在 outlines中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,913的網紅椪皮仔,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「每日英文閱讀分享#007」 【articulate】 今天文章是由三篇小文中的第二篇,延續上一篇的文章,主題是:The Board’s Role in Sustainability主要介紹SCORE這個框架,score是由simplify, connect, own, reward, and...
outlines中文 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的最佳解答
今天文章是由三篇小文中的第二篇,延續上一篇的文章,主題是:The Board’s Role in Sustainability主要介紹SCORE這個框架,score是由simplify, connect, own, reward, and exemplify五個字所簡稱的。詳細內容大家有興趣可以再點留言中的連結看唷~
article是一個可數名詞,大家一般記得的中文為:n. 文章。
1. 物品或商品
例句:Guests are advised not to leave any articles of value in their hotel rooms.(from Cambridge dictionary)
2. 冠詞
3. 條文
例如:the article of the UN Charter 聯合國憲章的一個條款
v. pronounce or say distinctly
a. able to speak clearly
轉變為n. 時,是指articulation n. 表達
例句:He made a clear articulation of his aims.
獻上本文例句:SCORE outlines five actions—simplify, connect, own, reward, and exemplify—that can help boards articulate and foster a firm’s durable value proposition and its drivers.
outlines中文 在 國立陽明交通大學電子工程學系及電子研究所 Facebook 的最佳貼文
交大電子研究所特邀德國 #Aachen大學 Christoph Jungemann教授——8/13~24開授暑修課程【 Simulation of Electronic Noise in Devices】,歡迎本系所及外系所學生踴躍來修習。7/6(五)前洽電子系所辦公室~
#加選:請於7/6(五)下午17:00前至 #電子系所辦公室(ED107)找翁小姐加選。
——106 學年(暑修)課程綱要 Summer Course Outlines ——
#課程名稱Course Name:
(英文)Simulation of electronic noise in devices
#修課對象 Attendee:Student
教學要點概述Evaluation:考試Exam 60%、作業Assignment 40%
開課單位:電子研究所 Institute of Electronics
Electronic noise is an unavoidable property of semiconductor devices and degrades their performance. It has to be taken into account in the design of analog circuits.
In the first part of the course, briefly the fundamentals of analog circuit theory (N-ports, gain and stability etc.) are reviewed. Next basic concepts of noise in devices and circuits are introduced. Based on these concepts the impedance field method is derived and compact models for noise in devices (pn diode, bipolar transistor, MOSFET) are developed. The noise properties of these devices are discussed.
In the second part of the course, the numerical methods necessary for device simulation are introduced. This covers grids, discretization of partial differential equations, solvers for large systems of equations, the drift-diffusion model, stationary calculations, transient simulations and their stability and analysis in the frequency domain. Finally, numerical devices simulation of electronic noise will be explained.
In the exercise of the first part problems relating to the theory are solved. In the second part, a simple device simulation program in MATLAB is developed.