

在 ozi父母產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,154的網紅Charis Chua 蔡佳靈,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 88節週末想翻唱 ØZI 的“IF ONLY 如果”,是因他思念阿嬤而寫的歌。 在這非常時期,我不曉得什麼時候可以和家人聚在一起。 好幾位朋友也因為疫情的關係沒辦法有家人參與他們的婚禮,或更悲傷的是沒辦法陪伴父母的最後一刻/喪禮。 這首歌好像提醒了我要在有限的時間里盡力陪伴所愛的人(尤其是最親家人)...

  • ozi父母 在 Charis Chua 蔡佳靈 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-07 21:30:56
    有 63 人按讚

    88節週末想翻唱 ØZI 的“IF ONLY 如果”,是因他思念阿嬤而寫的歌。
    希望大家可以有機會對父親們多表達心裡的愛 🙂
    It's Taiwanese Father's Day this weekend, so here's a sweet little cover of a song called "If Only' by Ozi.
    It's a song he wrote about missing his grandmother, and I've had it on replay since I heard it for the 1st time.
    These are troubled times, and no one has a clue what is going to happen in the future. But I do know that if we can say "I love you" now, especially to those nearest and dearest to us, we should grab that opportunity everyday. Be blessed!

    Video: 林孟翰、Charis
    Audio: Theo Chou


  • ozi父母 在 Charis Chua 蔡佳靈 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-07 19:42:20
    有 41 人按讚

    88節週末想翻唱 Ozi 的“如果”,是他因為思念阿嬤而寫的歌。
    希望大家可以有機會對父親們多表達心裡的愛 :)
    It's Taiwanese Father's Day this weekend, so here's a sweet little cover of a song called "If Only' by Ozi.
    It's a song he wrote about missing his grandmother, and I've had it on replay since I heard it for the 1st time.
    These are troubled times, and no one has a clue what is going to happen in the future. But I do know that if we can say "I love you" now, especially to those nearest and dearest to us, we should grab that opportunity everyday. Be blessed!