

在 opportunity發音產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過864的網紅語言選物,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「該不該放棄呢?」 現在有哪件事讓你思考這個問題嗎? 這次選的 podcast 節目,可以是英語學習材料,也可以是一個改變的起點 透過語言學習,我們一起討論如何回答這個問題 ( podcast 節目的資訊在最下方) 面對「我該不該放棄」這樣棘手的問題,像走進一間只塗了...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,取材片段:https://youtu.be/gALPaJn39FA I’ve been here once before to shoot a travel show, but it was so quick and I didn’t really get to fully experience ...

opportunity發音 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-16 12:54:27

- 往右滑學5個常用的標點符號✨  #開聲音聽發音 #例句在內文 #記得收藏分享標記朋友❤️  常用標點符號之「所以你的信箱地址怎麼念」🧐  📌 @ at 小老鼠  Contact us: [email protected] 聯絡我們:crazygirlen...

opportunity發音 在 語言選物 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-03-30 13:42:04

「該不該放棄呢?」  現在有哪件事讓你思考這個問題嗎?  這次選的 podcast 節目,可以是英語學習材料,也可以是一個改變的起點,透過語言學習,我們一起討論如何回答這個問題 ( podcast 節目的資訊在最下方)   面對「我該不該放棄」這樣棘手的問題,像走進一間只塗了灰泥的毛胚...

  • opportunity發音 在 語言選物 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-25 23:46:54
    有 15 人按讚



    這次選的 podcast 節目,可以是英語學習材料,也可以是一個改變的起點
    透過語言學習,我們一起討論如何回答這個問題 ( podcast 節目的資訊在最下方)


    1️⃣ sunk cost fallacy
    2️⃣ opportunity cost
    3️⃣ emotional visualization

    ▌過去的付出 sunk cost fallacy
    經濟學家稱過去付出、徒勞無益的成本為 sunk cost,照理我們應該把專注力投注於未來,無效的投資不應該只是因為不甘心而繼續,不過,實際情況是大部分的人都受制於已經付出的心血、已經看了一半的大爛片、已經交往多年但不適合的伴侶,我們希望繼續下去,並非有明確進展,而是犯了這個謬誤 (fallacy),不喜歡落空的感覺。

    ▌現在的選擇 opportunity cost
    即使你不是小孩,也無法全部都要。經濟學家認為,當你選擇了道路 A ,與此同時平行宇宙的那些道路 B, C, D (the roads not taken),那些沒發生的事,都是你當下「放棄」的體驗,稱為機會成本 (opportunity cost) 。但討論機會成本有兩大難題,第一,討論沒發生的世界太過空泛抽象,很少人能具體描繪出另一條道路 B 會是什麼樣貌;第二,每一條道路都會遇上障礙,而在困境中,別條道路看起來總是特別順暢,當你檢視機會成本、考量是否要轉換道路時,是因為你嚮往另一條道路的終點,還是只是因為那條路看起來比較簡單輕鬆呢?

    ▌未來的想望 emotional visualisation

    有趣的是,某些社會普遍是這麼認為的:越能不被情緒左右的人就越是成功。心理學上有個臨床症狀叫做 perseveration ,指的是「過度執著、無法做出改變」的行為,注意,這個字的動詞 perseverate 跟 persevere 同源但不同義,發音也不同,persevere 是我們習慣褒揚的「有了目標動機、堅持不懈」,perseverate 則是「即使遺忘了目標動機,還是固執地反覆執行」

    如果想要脫離規律化的反覆行為、無意義的毅力,我們必須開始想像未來,並且感受那樣的未來所帶來的情緒,visualisation 指的是在腦中形成畫面,想像辭去現在的工作或與一個人分開,如果產生的心情是感傷但期待的,也許你就能試著放棄,如果心情是悲傷且後悔的,也許你能留下,繼續增加更多不同的經驗與價值


    我是否困在 sunk cost fallacy 裡?
    我能否試著檢視 opportunity cost 、避免 perseveration 呢?
    我夠不夠信任自己的情緒,嘗試 emotional visualisation 呢?


    這次選的 podcast 節目名稱是 No Stupid Questions,主持人是兩位暢銷書作者,【蘋果橘子經濟學 】的作者之一 Stephen Dubner 與【恆毅力】作者 Angela Duckworth,這集的標題是 How Do You Know It’s Time to Quit?

    * 語言選物推薦的是引發興趣的材料內容,想學好英文,我推薦上實體課找老師討論語言使用結構

    #語言選物 #podcast選物

  • opportunity發音 在 藍奕邦 Pong Nan Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-06 13:20:14
    有 110 人按讚

    I miss the British colonial days.


    蕭叔短評:This will go down in history as one of the best speeches ever to have graced the English language.

    This is the power of language. It’s more than just beautiful words and carefully crafted sentences. It’s also about having the empathy to understand what your audience needs at this moment, and what you, in your unique position, can deliver.


    "I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge, and those who come after us will say that the Britons of this generation were as strong as any, that the attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-humoured resolve and of fellow-feeling still characterise this country."




    I am speaking to you at what I know is an increasingly challenging time. A time of disruption in the life of our country: a disruption that has brought grief to some, financial difficulties to many, and enormous changes to the daily lives of us all.

    I want to thank everyone on the NHS front line, as well as care workers and those carrying out essential roles, who selflessly continue their day-to-day duties outside the home in support of us all. I am sure the nation will join me in assuring you that what you do is appreciated and every hour of your hard work brings us closer to a return to more normal times.

    I also want to thank those of you who are staying at home, thereby helping to protect the vulnerable and sparing many families the pain already felt by those who have lost loved ones. Together we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolute, then we will overcome it.

    I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge. And those who come after us will say that the Britons of this generation were as strong as any. That the attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-humoured resolve and of fellow-feeling still characterise this country. The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it defines our present and our future.

    The moments when the United Kingdom has come together to applaud its care and essential workers will be remembered as an expression of our national spirit; and its symbol will be the rainbows drawn by children.

    Across the Commonwealth and around the world, we have seen heart-warming stories of people coming together to help others, be it through delivering food parcels and medicines, checking on neighbours, or converting businesses to help the relief effort.

    And though self-isolating may at times be hard, many people of all faiths, and of none, are discovering that it presents an opportunity to slow down, pause and reflect, in prayer or meditation.

    It reminds me of the very first broadcast I made, in 1940, helped by my sister. We, as children, spoke from here at Windsor to children who had been evacuated from their homes and sent away for their own safety. Today, once again, many will feel a painful sense of separation from their loved ones. But now, as then, we know, deep down, that it is the right thing to do.

    While we have faced challenges before, this one is different. This time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal. We will succeed - and that success will belong to every one of us.

    We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return: we will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again.

    But for now, I send my thanks and warmest good wishes to you all.

  • opportunity發音 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-10 06:13:18
    有 15 人按讚

    "How old are you?" It may be weird to be asked this question by strangers in the US, but not in every culture.



    On May 24, I visited Xinalug, a remote village in the mountainous Northern Azerbaijan near the Russian border. While walking through stone built houses on top of a mountain as one of the only two visitors there, a couple of boys looked at me and asked "what's your name?" "How old are you?" "Where are you from?" Their English pronunciation was surprisingly good, but our conversation ended after these 3 Q&A's. I guess these are probably some of the few English sentences they learned from school.

    To be honest, they're not the only locals who tried to talk to me with simple English. Several other adults also asked if I need a place to stay overnight, which is for them a business opportunity. But as soon as I said I didn't need it, they simply talked to me as guests without pushing me to spend money on anything. This is something I really liked about the Caucasus -- the locals are not yet contaminated by tourists, and you don't need to worry about being plundered by them.

