

在 pairs心得產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅楊右任 Yu-Jen Yang,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【舊鞋救命海外志工心得】 整個過程我最印象深刻是這個不到4歲的小孩,看看nike小拖鞋照片中的他,腳指頭被沙蚤弄到多嚴重,消毒雙腳的刺痛已開始哭,在一一挑出沙蚤的過程更是嚎啕大哭,他的媽媽抱著他的安慰她叫他別哭,而他那幼小的年紀奮勇抵抗,還要踢開護士的手,有的沙蚤侵蝕很深痛到會挖出血水來,媽媽...

 同時也有62部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,? 成為會員,每個禮拜收聽10分鐘或以上嘅中文podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHkPJ7O9LLjEntwbsgn5TOg/join ?【成人英語再起步】網上課程 ► http://bit.ly/2We1n2Q ? Patreon 月費學習...

  • pairs心得 在 楊右任 Yu-Jen Yang Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-10-31 07:38:01
    有 84 人按讚





    在此我再好好地感謝之前幚忙舊鞋救命x溫歌華活動的所有愛心人士,謝謝你們的愛心一同推動活動並募集了3萬雙鞋,還有捐款者們買了貨櫃跟新建學校經費,我們要幫的就是照片的這些人,替孩子和村里所有人獻上感謝和感恩! 溫哥華的貨櫃11/20 即將抵達肯亞!






    在此我再好好地感謝之前幚忙舊鞋救命x溫歌華活動的所有愛心人士,謝謝你們的愛心一同推動活動並募集了3萬雙鞋,還有捐款者們買了貨櫃跟新建學校經費,和贊助倉庫,我們要幫的就是照片的這些人,替孩子和村里所有人獻上感謝和感恩! 溫哥華的貨櫃預計於11/20 即將抵達肯亞!



    Jigger treatment -3 Steps
    Step1.Use soap to clean their feet
    Step2. Disinfect by soaking the feet in disinfectant liquid for ten minutes
    Step3. Remove jiggers from the feet by using sterilized tools. Tools used are: Bucket / Soap / Cloth / Gloves / Nail Scissors / Hemostatic Cotton / Needle / Pliers / Blades / Disinfectant / Ointment / Slippers

    During the entire treatment process, one significant 4-year old child who wore a pair of Nike slippers in the photo stood out to me. His toes were seriously damaged by jiggers. He started crying when we soaked his feet in the disinfectant liquid which caused him pain. He cried so much throughout the removal process from his toes that his mother had to tightly embrace him in order to soothe his crying and resistance. While resisting the unbearable process, he attempted to kick away the nurse’s hands. The jiggers burrowed deeper into his toes and bloody substance gushed out, which then required several deep cuts into his toes. His mother had to pin her child down as he wailed, trying to tolerate the excruciating pain. His vigorous resistance resulted in hitting his mother.

    Despite being unable to understand their conversations due to the language barrier, I could definitely feel his mother’s pain. She knew the jigger-removing process was the only solution to cure her beloved son’s feet despite how hard he fought or how painful the process was. From the beginning of the treatment, the little boy cried constantly and shouted out loudly for his mother. I was there to witness the entire brutal process and felt the same pain this boy and his mother felt. My heart was broken in tears.

    One of the easiest solutions to prevent the jigger problem is putting on shoes.
    Prevention is always better than a treatment. However, the unfortunate and poor people in this country cannot afford to buy shoes. Thus, even young kids walk barefoot on the soil, risking infection by jiggers. Many of them have even died from being seriously affected by jiggers.

    At the jigger treatment clinic, many small children cried and resisted the painful treatment process. However, they chose to endure the pain and held back their tears when they heard they could own a pair of shoes if they cooperated. Cries and wails stopped, but their tears came down their cheeks involuntarily.

    Due to the lack of the medical equipments, we can only treat the bleeding with hemostatic cottons followed with some ointment. That’s it! Would I be able to handle the pain if I were these kids? Would I choose to endure the pain because of a pair of shoes? Today in the treatment clinic, I witnessed so many brave children in front of my eyes.

    I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude again to those kind-hearted activists who worked together with me in the summer. They helped promote the campaign Step30 Vancouver raised 30,000 pairs of shoes. As well as to the donors whose donation we used towards the purchase of a shipping container, the fund to build a new school and the fee paid to the storage warehouse during the Step30 Vancouver campaign.

    All the people that the Step30 Vancouver has helped are in the pictures. I want to forward the gratitude from the children and the people in the village to you! The shipping container from Vancouver had arrived in Kenya on Nov 20th, 2016. Back to the day when we treated jiggers, only less than 30 children could be treated. Pastor Allen said the whole village had nearly 4,000 people who were infected by jiggers. While we are fortunate enough to live in a developed country, my concern arises when I ponder about how we can help these villagers?

  • pairs心得 在 ONLYBROWNS Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-05-19 21:40:32
    有 127 人按讚

    #Pairs巴黎小旅行序曲 👣Let's fall in Love


    以前我是道道地地的美國俗,大學時代,最喜歡穿夾腳拖鞋走天下,爬山、開車、逛街 、吃飯,仗著自己年輕,最喜歡的就是穿短裙與露肚臍趴趴走,不過,現在回想起來,我可一點也沒後悔過,誰沒有年輕過呢,是吧是吧


    新與舊的結合 歷史與未來和諧並存著
    而街上的人 都是美麗的風景

    在歐洲 我很少看到胖子 (當然是與美國人比較之下)
    在歐洲 我很少看到女生穿夾腳拖鞋 (當然皮革例外 是充滿塑膠感的那種)
    在歐洲 以雙腳代替開車居多 雙腳變成最好的交通工具

    而法國 是每個女人都津津樂道的天堂
    法國女人 從穿搭 運動 妝髮 保養 飲食到生活哲學
    一路從年輕迷人到老 是全世界眾所皆知的事實




