例句與造句 · "this is a painful task," said he . · In june i received a painful shock . · To me, parting is a painful thing . · His incompetence was painful to ...
#2PAINFUL在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary
painful 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. causing emotional or physical pain: 2. If something is painful to watch or listen to, it is so…。了解更多。
#3painful的例句 - 学习英语网
He gained the medal through his painful travail. 他通过艰辛的努力获得了奖牌。 It is my painful duty to tell him he is dying. 要我 ...
#4painful (【形容詞】令人痛苦的, 引起痛苦的, 令人難堪的, 討厭的 ...
"painful" 例句 ... Is it painful? 痛嗎? My back is really painful. 我的背部真的很痛。
#5painful - 英语_读音_用法_例句_海词词典
The sting of a jellyfish is very painful. 让水母刺着是很痛的。 The operation was very painful. 手术很痛。 He gained the medal through his painful travail. 他 ...
#6painful是什么意思 - 英语词典
adj. 1.疼痛的,使痛苦的。 2.讨厌的,使人厌烦的。 3.费力的,(工作)困难的;〔古语〕细心的,勤勉的。 短语和例子 the painful labours of lexicographers 编词典人 ...
#7Angrily 造句 - jod2022.cz
“看上帝的面子,爸爸,”他氣沖沖地央求。angrily adverb (PAINFULLY) B1 in a way that is very painful 非常疼痛地His head began to throb angrily.
#8painful的用法_例句_2022最新英文解释词典 - 英语单词
painful 相关造句 ... 1. His head was verypainful. 他的头很疼。 2. My back is sopainful that I cannot stand upright anymore. 我的背疼痛难忍,我现在甚至站不直了。
#9painful造句的原因和症狀, 台灣e院的回答
painful造句 的原因和症狀,的和這樣回答,找painful造句在的就來醫院診所網路醫療資訊站,有台灣e院的回答.
#10Angrily 造句
“看上帝的面子,爸爸,”他氣沖沖地央求。angrily adverb (PAINFULLY) B1 in a way that is very painful 非常疼痛地His head began to throb angrily.
考量學生外語能力,建議以圖片為主,英文造句解釋為輔。 1.校內資源 ... 註解單字與造句: 如high heels, redesign, comfortable, sexy, painful, etc.
painful 什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义:a. 痛苦的, 困难的, 令...的英文英语单词,用英语怎么说。
#13painful造句的問題包括PTT、Dcard、Mobile01,我們都能挖掘 ...
painful造句 的問題包括PTT、Dcard、Mobile01,我們都能挖掘各種有用的問答集和懶人包. 書中字有黃金屋 問題的答案無所不包論文書籍站 painful造句. painful造句 ...
#14英文有益思- 【#多益文法來造句】 complement vs. compliment...
多益文法來造句】 complement vs. compliment 這兩個字的拼法很接近。它們的差別是? complement是動詞,表示「與……相配」。 ... become swollen and very painful
辭典解釋為:痛失,英English: to suffer the painful loss of (a loved one etc), to miss out on (an opportunity), to fail to gain (victory etc).
#16选四个词语来造句子,把句子翻译,要简单的。 meani - 百度知道
it's really painful, his lovable pet dog is killed by a valuable car of which driver is terrible drunk. 真令人伤心,他可爱的宠物狗过马路时被一位醉醺醺的司机 ...
281. 同學ㄊㄨㄥˊ. ㄒㄩㄝˊ tóngxué. N classmate. 例句我們兩個是同學。 282. 痛ㄊㄨㄥˋ tòng. Vs painful. 例句我感冒了,頭很痛。
#18「No pain, no gain.」讓這些激勵人心的諺語陪你學好英文
The first step is always the hardest 跨出第一步永遠是最難的 · If at first you don't succeed, try, try again 如果一開始不成功,再試一次,繼續努力.
#19【NG 英文】『好痛!』的英文不能說It's so hurt! - 希平方
#20第十五课《体谅别人的难处》 Flashcards - Quizlet
造句 : 他向法庭申请保释遭到______。 难言之隐. ( nán yán zhī yǐn) 英文解释: a painful topic 华文解释: 言:说;隐:隐衷;隐情;藏在内心深处的事。
#21Classroom Activities 教学活动 - Wix
... 是学生独自挣扎的历程Four Steps in Process Writing——Writing is no longer painful and lonely ... 互动、沟通、游戏式的造句Sentence Making: A Collaborative, ...
I apply to get into your life.我申請,加入你的人生。 It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return,but what is the most painful is to love ...
解释◎ 吃力chīlì[painful;be a strain] 劳累;艰难,费劲在这种吃力的接待气氛中感到很不舒服引用解释亦作“喫力”。 1.辛苦;劳累。 宋邵雍... 吃劲的反义词.
#24用应运而生造句大全 - 查字典
1, in the past, breaking up is a difficult and painful thing; and now, breaking up has become a profitable industry. At present, divorce sympathy card, CD, ...
#25火辣辣造句 - 國語辭典
5.△形容女子身材惹火。[例]火辣辣的身材。 英文painful heat, scorching, painful heat, rude and forthright, provocative, hot, sexy. 德語verbrennen ( ...
#26BBC Learning English - 今日短语/ Have period pain 痛经
Episode 200128 / 28 Jan 2020. Learn a useful expression to say the wind is so cold it is painful!
#27【学术英语高频词汇365】每天五分钟跟我扩词造句 - 搜狐
we are living in a society that is in transition. 我们住在一个转型中的社会。 Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful.
#28英语副词造句(4)- 表示频率how often和方式how
The dentist's drill made a painfully loud noise in my ear. She secretly admired her boss for his work ethic. He worked quietly at his desk, not ...
#29newsworthy event - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
recent painful events in Yemen, Algeria [...] reaffirmed its support for the country's security, stability and unity. daccess-ods.un.org. daccess-ods.un.org.
15) This boy presented a history of (提出病史) a painful mass in his right wrist—. 16) This boy sustained (遭受) second and 3rd degree flame.
#31On writting Well-Chapter3&4 - Dilidy - 简书
原文:By using a more pompous phrase in his professional role he not only sounds more important; he blunts the painful edge of truth. 造句:He ...
painfully 的中文意思:痛苦地,费力地;令人,点击查看详细解释:painfully的中文翻译、painfully的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握painfully这个单词。
#33from time to time 是什麼意思? - AmazingTalker
Hello it's Charlene!今天我們要來學習超級實用的詞彙from time to time沒有聽過這個詞或者不太熟悉的同學們看過來唷 From time to time 時不時、偶爾這是一個表達 ...
#34Cypher 意思- 劍橋詞典
... kind of painful prerequisite for children, and as nothing else. ... 用"cypher"造句英文解释a message written in a secret code 同义词: ...
... bed watching the life ebb from my sleeping father was painful. ... 病床的英文发音: "病床"怎么读"病床"的汉语解释用"病床"造句英文翻译手机 ...
#36painful 用法: 词汇精讲pain_pain所有词性湖南信息网
短語和例子中文翻譯: 憾事樁樁中文翻譯: 痛苦的病. a painful leg 中文翻譯: 疼痛 ... 查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋hurt的中文翻譯,hurt的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#37painful - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
疼痛的;引起痛苦的;費力的;困難的;麻煩的. Dr.eye 譯典通 · painful · 查看更多. IPA[ˈpeɪnfl]. 美式. 英式. adj. 引起疼痛的; 疼痛的;令人痛苦的. 牛津中文字典 ...
點擊查看更多格古達的造句安德烈泰勒伊古達拉(英語: Andre Tyler Iguodala ,1984 ... Gout What You Need to Know About This Painful Condition.
#39英汉翻译实用教程 - 第 133 頁 - Google 圖書結果
“做着手势”用介词短语 with painful gestures 作状语表示方式。“得到帮助”译为介词短语 for help ,在句中 ... 这时要打破汉语句子的结构,按照英语的造句规律重新安排。
#40轻松教中文:美国汉语教学实用指导手册 - Google 圖書結果
every whole body body comfortable painful physical exercise . head think 每个全身 ... 但前者优于后者,因为词语搭配游戏可以训练学生用字组词和遣词造句的能力。
#41英美文学翻译与商务英语教学研究 - Google 圖書結果
这是中遣词造句的一个显著征;而英句子使用主要动词作为谓语,分词、介词、不 ... 译:No comrade of our Party must never forget this painful lesson from history.
#42在加多利山尋找張愛玲 - 第 376 頁 - Google 圖書結果
張愛玲的遣詞造句旁人最難企及的地方正是這種。有人說她英文不夠好,我覺得最大缺憾就 ... 就連作品的中譯英,張愛玲生前也決不假手於人,她說那樣「實在 painful 」。
#4361億人都在用的英文寫作技巧: 4步驟掌握英文寫作
寫作不能只是照樣造句!本書 Lesson 3 的「看圖寫句子」、「寫 ... It was a painful experience , causing me to have vomiting , diarrhea , and stomach cramps .
#44What time will The Bachelorette season 19 episode 10 air on ...
... for some of the contestants and audience members and it's going to get even more painful. In the end, however, love will conquer all.
#45Current List of Medical Literature - 第 30 卷 - 第 274 頁 - Google 圖書結果
OPE 造句 7177 KOPO 26 2 ( 772 57-19 FROHMANN C Votivgaben in der Antike ... [ Surgical therapy of painful neuroma ] p . 306 . 3385 HOLTERMANN H Beitrag zur ...
#46painful的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
ADJ-GRADED(病、傷、手術等)令人疼痛的,引起疼痛的. If something such as an illness, injury, or operation is painful, it causes you a lot of physical pain. .
#47painfully slow-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: But, in some areas, reform has been painfully slow.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"painfully slow"
#48painfully翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
painfully 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:adv. 非常(用於強調不好性質或情形);痛苦地;費力地,艱難地;極度地,劇烈地。英漢詞典提供【painfully】的詳盡中文翻譯、 ...
#49Examples of 'painful' in a sentence - Collins Dictionary
Painful sentences | Collins English Sentences. ... I have arthritis in my hips and it is painful to walk. Sampras awaits the results of a bone scan on a ...