友筆記:
・carve = engrave (v) 雕刻、刻畫
(engrave 特別有刻畫在心中的感覺=銘記)
定義:to fix deeply or permanently in the mind
記完後,是否還是有種 #不知道怎樣用 的感覺呢?
✔︎ #3D英文筆記 (以 #語料庫 協助學習 #刻記 相關用法):
・sth to be engraved in / on sb’s memory / mind 讓~難以忘懷
The incident remains engraved on my mind. 這個事件深深地印記在我的心上。
・to be carved / set in stone (片) 某件事情已經難以改變
・相反:sth is subject to change 某件事情仍可能會被改變
例:(3D) The schedule isn’t set in stone. It’s subject to change.
常常加上 sth is not carved in stone 的像是 schedule, rules, proposal, plan 等等。
► 延伸 2D:
indelible memory 難以往懷的回憶 have an indelible memory of sth
unforgettable experience 難以忘懷的經驗
在3D英文筆記術的線上課程 (昨天破 3000% 募資率啦),我會教你 #釣魚,如何用一己之力,用 #語料庫,自己也能抄寫出隨時都能在口說、寫作使用的筆記喔!一起加入我們吧!
✔︎ Hahow 線上課程連結:
Photo credit: Sony Pictures
permanently相反 在 姚松炎 Edward Yiu Facebook 的最佳解答
根據香港入境處的《一般就業政策》,「具備香港特別行政區所需而又缺乏的特別技能、知識或經驗」的申請人,在滿足其他條件(包括其「從事的工作 ... 不能輕易覓得本地人擔任」)後,可申請來港工作。[1]
但好明顯入境處就無睇過Epoch Group Ltd v Director of Immigration [2011] 3 HKLRD H2案。
換言之,就這類團體的成員的工作簽證申請而言,他們是否「具備香港所需而又缺乏的特別技能、知識或經驗 (special skills, knowledge or experience of value to and not readily available in Hong Kong)」,或他們的工作能否「輕易覓得本地人擔任 (readily taken up by the local work force)」,已非入境處可以合法地納入的考慮[4],否則香港永遠也有本地人才,根本不可能舉辦任何國際性的文化交流活動[5]。
1) 外地團體到香港進行文化或藝術交流活動對社會的重大價值;
[1] 如參見保安局局長於十月二十四日在立法會會議上就梁繼昌議員的提問所作的書面答覆:https://www.info.gov.hk/…/gen…/201810/24/P2018102400453p.htm
[2] 入境處處長當時亦確認他們實際上不會強行應用《一般就業政策》來處理此類簽證申請:參見第45段。
[3] 第42段('ill-suited')。
[4] 參見第43-44、50、52、60、62、68段。
[5] 參見第57段。
[6] 參見第49-50、57、62、64段。
[7] 參見第54段。
(English version)
Under the Director of immigration's General Employment Policy, '[a]pplicants who possess special skills, knowledge or experience of value to and not readily available in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) may apply to come to work in the HKSAR', if they can satisfy the Direcotor that, amongst other conditions, the job concerned 'cannot be readily taken up by the local work force'.[1]
The Policy's application in the present case, however, is so completely at odds with Epoch Group Ltd v Director of Immigration [2011] 3 HKLRD H2.
There, Andrew Cheung J (as Cheung PJ then was) was clear[2] that the General Employment Policy, as otherwise usually applies to work visa applications, was 'ILL-SUITED to deal with applications for entry by members of a travelling performing group to perform in Hong Kong for a short duration only'[3].
In other words, in respect of applications by members of such a group, the questions whether they 'possess special skills, knowledge or experience of value to and not readily available in Hong Kong', or whether the job or tasks they propose to perform can be 'readily taken up by the local work force', are matters irrelevant to the Director's inquiry [4], for otherwise the happy wealth of local talent could ironically have the absurd effect of preventing the possibility of any international cultural events in the first place[5].
By contrast, in determining whether to allow such an application for a work visa, what the Director must take into account, and give substantial weight to, are the following factors[6]:
1) the unmistakable value of international cultural and artistic exchanges and activities to (the) society (of Hong Kong);
2) members of such a travelling performing group do not seek to remain in Hong Kong permanently, and therefore are unlikely to significantly (if at all) jeopardise the job opportunities of local workers; rather they are seeking entry for the specific purpose of attending international cultural and artistic exchanges and activities, for a short period of time after which they are expected to leave the city;
3) in particular, the Direct must consider the visa applications bearing in mind that a performing group is an inalienable entity, each member being integral to the group; discrimination against individual members is liable to be found unreasonable (and chances are that travelling performing groups of any reputation would not be prepared to accept invitations unreasonably extended only to certain of their members but not the others[7])。
The reason for refusing the visa application, as stated in the Director's letter, is that the applicant did not meet the very irrelevant criteria which, as shown, have been judicially deprecated insofar as they were applied to a travelling performing group, in circumstances indistinguishable from those in the instant case. On the other hand, the Director never gave any consideration at all to the relevant factors (all pointing to a favourable determination of the application) which he, in law, must consider. It follows that, even stripped of its political overtones, the Director's decision is one that is ultra vires and illegal according to the ordinary principles of administrative law.
[1] See eg the written reply by the Secretary for Security in the Legislative Council on 24 October 2018 to the Hon Kenneth Leung: https://www.info.gov.hk/…/gen…/201810/24/P2018102400458.htm…
[2] And the Director of Immigration conceded as much at the time, that it had never been his practice to rigidly apply the Policy to travelling performing groups of this sort: see para 45.
[3] At para 42 (emphasis added).
[4] At paras 43-44、50、52、60、62、68.
[5] See para 57.
[6] See paras 49-50、57、62、64.
[7] See para 54.