Gross rejects the idea that medicine is a pacifist profession, but holds that it is "imbued with principles of pacifism" (p. 318). 來自Cambridge ...
#2和平主義- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
#3pacifism中文, pacifism是什麼意思:和平主義… - 查查綫上辭典
pacifism中文 ::和平主義…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋pacifism的中文翻譯,pacifism的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
使用Reverso Context: The magazine is known for its strong pacifism.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"pacifism"
#5pacifism - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
pacifism. KK[ˋpæsə͵fɪzəm]; DJ[ˋpæsifizəm]. 美式. n. 和平主義. Dr.eye 譯典通. pacifism ... 牛津中文字典. pacifism. 和平主義,反戰論,不抵抗主義. PyDict.
#7pacifism - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"pacifism" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... of the Constitution of Japan are pacifism and respect for fundamental human rights.
#8pacifism 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
pacifism. 分享單字. US /ˈpæsəˌfɪzəm/. ・. UK /ˈpæsɪfɪzəm/. C1 高級. 定義 影片字幕 ... 繁體中文. @2021 VoiceTube Corporation. All rights reserved.
#9pacifism翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
pacifism中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 和平主義;反戰主義。英漢詞典提供【pacifism】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#10pacifism 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
The rationalism and pacifism provide basic elements for the appearance of idealism. 理性主義與和平主義為理想主義的產生提供了政治思想上的理論養分。 During the ...
#11From Warism to Pacifism: A Moral Continuum - 博客來
Duane Cady views warism and pacifism as polar extremes on a continuum that embraces a full spectrum of ethical positions on the morality of war and peace.
#12和平主義- 流亡編年史, Path of Exile Wiki
和平主義. 翠綠珠寶. 珠寶. 需求等級20. -1 最大狂怒球 已汙染. 「你的恐懼將擊潰你。」 放置到一個天賦樹的珠寶插槽中以產生效果。右鍵點擊以移出插槽。 Pacifism ...
#13[幻想卡鋪] 依克黎(IKO) C 和平主義Pacifism | 蝦皮購物
[幻想卡鋪] 依克黎(IKO) C 和平主義Pacifism ... [幻想] 依尼翠:腥紅婚誓(VOW) 中文輪抽補充包Draft Booster 整盒. $2,900. 查看全部. 相似商品.
#14pacifism - 反戰主義,和平主義 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
反戰主義,和平主義. pacifism. 以pacifism 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 國防部新編國軍簡明美華軍語辭典
#15pacifism - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
在PONS在线词典中查找pacifism的英语中文对照翻译。包括免费词汇训练器、动词表和 ... For example, he has always been the leading liberal opponent of pacifism.
#16pacifism的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
pacifism 的中文意思翻譯:n. 和平主義,反戰主義。pacifism的中文翻譯、pacifism的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、pacifism的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句等。
#17pacifism - 中文百科知識
violen tern ationpacifism n. 和平主義英英解釋:名詞pacifism:1. the doctrine that all violence in unjustifiable同義詞:pacificism, passivism2. the belief that ...
#18pacifism 中文意思是什麼
pacifism 中文 意思是什麼 ... Pacifism in japan ' s constitution and its present situation 從中日友好和亞洲和平的視點考慮. The pacifism of hu shi
#19pacifism是什么意思? pacifism翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
pacifism 的解释是:和平主义… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:pacifism的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#20pacifism翻译为:和平主义,反战主义 - 英语在线翻译
pacifism 的中文意思:和平主义,反战主义,点击查看详细解释:pacifism的中文翻译、pacifism的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握pacifism这个单词。
#22pacifism - WordReference.com 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. pacifism nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (non-violent or anti-war beliefs), SCSimplified Chinese 非暴力主义fēi ...
#24Just War and Pacifism by Ryden, E. - Taipei Ricci Institute Store
Just War and Pacifism: Chinese and Christian Perspectives in dialogue is a unique contribution to the field of peace studies. 2001, 181 pages.
#25Pacifism 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Pacifism 释义: Pacifism is the belief that war and violence are always wrong . ... 美式英语: pacifism /ˈpæsɪfɪzəm/; 巴西葡萄牙语: pacifismo; 简体中文: 和平 ...
#27《Golden Man》魔法風雲會依克黎Pacifism 和平主義(中文)
你在找的《Golden Man》魔法風雲會依克黎Pacifism 和平主義(中文)就在露天拍賣,立即購買商品搶免運及優惠,還有許多相關商品提供瀏覽.
#28Peace Symbol 的圖片、庫存照片和向量圖
歡迎瀏覽Shutterstock 收錄的高畫質peace symbol庫存圖片和其他百萬張免版稅庫存照片、插圖和向量圖。 每天收錄數千張高水準圖片。
#30pacifism是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选pacifism是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析、英音发音音标、美音发音音标、pacifism的用法、pacifism的中文翻译 ...
#31pacifism的意思在线翻译,解释pacifism中文英文含义,短语词组 ...
pac.i.fism. pacifism的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [ˈpæsəˌfizəm] KK音标发音: [ˈpæsəˌfɪzəm]. pacifism的词性: n.(名词). 1. The belief that disputes between ...
#32Shinzo Abe slashes 7 decades of pacifism, switches Japan to ...
By fatally slashing Japan's seven decades of pacifism, like a Shogun's shoulder to waist kesagiri finishing move, in the very year marking ...
#33Pacifism - 【暗黑百科】DiabloWiki_凯恩之角
简体中文:平心静气; 繁体中文:不动如山; 英语:Pacifism. 暗黑破坏神III:武僧技能. 主要技能, 奔雷拳 • 断空波 • 伏魔破 • 百烈拳.
中文 名: 和平主义; 外文名: Pacifism; 别 名: 非战主义; 定 义: 反对战争或暴力的一切形式. 信仰人: 和平主义者; 分 类: 激进和平,温和和平; 起始时间: 19世纪初 ...
#35anarcho-pacifism中文翻译 - 英汉词典
anarcho-pacifism的中文意思,解释和翻译是:[网络] 无政府和平主义;无政府主义。
#36美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 ... 中英对照. 社会和平主义. Social-Pacifism. 学科分类.
#37Lunarable Groovy Magazine and Book Holder, Hippie Peace ...
Amazon.com: Lunarable Groovy Magazine and Book Holder, Hippie Peace Daisy Flower Shape Pacifism Floral Summer Illustration, Floor Rack Accent Living Room ...
#38Pacifism, Politics, and Feminism – Intersections and Innovations
Pacifism, Politics, and Feminism: Intersections and Innovations discusses a) how feminist analyses allow for and encourage the re-conceptualization of ...
#39A Pacifist Japan Starts to Embrace the Military - The New York ...
阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 ... Pacifism has been a sacred tenet of Japan's national identity since the end of World War II, when the ...
#40Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica 中央研究院近代史 ...
Feminism, Pacifism, and Civic Action of the League of Women Voters: The Vietnam War Controversy. Yen-chuan Yu, PDF, 67 ...
#41Basic Policies | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
While firmly following the path of a peace-loving nation, Japan, as a major player in the international community, will put the policy of “Proactive ...
#42Pacifist Games - Steam 鉴赏家
Offering a complete guide to games with Pacifist and non-combat options. ... note from the Developer saying that their game is Pacifism only.)”.
#43翻译'anarcho-pacifism' – 字典中文-英文
Anarcho-pacifism (also pacifist anarchism or anarchist pacifism) is a form of anarchism which completely rejects the use of violence in any form for any ...
【新东方在线柯林斯雅思备考词典】为您提供了关于pacifism柯林斯单词,pacifism什么意思, pacifism中文什么意思,pacifism翻译,pacifism读音,pacifism发音,pacifism单词 ...
#45International Peace Poster Contest
For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups. Creating peace posters ...
繁體中文. 內村鑑三 ; 武士道 ; 基督教 ; 主戰論 ; 反戰論 ; 無教會主義 ; Uchimura KanzōBushido ; Christianity ; Jingoism ; Pacifism ; Non-church ...
#47Pacifism | Soka University of America
#48Emperor Akihito Was a Force for Peace in an Increasingly ...
The now-bygone Heisei imperial era marked an impressive internal resistance to Japan's rising right-wing forces. Tags: Japan emperor ...
#49pacifist中文 - MAC免費軟體下載
pacifist中文, pacifist的意思、解释及翻译:someone who believes in pacifism: 。 ... Pacifist for Mac 是一個共享應用程序,可打開Mac OS X .pkg 程序包文件,.dmg ...
#50Brit - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
... Pol, Jew, Ger, US-Brit Coop, For Corr, Nazi, Atroc-Conc, Pacifism, Ref, Brit, Am Icons; biases: Anti-Nazi, Pacifist?. (請為本引文添加中文翻譯).
#51Rethinking Pacifism | Christianity Today
Many peace-church leaders, shaken by attacks, reexamine their beliefs. Chuck Fager| December 3, 2001 ... Lederach and others remain committed to pacifism.
#52pacifism - 免費網上英漢字典|3Dict
pacifism n 1: the doctrine that all violence in unjustifiable [syn: {passivism}] 2: the belief that all international disputes can be settled by ...
#53pacifism的中文翻译及读音 - 云字典
基本解释. pacifism. 解释: *['pæsifizm] n. 和平主义, 反战论, 不抵抗主义【法】 和平主义, 非战主义, 不抵抗主义者. 相关单词.
#54Saint-Pierre, British pacifism and the quest for perpetual ...
The abbé was engaged in dialogue with Quaker pacifists and, in particular, with the projects put forward by William Penn an. ... 中文翻译: ...
#55pacifism - Sesli Sözlük
Nagazaki ve Hiroşimanın nükleer bombalamalarından itibaren, Japonya saygılı ve barışçı bir geleneği sürdürmüştür. - Since the nuclear bombings of Nagasaki and ...
#56大教堂之子教会 | Fallout中文維基 | Fandom
A Unity rose, bearing the color of the Holy Flame, and representing the peace and harmony the Children intend for the wasteland.
#57Universal Peace | What Bahá'ís Believe - Bahai.org
The Bahá'í Writings are also replete with references to universal peace—“the supreme goal of all mankind”—as well as explanations of the social principles ...
#58Going from an aggressive new boy to a teenage pacifist
Japanese history is a messy business. Debates still abound in Japan, and in countries that were victims of Japanese aggression, ...
結界(6). 1 Spirit Link 2 Pacifism 1 Glorious Anthem 2 Serra's Embrace ... 简体中文, 繁體中文, Français · Deutsch · Italiano · 日本語 · 한국어 ...
#60Ethics of Pacifism: When is the Amoral Choice Not Using Force?
Is this where the pacifist movement is at right now, that a squad of Marines shows up in Monrovia and ends a war and that's a bad thing?
#61The myth of pacifism: domestic politics and contradictory ...
The pacifist myth takes from Japan's defeat in World War II the lesson that the nation should promote peace globally by renouncing the right to wage war. The ...
#63习语系列第173期:如何巧记pacifism 和平主义 - 知乎专栏
英文释义:To go through a very difficult period of time, especially due to financial hardship. 中文释义:陷入困境例文:Japanese spies, once ...
#64Even Pacifists Must Support This War - WSJ
Pacifists often commit the same mistake as generals: They prepare for the last war, not the next one. Many of the peace activists I have ...
和平主義(Pacifism),又稱非戰主義,是指反對戰爭、軍國主義(包括徵兵制及強制兵役)或暴力, ... 和平主義|風傳媒; pacifist中文, pacifist是什麼意思:和平主義者 ...
#68pacifism - 詞典釋義與在線翻譯 - 海词词典
pacifism 的用法和樣例:. 例句. 用作名詞 (n.) It bases its value orientation on pursuing peace,and worships pacifism. 它 ...
#69The King's Man review: Matthew Vaughn's spy caper flunks its ...
He tries to raise his son, Conrad (Harris Dickinson), as a pacifist, but when World War I breaks out the Duke focuses on keeping his son out ...
#70Before there was a 'Kingsman,' there was 'The King's Man'
... 한국 (한국어), 中华人民共和国 (简体中文), 台灣 (繁體中文), 日本 (日本語) ... All sorts of noises are made about pacifism and the need to ...
#71Traits - PZwiki
Pacifist, Negative, -, +4, "Less effective with weapons", 75%x XP of Melee and Aiming skill. TraitHypochondriac.png ...
#72Update 31: The New War - Warframe
... Italiano · 简体中文 · 繁體中文 · ไทย ... Italiano · 简体中文 · 繁體中文 · ไทย ... Update 19.13.0; The Pacifism Defect: Update 19.12.0 ...
#73paz y tranquilidad Imágenes y Fotos de Stock - 123RF
Peace sign in front of colorful splashes Ilustraciones vectoriales ... woman walking on the quay - conceptual image freedom serenity peace of mind positive ...
#74Why Art was Forever Impacted by Jesus - Listen Notes
Did Jesus set an example of pacifism? Was He ever confrontational? How should we, as Christians, respond to our culture?
#75神學綱要(卷七) - 第 38 頁 - Google 圖書結果
前此三年還有「唯愛主義(Pacifism—中文也有譯為「反戰主義」、「綏靖主義」)」的提倡,隨著第一一次世界大戰,以及從大戰結束到現在,幾乎沒有一大在世界的某一角落不在 ...
#76Jinx/Vi (League of Legends) - Works | Archive of Our Own
Pacifism is courted by corruption. ... Language: 中文-普通话 國語; Words: 1,891; Chapters: 1/?; Comments: 1; Kudos: 18; Bookmarks: 1; Hits: 449 ...
#77Ignis wraith prime - SuperSalud
5% 词汇表英文中文VitusEssence生息精华InfestedTumorInfested肿瘤Endura三叶 ... イベント「平和主義者の脱出(The Pacifism Defect)」作戦の報酬としてゲットできた。
#78Negative versus Positive Peace - Irénées - Irenees
Johan Galtung, the father of peace studies often refers to the distinction between 'negative peace' and 'positive peace' (e.g. Galtung 1996).
#79Who Would Jesus Kill?: War, Peace, and the Christian Tradition
Our exploration of Christian approaches to war and peace is presented as a continuum ranging from pacifism (the most “dovish”) to holy war (the most ...
#80Best Shalom Podcasts (2021) - Player FM
Adventist Peace Radio ... Kingdom Ministries | Where Jesus is Lord and the Peace of God Reigns! ... Bethesda Shalom , "House of Mercy and Peace".
#81思想史9:五四百年專號 - 第 175 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... national self-determination, international pacifism, democracy, populism, ... 1960年生。1983年東北師範大學中文系畢業,1986年吉林大學中文系碩士研究生畢業, ...
#83Stellaris culture mod - ORBSL
Chinese Localization Mod by tieba汉化mod,使用前请把启动语言设置成中文。这个mod支持铁人成就。Extra Ship Components 3. ... No Xenophilia or Pacifism?
#84Will new Prime Minister Fumio Kishida bring change to Japan?
Languages; Español · 中文 · عربي · About Us · Research Programs · Find an Expert · Careers · Contact · Terms and Conditions · Brookings ...
(二)“和平文藝”宣傳下《火綫》的翻譯巴比塞《火綫》的中文翻譯,發表在香港淪陷以前多重 ... [103]非戰主義(Pacifism)的主張不論在一次大戰的歐洲還是二次大戰的亞洲, ...
#86FLUSHING STORY - 第 41 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Qiu, 邱辛晔, 美国中文电视 ... They advocated equality for all men, pacifism, and freedom for religions. 他们相信,神的亮光在每一个信者的心中,强调神人对话的 ...
#87愛國作家林語堂: 林語堂政治態度轉變之研究(1895-1945年)
... of family life),(11)和平主義(pacifism),(12)知足常樂(contentment),(13)幽默 ... 中國人把人生看成演戲;中文裡就把官員的就職和離職說成「上台」和「下台」; ...
#88The Partnership for Peace Programme - NATO STO
Countries Signed by Date Albania 4 PDT Sali Berisha 23.02.94 Armenia FM Vahan Papazian 05.10.94 Austria FM Alois Mock 10.02.95
#89ㄧ些我們可能曾經有過的“奇怪”感受! - pinsoul
(中文翻譯只是大概的翻譯,以英文字彙為主). 1. 凝視對方時,那種心跳加速想要閃躲眼神的感覺Opia – 一種相互注視對方的眼睛時,會產生的強烈感受,當 ...
#90Peace & Pacifist Views - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
The concept of peace, freedom from violence or conflict, can be applied to a socio-political philosophy resulting in pacifism.
#91amazarashi 『フィロソフィー』“Philosophy” 隨手翻譯(中文)
amazarashi 『フィロソフィー』“Philosophy” Music Videohttps://youtu.be/BqwjkDXTB5M あらゆる思想は、