#開聲音聽發音 #例句在內文
📌 “ ” quotation marks 引號
“Go to hell! Jonathan!”, Allison yelled, right afte...
#開聲音聽發音 #例句在內文
📌 “ ” quotation marks 引號
“Go to hell! Jonathan!”, Allison yelled, right after he confessed to her about his affair.
就在他向她坦承外遇後,Allison 大吼:「去死吧!Jonathan!」
📌 ‘ apostrophe 撇號、省略符號
It sounds so uncool when you say “what is up” instead of “what’s up”!
你每次把「what’s up 」說成「what is up」的時候都超土的。
*What’s up! 是英文中口語的打招呼方式
📌 ( ) parentheses 圓括號 (複數)
They asked us to put our nicknames in parentheses after our names.
* [ ] square brackets 中括號
* { } braces 大括弧
📌 ... ellipsis 省略符號 (單數)
She began to count, "One, two, three, four…" and before she got to 10, she fell asleep.
她開始數著:「一、二、三、四 ......」,而在數到十之前,她就睡著了。
*ellipsis 也有人唸成 dot dot dot,但相較於中文無言時才說「點點點」,在英文中更常見的用法是用來取代省略不說的部分
例:I was trying to explain my side of story dot dot dot, but he never gave me a chance to do so.
📌 , comma 逗號
We usually put a comma after thousands in numbers.
*混淆名詞:coma 昏迷狀態
parenthesis括號 在 迴紋針‧食攝旅行解百憂 Facebook 的最佳解答
[迴老師英語字彙教室] 要跟一個人分手時,對他/她說 "You're a PARENTHESIS in my life." 「你只是我人生中的插曲。」 parenthesis 是括號的意思。(語出<型男飛行日誌 Up in the Air>)