

在 peril用法產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過53萬的網紅黃之鋒 Joshua Wong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 我們呼籲市民出席今天晚上八時於公民廣場外的集會,讓我們以最響亮的咆哮,向中共宣示香港人的決心不會因此而退縮。我們相信,威權永遠敵不過真理,人民終將獲得勝利。 【聲明】 中共粗暴釋法 辱沒港人意志 議會制衡勢危 民主路見艱難 高等法院剛就特區政府入稟取消四名議員資格的司法覆核作出裁決,羅冠...

  • peril用法 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-07-14 16:39:02
    有 634 人按讚


    中共粗暴釋法 辱沒港人意志
    議會制衡勢危 民主路見艱難






    日期:7 月 14 日(星期五)
    時間:下午 8 時


    As ruled in the judgment handed down today, Nathan Law, Lau Siu Lai, Leung Kwok Hung and Edward Yiu lost their Legislative Council seats. Together with the previously disqualified Baggio Leung and Yau Wai Ching, more than 180,000 voters had their voices silenced in the legislative body. Demosisto condemns the manifest interference of the Beijing government to cripple Hong Kong's legislative power through reinterpretation of the Basic Law - a constitutional document agreed upon in the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984.

    This is the second time that the Department of Justice attempted to oust democratically-elected lawmakers, in addition to the already ongoing political persecution and removal of veteran democratic activists and leaders of the Umbrella Movement. In light of manipulation of election results by Beijing, it is more important than ever for Hong Kong to stay strong and firm against the autocracy. We implore Hong Kong citizens to acknowledge the significance of this judgment and mobilise to prevent further intervention and political persecution against other pro-democracy legislators.

    Nathan Law thanks the endeavour of the entire legal team for their tireless preparations and professional advice. He also delivers his heartfelt gratitude to all who came to support him at the court and every citizen who voted in the Legislative Council Election in September 2016, in which Hong Kong saw the highest turnout rate in elections since the transfer of sovereignty. Direct election ensures that the people take part in monitoring the government and therefore having a voice.

    The party supports the lawmakers' decision to appeal in order to restore the voice of the civil society. Demosisto will continue to engage itself actively in community work and policy research, and is determined to ensure the well-being and rights of Hong Kong citizens, especially at this time of peril. The fight for democracy and universal suffrage will only amplify, for time is on our side.

    14 July 2017

