在 peek密度產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過89萬的網紅環球膠報,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Google攝影師帶你走進日本「鬼城」(007 Skyfall電影取景地) 日本軍艦島距離長崎縣約15公里,其最顯著的特徵是遭廢棄的混凝土建築和周圍的海堤。谷歌街景拍出一名攝像師,前往該島拍攝那些被人遺忘的美麗細節。 軍艦島以日本工業化時期島上的煤礦及其開礦活動聞名。1959年,軍艦島整個島的...
peek密度 在 Ann’s English ᵕ̈ 安的美語 Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-09-03 21:10:55
#AnnsFOREAL 💫 全新線上課程 我的第一套線上課程 💎攻克英文面試💎 已經在上週日開放預購‼️ 【錯過開賣首日優惠優惠沒關係】 【這邊還有別的優惠🙌🏻】 這邊先給你個 sneak peek 看看課程會教些什麼 🔆 這只是 26 集課程裡面的冰山一角 想要聽完整教學 可以到主頁連結🔗...
peek密度 在 環球膠報 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Google攝影師帶你走進日本「鬼城」(007 Skyfall電影取景地)
隨著20世紀60年代日本國內石油代替煤炭,日本政府開始在全國各地關閉煤礦,軍艦島的煤礦當然也不能倖免。今天那裡人煙稀少,光禿禿一片,是該島也被稱為鬼島的原因,後來成為007 Skyfall電影取景地。
喺香港, 亦有一個類似嘅地方, 又係成日有人去拍戲, 聽日開估
你可以親身用Street View上個島玩下:
Villain's secret island in James Bond movie Skyfall
Do you remember the villain's secret island hideout in the latest James Bond movie Skyfall, the one that looked like a decaying industrial wasteland? That fictional location was actually based on a real place — the island of Hashima off the coast of Nagasaki Prefecture in Japan. Due to its unique flat shape, the island is most widely known in Japan by its nickname Gunkanjima — aka "Battleship Island."
Starting in the late 19th century, Hashima served as a coal mining facility and residential complex for 5,000 people. After the decline of coal mining in the 1970s, however, the island became completely abandoned, only opening up again to tourists in 2009. Hashima has transformed into an eerie tourist destination where you can see a once thriving town decaying and totally devoid of life. Apparently, Hashima's buildings are deteriorating so rapidly that you can hear parts of the concrete collapse as the wind blows from the ocean.
While we can't replicate those unearthly sounds on Google Maps, we can now give you 360° panoramas of the Hashima with today's launch of Street View imagery for the island. Thanks to assistance from Nagasaki City, we were able to collect imagery with the Google Trekker beyond the cordoned-off areas for tourists and into off-limits paths around the island. We also used our Business Photos technology to let you peek into the abandoned buildings, complete with ancient black-and-white TVs and discarded soda bottles.