

在 peanuts中文產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過25萬的網紅MINIATURE CALENDAR,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 12.9 mon “😱” まだ月曜日。。 #落花生 #ムンクの叫び #Peanuts #TheScream ─────────────── 《Exhibition info》 【small MUJI vol.1“Miniature”】 11.8 fri - 2.29 sat at M...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過313的網紅when the cake talks 蛋糕說話時屑屑請閉嘴,也在其Youtube影片中提到,*中文在下面 Tofu pudding (豆花 Dou Hua) is my favourite Taiwanese snack, and I miss it ever so much in London. Since I learned how to make amazing homemade ...

peanuts中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-17 00:19:27

📍新北市 | 淡水站 ❤️淡水巧味麥芽花生軟糖 ⠀ 🌐新北市 | New Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 每次來到淡水一定先來一盒巧味的花生糖 看老闆經驗純熟地搓揉著花生糖🤩 就算等待製作的時間也不無聊😁 力度適中、反覆揉捏的技術不禁令人佩服💦 邊吃花生糖邊看老闆製作也特別療癒🥰 ⠀ 熱騰...

peanuts中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-17 00:19:27

📍台北市 | 台北小巨蛋站 ❤️富錦樹台菜香檳 👉🏻 @fjt_twcuisine ⠀ 🌐台北市 | Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 富錦口水雞吃起來鮮嫩無比😋 辣椒有花椒的香氣加上辣椒的香氣 多種辣椒調配秘方吃起來好吃無比 一旁碎花生也增添了許多風味 ⠀ 剝皮辣蝦滑蛋採用剝皮辣椒 大蝦和...

peanuts中文 在 蛋糕說話時屑屑請閉嘴 | 飲食人類學 倫敦 食譜| Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-18 21:24:04

/𝑇𝑜𝑓𝑢 𝑝𝑢𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 (𝑑𝑜𝑢 ℎ𝑢𝑎)珍珠薑汁豆花/   *中文在下面 Tofu pudding (豆花 Dou Hua) is my favourite Taiwanese snack, and I miss it ever so much in London. Since I l...

  • peanuts中文 在 MINIATURE CALENDAR Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-12-09 15:57:58
    有 4,609 人按讚

    12.9 mon “😱”
    #落花生 #ムンクの叫び
    #Peanuts #TheScream
    《Exhibition info》
    【small MUJI vol.1“Miniature”】
    11.8 fri - 2.29 sat
    at MUJI Kamppi Helsinki
    《Coming Soon》
    【微型展 2.0 台中站】
    12.20 fri - 3.1 sun
    at 台中文化部文化資產園區 國際展演館
    【MINIATURE LIFE展 in 宮崎】
    12.27 fri - 1.8 wed
    at 宮崎山形屋
    【MINIATURE LIFE展 in 千葉】
    12.28 sat - 1.8 wed
    at そごう千葉店

  • peanuts中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-11-06 18:59:07
    有 100 人按讚

    Salon du Chocolat 2018 / 年度甜點與巧克力盛事「巴黎巧克力大展」(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)

    As what I've said in the previous post, it was such a busy weekend! I visited the Salon du Chocolat on Sunday with a couple of good friends, including Claire from Bonheur Bonne Heure Pâtisserie. What I find great about the Salon is that besides all the brands and participants, there are lots of pastry shows where talented chefs demonstrate their techniques and the audience also get the chance to taste their wonderful work. I attended the sessions of the chef Yann Brys (pâtisserie Tourbillon), Jérémy Del Val (Dalloyau), and Maxime Frédéric (Four Seasons Hotel George V). I also joined Claire's interview of chef Jérémy afterwards. Hopefully we visit Tourbillon and George V later this month so that I could tell you more about it.

    This year at the Salon also witnessed the rising influence of the Japanese gastronomy. An “espace Japon” (Japan area) is created especially for Japanese pastry chefs and chocolatiers to demonstrate how they work with chocolate. We’ve watched Junichi Mistubori, a Japanese wagashi master, demonstrated how to make “nerikiri” (練り切り) wagashi and the chrysanthemum
    scissor-cutting skills (はさみ菊).

    Talking about Taiwan, this is the second year that we have Yu Chocolatier attending the Salon. They were so popular that all their chocolates in sachés were almost sold out on the second day. They’ve received lots of new customers as well as old ones who got to know them last year and loved them so much that they came back without hesitation. The chocolates made of Taiwan’s specialties such as black sesame oil and black peanuts impressed picky tasters and great chefs alike, including Chef Jérémy Del Val from Dalloyau. Unfortunately when the chef came to Yu’s booth once again near the end of the Salon he couldn’t get anything since everything was sold out early on.

    I wish I could share with you more what I’ve seen on Sunday, for instance, the incredible chocolate show pieces and the Christmas cakes (bûches de noël) this year, but as I’ve been totally occupied, please make sure to follow me on Instagram (@applespoon) for more real-time photos and videos. I’ll try my best to share more news with you here when I have more time!

    上週日與幾位好友前往巴黎的巧克力大展,很幸運地參與到了好幾場甜點大師們的甜點示範,包括MOF Yann Brys、DALLOYAU主廚Jérémy Del Val、與Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris的主廚 Maxime Frederic。在台後與幾位主廚都打了招呼,接下來本月預計會與Bonheur Bonne Heure Pâtisserie by Claire L. 的主廚Claire一起去參訪這幾位主廚的店與餐廳。

    另外當然不能忘記我們的Yu Chocolatier 畬室 法式巧克力甜點創作,今年第二年來到巴黎巧克力展,空前受到歡迎,袋裝巧克力第二天就幾乎賣光、更有不少去年的顧客回訪。我幸運地搶下最後一盒巧克力禮盒!

    今年日本甜點師與巧克力品牌的勢力愈加龐大,巴黎巧克力展特別為他們開闢了一個日本專區「espace Japon」,我們也在此欣賞到了和菓子大師三堀 純一 junichi mitsubori的現場剪菊與練切示範。

    最近實在忙得焦頭爛額,還有很多照片與影音來不及與大家分享(例如世界巧克力大師比賽與今年巴黎的聖誕節蛋糕),更別提要整理並寫成文字。要請大家暫時多加注意我的Instagram @applespoon,上面會有最新、最快的分享與各種直播!我還有很多新消息想和大家upate!

    👉🏻👉🏻🍰 https://www.instagram.com/applespoon

    #yingspastryguide #yingc #paris #salonduchocolat

  • peanuts中文 在 圓圓 X 小湯圓雙寶媽咪的五四三大小事 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-12-15 08:51:59
    有 15 人按讚




    其實使用上一直以姐姐為主,小湯圓就一直在旁邊聽,從一開始沒反應,到了淺綠色時,小湯圓聽到某幾首歌,會反應特別激動,像是Hey! Mr. Strongman & The hippopotamus!到現在的Who took the peanuts?

    現在小湯圓會走了,開始會跟姐姐一起搶step by step的教材和書本,雖然她還不會說話,頂多也只是會叫爸爸媽媽,但我真的很期待,她以後的爆發力,應該是更勝姊姊!



  • peanuts中文 在 when the cake talks 蛋糕說話時屑屑請閉嘴 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-21 10:24:46


    Tofu pudding (豆花 Dou Hua) is my favourite Taiwanese snack, and I miss it ever so much in London. Since I learned how to make amazing homemade soy milk (the recipe is here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYXYNJQmxxY&t=37s), I asked myself why not try to make some 豆花?

    It was a huge success! If I had known earlier that making 豆花 was easy, I would not have suffered all these years (or bought the super expensive 豆花 in Chinatown😅 )

    豆花 is like a super silky, tender, delicate tofu. In Taiwan, we normally have it as a dessert: the sugar syrup is a must and for toppings, you can choose from traditional choices beans, peanuts, taro ... to bubbles (tapioca pearls), taro balls etc...

    You can also replace the syrup with soy milk, but I highly recommend you add some warm ginger syrup. It will definitely warm you up in winter!





    🎶 準備食材 Ingredients:

    1. 新鮮豆漿 Fresh soy milk 1.5L (please do not use the supermarket brands, they taste 100% different. If you can, make your own. If you do not have time, at least buy fresh soy milk from an Asian shop)

    2. 熟石膏粉 Gypsum powder 1.5 Tablespoons (中國城購入 I bought it in Chinatown, but you also can buy it online)

    3. 地瓜粉/太白粉 Potato starch / sweet potato starch 1.5 Tablespoons

    4. 水 Water 75ml

    🎶 糖水跟豆花料 Ingredients for syrup and toppings:

    1. 糖 Sugar 適量
    2. 水 Water 適量
    3. Tapioca pearls and others

    🎶 工具 Tools:
    - 食品用溫度計 Food thermometer
    - 乾淨的布 Clean tea towel

    🎶 糖水製作方式:

    (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ 追蹤我認真經營的IG:

    (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ 看看我的深度文章:

    #tofupudding #Taiwanesefood #vegandessert #vegan #豆花 #自製豆花 #Duohua

  • peanuts中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-03-15 19:00:02


    Onibus Coffee Naka-Meguro▼鐵道旁的獨棟咖啡館
    Starbucks Reserve Roastery▼最新開幕星巴克臻選烘焙工坊
    Sidewalk Stand▼緊鄰櫻花道工業風咖啡店
    Artless Craft Tea & Coffee▼設計感咖啡店
    Blue Buttle▼舒適空間不用人擠人
    PEANUTS CAFÉ▼史奴比迷ㄧ定要來朝聖

    店家資訊及介紹 http://bit.ly/2FcIhRU

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  • peanuts中文 在 Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-06-28 16:33:26

    Thai Green Papaya salads



    Green Papaya..............................................1 Pcs
    Cherry Tomatoes (Halved).........................10 Pcs
    Green Long Beans (Segmented)................2 Stalks
    Dried Shrimps..............................................1.5 Tbsp
    Roasted Peanuts.........................................1.5 Tbsp
    Onion (Finely Sliced)...................................1/4 pcs
    Cooked Preserved Salty Egg.......................1 pcs


    Thai Red Chilies.........................................2 Pcs
    Garlic..........................................................2 Cloves
    Fresh Lime Juice........................................2 Tbsp
    Fish Sauce..................................................1.5 Tbsp
    Palm Sugar.................................................1 Tbsp
    Tamarind Sauce..........................................2 tsp


    1. Add Thai Red Chilies and Garlic into Mortar and Pestle, keep Pounding until mashed. Add the rest of Marinades and mix well.

    2. Add Cherry Tomatoes, Green Long Beans, Onion and Dried Shrimps in the Mortar and Pestle. Give a few gentle press to those ingredients to release their flavors.

    3.Put them on a nice plate, serve together with Roasted Peanuts and Cooked Preserved Salty Egg.

    Beautiful! Enjoy!

    中文食譜 :
