在 omission法律產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅On8 Channel - 岸仔 頻道,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 普通人罰款$500,政客議員監禁3個月失去議席,大把補選機會了。 【Public nuisance 公眾滋擾 】 An offence at common law which materially affects the reasonable comfort and convenie...
omission法律 在 On8 Channel - 岸仔 頻道 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【Public nuisance 公眾滋擾 】
An offence at common law which materially affects the reasonable comfort and convenience of a class of members of the community and is so widespread in its effect. The offence is constituted by an act not warranted by law or an omission to discharge a legal duty, if the effect of the act or omission is to endanger the life, health, property, morals or comfort of the community in the exercise of rights common to all of the community. The nuisance does not necessarily have to affect all members of the community or a class in the community, and the issue of whether a sufficient number have been affected to render the nuisance sufficiently widespread is an issue of fact and degree. Acts which constitute a public nuisance cannot be rendered lawful by long user. Once the nuisance is proved and the defendant is shown to have caused it, then, the legal burden is shifted to the defendant to justify or excuse himself; if he fails to do so, he will be liable. To establish the mens rea of public nuisance, the prosecution must prove that the accused knew or ought to have known that his conduct or omission would result in a public nuisance being committed. It is not relevant that the accused had another object in mind when he committed the public nuisance. Remedies are abatement, and injunction, or damages.
在普通法的罪行, 公眾滋擾嚴重地影響社會上某一類別的成員的合理舒適和方便, 其影響範圍廣泛, 因而不合理期望一人以其責任進行處事程序。如有關的作為或不作為在行使對社會整體的共同利益時有危害社生命, 健康, 財物, 道德或舒適的影響, 公眾滋擾由法律不保證的作為或解除法律責任的不作為構成。有關的滋擾 並不須要影響社會所有成員或社會上某一類別的成員, 及是否有足夠數目的人受影響令致公眾滋擾有足夠的分佈的問題是事實和程度的問題。構成公眾滋擾的行為不可由長期使用者令致合法。在有關的滋擾得到證明及顯示是由被告引起後, 法律責任會轉移到被告的身上;如他未能列出理由證明或為自己辯解, 他便會有法律責任。 為確立公眾滋擾的犯罪意圖, 控方必須證明被告知道或應該已知道 其作為或不作為會導致犯公眾滋擾罪。當他犯公眾滋擾罪時,被告在思想上有另一目的無關。補救有除去滋擾, 禁制令或賠償。