🍰 Vanilla Chesnut Cake ($38) the chestnut filling and vanilla are a subtle but balanced combination, it's slightly sweet but not overbearing- a delici...
🍰 Vanilla Chesnut Cake ($38) the chestnut filling and vanilla are a subtle but balanced combination, it's slightly sweet but not overbearing- a delicious pastry
🍾 Bailey's Oats Cake ($38) a creative combination, the oats soaked up the Bailey's and each bite into it was like a tiny bomb of luxurious sweetness
🥭 Mango Cheesecake ($32) it's aesthetic and appetising, a refreshing option on a hot day
🥧 Fruit Tart ($15) this mini tart had a variety of dried fruit and nuts, so you can tell yourself it's basically a much tastier version of a granola bar
🌟 Overall all the pastries were surprisingly high quality and they can give any five-star hotel patisserie a run for their money. They have a wide range of different desserts so you're bound to find one you like.
➡️ They're currently doing a giveaway so check their page out @gouterhk to win some free desserts!
hkf rates/5
💜💜💜💜💜 taste
💜💜💜💜 value
🍰 雲呢拿栗子蛋糕 ($38) 栗子蓉與雲呢拿相配 味道甜而不膩 好吃之極
🍾 麥皮百利甜酒蛋糕 ($38) 創意新穎 麥皮沾上甜酒蛋糕表面 配搭適宜 說不出的美味
🥭 芒果芝士 ($32) 賣相可人 引發食慾 味道清新 別有一番風味
🥧 果仁撻 ($15) 多種果仁佈滿撻内 小巧簡單 一口一啖 嘴裏滿是果仁 香脆可口
🌟 整體而言 產品製作高端 大酒店的水準 可見㕑師用心 各式各樣的糕點 都稱心滿意 超讚
➡️ 如果想試下 不妨參加佢哋嘅 giveaway 有機會贏到啲免費糕點添
評價 /5
💜💜💜💜💜 好食指數
💜💜💜💜 抵食指數