

在 optimal公司產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [8號仔嘅嘢]Well.仲係蝕錢嘅。有冇賺錢嘅一日?怕且有。但反正你都不能單獨買,買8號仔連Viu送埋 Now送埋CSL 網上痕 畀你。EBITDA都輸錢,但啲折舊 利息 先係戲肉嘛。 1. 又即係,當年Twins都好紅(年青讀者可以Google下),但你會唔會買英皇娛樂?同樣地,當年譚校長都好紅...

optimal公司 在 蔡奇儒 | MedEx 醫適能 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-30 13:51:34

【EXOS 徵才資訊】 EXOS是全球頂尖運動表現訓練公司與品牌。 這份工作名稱為Performance Coach;需具備基礎英文溝通表達能力;若有運動科學背景與CSCS證照是加分,但是其他相關專業證照亦可。 歡迎對這份工作有興趣的教練私訊進一步了解,謝謝! EXOS is a leade...

optimal公司 在 Suzanne 湯士萱 物理治療師 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-17 08:34:55

今天要和大家分享兩個好消息! 首先, 很榮幸 Kinetic Control 和 The Performance Matrix的研發團隊-英國 Comera Movement Science,在今年,於台灣成立了 「CMS- Asia Hub 亞洲分部」。 未來所有的亞洲課程,包含台灣、日本、韓國...

optimal公司 在 ? HK Blogger x 你的飲食指南??? Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-21 04:35:50

之前見到鄧紫棋G.E.M. 投資左喺呢間基因測試公司, 睇完佢參與基因測試既YouTube片之後, 先知道原來了解自己既基因係好重要, 因為好多既疾病同癌症其實都可以透過飲食+生活習慣而預防 It’s important to invest in your health & future well...

  • optimal公司 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-06 17:33:55
    有 85 人按讚

    [8號仔嘅嘢]Well.仲係蝕錢嘅。有冇賺錢嘅一日?怕且有。但反正你都不能單獨買,買8號仔連Viu送埋 Now送埋CSL 網上痕 畀你。EBITDA都輸錢,但啲折舊 利息 先係戲肉嘛。

    1. 又即係,當年Twins都好紅(年青讀者可以Google下),但你會唔會買英皇娛樂?同樣地,當年譚校長都好紅,你會唔會買StarEast 東方魅力?

    2. (慎防有人唔知,膾炙人口嘅「一分鐘 贈我一分鐘」亦同呢檔嘢有關,魅力移動嘛!當年E Kids同EO2 都係呢檔東方魅力!)

    TLDR:星期六Patreon詳講! 但,真係講咗好多次,投資嘅嘢不可能咁樣直線思維,A then B then C,任何一步都可以出錯。業務受歡迎唔等於會高收入,高收入唔等於會賺,會賺錢唔等於股價會升,股價會升亦唔等於你要買。呢度每一步都有好多uncertainty.個撚個夠鬧Facebook啦夠話冇人用啦,結果人地股價點?

    3. 係喎,廣告係大升呀,半年2億收入。不過公司半年183億收入。慢慢等。

    4. 當然啦,蝕錢又唔等於公司會執笠。百幾億book,有排玩。況且,又唔係未蝕過,舊年都蝕錢架啦,今次蝕少咗添。蝕錢又唔等於執,執又唔等於會跌,完全係三回事。

    5. 況且,冇事喎,派息仲有加!加2%都係加!邊個話蝕錢不能派息(你見好多人真係基本財務常識都冇的,仲要出嚟鬧你鳩up)?

    6. 係喎,公司幾重債的,net debt to asset 57%.但邊個話重債唔派得息?況且,出面融資成本咁低。根本啱晒楷仔呢啲鍾意大手舉債嘅人(同樣地,Netflix Tesla都係咁)。8號仔而家要股本集資都有啲難度,亦唔集得多,梗係舉債。借錢回購都仲得呀(不過楷仔唔會咁益你),蘋果都係咁玩,你以為啲EPS 點解年年有得升?

    7. 呢啲就M&M(唔係朱古力,係意大利佬,我到而家都唔識串個名),WACC,Optimal Capital Structure。冇錯係Corporate Finance 101,但首先好多人連呢啲都唔識,況且,有好多人讀咗亦都唔識用。

    8. 拿,你睇返個圖,真係可以學啲仆街死財演咁講句「長期都係range trading」「股價受制於勞蘇通道4-5蚊」「建議可以現價買入,4蚊止蝕,5蚊止賺」.咪講笑,你見過去一年真係咁。

    9. 星期六篇Patreon會詳講。反正好多人都唔知呢間公司做乜。

    一週年!月頭訂最抵!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1800人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。

  • optimal公司 在 Beast Runners 跑山獸 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-04 14:56:09
    有 269 人按讚

    Dear CLOUD ULTRA 2021participants,
    親愛參加Cloud Ultra 2021的朋友們,您們好

    我們想要公佈更多關於Cloud Ultra,但現在看起來仍然不確定,有很多的因素限制CU的未來。

    1] 延期到9月11或18日(由於天氣和 Covid 可能不是最佳選擇,但對於聯盟合作計畫是最適合的時間。)
    2] 延期到2021年10月(聯盟合作計畫期限已經到,我們需要再找更多資源協助。)
    3] 延期到2022年三月/四月(如果沒有再其他的活動,我們公司可能無法在經濟上繼續維持。)
    4] 取消(在我們報名規章裡,在活動14天前取消是沒有退費,然而我們仍然在最後一刻快速地取消一些項目,省下20%預算,所以我們可以分別地退款給58公里台幣750元,跟73公里台幣1250元。款項可以直接退費到帳戶或是轉換成優惠卷。)

    如果要求部分退款的人數較多,我們將無法承擔費用並取消活動。可以轉換參加名額給另一個人。只有在疫情非常樂觀情況才會開始再報名活動( 不提供T-shirt)

    Petr & Eva

    We would like to announce more about Cloud Ultra but the situation still looks uncertain. There are many factors which are limiting held CU in the future. CU is part of a cooperative project with National Taichung University of Education and the Aboriginal Bureau Alliance with the aim to combine tribal fairs and mountain activities. They mainly help us coordinate with various public units (such as Forestry Bureau Dongshi, Taichung City Police, Heping District government office, Taichung City Sports Bureau, and the leaders of the 6 tribes and association in the Daanxi river,... etc.)

    We hope this event will be postponed instead of cancelled, because we have spent almost a year of preparation for this event with big effort, communication and financial cost. Due to difficulty and effort requirements, we decided not to hold other events in spring of 2021 (Run Through The Jungle and Ultra Maokong) and focus fully on this unique event. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the event two days prior to its original date of 15th May 2021, due to the acceleration of spreading Covid-19 in Taiwan (it showed it was the best decision). It was very exhausting for us. But in this emergency period everyone must follow and support epidemic prevention measurements.

    Below are possible scenarios with brief explanation:
    1] postpone to 11th or 18th September 2021 (it is not optimal for event due weather and Covid, but preferred term for project)
    2] postpone to October 2021 (village project is over, we may find more resources to support)
    3] postpone to March/April 2022 (our company may not sustain financially if we cannot held another event)
    4] cancelation (since it was canceled 14 days before the event there are officially no refunds, however we were able to quickly cancel many items and save 20% of budget, which is 750NTD or 1250NTD for 58km and 73km, respectively. This can be refund to account or in form of voucher in case of cancelation)

    If there will be many requests for partial refund, we will not be able to bear the cost and will cancel the event. Transfer spot to another person is possible. Registering for the event will be possible only at a very optimistic pandemic level (T-shirts are not available.)

    Keep safe and looking for better future in Taiwan and rest of world
    Petr & Eva

  • optimal公司 在 Appier Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-02 11:38:29
    有 35 人按讚

    #COMPUTEXVirtual is open now. 👉https://virtual.computextaipei.com.tw/

    COMPUTEX Taipei is one of the world’s most important ICT shows. As the global leading ICT tradeshows, COMPUTEX teams up with major international technology companies to showcase the AI ecosystem and deliver an exceptional intelligent exhibition experience.

    This year, COMPUTEX has chosen Appier as its technology partner. Leveraging Appier’s AI and automation technologies to create the optimal digital user journey, #COMPUTEXVirtual helps exhibitors easily manage multiple marketing channels through a one-stop platform, while providing a more personalized interactive experience to all visitors.

    Exhibitors can reach people with the most relevant content and achieve optimal engagement to increase business collaboration opportunities with their target audiences online. Welcome to register and login the #COMPUTEXVirtual website, check and subscribe the latest tech trends of AI, IoT, 5G, Edge Computing, HPC, Gaming, Innovations & Startups.


    COMPUTEX作為全球領先資通訊產業專業展,今年除了將持續攜手國際科技大廠展現強大 AI 生態系,更首度將展會打造為虛實融合智慧展覽平臺,帶給所有與會者全新數位化體驗。

    今年 #COMPUTEXVirtual線上展,選定與Appier合作,運用Appier的AI與自動化技術創建最佳的數位用戶旅程,幫助#COMPUTEXVirtual線上展透過一站式平台輕鬆管理多元行銷渠道,賦予參觀者更加個人化的互動體驗;參展廠商亦可鎖定目標族群精準推播相關產品資訊,增強行銷力道並提高商務合作潛力。

    參展商可以根據最相關的內容觸及目標受眾,最佳化線上互動體驗,增加商業合作機會。歡迎註冊並登入 #COMPUTEXVirtual網站,認識並訂閱AI、物聯網、5G、邊緣運算、高性能運算、遊戲、創新和新創公司的最新技術趨勢。

    #Appier #AIQUA
    #SeeYouOnline #COMPUTEXVirtual
    #Personalized #interactive #userexperience

