[爆卦]participative pronunciation是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇participative pronunciation鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在participative pronunciation這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 participative產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,811的網紅交通大學校友會 NCTU Alumni Association,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【轉錄】林奇宏校長的公開信 各位親愛的陽明交大人, 近一個多月以來,我在行政團隊協助安排之下,走訪了各學院與老師們座談,同時也率團前往全台北中南東舉辦招生座談會,親自與高中生及家長面對面會談。除了師生以及家長之外,我也和許多熱心的校友們有過多次的會面討論。從這些會談與討論中,我可以深切感受到師...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅modeA NoRi,也在其Youtube影片中提到,シーピープラス2019(CP+2019) 大行列!カメラの祭典!イベントレポート 毎年恒例!今年も行ってきました^^ 欲しいカメラやレンズがたくさん!トークショーを聴くとすぐにでも撮影に走り出したくなります^^ 今回もたくさんの学びや新しい発見と出会いがありました♡ ありがとうございました!...

  • participative 在 交通大學校友會 NCTU Alumni Association Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-29 16:00:27
    有 39 人按讚




    合校之後,行政團隊已經啟動「一樹百穫計畫」,針對各項議題擴大邀集師生與海內外校友共同參與討論,一起發想,以資訊科來匯聚、分析及整合意見。計畫中很重要的一環,是由師生同仁以及校友,透過民主參與的方式,每個人都能夠對於學校的願景(vision)、使命(mission),以及核心價值(core values),提出自己的想法。計畫團隊將以人工智慧(AI)技術融合眾人的意見,產出學校的願景、使命,以及核心價值。這個作法提供了師生同仁與校友,每一個人都能夠表達意見的權力,而每一個人的意見,也都將由AI科技所採納,成為最終結果的一部分。陽明交大的未來,將由關心學校的人所塑造。而陽明交大也將成為台灣第一個大學,由「民主參與」以及「AI科技」,結合眾人智慧,來創造學校的願景、使命,以及核心價值。我們相信,這樣的作法,將為大學民主治校寫下一個典範。




    校長 林奇宏敬上

    Dear NYCU students, faculty, staff, and alumni,

    I hope this email finds you well. Over the past month, I visited all colleges of NYCU to talk to faculty members, led a delegation to hold admissions seminars across Taiwan to meet with prospective students and parents, and discussed with a number of enthusiastic alumni. From these talks and discussions, I clearly sensed passion and aspiration. I am convinced again that, with the collective efforts of faculty, staff, students and alumni, our school will have a bright future.

    Soon after the founding of NYCU, our administrative team has launched the "One Plating, Hundred Gains” Project, a strategic plan with a long-term vision to make NYCU a globally renowned university. An important part of this project is to invite faculty, staff, students and alumni to contribute their ideas through participative democracy, and use artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to consolidate and generate the vision, mission, and core values of NYCU. This approach provides students, faculty, staff, and alumni the right to fully express their opinions, and everyone's opinions will be adopted by AI technology and influence the final result. The most important, the future of NYCU will be shaped by those who care. This approach of creating vision, mission, and core values with participative democracy and AI technologies has never been used by any universities in Taiwan (and perhaps in the world). We believe NYCU’s unique approach will set an exemplary model for democratic governance of university.

    With this email, we sincerely invite you to take a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire at the following website and write down your ideal vision, mission, and core values. Please do exercise your right. Your input will affect the final result for sure.

    Questionnaire site: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfliBWX6Nm7Jdf3Zgo-Muct6TikFm9N4P33veFGUWv9I6lk-Q/viewform

    Let’s make history together.

    Sincerely yours,

    Chi-Hung, Lin

    The President of NYCU

  • participative 在 Ainie Haziqah Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-06 20:01:12
    有 7 人按讚

    Gender equality is a fundamental human right. Women and girls around the world do not fully experience equal rights and their potential as economic, social and sustainable development change-agents remains untapped Empowering women and girls helps expand economic growth, promote social development and establish more stable and just societies. Studies shown that organisation which has balance gender is more productive and perform better However, report by global gender gap 2018 indicates that the world needs another over 100 years to achieve gender parity and worse, MALAYSIA needs another 171 YEARS! Are we just gonna sit down and wait? Should we be more responsible to narrow the gap?? 🤔 Should we be more participative and joining the force? Be that agent of change , registration link shorturl.at/gqJ07

    #genderequality #womenempowerment #genderparity #gendergap #womenunderrepresented #womenintheoffice #womenintheparliament #wanitamudanegara

  • participative 在 Ainie Haziqah Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-06 20:01:12
    有 7 人按讚

    Gender equality is a fundamental human right. Women and girls around the world do not fully experience equal rights and their potential as economic, social and sustainable development change-agents remains untapped Empowering women and girls helps expand economic growth, promote social development and establish more stable and just societies. Studies shown that organisation which has balance gender is more productive and perform better However, report by global gender gap 2018 indicates that the world needs another over 100 years to achieve gender parity and worse, MALAYSIA needs another 171 YEARS! Are we just gonna sit down and wait? Should we be more responsible to narrow the gap?? 🤔 Should we be more participative and joining the force? Be that agent of change , registration link shorturl.at/gqJ07

    #genderequality #womenempowerment #genderparity #gendergap #womenunderrepresented #womenintheoffice #womenintheparliament #wanitamudanegara

  • participative 在 modeA NoRi Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-03-03 09:27:01

    シーピープラス2019(CP+2019) 大行列!カメラの祭典!イベントレポート

    イベント名 CP+(シーピープラス)2019
    会期 2019年2月28日(木)・3月1日(金)・2日(土)・3日(日)
    開催時間 10:00~18:00(初日は12:00から、最終日のみ17:00終了)
    会場 パシフィコ横浜(展示ホール、アネックスホール、会議センター)/大さん橋ホール
    主催 一般社団法人 カメラ映像機器工業会(CIPA)
    協賛 一般社団法人 日本写真映像用品工業会
    後援 経済産業省/観光庁/神奈川県/横浜市/横浜商工会議所/日本貿易振興機構(ジェトロ)
    特別協力 日本カメラ博物館/日本新聞博物館/横浜美術館
    協力 公益社団法人応用物理学会/カメラ記者クラブ/関東写真館協会/全日本写真材料商組合連合会/東京写真記者協会/日本営業写真機材協会/一般社団法人日本オプトメカトロニクス協会/一般財団法人日本カメラ財団/一般社団法人日本光学会/公益社団法人日本広告写真家協会/公益社団法人日本写真家協会/一般社団法人日本写真学会/協同組合日本写真館協会/公益社団法人日本写真協会/一般社団法人日本写真文化協会/一般社団法人日本電子回路工業会/日本フォトイメージング協会/一般社団法人日本望遠鏡工業会/パシフィコ横浜/マグナム・フォト東京支社/公益財団法人横浜観光コンベンション・ビューロー(50音順)
    入場料 1,500円(税込)(ウェブ事前登録で無料)

    The World Premiere show for camera and photo imaging
    CP+ is a comprehensive event at which all people living a "life with photography," from those who enjoy simply shooting with smartphones to professional photographers, can experience the joy of cameras and photography from every viewpoint.

    CP+ is held over four days at the two venues of PACIFICO YOKOHAMA and OSANBASHI Hall and is full of attractions, including a product showcase as the centerpiece of the exhibition, valuable seminars, enjoyable events, participative photo exhibitions, and sales of photo books, used cameras, and photo accessories.

    #シーピープラス2019 #cpplus #camera


    楽曲提供:Production Music by http://www.epidemicsound.com
    効果音素材:ポケットサウンド – https://pocket-se.info/
    フリーBGM・音楽素材MusMus http://musmus.main.jp/
    素材提供 PIXTA


    modeAオリジナル曲"GIVE ME"ぜひ聴いてください♡

    ●小宮範子 (NoRi modeA) Official Web https://norikokomiya.amebaownd.com/
    ●Twitter https://twitter.com/modeA_NoRi
    ●Instagram https://www.instagram.com/norifromjapan/

    ◇modeA公式HP https://modea-official.themedia.jp/
    ◇ modeA公式Facebook https://www.facebook.com/modea.japan/
    ◇ modeA公式Instagram https://www.instagram.com/modea_japan

