

在 parents造句產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Gary Love Share & Gary's English,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ==【傳宗接代】的英文怎麼說?== #Gary英語教室 跟外國朋友聊天時,有時會聊到彼此文化上的差異,我們也常會提起華人文化中有「#傳宗接代」概念,華人女性也因此面臨「生男孩」的壓力! 那你知道「傳宗接代」的英文怎麼說嗎? 講英文時不一定要逐字翻譯,因為會陷入「傳」「宗」「接」「代」這四個字...

parents造句 在 康妮英文ConniedaEnglish Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-17 13:25:26

《可以代替單字的好用生活片語》 今天介紹的這些實用片語, 是日常生活中非常常用到的, 一起學起來吧! ▫️Nervous 緊張 —> Have butterflies in one’s stomach 後面的in one’s stomach 可以省略, 並且可以做點變化來表達自己的意思喔! E...

  • parents造句 在 Gary Love Share & Gary's English Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-01 07:59:55
    有 16 人按讚





    講英文時不一定要逐字翻譯,因為會陷入「傳」「宗」「接」「代」這四個字的英文單字是哪一個的困境! 很多時候,講英文只要「意譯」、「換句話說」即可,如能找到英文有「類似的說法」及「慣用語」最好,因為對方能一下秒懂,減少對方猜測的時間,增進溝通力!


    我會用 carry on the family name 就可以表達「傳宗接代」的概念!

    carry on 是「繼續」的意思, 而 family name 是「姓」的意思, 所以 carry on the family name 就是「#傳承姓氏」的意思,也就有「傳宗接代」的概念!

    知道「傳宗接代」怎麼翻譯之後, ,再來要練習造句, 這樣才會真的學會如何使用它!

    A: Mary has two beautiful daughters already. Why does she still want to have a son? (瑪麗已經有兩個漂亮的女兒了,為何她還想要一個兒子呢?)

    B: Because her husband is from a traditional Chinese family. Her parents-in-law hopes they can have a grandson to carry on the family name. (因為她老公來自傳統的華人家庭,她的公婆希望有一個孫子來傳宗接代!)

    這樣知道怎麼使用 carry on the family name 了嗎?換你在下面練習造句了喔!


    【#Gary英語教室臉書社團】: https://www.facebook.com/groups/garyenglish

  • parents造句 在 Joyce看世界就是不一樣 - Joyce Yang Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-29 23:29:14
    有 80 人按讚











    When I think of Taiwan, I think of a safe haven from the COVID-19 pandemic.

    When I think of Taiwan, I think of an amazing place with rich culture, precious freedom and resilient people yet unknown to the world.

    When I think of Taiwan, I think of my parents whose love and supports are the lifeline of my existence.


    I've got a new prompt for our Taiwan project. This one's for writers:
    "When I think of Taiwan, I think of ______."
    Finish the sentence here: https://hitrecord.app.link/taiwan

    Looking forward to reading these 🙂

    P.S. I've been absolutely blown away by all the beautiful Taiwan photography you've been sharing on hitRECord 👏 So many stunning shots. It put a big smile on my face to go through them all.

    by Joseph Gordon-Levitt

    好萊塢明星喬瑟夫高登李維(Joseph Leonard Gordon-Levitt),日前稱讚台灣的防疫工作外,又PO文徵集台灣美照,還鼓勵大家造句接龍:

    👉 "When I think of Taiwan, I think of ______."



    90 days writing challenge - Day 28

    IG: @joyceseesozandtheworld

  • parents造句 在 Yim Mau-Kun Studio 冉茂芹畫室 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-07-23 07:45:32
    有 479 人按讚

    In part one of the interview on my blog I posted yesterday, I mentioned how my mother supported me to pursue my interest in art in my early years. I'm forever grateful to her. This is a portrait that I did for her in Hong Kong and below is an introduction of the painting and my mother in an oil painting collection to be published in China in the near future.

    Mother 75x47cm 1982 Hong Kong
    母親 75X47CM 1982 香港

    In 1960, during my second year at the Affiliated High School of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts while I was home for the winter break, I made an oil painting of my mother. That painting was unfortunately lost during the Cultural Revolution. After my graduation, I was assigned to Zhaoqing City in Guangdong Province, which was very far away from my hometown in Hunan. I only received 12 days a year for family leave including the travel time, so my trips home to Hunan were always rushed affairs with little time for painting. It was not until the 1980s that my mother, siblings, and I were all finally reunited one by one in Hong Kong. By that time, my mother was 72 years old. Two years later, we moved to slightly larger rental accommodations and I found time to paint this portrait of my mother.


    After I came to Taiwan, I happened to mention the tragedy of my parents caused by the cross-strait standoff to Mr. Liu Shaotang, the president of Bibliographies Publishing. Liu expressed his sympathies as well as his admiration for my mother because she managed to raise us all by herself despite everything that she went through.


    My mother was born in Taoyuan County, Hunan. She attended the Zhounan Women's School in Changsha and, to escape from an arranged marriage, fled to Shanghai where she enrolled in the Daxia University. After that, she married, had children, and suffered through China's modern history. It was not until the mid-1980s that she was finally able to travel to Taiwan to sweep my father's tomb. When she passed away in 1994, we fulfilled her final wish by laying her to rest alongside my father.


    My mother was a good and honest woman filled with compassion. She often taught her children that "integrity is the foundation of personal character." She was well-versed in ancient literature and wrote with a neat, beautiful hand. She frequently reminded me of the need to re-read my letters to ensure that they were "fluent and made sense", and to use well-accepted phrases rather than making up unfamiliar terms. How I miss her!


