

在 paper教學產品中有549篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,057的網紅市議員李順進,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 市議員李順進 轉傳 [110/09/28 ~ 09/29] 高雄市政府 及 衛生福利部 要點公告 ●環安、治安、交安、工安、婦幼安 代言人! ︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽︽ [110/09/28] 高雄市政府 高雄券常見QA大公開 https://www.facebook.com/bravo...

 同時也有638部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make juicy oven-baked smoked BBQ ribs at home. Copying and practicing a recipe from a famo...

paper教學 在 Jamie醫學日記|讀書×學習×生活 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 16:39:58

. 【iPad介紹系列第一彈】 . 從在台大的時候開始使用iPad,到現在大概已經有四年多快五年的時間,實在覺得它對醫學生而言是個幾乎不可或缺的工具。甚至如果要我筆電跟平板只能選一個,我還是會選平板。 . (第二頁) iPad可以聊的東西很多,趁著iPadOS 15正式發布的這幾天,先介紹我桌面上的...

paper教學 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 09:35:37

利用前綴學生詞,用最短時間拓展自己的生詞庫!覺得有用的話,記得讚好、分享和收藏~ 更多DSE / IELTS / 學英文免費資源,可以到bio link @melodytamhkdse獲取! 同系列讀書心得:#Melody生詞教室 · · · · · · · ⚠️ 補DSE · 補IELTS · 只...

paper教學 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 20:55:35

Phrase: Wallow in 意思:沈溺於 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 例句:You should not wallow in your past success and stop working hard. 句子翻譯:您不應該沉迷於過去的成功並停止努力。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 例句:Rather th...

  • paper教學 在 市議員李順進 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-29 17:48:33
    有 26 人按讚

    市議員李順進 轉傳 [110/09/28 ~ 09/29] 高雄市政府 及 衛生福利部 要點公告
    ●環安、治安、交安、工安、婦幼安 代言人!

    [110/09/28] 高雄市政府 高雄券常見QA大公開

    #振興疫後經濟 #全國消費落地高雄
    [110/09/29] 高雄市政府

    ○宗教場所雄愛民- 高雄市政府 民政局
    ○長照機構雄健康- 高雄市政府 衛生局
    ○電影院 # 高雄市政府 新聞局
    ○藝文表演展覽文化高雄- 高雄市政府 文化局
    ○高中職以下學校校外教學雄愛學- 高雄市政府 教育局
    [110/09/29] 衛生福利部 控糖5撇步 健康有保固


    2/3體重過重或肥胖者 罹患糖尿病高風險族群
    依據國民健康署107年成人預防保健資料發現,透過檢查有超過1成疑似新發糖尿病個案(空腹血糖檢驗值≧126 mg/dl),需要進一步就醫確認是否罹患糖尿病,其中體重過重或肥胖者占三分之二。為了降低糖尿病威脅,體重控制是必要的,另外自我血糖的量測、遵從醫師的指示服用藥物,才能避免糖尿病併發症的發生。

    控糖五撇步 健康又自在

    「健康飲食 三少一高」:應請教醫師及營養師,依個人病情制定適合的飲食計畫,以「均衡飲食」為基礎,並注意三少一高:少油、少鹽、少糖及高纖飲食之原則,達到控制血糖及維持健康的目的。
    「規律運動 週週150」:減少長時間坐著不動的生活型態,每週至少有150分鐘的身體活動,並注意潛藏的危險,如跌倒、脫水等,以及運動前血糖自我監測,避免發生低血糖的情況。
    「控制體重 減輕負擔」:在營養師/衛教師指導下,進行體重控制,或參加病友團體,揪團減重,以遠離肥胖及糖尿病帶來的威脅。
    「規律服藥 按時規律」:依照醫師指示按時規律服藥,不可任意增減藥量或自行停止服藥,若治療期間有更換醫師,務必告知新的醫師目前服藥情形,降低不必要的藥物交錯及干擾血糖的控制。
    「監測血糖 規律自主」:血糖值會隨著飲食、生活型態而有所變化,應養成自我血糖監控,定期正確的量測血糖,確保血糖在正常控制範圍內。

    ●請持續關注 [李順進 議員] 並給予指教:
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    #高雄 #議員 #李順進 #環安 #治安 #交安 #工安 #婦幼安 #代言人 #轉傳 #高雄市政府 #衛生福利部 #公告

  • paper教學 在 新思惟國際 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-21 12:39:44
    有 14 人按讚

    這是很多人會遇到的問題,畢竟我們常常被臨時指派一份 paper,更慘的是當天還要值班,然後隔天 morning meeting 報告(眼神死)。
    要讓製作簡報速度加快的不二法門,當然是不斷的練習,但我們同時也建議,在平時練習過程中,建立出自己的一套範本(但是拜託千萬不要使用任何內建範本 XD)。
    👨‍🏫 講師陣容
    蔡依橙與蔡欣宇醫師,實際在國際舞台連續得獎,教學過程曾修改過 1400 份醫學簡報,類型涵蓋 case presentation、mortality conference、grand round、journal reading、invited speech、實證醫學競賽、品管圈……等,指導過內外婦兒獨立科等醫師、醫療人員與研究者,協助多位校友登上國際舞台,全方位解決您的需求!
    🎯 適合對象
    【住院醫師】常要報告 case presentation、M&M conference、journal reading……等。
    【主治醫師】scientific presentation、poster/e-poster、行政簡報、品管圈、實證……等。
    【實習醫師】需要報 case、報 journal、PBL……等。越早來學,對你人生產生的效用越大。
    🎯 課程特色
    【實戰講者】兩位蔡醫師,都「實際」在國際學會得過獎,熟悉各種醫學領域簡報形式,從 case report 到 scientific presentation,從 invited speech 到行政簡報,每種類型,有什麼重點、該如何拆解,給你最精準的指導。
    【雅俗共賞】我們有超過 1000 位醫學同行的教學與回饋經驗,曾指導過入門者,也協助過進階者。只要您會開機、做過 PowerPoint,就能學!給入門者實用技巧,協助進階者更上層樓,請您放心,這些我們都有經驗!

  • paper教學 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-20 11:44:19
    有 563 人按讚

    忙碌的Week 4
    教學比直播更難(廢話),不是把課備好就可以。教授跟我說:你評論作業的時候要小心,話講得太重,學生會哭,會挫折,然後換major,major人太少,我們系就會死。教授還說:要小心不要講錯話,學生很愛投訴。(有一個老師上週被投訴)另外,像是口罩跟疫苗,我也不能問也不能講,這跟每個州的political climate有關,所以禮拜五有幾個學生在課堂上狂咳猛咳,咳到膽汁都要跑出來那種,我也只能請她們多喝水。

  • paper教學 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-18 20:15:00

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make juicy oven-baked smoked BBQ ribs at home.

    Copying and practicing a recipe from a famous restaurant is the most challenging thing, but it is very interesting and we learn new things from it. In this video, we copied the taste of the famous pepper ribs, but made some modifications, because some ingredients are not found in this city. Chili’s slow-cooked pork ribs has been a top seller on the menu since 1986 and is still the best seller today. So this is a must try.

    To make smoked flavor BBQ ribs without a smoker, we slow cook in the oven, and make the Chili's BBQ sauce with smokey chipotle in adobo, or it can be made by liquid smoke instead. The flavor is found in the sauce, and the cooking secret is slow-braising which can keep the meat juicy and tender like the original. You can use the barbecue sauce suggested in the recipe below or use your favorite homemade or store-bought sauce. Hope you like it. Enjoy. :)

    📍 Please follow us on Instagram:: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/  
    📍 Welcome to follow us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio/  

    How to make Oven-Baked Smoked BBQ Ribs

    ✎ Ingredients
    pork ribs 950g

    ☞ for dry marinades
    coarse salt 70g
    black pepper 15g
    ground white pepper 4g
    cayenne pepper 2g
    granulated sugar 3.5g
    garlic powder 1.5g
    onion powder 1.5g

    ☞ for BBQ sauce
    chipotle peppers in adobo 7g
    regular soy sauce 32g
    tomato paste 70g
    ketchup 20g
    chicken broth 30g
    apple cider vinegar 35g
    dark beer 45g
    fresh orange juice 87g
    minced garlic 10g
    chili powder 1.5g
    onion powder 5g
    salt 3g
    black pepper 2.5g
    light brown sugar 130g

    1. Combine together coarse salt, black pepper, ground white pepper, cayenne pepper, granulated sugar, garlic powder and onion powder, mix well.
    2. Line a baking tray with foil or parchment paper.
    3. Place the ribs on the baking tray, pat dry the ribs with paper towels on both sides.
    4. Using a sharp knife to take off  excess fat. Just keep a little fat.
    5. Remove the silver skins or whitish dense skin on the bone side of the ribs.
    6. Then turn the meatier side facing up, generously season with 1 tablespoon of dry marinades.
    7. Cover with another foil, shiny side out.
    8. Preheat the oven to 135C, bake for 2.5~3 hours.
    9. While the ribs bake, make the barbecue sauce. Add all the sauce ingredients together, using an immersion blender to blend the ingredients until smooth. Pour into a saucepan and cook over medium-low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring often until thicker.  
    10. Once baked, remove foil and transfer to a new baking tray and brush ribs with the barbecue sauce on both sides. Let the bone side facing up.
    11. Preheat the oven to 220C, bake for 5 minutes, then turn the meatier side facing up and brush a little bit of sauce and bake for 10 minutes or until  ribs have been caramelized.
    12. Transfer the ribs to a plate or a cutting board, brush with sauce again if needed and serve.
    00:00 intro
    00:35 Ingredients
    01:07 how to make season spice
    02:33 prepare the ribs
    03:56 slow cook ribs in oven
    04:55 how to make smoked BBQ sauce
    08:32 caramelized the ribs
    11:11 enjoy

  • paper教學 在 紙片模型 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-05 22:00:12

    00:00 Intro
    01:19 More Villagers 更多村民 [🔨Forge] [🧤Fabric]
    10:37 Nether's Exoticism 地獄水果 [🔨Forge]
    23:06 Kobolds! 狗頭人 [🔨Forge]
    31:40 Leos Mushrooms 里歐的蘑菇 [🔨Forge]
    36:11 Evil Wandering Trader 邪惡的旅行商人 [🔨Forge]



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  • paper教學 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-21 20:15:01

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make lemon bars with buttery crust and smooth citrus  filling. They are so good.

    Lemon is the most popular fruit in the world. It can make everything better. Lemon wedges and slices are often served with seafood and as a garnish for a drink. Lemon juice can be used raw in drinks, dishes, and desserts in recipes, like lemon bar.

    This recipe is pretty simple, the flavor of crust and lemon filling is so yummy and so balanced. In this video we’re showing you step by step. If you are a fan of lemon, this lemon bar recipe is a MUST-TRY! So take some fresh lemons, yellow or green are both OK. Just bake it. :)

    📍 Please follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/  
    📍 Welcome to follow us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio/  
    How to make lemon bars

    ☞ Baking pan size:18x18x5 cm

    ✎ Ingredients
    📍 crust
    all-purpose flour 120g
    powdered sugar 40g
    frozen unsalted butter 90g, cut into small cubes
    salt 1g

    📍 lemon filling
    medium size egg 2
    granulated sugar 160g
    fresh lemon juice 80g
    all-purpose flour 50g

    ✎ Instructions
    1. Butter the pan, and line the bottom and sides with parchment paper.
    2. Sieve the flour and powdered sugar, then add them and cold butter and salt to the food processor. Pulse the mixture until you have a crumb like mixture.
    3. Place crumb dough in a baking pan and use fingers or any tools to flatten into the prepared pan.
    4. Preheat the oven to 170°C, bake for 20 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned.
    5. While baking, In another mixing bowl, beat together  2 eggs and granulated sugar until combined.
    6. Sieve the flour into the bowl until mixed well.
    7. Pour the fresh lemon juice and whisk until all combined.
    8. Once the crust is done. Pour lemon filling mixture into the prepared crust directly out of the oven. Return to the oven and bake for 10 minutes. (170°C), then cover the pan with foil and bake for an additional 10 minutes.
    9. Once baked, Let cool completely on a wire rack. Then fridge for at least one hour.
    10. Before serving, cut the outer edge off of each side, dust with powdered sugar and cut into bar shape or square shape as you like.
    00:00 opening
    00:30 Ingredients
    01:16 set up baking pan
    02:27 how to make pastry crust
    05:07 how to make lemon filling
    09:27 cutting and deco

